Building a $500 Micro Center Gaming PC and Giving It Away!

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this here behind this brick is the Marietta Micro Center and depending on when this video goes up you might see it before or after our little mini series that we're doing anyway we've been tasked with building a system for 500 in Micro Center 500 bucks is already a tight budget I'm not entirely sure if it's going to work but if there's any place that can make 500 work for a decent rig it is Micro Center I think this is the perfect chance to explore that so if we can put one together we'll build it in store and then we'll give it away randomly I think we'll just walk up to some random person on the street just ask them if they want a PC just give it to them but uh yeah let's see if it's possible are you ready stay with us to get rid of that annoying Windows activation Watermark head on over to VIP SCD key purchase a Windows 10 Pro OEM key for a fraction of the price of retail just use the secure payment method like PayPal enter your product key and your PC settings window and say goodbye to the watermark and be sure to use our offer code skgs for a sew wheat discount so 500 it is this is going to be tough Micro Center has plenty of clearance items we're definitely going to be checking those out I think that's where we're going to get the most value for money and uh the person to be around when hunting for Budget Parts is my man Connor over there because he knows the ins and outs of this store the better price would be rising you know 4 500 for like 75 bucks Intel slide it's like a total 400 I believe those are going to be I think around like 120. so this here they've printed out uh basically the cheapest feasible rig we could put together without making like real real compromises on like the power supply like the one you just showed us so 337 bucks you see that price tag right there that is dirt cheap we're all about savings and uh yeah it doesn't have a graphics card on the list but that's because we have a 5600g in here so if you wanted just an AP rig a little over 300 bucks you could get that walk out with actually an okay platform so what can that support can I play Call of Duty you can play Call of Duty in like 480p what does that mean it's like half of 1080p so it's like Minecraft it's worse than that oh look at that you know we mean business when we open up the cabinet wow look at there and I see it says 129 and what's a markdown to 75.75 hey this might be an older chip for this price that's a killer deal all right 75 bucks that's to start we've got uh 425 left let's find a dirt cheap am4 motherboard shall we yes sir so what's uh yeah I think so what 80 bucks for this one yeah that's a pretty good price so b450m and it's an Asus board I'm happy with that making sure wow you have DDR3 was that eight gigs for 30 bucks indeed wow you can't find DDR3 too much anymore they're starting to go up in price aren't they yeah that's right it's pretty sweet yeah okay yeah let's do um let's do the Vulcan C I've built with those many times and I think that's a really good price for 16 gigs not going to be picky about cast latency and timings in this budget yeah whatever we can get boy excuse me sir so we've got about 300 left uh maybe you think we could do 200 on a graphics card and then the other 100 on a case in storage got my shopping cart that's when you know you're in trouble in Micro Center when you get the carts out you're gonna spend some money I lost a track of my cart will stole it but uh here are the cases and this is where we're gonna have to make some serious concessions we have a Micro ATX motherboard which I think that's going to work in our favor a Micro ATX case should be a little cheaper and we've got a few selections actually so we've got the dirt cheap what the q300l from Cooler Master that was like 30 bucks and then we have the thermaltake h18 I believe so you could do 25 bucks for 512 gig two and a half inch SSD you could do 20 for 256 gigs or you could do 15 dollars for 128 gigs that is awesome and so that leaves us with the card the last thing to get right and this is the 6600 Challenger from ASRock and we've actually built this before this is like one of the cheapest cards you can find either in store or online in this performance range um so yeah 220. it's a done deal done let's do it oh small box and here she is yeah that's 500 watts that's plenty for this rig and uh yeah 42 bucks braided cable sleeve I'm not gonna complain it's a budget rig but completely modular it's better than that 15 power supply that you found over there no it's not going to be modular it's modular it's not modular alrighty so we've got our goodies and uh speaking of goodies we also got 1500 gift cards here so uh peeps that show up throughout the week we're gonna be here at the Marietta Micro Center and the Duluth one a bit later um yeah people could win these so let's get this rig together and then we're gonna find a unique way to give it away speaking of two folks showed up and they've been super patient you guys okay I've been on video cool okay yeah so uh I tweeted about gift cards I said folks just show up and then maybe they can go around and spend in some gift card money at Micro Center who knows so I've got perfect two of these they are unmarked my friends but I can assure you they both have a hundred dollars each on them thank you so much so yeah it must be super cool to live next to Micro Center though yeah whenever you need parts you just uh I actually spent a couple hundred dollars like earlier in the year oh wow like a bundle from here and I got like uh 32 gigs of ddr5 and the 370. wow wow oh heck yeah that's so cool I I envy that I wish I had something like this closer golly so I just give our case a quick once over here this was an open box so that's why we got it so cheap let's get our platform together and toss it in here boy and then we're gonna lower that retention arm and then we've got two sticks ddr4 you know I miss how simple it is to put together a simple build no RGB crazy wirings or anything like that this is going to be a very straightforward rig and here we go we got the io shield in there don't worry gonna sit something like that right there yeah looking good how's it look from the rear well he likes looking at things from the rear oh we can't forget about this cable by the way chassis fan going in I said if you want Micro Center will build your system for you I'm not whispering that I'm just like just pull around this stubborn USB 3 cable is not long enough to Route behind the motherboard tray and then connect way down here in this awkward spot on this board so it's just gonna have to chill in front of everything my apologies to whoever wins this in goes the two and a half inch SSD it'll just sit like that right there next up power supply so that just slides in here we've got our power supply bracket from this case already on and it's going to sit something like that right there I don't know why ASRock does this so one thing that annoys me is these courage they're great prices that's right but she has put so much of this plastic on there and then it tears and then it just causes headaches and you see you see what I'm doing and then you leave these marks on here and then yeah yeah okay that looks pretty good ignore the smudge but everything else looks really clean why that's the good stuff right there in goes the graphics card what a tight fit but that looks pretty darn good honestly 500 rig this actually looks decent oh yeah yeah [Music] connecting right [Music] there we'll take a zip tie tie the daisy chain one back here and uh there we go I'm only doing this because Jacob asked me to he's like super big on the sticker thing if the uh if the owner of this doesn't want it you just pull it off no pressure probably want to do that proudly brought to you by ryzen five yeah I don't think there's any RGB in this we just didn't care because it was a budget build and I think I prefer it that way so we're gonna power her on here we're gonna power it on up front oh see well we got some RGB there's an Amber LED in there counts right see that thing underneath the graphics card oh okay anyway it's mostly okay we've got it hooked up here to our portable monitor which is also off currently but um when it posts yes it's posting now see that see that see that yeah there it is now that it's posted um we're going to install Windows I brought my Windows boot drive and we'll get that on here and then once that's taken care of we'll be ready to give it away that's pretty cool right so this actually turned out really well for 500 bucks the fact that you can build something like this in Micro Center and not cut too many corners I mean this is a healthy combination of parts for this price range uh really happy about it the only thing left to do then is give it away to somebody and I think I know who we need to give it away to we just have to wait for that particular clientele to walk through the door looking for someone younger maybe like age 10 to 12 somewhere in that range maybe this will be their first PC this will actually game quite well so hopefully it'll be a nice surprise for them a few moments later oh I think this is Apex this is what he plays that's what Jacob plays Apex Legends yeah oh this is Valerie see that shows you how much I know you okay with being on camera okay because uh I have decided that uh you are the perfect candidate that computer right there is yours wow how about that yeah we just built it here and I was looking for someone a little younger maybe just getting their feet wet with the computers and you haven't even touch computers so perfect so there you go it's not anything super fancy but it is a really good entry level rig it'll let you play all your normal games fortnite and all that Minecraft it'll it'll shred frames in Minecraft but uh yeah it's brand new literally just built it today so you wanna check it out or you can double it you're going to want to plug your uh whatever you have like monitor-wise tv-wise you want to plug it into this and then this here will handle all your gaming you know no problems it's gonna be way better I think than your switch experience and uh yeah and it's just it's already got Windows on it for you so you don't have to worry about that thank you um you literally just need to monitor keyboard mouse let's um you got a minute yeah come with me videos I literally like my brother and sister will be extremely confused now are they gonna be a little jelly yeah and you're like watching so uh you need a keyboard right yeah you need a keyboard and you're gonna need a mouse right so I mean you got a whole aisle here um what do you like you like RGB yeah oh yeah go go further on the right thanks Jacob I know where you're headed so uh yeah so we've got uh I honestly like these keyboards are really expensive but they they kick butt they're they're really good um so pink yeah get your pink one in in my in my experience pink is my favorite do you actually like pink yes do you actually want this yeah okay it's pretty fire you got good taste so we should probably go with a Razer Mouse too I I would personally it's up to you um come to school tomorrow oh yo is that fire or what yes well check it out we're gonna have matching proofs here mouse pad where's the mouse pad okay so do you like so oh do a pink one yeah there's an anime one right there yeah let's get let's get something that's just like really easy to plug in yeah this works because I use these all the time for my random setups that I put together okay cool so that'll give you internet okay and now I think combine that with the headset you were gonna get I think we're good now all you gotta do is like set it all up on your table and then get yourself a nice setup shot oh man then you share that online you're gonna have you gotta watch out too because the ladies get into this stuff too you know yeah you don't want don't want to flex too hard yeah yeah and then uh there you go man yeah all of periphs taken care of and uh yeah that's cool I'm looking forward to it I wish there was a way I could see the setup I really want to see the setup once you get it all together it's gonna look sick thank you guys for watching and uh thanks for coming out honestly I hope it's a bit of a surprise for you but uh appreciate you being a good sport and uh yeah tell me about your experience it usually letting me get all of this yeah especially letting my dad like make it a PC a humongous setup that he would never buy in his life like every single time I will ask him he will always go no you gotta earn it right you gotta work for it that's right that's how I was you gotta work for it yeah but sometimes every now and then you run into something like this just just make good use of it that's all I ask well that's a wrap that was a fun one uh we're gonna try to do more stuff like this throughout the week while we're here in Atlanta but I hope you guys enjoyed it uh Henry sounds like he did and I can't wait to see the setup when he gets it all together thanks for watching subscribe like the video comment do whatever you got to do and uh I'll see in the next one my name is Greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 135,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: micro center, microcenter, micro center atlanta, micro center pc build, pc build, $500 pc build, micro center $500 pc build, greg salazar, how to build a pc, gaming pc build, giveaway, pc giveaway, micro center giveaway, graphics card, $500 pc, $500 gaming pc, best budget gaming pc, computer build, 500 gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, budget gaming pc
Id: IMqg8EjAUP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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