This is The Most Dangerous Server

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isn't minecraft supposed to be a peaceful game what if there was a server that was anything but that because of one player who wanted everything for herself and i have to take her down you see i joined this minecraft server for the intent to use super awesome gems that grant you super powers this was known as the bliss smp there's six of them and they each have their own unique abilities when i joined i was granted the fire gem oh that's perfect the problem is is that this server had something different about it underneath the surface what i didn't realize was that there was something a lot more bittersweet however for now all i can think about was making alliances i didn't want to be a lone wolf especially with people who have the power to make you levitate but the only person online was a player by the name of ember she was really nice to me though but she said something a little well concerning conquer the world i mean uh what that's right but for now ember arrived just a few short minutes after she was insanely fast due to her speed gem which you know makes you fast it's mildly scary having a fully enchanted diamond player who can move really quickly but i had no other choice to put my trust into her however on the way to her home base she begins to explain to me something peculiar people have been betraying me left and right i mean wasn't it a little weird that lots of people were betraying her like it just didn't feel right but before i could begin to think about that a raid started at her village i was severely under geared but she was able to hook me up oh boy watch out take the crossbowmen i'll take the ravager alright the raid finally ended and i managed to get out alive except another interesting occurrence happened again a member on the server named pookie sent me an interesting message but embers seem to have an explanation don't let him brainwash you i could already see that ember and pookie were definitely enemies something was brewing and i didn't really know what was but it seemed like ember had my back in terms of basically everything and gave me a word of caution don't trust anybody okay listen ember was a nice person but from the experience i had with her something just felt off i don't know if it was how she acted or what she said but with a lack of information i basically knew nothing of what was going on so knowing ember had a teammate by the name of sian i call them up to get more intel so who is on like our team like i honestly don't know that is a very complicated question okay og2 is with us souls is with us but here's the thing me and souls and two are all moles in union and quick side thing if you don't know what uni is it's basically one of the main servers enemies that will kill any player with a tier 2 gem speaking of that the six gems on the server all started the basic tier 1 state but you can upgrade them using a special item to unlock better and more powerful abilities so i headed into the nether to gather materials for a tier 2 gem sign and i were still in the call at this time and i also noticed something a bit interesting like i barely know who is on the team so not even he had a clear idea of who was actually on our team embers seem to not want to reveal the full picture to anybody anyways back to mining eventually a lot of people started to join the call i didn't really know most of them but that wasn't important well that is because zember joined the call what do you mean all my friends and i was feeling very sad this was quite interesting she was explaining how uni was taking all of her friends hmm oh gee toot and cyan betrayed me you know they killed me wait didn't i just talk to sian like less than an hour ago wasn't he on embers and i's side something wasn't quite making sense here this is when it hit me the one who was talking to ember was pukey aka the enemy of embers he was explaining how ember was basically uni but what could that mean you know uni is doing the same thing trying to cause peace we just do it simply by assassinating them all doers with a tier 2 gem you're trying to take everybody's gems good or not and if you run the potential risk somebody finds the gems or you yourself are corrupt so from that conversation i learned two things pookie was the leader of uni confirming the suspicion of assassinating players with a tier 2 gem to bring peace ember on the other hand was similarly trying to create peace by taking people's gems she wanted a new world an oasis even a sanctuary where nobody had powers the question is how does she take a gem that is bound to a player and how does she get rid of it if at all but now it was time to take a bit of a turn see what i didn't tell you is that i made a backup plan ember just seemed weird ever since the beginning and i knew i couldn't join uni there had to be a middle ground right ember and have two opposing factions both of which want to eliminate the use of gems i am in this little tiny itsy bitsy resistance which doesn't want either ember or pukey to win we like our gems that's like the entire point of this smp it would be weird if we didn't have them exactly so are you aware of when you lose all your hearts you get banned from the server oh yeah of course for a classic lifesteal bro classic so the plan is to ban amber i'm aware that you don't really have a grudge against her because she helped you earlier if you want to be on board with this you're gonna have to totally like let go of your feelings of she gave me stuff at the beginning oh god kind of gotta remove yourself from all all things okay this was it this was the so-called resistance of the server but it meant that i had to betray the one who i trusted from the beginning i had to become a double agent the plan as you heard was to kill ember ban her off the server as she wanted to take everyone's gems and you know get rid of them i didn't buy that for a second with all that power how could someone just throw it all away but i knew fubs gave me a good idea if a fight were to go down i needed to get a hefty amount of gear going so grinding would be the best option from here but vubs wanted to execute the operation in less than like three days so i knew i needed to get a move on i started with some mining getting gold and diamonds would be critical to get some gear and even some golden apples i also happened to find a mini deep dart that may come in handy later for now though i did some trading with the villagers back at base but i realized to make this whole process a lot quicker i could get someone who i trusted to help out inter-pulsify the guy who is in basically all my videos and i was able to also get it to the server i got the strength one that's so cool dude that's so good okay are you at spawn are you it's fun no i ran away from spawn come to okay come back to spawn near the mud house okay that's no tell me your cord oh you're gonna have to walk like over 2000 first step was actually getting him to the base and yeah he had a pretty good gem being the strength one basically it gives permanent strength on your character and sharpness on swords and other weapons you have quite nice but finally we arrived so let me check my e-chest so if i look at his head it says cardi with an 18 it says heart mount 18. now if you don't know what i'm talking about basically i found a head in a chest that was owned by a player named cardi i'm not sure where it came from or what it did but it was intriguing every time you die you lose a permanent heart and drop your skull so if cardi died he dropped his skull to gain more hearts you can gamble for more hearts using the cycler item if you right click on someone's skull you swap hearts with them dude he has 19 hearts right now okay right yeah do it oh it worked i have 19. okay let's back up so i just swapped hearts with cardi i took his 19 and now he has my 10. what i didn't realize is that cardi was actually teamed with ember and if he took this the wrong way he could easily tell ember that i was betraying them ruining the entire double agent strategy with vubs i needed to play this off and play it off quickly so that was the plan somehow get pulse insanely stacked to protect him and of course me from cardi first though we decided to loot the village as cardi probably didn't want this in there anymore and then we were off this is really bad you just joined and we already have like a freaking bounty the plan was to find a great spot for a base for pulsonai so we could grind in peace and get really good gear and it wasn't long until i found the perfect place while pulse made the bob grinder i worked on the base let's just say smvs have made me a little paranoid so i spent a lot of time making sure it was hidden blended in with the caves finally we were finished now the fun part actually spending hours of your time grinding in a block game now that i had a lot of levels i decided to start enchanting but what did i do i stole the enchanting room from embers village because you know it's fun and not as tedious as making your own then i got my gear ready it was time with no sign of cardi i decided to just meet with verbs to discuss the game plan we will have one team trap team second team executioners okay i'm just coming up with these names on the spot so we have one team ember follows into a trap dies drops her head quick thing here when you die you drop your head when another person right clicks the head you can swap parts with them so if vubs can get down to really low hearts he can swap them with ember so that she can be banned a lot more easier and faster we're gonna have second team uh execution team who will be at her bed waiting for her and gator done you know i'm saying my trapping knowledge would definitely come into play here so vubs and i started to draft it in a test world if you've seen my i used water to kill minecraft players video basically while i use water to kill minecraft players crazy yeah when you hit them it will basically like almost again create like this area kind of damage basically yeah you know that's probably bad well it's a little bit more complicated than that but it involves using a water elevator and throwing potions of harming at the top the potions float but when a player swims up the elevator the potions break and hit the player inflicting lots of damage almost killing them instantly so yeah that's what we decided to test four months later who okay that's pretty good i'll give you credit it worked really well but it was simple yet very effective ember would never see it coming now i'll be fully honest i was really out of the loop the next couple of days with very little updates from bubs regarding the trap i didn't really know what was going on it almost felt like he didn't really want me in on the operation but maybe that's just me jumping the gun it wasn't until almost two weeks later that vubs told me everything was finally in place i mean i haven't even seen where the trap is how he built it let alone know if the trap even existed but he told me that the only thing left to do now was to wait for ember to get online except she wasn't really doing that if you didn't know i have a very disciplined sleep schedule meaning i go to bed like at 9 00 pm and wake up around 5 30 in the morning it was getting really late for me believe me i tried to wait for as long as possible to execute the plan with vubs but i just couldn't it was now up to vubs and his posse i had no other choice but to leave it all to them i'm not going to regret this aren't i yes i need a glass box quick side note this is post tie rod here by the way verbs never really made the trap at all like i thought there was going to be like this cool cinematic trapping finale with some epic music and fun stuff but uh you'll see what happens instead guys i see ember oh does she see are you visible yeah do you think if i get a sneak attack on her i can look our entire team is kind of dismantled um idk is no longer at spawn oh amber's gone so apparently they tried to sneak attack ember but then ember saw bubs while he was in vez somehow and logged and now we're here fortunately she joined back oh my god she's right oh she just landed right beside me oh my god i just got exploded i just got exploded guys i just got exploded not gonna lie i think ember sees me oh no she does oh she doesn't and now somehow ember knew of the entire plan well this went to absolute but bubs was an optimist and he wasn't going to back down should i just go for it i feel like i should i could try she's attacking me don't die i believe in you i can't say i'm surprised now verbs lost his head and well one of ember's teammates toot hat this can't be good but at least it's over right oh it's above the old base and i haven't changed my spawn point i hear him digging what he doesn't know it wait oh wait is he streaming oh my god he's ready i can't swim fast enough no so yeah if you didn't quite get what was going on og tooth the guy who killed vubs earlier found his base and most likely gonna kill him again so why did i have to go to sleep that night crap are they seriously going to farm him off the server you know he could just break the bed and then respawn and spawn instead of where toot and this tea guy is could be a smart move just saying man did you perma die i am out of heart could have just stayed on the title screen bugs and just left and saved your life that went horribly i honestly don't even know what to say not only did ember not even get killed once but vubs got killed probably like 20 times and got banned off the server the ironic part is that vubs's whole plan was to ban ember off the server yet he was the one who received that treatment i guess that makes for a poetic ending doesn't it do i regret not helping bubs that night yeah but man why didn't he just use the gosh dang trap and here's another tie rat video you may like subscribe
Channel: Tyrad
Views: 1,478,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft smp, minecraft, smp, minecraft server, lifesteal smp, minecraft 1.18, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.16, minecraft server ip, minecraft hardcore, lifesteal, minecraftpvp, minecraftrevenge, mc, mcyt, minecraft stacked, This is The Most Dangerous Server, most dangerous server, dangerous server, dangerous minecraft server, Why this server is so dangerous, dangerous minecraft, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, minecraft survival
Id: KjfNI-DboWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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