This is why Helldivers 2 MUSIC sounds so EPIC

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so hell divers 2 was a huge success in the gaming industry but did you try playing it without the music and even though the sound design in the game itself is like topnotch if you turn the music off the game just becomes too repetitive dull and a bit boring and that is all because the music itself is just that good so let's analyze the main theme all right first of all this like main theme was made by ret music like he posted it on on uh YouTube and this guy did a lot of stuff for like games he did uh Star Wars Outlaws Mortal Kombat one Pacific Drive I didn't play Pacific Drive I don't even know what it is Hell divers 2 uh Star Wars Vader Immortal I don't even know what that is so yeah he basically he did a lot of stuff and uh obviously he's he's uh experienced so let's listen to it oh it's it's so epic it's so [Music] good the brass section is just like it's it's it's amazing and I don't even know like did he record this I guess I got to ask him I'll I'll try to find his Twitter or something but I I I think this is all like recording like this can't be a plug-in this can't be something off of a PC maybe it is but I just don't know it but uh yeah it it's truly [Music] phenomenal we'll go into the keyboard stuff and like uh we will analyze everything that he played here this was like a call and response and if you don't know what a call and resp response is it's basically um you have a main theme that just like does its thing and then you have a response to that uh it's mostly done by like a set of different instruments so you have let's say like in this example you have brass playing the main theme and then you have the strings embellishing that theme with a response we're playing basically the same thing but it doesn't need to be the same thing every time so as an example like in this situation in this example uh the brass is going but the strings are playing on top of that afterwards as a response so you have the first two notes right of this sequence or o of this theme uh they are basically responding to the first two notes with this and then ending up at the uh so the brass would play this at the end right and the strings are just going to embellish that by playing so they're basically just playing four notes but it just does so much for the song but let's [Music] continue it's so [Music] good [Music] so that's basically it that's like the whole like theme afterwards it has like a mellow part and all of that and then it just like picks up again but this is the main theme and it's so epic so let's break it down right so the first thing that you got to notice here is that it is not written in a normal time signature it's actually in 54 most of the popular music nowadays is in four four so that that would be like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 but with this thing it's 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 so let's let's count it 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five and this is all done to add tension to to the song and it just like you as a list you're going to feel it you're not going to know that it's not like 44 you're not going to know that but you're going to know you're going to feel the tension basically and he starts adding tension like when the song itself or the theme itself starts like this is just tension this is just the buildup in this Matrix uh SS four chord is just like Oh and it happens a couple of times in the song like um at the end of the of the whole theme it just goes to and that's how the whole thing resolves but that chord itself is also adding tension that that's the point of the chords and then we go into the mey part or the melody so basically the whole thing is in D Minor and the brass goes like this that's like the first part right and then the second part is just a confirmation of the first part because it starts out the same but it has a different ending and that is something that we or I call like conversational music like music that is talking to you right because you have [Music] this right and and then the next section is so to me it sounds like the brass is telling you a story the next portion is [Music] um so it is still conversational right it's still telling you a story so you had the first part and then you have the second part uh that sounds similar but it just expands on the original idea right and this is something that I don't see a lot of uh composers do anymore in like film scores or like game game music because like most people would just like play chords and like embellish those chords with with something like with a kind of Melody that doesn't really like connect with people because the melody itself is not connected and this is the prime example of how you need to connect the melody as as a composer how you need to connect theel Melody to itself and how you need to uh progress the melody into something that just speaks to your soul and I know I'm guilty of using way too many metaphors but I don't know how to relate this to a wider audience yes you see the chords on the screen and all that but it did like it just doesn't make sense unless you feel it and you all felt it you all felt the hero inside of you bust out with this right and then you all felt a bit sadness when it came to [Music] this and this is something that we did hear often in uh like heroic music and all that like Band of Brothers as a prime example uh it had like a score that sounded like this and you had like a lot of movies and all that that had this like switch up to the fourth uh G minor being the fourth of D Minor but uh and like especially embellishing the third the minor third of the G and it just makes everything more sad but it gives you hope [Music] with it's still sad but it gives you some hope like John Mayor would call it sad hope but like it it is because like it's playing a D minor or basically arpeggio over an f and then it just says yeah everything is going to be okay with like going back to the main theme like the original start of the melody by basically playing the same thing but over different chords so and then like at the end everything is played at Unison and it just rounds up the whole Melody because everything is connected you have the whole story we like oh yeah we were young then we were Heroes and then it got a bit sad and a bunch of people died and we killed a b bunch of bugs but like my friends died whatever and then it just goes back to well we were Heroes and that's the point cuz we rock so yeah that's basically it U share like subscribe and all that stuff um I just made the channel I did have a bigger YouTube channel before but uh it was just gaming and now I'm back to music so if you like that like if you like this kind of stuff uh leave a like uh and all that and share it and uh yeah thank you for watching and yeah by the way I I was editing this and I just noticed that the piano doesn't work like it's a new plugin that I just got and it just worked just prior to me hitting the record button and just stopped working so uh yeah you can see the see the notes on the side and I I hope like that's that's enough for you guys most of the people that are interested in this are not going to be interested in the notes and themselves but the people that are are probably musicians so they will know what the notes mean I guess we're good like I'll fix it for the next video so anyway thank you for watching and uh thank you to all my patreons that are still supporting me uh even though I made a new channel but um yeah if you want to support me the link is going to be down in the description of the video so yeah don't forget to bring a towel when you're tring to space [Music] bye
Channel: Grumpy Eye
Views: 17,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, sci, fi, hull, jackfrags, bigfry, arrowhead, ps5, fps, third person shooter, star wars, battlefront, starship, troopers, stormtroopers, bugs, robots, terminator, hell, diver, divers, mmo, destiny 2, coop, multiplatform, pc, scam, honest, review, frankieonpc, division 2, shooter, planetside 2, bluedrake42, levelcap, helldivers
Id: 3CnrpzHaHtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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