THIS IS THE WORST | Try Not To Cringe #2

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What is up my cranky crew! It's Ethan from CrankGamePlays, and today We are back in more of a cry not to cry not to cry crying, I cry myself to sleep sometimes *inhales* We are back in more of a try not to cringe challenge. I haven't done one of these in a really long time And I actually asked you guys for clips, but a lot of the stuff that you guys submitted, I'd already seen before So I decided instead That I would go to reddit and go to r dash cringe And do the uh, the top links of all time I'm not gonna go through all of these obviously I'm just gonna pick through it But, fun fact! For my flappy bird video that you guys may or may not know about - it's privated by now, But that was at the top of r/cringe For like I think it was for like five days or a week or something like that but yeah one of my videos was at the top of r/cringe and One point in my life which I'm sure none of you are surprised about, so anyway Let's get to the uh let's get to the cringing. Okay. Here we go. Here's my kriptonite "Guy gives a first... kiss..." Oh no, Woman: I really have tried everything with dating. I've dated online, I've hosted singles events, I've approached strangers in random places, so I'm ready to try love's first kiss Ethan: why did you why did you? approach strangers and try and kiss them oh boy. Wait so is this? Oh, it's not for a second I thought It was like their first kiss Man: I think my strategy is just go for the kiss maybe I'll be able to like slip tongue And then from there things take off, and who knows maybe she's my first girlfriend No, no no no no no no no don't try to slip tongue for the first kiss you IDIOT Oh that's so creepy. Oh no. Oh, it's- they're really building up the tension here *awkward silence* *laughs* UAha uhh Man: What's your name? Woman: Emily. Man: I'm Josh. Ethan: God, they're speaking so softly... *more awkward silence* Man: Um...Can I kiss you? Woman: Sure (Oh my god the cringe is REAL) *Ethan laughs* OH NO ugh... oh... oh... oh no His face, that was so awkward! Woman: Is that all? *laughs* Ethan: I hope, Man: I don't know... *awkward laugh* I screwed up? Woman: I don't- I don't know what happened, that was More awkward than I anticipated. Ethan: Yeah, it was more awkward than you anticipated, that might be one of the most awkward things I've ever seen in my fucking life Well, we're off to a great start We're off to a really really great start So you know how a while ago Felix had that whole thing where he like Really didn't like awkward handshakes like awkward handshakes are the fucking worst, but like Awkward kisses, that's that for me. It's just like, OH Oh no no no no no Thankfully, I mean it- like, they didn't actually kiss so- which was almost more awkward, but oh~ All right "Fake guy tries desperately trying to get confirmation from girls" Guy: I'm going around and trying to make people's Mondays better, will you guys give me a chance? Ethan: Oh, no I've seen this Guy: Alright, you guys- you guys better enjoy- enjoy this show alright? Ethan: Uhhh...No I've seen this before *girls awkwardly laughing* sssssss Stop stop stop STOP Oh Yes, it is awkward. Okay for one I'm- I'm just gonna go out on a limb and make a generalization I know most of the time you're not supposed to make generalizations, but I'm gonna do it right now. I feel like no matter how Attractive you are and like he's a pretty good-looking dude. He's pretty good-looking, dude I feel like in general most people Don't want a random stranger to walk up to them and be like, "I'm gonna make your day better!" and just take off their shirt AGHHH Am I wrong? Like fucking Jesus, dude Don't do that because one it just makes everybody SUPER uncomfortable because they're just like "Okay, your shirt is off now... This is fuckin' weird nobody asked for that..." but two you just look like a fucking tool just like AGHHH STOP!! I'm doing really great on this try not to cringe thing that wasn't even really like a cringy thing though It was just like fucking stop. Don't do that. You're a fucking asshole "Walmart morning chant" What is this? *stomping and clapping* Uh oh ♫WE ARE, WE ARE WALMART♫ ♫WE ARE, WE ARE WALMART♫ EVERYBODY! ONE MORE TIME! ♫WE ARE, WE ARE WALMART♫ Oh no *laughs* The dude behind the camera that's the worst thing! ooh ooh Ooh, I hope that that's the only place in the world does that I really hope that that's not a mandatory thing at the start of every day at a Walmart That's just bad. It's just the awkward dude behind the camera. Just we are we are Walmart. Ohhh Bad bad. "Awful end of the night goodbye" As...long as I hug him he can't kiss me... *cringe* Man: It's your life take a chance. Woman: I'll take a chance when I'm ready Ethan: Duuude Dude, take a hint. Please take a hint. She doesn't want to kiss you She doesn't wanna kiss you. She really doesn't!! Uh, Maybe that's why it's been so long because you're fucking creepy Dude just walk away. Give a good handshake and walk away. Oh no, I feel so bad for that woman. I feel- I feel so bad for her That is so awkward cuz it's one thing if you don't want to kiss someone and right away You're just like ah I'm good. Don't want to- don't want to kiss you and then it's like okay Yeah, sure a little bit awkward. I'll- I'll just get going it was nice seeing you. See ya next time. That's fine It's a little bit awkward, but it's fine, but when he just keeps trying to- tryin' to HIcH HEYUGHH WANNA GIVE YA A GOOD OL' SMOOCH, just over and over and over again And she keeps having to just put her head down and take that headbutt Oh ohh, I feel bad for her... Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, "Two wannabe Justin Biebers bomb on X-factor" Oh no Simon Cowell: What are your names? Wannabes: Achilles, and Phillip And together we are pretty boy karma. Other Guy: Where did you get the name? PB&K: We just came up with it because we wanted to use it as our clothing brand and then our music as well Simon: So you're thinking big. PB&K: Yeah My name is Achilles, I'm nineteen years old My name is Phillip, I'm nineteen as well as well, we are twins And together we are pretty boy karma (what's up with all these dudes taking off their shirts in this video?) *Ethan cringing* PB&K: Reciting in our bedrooms, in the shower Now we sing in screws, in projess (honestly I have no clue) no... stop (wtf was that XD) OHHH Pretty boy karma, that's the fucking worst name Most of our followers are Justin Bieber fans, they say I look like Justin Bieber him as well, not so much but mostly me wait, wait, wait, wait Hold on hold on play that back play that back They tell me I look like Justin Bieber, him as well not so much but mostly me Hold on If I'm, IF I'M...hmm... So he said, they like us because I- we look like Justin Bieber Him not so much. Just me. Mm here. Perfect. Pretty sure You're identical twins. I might be wrong. I don't know. I don't know what their backstory I don't know any facts about their birth, but I'm pretty sure Pretty sure you're identical twins. If that's the case Then you both look like Justin Bieber. I mean they both have that like Look, I guess they look a little bit like Justin Bieber. Not really, but also even if you look like somebody like I aghhhh Just like I can't- I can't get down with that. I can't get down with the like OH I, my whole like "brand" is looking like someone else or acting like somebody else or whatever I Just like I think that that's, I think that that's stupid like oh, yes. Hello. I- I look like this other person That's my that's my whole thing. I look like this other person that's more successful, and I'm gonna try and get success off of being... Looking like that successful person? I thanks. Simon Cowell: You're not gonna do a Justin Bieber song are you? (oh no) PB&K: We actually are! Oh no, ohh this is the fuckin' worst "Worst 30 seconds of this guy's professional life" Woman: Alright Richard Pachovsky, take it away Richard Petaskey take it away. Ricky P: You're looking for someone who has more than just a focus on uh technology You're looking for someone Who has Woman: That's okay, go for it. Tell us, just speak to me like we're sitting at the dinner table go ahead Richard What do you have what can you offer? Ethan: Aw... Ricky P: That Woman: That's okay regroup for a second no problem Ethan: He's so nervous! Woman: Go ahead take it again! Ethan: I like that she's giving him a shot! Ricky P: You're looking for someone who was more than just technology savvy someone who has customer focus and international experience. A prah- a person who is a problem solver Analytical yet still has common sense. Ethan: Yeah you get em' buddy! I have great customer (E: keep goin!) focus skills and great soft skills I have the ability (E: Keep Goin!) to take end to end ownership of a project and The determination to do whatever it takes to get the job done Woman: Fantastic Richard! Ethan: Hell yeah! Hell yeah, that wasn't cringy at all! That was not cringy at all. I really liked that! I don't know It was just like the dude was obviously really really really nervous and a lot of people have a tough time speaking publicly Especially if you're live on CNN like in front of not only these three other people but also in front of probably millions of people watching like that's a really really hard thing to do and I'm so proud of that dude for not giving up and keep going, Ah! Yes! I hope that they hired him I hope that he's massive- massively successful in whatever he does unless he's a shitty dude then I mean I Don't know, but he seems like a nice man I hope that he's doing well because he really pulled through on that speech there you really pulled through! That makes me happy :3 I'm really glad that the like lead reporter person there was like hey. No. It's no problem Just just just take another shot at it. That was really nice of her Man that wasn't cringy at all that just made me like that made me happy. At first I felt really bad for him, but then he came back around and he really pulled through and it was really really awesome! Aww "Nothing can stops their love"? Bride: And empower you to do the things that you dream I promise to be your biggest advocate and your best friend I commit to sharing with you in seasons and *woman vomits* *Ethan laughs* Oh no!! Ohh no OHHHHHHHHH The person who was marrying them, LITERALLY threw up during that woman's vows!! AT THEIR WEDDING! That will live on forever!!! oh That's so sad That is so unfortunate for that couple also for the woman vomiting because I'm sure I'm sure she was just real sick and I feel bad for her But fuck during your vows the person marrying you literally VOMITS That's uh probably bad luck. I don't know. I hope that they're very happy in the marriage. All right guys well, If you have any suggestions for the next time that I do a little cringe compilation Let me know you can tweet me my Twitter's down in the link in description below you guys can tweet me some- some cringy shit to look at Yup! Stop kissing people in public! So thank you guys so much for watching Hope you enjoyed if you did make sure to slap that like button right in the face And I will see you guys in the next video. Love you all. Stay cranky. Bye!
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 303,658
Rating: 4.988575 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, try not to cringe, try not to cringe challenge, cringe, cringy people, embarassing, try not to cringe funny, comedy, reaction, cringe compilation, reacting, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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