Most Evil Prisoner Kept in Glass Box

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At first I take this in thinking I am about to learn the face of evil but then after I see the kind of people he targeted, I am like "well, I see no problems here".

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chuckyguy98 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
a man is dragged into a prison cell kicking and screaming but it's too late for the officers on watch to do anything the door to the cell is barricaded from the inside and all those officers can do is plead to the man's captor while they hear him howl in pain for hours this goes on until at some point the victim's dead body is held up to the window of the cell the cell door is opened and to the guards utter disbelief a spoon is stuck into the victim's exposed brain his head looks not dissimilar from a cracked boiled egg that's just one of the reasons why the protagonist of this story one robert mosley is dubbed britain's most violent prisoner aka the real life hannibal the cannibal or to others the brain eater born on the 26th of june 1953 robert mosley did not get what you might call a good start in life he might one day be nicknamed spoons but he certainly wasn't born with anything close to a silver spoon in his mouth quite the opposite in fact when he was just six years old he and his siblings were taken into care when the uk social services discovered that all the children had suffered neglect at the hands of their parents he was one of 12 children in that working class family but it was his brothers paul and kevin and his sister brenda who would share the same care home that was a place called nazareth house a catholic orphanage in liverpool england care homes sometimes don't always have a good reputation in the uk especially ones from back in those days but it was there that the highly intelligent robert would have a good relationship with the nuns he loved and trusted and the siblings who lived with him there then after eight years living in the care home disaster struck the parents a couple already accused of being unworthy to bring up children took the kids back what was passive neglect in the past would now become active torture their home became a house of horrors the kids were beaten daily but the extremely violent father the perpetrator of most of those beatings liked more than anything to take his rage out on young robert he looked upon this one child with a special kind of hatred after all it was robert that tried to stick up for his other siblings at one point during his pre-teen years robert was locked in a room for six months the door opened when he was given scraps of food and glasses of water if it wasn't feeding time there was only one other reason why that door was unlocked speaking to a psychologist from possibly the world's most secure prison cell robert would later recall i can always still remember now when he turned that lock when he came in he'd have a poker or a piece of wood in his hand or even a rifle and i can remember he busted that rifle over my back and when he beaten me he closed the door i'd hear the key turn and he'd walk away laughing such was the depravity that robert experienced a boy that would become known as a mr modesly the serial killer it was after these series of beatings that his mother and father sent him back to social services and from there robert lived in various foster homes the father told his brothers and sisters that robert had died and that was that they wouldn't see him again and there would be no funeral the other kids were too young too afraid to question what had happened to their brother when robert became a teenager he left liverpool but the scars from his past would prove to be the locus of his future direction he got the bus down to london hoping that there was something new and exciting waiting for him but in the big city all he found was more pain the young man couldn't escape the abominations of his past he didn't exactly thrive on the streets of london and spent years on and off staying in the city's psychiatric hospitals after attempting to take his own life he became enmeshed in hard drugs and to feed his addiction he offered sexual services to men he met in the city's pubs and clubs while working as a male prostitute in 1973 he met a man named john farrell this is when robert now just 21 years old killed his first person in what might be considered shameless and vile gloating farrell showed mostly disturbing images of children he had sexually abused this resonated with mostly he was incensed and he snapped he was looking at the images of children that had shared a similar fate to his own he lured farrell into a public toilet and with a garage he'd fashioned from a necktie he strangled the abuser to death this was a very personal kind of crime mostly watched fixedly as the life force drained from his victim he took pleasure from it it was revenge for his own childhood suffering and for the suffering of the boys in the photos the excitement the pleasure that moseley derived from this violent act would be felt again when he got up close to other people he considered beasts of the earth mostly undoubtedly unhinged and dangerous himself had no scruples about murdering men he viewed as animals following the strangulation mosley didn't even attempt to hide the crime or run away he was soon picked up by police who gave him the nickname blue due to the color of the man's face who he had killed for mostly he had done the world a favor he rid the streets of a man who made innocent children suffer he'd become a vigilante a deranged rebel with a cause and if you asked him about his actions he'd tell you he'd done the righteous thing in his own mind he'd killed his own father or at least someone that represented the reprehensible things his father had done mosley was handed an indeterminate life sentence and later sent to broadmoor a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane there he was locked up among some people he'd attested the most men who abused children for some years mostly didn't strike out but then in 1977 when he was 24 years old he and an accomplice grabbed a convicted pedophile named david francis and rushed him into a cell what followed was a nine hour attack in which the victim was mercilessly beaten and tortured after the nine hours when the prison officers finally managed to get through the door francis was dead a spoon had been stuck in his ear and had penetrated his brain multiple injuries showed that he'd sustained a gradual but extreme attack according to one prison guard the victim's head had been cracked open like a boiled egg and bits of the dead man's brain were missing again mosley was convinced he had done the moral thing and he'd only taken out another evil person for this reason the authority said the crime was premeditated and so mostly was in fact not insane he was moved to wakefield prison at the time a hellhole nicknamed monster mansion and well known as a place feared by criminals because moseley had hated being moved as a child back to his parents house he resented being moved to a prison yet again many people who inhabited that prison were the kind of men that made children suffer in the worst ways imaginable but mostly saw all around were his nemesis men who needed to be removed from the planet he believed he had every right to do what he did in a letter many years into his imprisonment modesley wrote i can say that yes i have been raped and yes i have been sexually abused by such people and consequently i do detest these people enough to have killed them in the past so we have their circumstances from my childhood and adolescence in july 1978 only around a year after the spoon incident mostly made a plan that was to kill seven child abusers in the space of one day since he'd been in wakefield prison he'd taken his time to know who was who and over a few months he picked out certain people and put them on his kill list on the day he planned his murder spree he invited a man named sully darwood to his cell for a chat darwood was serving time for killing his wife no sooner than he entered mostly cell he was stabbed several times with a homemade knife commonly known as a shiv or a shank in the usa this time he hadn't actually killed a child abuser but in mosley's mind he killed the person he believed was scum of the earth he thought he'd done the moral thing criminologists sometimes call this kind of killer the missionary type because they perceive their killing mission as justice being served while mission serial killers are an arguably maniacal it's not common in prison for men to justify the murder of a child or a woman abuser as a righteous act the act is supposedly mitigated by the offense the victim was convicted of mosley wouldn't stop until in his own mind he had cleaned up the prison he pushed the now dead darwood under the bottom bunk in the cell and started calling out more names asking people if they wanted to come for a chat no one accepted the invite so with knife in hand moldsly went on the prowl one prisoner would later recall that he could see murder in mosley's eyes the toughest men in the prison feared for their lives while walking along the landing he soon arrived at another cell this time occupied by a child abuser named william roberts within minutes roberts was dead his head had been smashed against a wall several times and his skull had been hacked out with the shift mostly then calmly walked up to the prison officers and said to them there will be two less people for roll call this evening so in 1978 mr modesly no longer a man the prison staff wanted roaming their landings or exercising in the yard ended up in solitary confinement to say he would stay there a while would be an understatement because he's still there now and is britain's longest serving prisoner but that story doesn't stop there because at the time few people had ever heard of robert mosley at least the general public had no idea who he was in the years to come though he'd become a household name in 1982 the bbc went to wakefield prison to make a documentary about solitary confinement and they found a man confined to a cell a man known as a bomb that the authorities couldn't disarm they discovered someone who had been labeled as a kind of penitential enemy number one and indeed the prison's most dangerous prisoner mostly's name was soon all over the british tabloid press with some of the more spurious stories saying that this crazed man had eaten the brains of a fellow prisoner while that wasn't true and it's known by most people in the uk that the tabloids often don't let the facts get in the way of a good tale the prison now felt it had to make an example of mostly its answer to solving the problem of mosley's infamy was to do something quite drastic that was to create a kind of cell that had never been seen in the uk before and perhaps has never been seen anywhere else in the world it was a place the authorities believed mosley could cause no more harm in 1983 they built a maximum security special unit within a maximum security prison not in the actual prison but in the basement of the prison mosley's new cell was a reinforced bulletproof plexiglas cage a cage where he was under watch 24 hours a day to get to the cage guards must open a solid steel door within the cement walls of the cell is yet another cell and that is the exterior that is the plexiglas cage a psychologist that visited mosley there called him gaunt emaciated sunken-faced figure with long straggly hair although he has a high iq and is a fan of reading he is not allowed any books although he's a fan of classical music he's not allowed to listen to music in fact his own words as there is nothing in this cell but damp walls and cockroaches the guards have been told not to talk to him so when he does occasionally get an hour outside in yet another cage he doesn't get to speak if he even looks at the guards they avert their eyes when he does go outside because of his violent past he has to be escorted by four to six guards this has gone on for years and because of this absolute isolation and lack of communication he's developed speech problems he's literally going out of his mind and has been denied a pet budgie so that he might have some company the authorities have also denied his request for a cyanide pill so he can take his own life robert muldesley is now 66 years old and has served 46 years in prison with around 40 of those years being in solitary confinement when he's been given a chance to speak he has said that this solitary confinement is a constant reminder of those six months he spent locked in a room as a child it's unlikely he'll ever get out of prison and unlikely that he'll ever get out of his glass cage in the dungeon of wakefield prison modsly believes he's a victim of circumstance more than anything and that the people he killed was a form of displaced anger related to what had happened to him as a child and a young man not surprisingly he mostly blames his parents we'll leave you with these words he once said when i kill i think i have my parents in mind had i killed my parents in 1970 none of these people need have died if i had killed them then i'd be walking around as a free man without a care in the world do you believe that now you need to watch this show man so violent even other prisoners fear it or this video why was this prisoner kept locked away in permanent total isolation
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 3,399,593
Rating: 4.9175801 out of 5
Keywords: serial killer, hannibal, hannibal lecter, cannibal, crime, criminal, prisoner, killer, evil, true crime, serial killer documentary, serial killers, prisoners, criminals, the infographics show, robert maudsley, glass cell, solitary confinement, solitary, glass cage
Id: lf-u3ZT0JR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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