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[Laughter] we should have done this age just go check it out put them on the back of gabby's horse is this how we're going to start this i'm out now yeah mm-hmm look let's go [Music] you hit me in the head with your gun how many squirrels you've been eating holy [ __ ] what do you like stop throwing me get up come here come here okay i'll put him on the horse yeah yeah yeah come here mister come here gabby stand still please let's take it from town we gotta get that 200 bucks god damn a professional mexican oh [Laughter] oh my god you [ __ ] that's my horse that's my neighbor shoot him you [ __ ] pray even me [Laughter] come here it was what the [ __ ] it wasn't even me oreo you took you killed my oreo i didn't do [ __ ] that he calls me two gold bars i didn't start this but i'm gonna finish it oh god damn it oh [ __ ] you glitchy [ __ ] get off me i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's how we deal with [ __ ] back in mexico can't can somebody please pick me up you killed me and i didn't even [ __ ] touch your stupid horse yeah dude touch my horse molly fully point please shot your horse in the head and you [ __ ] shot me come here i aim at eddie's head and the bullets mister hit his horse you put hey you put me down right now gabriella come here i'm putting this sleepy [ __ ] on the back of your horse gabriella take molly there you go all right and if he acts up oh this [ __ ] broke free [ __ ] you dumb [ __ ] ow ow hey come on you dumb [ __ ] oh my god you're in my [ __ ] town now [ __ ] oh god he's [ __ ] up this guy's hard my dad taught me how to defend myself he taught me also how to hit my mom when she wouldn't give me cookies and i did that what a stallion oh look look but guys i see buffalo oh right over here okay yeah that's multiple buffaloes you know you're not supposed to use s's on them [ __ ] on on when you say but kind of like penguin you know you do penguin eye yeah like that you put an eye at the end of it all right everybody help me lasso one of these help me lasso this one right here i don't think we can lasso these oh i got one i got one boys help me boys i got one wait can you i got him by his ankles let's break this [ __ ] we're going to get this posse money real quick we're trying to eat right we're trying to eat today i got him holding him i'm holding the ball oh [ __ ] he's hurting oh damn stop stopping him somebody laughs to him again i'm gonna come i'm trying i'm trying oh you got him oh you killed him i'm laughing wait i'm laughing oh my god [ __ ] man i'm trying to lasso the buffalo nicki puff puff puff the buffalo's dead leave it alone oh can you skin it all right we got to get that money to form the posse first order [ __ ] seriously we're missing something we can we're missing oh it's skinny all right well that is a weird looking [ __ ] buffalo yo gabby get over here did you see that buffalo carcass out you ran right into my house get on get on the horse get on the horse and let's ride into town i'm trying he won't get no give me my skinny nag come here you sexy [ __ ] where's the town mule you lead the way oh my god it's like anyway listen man i haven't eaten my prescriptions today and i'm feeling kind of groggy you know what i'm saying no i don't all right i got the i got the buffalo skins on the back of my horse we're gonna make that 215 real quick wait wait wait stop boy stop stop stop stop watch stop stop i gotta go take a piss behind this bush i'll be right back you're kidding me hold on boys i gotta piss hold on a second don't look now don't [ __ ] i was about to pull my dick out i'm glad i didn't otherwise you'd have seen it wait eddie put your dick away there's a gun on a wagon coming did you see your penis ah mister uh don't look over here i promise there's not a mexican peen in the bushes or anything it's just uh i'm just out here with my brother and my sister hey quit looking at my dick oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] he killed me [ __ ] up help me help me boys oh [ __ ] sake i'm coming i'm you better not have your dick out he looked at it he said it was short and it offended me and now i'm done thanks for putting bath salts on me appreciate it they smell good all right boys i'm done piercing we're going to the town come with me everyone we're going to the town boys i just want to say when it comes to feeling good i'd ride pissing right up there with [ __ ] and coming amen brother oh damn it's a woman wait are women allowed to ride horses in this time period yes sir yes sir it is mighty illegal but we can turn a blind eye to it you know what i'm saying it's just like me god damn my entire life's been that way but [ __ ] it mighty illegal but we turned [Laughter] hey boys what the [ __ ] does he want i have no clue yeah i want to buy some oranges he eddie stole an orange car what the [ __ ] i did not i listen don't insult me like that i did not steal any oranges boys listen my family has been working hard every day for the last 30 years to build a uh apple orchard and when we picked these oranges they said son go sell them out into town make yourself a quarter per orange that you sell because they can make orange juice a quarter per orange well how about i give you half a quarter call it discrimination fees and you just give me a bucket now how about you give me a quarter per orange and we'll call it even how about i'll pop you in the [ __ ] how about i pop you in the [ __ ] hand put your damn gun down now you're still running around with this kid all right how much how much you gonna give me for that mister let's see i'm sorry i'm sorry about talking about your oranges i'll i'll give you an order orange sign me up now hop on my wagon woman not you i said the woman can i have an orange well you can if you uh show me your teeth ah [ __ ] molly god damn it i'm not trying to steal it i just want to ride shotgun i don't know how to let me see your pearly whites gabriella uh all right here i don't know i don't have any gentlemen and woman yeah i got good news about holy oh [ __ ] i'm sorry now lady gaga calm down i was just trying to get i was telling anybody about this man selling or this is what they call the west a domestic dispute we got to get out of here oh [ __ ] who gave me a human gun i'm done [ __ ] up that's what you want to buy some oranges my whistle ain't working i can't whistle my lips ain't that wet because cause gabby blew your lips off that's not the only thing i blew off dude i knew that was about to happen hey fellas hey fellas whoa it's eddie i brought a person we can use to throw down the cliff what what the [ __ ] he did too i got witnesses coming after me though so we better hurry up i'll get him all right well i guess yep i'm gonna throw him off okay let me just throw him off throw him up real close to the edge here send him some to the death oh my god you little looks like everyone's dead all right time to go suck this horse's dick all right we should all get one stranger each so you always who goes the furthest yeah all right i'm down for that i mean i agree with your proposition mister okay that's good all right let me let me go get myself a [ __ ] stranger to chuckle fizzier cliff one hour later hey fellas you'll never believe what i just found i found the same good-looking man i threw down the cliff earlier riding a horse i tied him up and now he's here but i took the guy that you left down the cliff earlier but then if you took the guy i put down the cliff earlier than who is this guy yo juicy's got steve one i got steve too what's your one's name um steve three steve three steve steve three steve three touch butts touch butts juicy if you put your guys butt neck in front of my guy's butt it's called mouth to mouth eddie gabby's coming up the hill look gabriella is that you yeah hey mommy hey gabby gabby gabby look if we put his butt in front of my butt and my guy's butt and they fart in each other's butts that's called mouth to mouth nice hey moly molly molly did you hear the one about mouth to mouth if you put your guys butt in front of my guy's butt and they fart into each other's butt then it's called mouth to mouth i think we got the joke uh yeah we got it the first time i think i think we got it this is how you know this is how you get into the group you gotta throw one soul off of the mountain we're in the brotherhood once this happens are you sure you want to go down this path i'm positive positive for hiv i want to come even farther okay let's just go right down the hill let's throw three [ __ ] over two one go go let's go yep oh mine's the furthest one mine's the first one no mine's the flavors okay we all died that was like a murder suicide pact that was weird i went the furthest juicy number one you shut up you what do you mean juicy number one you ain't even learn to count yet my body went done the farthest down the hill back in 1899 we don't believe in education for what so you learn how to pick carrots from the fields [Laughter] everybody gather round i'm gonna tell you guys a cowboy joke for [ __ ] sake i'm sick of this guy's stories you don't shut up molly hey eddie is it the one about where you touch holes i'm here i'm why is here every time i see you or you make an entrance your horse is just flying oh he's not looking too hot damn it yeah this week i can't afford this [ __ ] son of a first theme boy tell us your story eddie all right here we go everybody gather round i'll tell y'all i'll tell y'all this story real quick now here's how this is jesus sorry about that now here's how this story goes fellas one night a lone cowboy rode into a small town he immediately went to the only saloon in town and ordered to drink while drinking he asked the bartender if there was a room and any women around the bartender told him he had a room for rent and then glanced over to his friends drinking at another table they decided to play a joke on the cowboy as the evening drug on the cowboy became very drunk but was still asking about a woman finally the bartender sent his friends upstairs on a mission and they returned shortly then the bartender told the cowboy that they only had one woman there but she was upstairs waiting on him bartender's friends had carried a blow-up doll upstairs and placed her in his bed but he didn't know at this point the cowboy bid everyone good night and slowly climbed the stairs filled with anticipation he approached the road holy [ __ ] shut this [ __ ] guy up what the [ __ ] were you reading that from google jesus christ [Laughter] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where did you come from where's my horse hey you boys want to hear the rest of that story no i don't it's almost wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i haven't even gotten to the part about the woman farting now that i could get beyond where are you let me hear this story hey hey hey buddy you remember me yeah the one that killed me for telling the story that goddamn story right now you better get off the hours and finish that story all right all right all right i'll finish that story give me a second wait is there actually a pot about a woman fighting in it i don't know what you're talking about this is straight from memory i'm not reading this from google all right maybe this will get good all right all right so where was i the cowboy went up to the bed and there was a blow up doll his friends were playing a prank on him yeah filled with anticipation he approached the room and went inside as the men downstairs listened to him [ __ ] get get that completely what the [ __ ] what the hell can't be smelly genuine accident i was looking forward to that story gabby all right all right all right all right now listen listen listen [Applause] his friends were listening downstairs after a few moments they heard the bed spring squeaking and moans of pleasure coming from the room the rope they roared with laughter then everything was quiet not being able to sleep with anticipation of the coming morning the man decided to play poker through the night and await the man coming down the next morning as he came down the stairs they noticed a strange look on his face they asked well cowboy how was the woman he hesitated then answered man that was the best piece of ass i ever had but the strangest thing happened after i screwed her i beat her on the titty and she farted and flew out the window and i haven't seen her since [Laughter] then did y'all like my story that was all right this is okay whoa what's up that's for killing me woman what the [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] is happening you stopped my [ __ ] horse man oh holy [ __ ] wait help him up oh what the [ __ ] i was helping him that was a good story [Laughter] sorry gabby that was an accident i didn't mean to shoot you and pull the trigger that's okay i understand i made the same mistake before let's go now get the [ __ ] out oh my god i was in my knife jesus christ i was just trying you want to set up camp did you just say camp camp the last time i was with the woman i had an itch down there i went to the doctor he said i had camp no he didn't he said you had i drive [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm sorry my horse is critically injured because you keep head butting him with your [ __ ] [ __ ] this is going nowhere dude holy now i got a question boys what in tarnation alabama betty crocker is a woman doing on that nag she's making us a campsite so that we can stay somewhere for the night [Laughter] somebody gotta get our bedding set up and make us dinner oh the camp is this way i'll run ahead and get your beds nice and warm for you okay oh [ __ ] no way i ain't got a horse but i'll run as fast as i can move over [ __ ] i don't think the words [ __ ] were invite like juicy running us off a cliff now molly what you have said is factually incorrect considering i [ __ ] your mom last night that makes me a [ __ ] eddie what you're saying is actually factually incorrect as well because if you remember i told you i beat my mom when she didn't give me no cookies and i killed her so i don't know what you been [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well i found a stone that said molly's beat up mom and i dug up some [ __ ] that looked like your mom and molly they call me the grave robber for some reason [Laughter] you stole her virginity right from her skeletal corpse i can't steal no virginity if she has some bonehead ass kid named molly i was adopted that's why i [ __ ] so that we can make a gang one day and be professionals holy [ __ ] there's a coyote down here he's dead yeah he's gonna say yeah what was that why is there an albino coyote looking ass over here right next to my horse you idiot i just took the shell off you see any melatonin on his skin pigmentation cause i don't all right i got a bunch of wolf skins melatonin makes you feel happy no that makes you sleepy you dingus yeah which makes me happy it's cute i would say bless you but that sneeze right there is kind of dumb oh there's foxes on the road get them boys light them up you shoot them in there add them up boy light them up i haven't heard hey what the [ __ ] why you shooting me for oh [ __ ] my bad i'm sorry mister oh come on jesus now how come y'all gentlemen ain't showing up on my map i'm on my way right now i learned how to read last week so this map is coming in handy my my my my dad said for my birthday my 60th birthday he was gonna take me to school to learn how to read your 60th birthday gabby me and eddie pulled up the fort wallace where are you at we're literally at the campsite but yeah oh shut up i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry hold on there's people shooting at me oh [ __ ] molly you got in my way i was like i was aiming right at him oh you're looking forward that's what you i said the campsite by fort wallace where's the camp in fort wallace no you said the kids said it was called it's right next to the jiggly wiggly forest or some [ __ ] oh my god son of a [ __ ] oh here she is the founder boys i kept the bed nice and warm for you you wanna come see did you sleep in it naked no careful molly she might give you camps i didn't do anything oh what incarnation racist [ __ ] trying to shoot me now oh son of a [ __ ] why is he shooting me that was an accident that was an honest-to-god accident sir i'm sorry let me just talk to him let me i'm sorry i pissed him off mister hey listen i'm sorry you racist prank boys boys look what i found i found a mexican i heard they fetch a real good problem oh [ __ ] sorry sir sorry mister i got the wrong one every single time juicy gets lassoed he makes a [ __ ] moan sound dude is he one of them all natural wild mexicans now miss i do advise you to get away from my i was just i i was just looking i was just window shopping i wasn't nobody feel you're mexican or not oh my gosh nobody told me it's my mexican this is the dumbest [ __ ] we have ever done put it in you better she better stop wiggling like that i swear to god you guys ever had mexican food holy [ __ ] can i get you close to a juicy utensil what you call carnitas oh my god look at the burns on his skin dude what the [ __ ] of his hair is gone i think he's ready all right boys now gather round we're gonna say grace and we're gonna eat some carnitas i ain't interested i just want them ribs off the bone you know what i'm saying i would just like to get a lick of the toes please jump stay juicy not no one's having it no one's having it buddy who the [ __ ] what in cars alabama betty crocker tortillas you doing to my mexican food you ever had cooked kangaroo about to make one right now you let me go [ __ ] all right come on mister just don't struggle you just make it harder for yourself we're gonna just cook you up real quick oh my god he's he's a feisty one oh cowboy oh stop wiggling you son of a [ __ ] where are you taking me you're gonna get cooked okay prank's over guys you got me prank's over where's the cameras okay you can stop now juice juicy that's a fire that's it oh [ __ ] cook the australian australian oh my god oh no here oh you actually press charges you little [ __ ] did he put a bounty on you josie he put a bounty on me or something to kill myself but i'm just gonna blow my brains [Music] [Music] you
Channel: special edd
Views: 1,067,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTAV, gtav funny moments, eddievr, narrator, joshdub, mully, the boys, funny moments, memes, funny, gta, Red dead online
Id: roccmUzQPIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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