The BEST Landing Spot in Fortnite! (Chapter 4, Season 3)

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has a lot of Secrets and you're probably wondering where do I get the best loot ever I have a special loot path which will make your squad Unstoppable so make sure to watch this whole video there's some Secrets along the way too let's jump into it so this is the best spot to land ever in fortnite chapter 4 season 3. you know it changes every season with the whole map changing and all that but right over here in this trailer park area you will find Aura she's an NPC that sells something very special Scrabble weapon before uh you talk to her and I'll grab some keys one two three keys that's 300 gold and trust me you'll probably get it back if you're good enough let me just break this grab some heels there's also a bunch of these I'm gonna just pop this in the shield fish to get my health up really really quick there you go and there you have it there's also just more of these trailer parks around they got lots of chests you can get metal from them if you're playing build mode and just basically unlimited heels honestly there's cars here okay somebody over here oh they are over here what's up bro ah no more bills for you give me the love give me the low but yeah there's fences here too where you can get a lot of wood you break everything you're gonna be really really good on mats oh he's here this guy got a little adventurous on me to take his Havoc pump though thank you thank you very much yeah some people will land here so just a heads up but if you're adventurous you want to go take out lots of people this is the spot too because it is right near the new area like the new areas are over here and you're right over here so keep that in mind now the reason why this area is so good is because you can get a lot of heels and you get those keys right off the bat you have the strongest material and the fun don't stop I mean heels on heels on heels on Heels we're not even at really the best part you might be asking well what is the best part this is pretty great so far well right over here is the gas station which has Motorcycles Cars depends on what spawns and you can get just weapons over here you can get three Shield fish gold pistol purple shotgun purple AR this always changes game per game but it's a lot of options so if you want to grab something there you could also if you didn't want to use any of that Shield you wanted to just conserve it save your heels if you got a squad you can come over here and you got the slurp truck which will heal you for 100 HP I'm just gonna go ahead and pop it because I don't want anyone else to get it and then in this Forest there's also a lot of wood there's like good weapons here too I don't know why now at this point it's really up to you what you want to do I'm gonna take this guy out oh that was sick that guy was way too bright for his own good but what I was really trying to do was get back on the road over here if he didn't get like super crazy weapons from that chest it's okay there's another one really close by so go on ahead just over here down this mountain maybe a little more uh towards that building and over here you will see that you have another set of hollow gests okay so there's somebody over here one continues honestly wow that guy just got bodied because what you're going to want to do is break open this wall and you're going to want to buy anything purple that you don't want say like this thermal AR okay we're gonna grab that and any purple weapon we'll really do you're going to go over here and you can give an item it has to be purple and it will accept it and it'll open up this secret area the secret area here is really cool you got some chests which is nice oh a pump shotgun I'm gonna take that and what's in here an explosive repeater rifle also take that you might think oh it's over right that's it there's another thing here and open it is a little different it says find Flames so you can see these uh purple Flames around here what you're going to want to do is head up over here check to see this one here you see the Flames out you're gonna want to remember that and then there's four more Flames up on this top level this one's on you just gotta really remember which one's off so this one's off these walls are one shot so it's nice and this one's on so on on and the rest off so you're just going to want to match it so those two back ones were on and the rest of these obstacles extinguish it and when we extinguish this the third one it should open this up there we go now we just build here if you're on build mode just make sure nobody tries to come at you because over here is kind of insane there's two statues just pick one and attempt to open the door it can Rift you one of them will do that remember which one did that because it's pretty important it's gonna land on top shoot a flare off make sure Nobody's around here and we're gonna head back down do a little attic horse so this one rifted me you can always riff from this it's really great you're gonna want to take this one though and it'll open up the door inside here you will have basically infinite loot look at all this loot you got rare chest normal chests everything you want and more you should be able to load up pretty nicely here and you and the squad should be pretty stacked at this point what an incredible start to your game you're gonna have all the ammo you need all the heels you need and honestly probably all the weapons you need I'm just very very picky once you're done in here what you're going to want to do is just Rift out it's as easy as that now when you ripped out watch your Rift to a specific location for me I'm gonna go to the boss if you did pretty much what I did you'll be in around the same time there's this guy doing over here oh he's moving there is a fight going on over here and try to land behind them me in yeah oh a cold pump let's go let me shoot a flare off it's one down another flare there's a guy right here I don't know what he's doing he's like a fish about to go back to the lobby there we go cleaning up the house let's jump on this grindrail collect our loot now again I'm pretty stacked right now I really don't need a loot more I should just focus on winning but hey you might be with the squad and you all want to get a lot more loot so I'm gonna go ahead and try to take out the boss if you're using the new exploding repeater rifle you can just go ahead and line up a shot here do a lot of damage it's a good way to intro that fight are you throwing grenades at me I'm just gonna go ahead and pump them all sounds like somebody's on me too oh what an interesting fight I'm alive I'm good easy peasy lemon squeezy easy all right let's grab this key card I'm gonna drop my minis for it that's typically what I do because there is a lot of heels in the vault I'm just gonna go ahead and flare it and make sure nobody's hiding and we are good to go We're Off to the Races I'm Gonna Leave This car up here jump down protect myself and open up the vault I actually do a little bit more protection usually like that and mind you that the boss location does change so there can be one right over here that's actually pretty close to where you started so just be alert now that you got the Vault open you can go ahead and grab slurp juices the best deal got the Mythic Flapjack rifle and then you got even more stuff now what's great about this Vault too is that you can get a lot of gold it's a little Annoying to get so I'm just gonna use this to just shoot them all there we go can't build in this Vault but heck I'll take it now if you want some more XP you can open these up and you can break these barrels too give you 100 to pop so not too shabby not too shabby at all now my Loadout is pretty Elite now like if somebody was going against me they should be scared how did I flip my car okay let's take this one and next up if you want the just ultimate crazy Loadout which is a bit less crazy this season but the floating island is a good spot to go if not for the loot for a great fighting time okay it looks like people are fighting over here I'm gonna ram my car in and try to just get a shotgun shot off wasn't able to do that let me just heal up there's like a lot of people here push it off my flare I shoot this guy through the bush I hit him I I think I'm a hacker should flare one more time and we go in all the mythic's insane I get the crown though trying to burn their mats let's heal up now there is one NPC I'd really suggest getting this uh medic one's really good they can heal you with the now extinct chug splashes oh going in now of course raw skills gonna count for a lot by having great weapons is gonna be so so good for you I didn't get to go over to the floating islands right over here I could still I mean it's just gonna be for me to fight people at this point maybe Capture the Flag get some slurp juices now if you want to get some good NPCs the medic one is going to be right over here and then the one that scans people is going to be right at Rumble ruins both of those are really worth it for the gold price Medic One will follow you around and heal and just annoy people with their shooting and then the sniper one is actually gonna have an explosive repeater rifle and they're gonna be Mega knowing plus they scan like a flare gun every 45 seconds I believe so really really good stuff let me just heal and let's find a rift I always like taking riffs up to the floating island it's just less dangerous there's somebody here I'm just gonna avoid them wow [Music] oh just eliminate him to fall damage he got scared of the Megatron blast there's a guy in here somewhere hear him and there he goes I mean if you want to take those fights take those fights you know I'm gonna grab the player gun is somebody capture this point can I find their loot it's over here but they don't have any uh slurp juices on them so I'm assuming the guy that fell had him let's take this launch pad and find out yep I see him right there now did he pop one that is the true question it looks like yes he did but one is better than none it looks like the storm is moving pretty quick here I'm gonna hit the rift and get out what's up Raptor see you now with this season having just not that much Mobility you're going to want to make sure you know where zone is because it moves pretty fast okay I see some builds right here but I think if anyone's going to be here it's going to be at this building so let's go ahead and shoot a flare up we're going to scan but uh not spot too much got this fox over here what's up volpes turned into a prop is there a guy right there what's up bro he's gonna hold him in here bam bam I am I mean at this point with this incredible Loadout it's going to take a lot of skill and a little bit of luck but you can most definitely secure that dub I believe in you oh gosh the Zone's moving really fast we gotta go is this Launchpad and somebody grabbed a bounty on me I think probably over there somebody's in that car I'm gonna shoot a flare identify them oh they're bolting it well they're getting shot from all angles and we know for sure somebody is over there so seeing where zone is I'm actually gonna prioritize getting there first before I engage maybe even fighting this guy so I can have The High Ground which would be kind of a shoe-in so let's shoot a flare here I don't see them shoot another flare and there they are on top of the roof foreign up should have flare off oh man that was insane I think right here is what I got I really like this Loadout that I have I think it's super great and punishing okay I think the last guy's over here somewhere can't confirm this let's shoot a flare they're up and I don't see him anywhere oh he's gliding [Music] she's gonna try to burn his mats a little bit the zona's gonna actually pull that way it would be smart for me to just go ahead and start uh getting ahead of the zone I'm just gonna take a little risky jump here onto the zip line and this pulls up the mountain there's pretty much no way I lose this unless I get headshot sniped by the explosive because I can literally just park myself here and just spray them which you know unfortunately for him it's what I'm gonna do I want to get that Crown win so let's start off with a Cybertron it's gonna look like I'm running away but there he is hit him so hard and this should be wraps yes g g baby that is the best landing spot in Chapter Four Season three tell your friends to watch this video and I hope you get a lot of wins GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 1,570,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hk2kgQrt4Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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