This is The EASIEST Way to BREAK The Game! | Magicraft

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hello everybody sift here again with another magic craft round action comb R like that allows you to break the game while creating broken spells I mean the opposite you create broken spells and you break the game by proxy anyway today's run is going to be something new and different or maybe something old and the same I don't know we're going to see we have played the game enough oh we got Salvo right away that's nice I would like to do a solvo build at some point man and this is already a good start here with a shotgun build let's go money I would say uh yeah I would like to do a salvo build although I'm not really sure what exactly that would entail as I've never done one I also never tested one um maybe a triple snake build or a triple maybe one shot and then a snake yeah maybe multiple spells that do different things together could be a Sola build U yeah I would like to try that somehow if there happen to be five type of Cris remove them all that's a good thing to have for later in the Run let's go through this uh now today question of the day we're going to go back to philosophy but it's going to be a very very small and simple one and it's going to be do you believe that you should trust your feelings and do stuff based on those like for example if something doesn't feel right you shouldn't be doing it or should you do the opp and if something feels right you should be doing it or should you do the opposite which is uh don't trust your feelings and go more based on logic and your I guess your plans regardless of how you feel and what you think is good or not uh so if for example you're bored doing something then you should actually not care about how you feel about it or if something doesn't feel right you should not care about what you feel and you should just go with okay it might not feel right but still um it makes sense for me to do that you know I'm it's more of an open Ed question all answers are welcome so let's actually go into the Run post slot charge 15 points per second while standing uh okay first of all I don't want any of these especially if I want to go with the volley build I want to get more smaller stuff so let's roll this away got piercing shots here which is nice and we got a mimic tube mimic tube is always a yes in my book Let's also get another key uh I don't think I want piercing shots I would prefer something like damage on this one or I mean this is a common one one by the way yeah I don't want piercing shots honestly trackon would also be nice Mana regions always a good choice we're going to definitely take that what is this this is when you move it starts shooting honestly I don't want those cheap ones is this yeah everything it's Mana region that's one of the best ones in the game so we have three Mana region here for free for the rest of the game uh do I want something I could actually get this now I could get resonance now now it would make sense as I have a second one yeah let's get resonance so 30% chance to fire things on this wand which are going to be bultos and I'm going to go with my main wand has Mana region so we don't run out and this is 60% chance or I guess 30% uh chance twice to shoot the shot and whenever it shoots the shot it just shoots another shot uh we will try to get a double key very nice and we're pretty much made with keys four keys are enough I wouldn't say I want to combo build spells yet I think it's a bit too early for that there is no reason to go there let's go here this is also fight room so we're going to get more fights uh more money yeah there is no XP or anything more money and Max life at the end of the day isn't really that bad in general it's not helpful but um you know after a devil deal or two it might be needed I'm I'm boxing myself in here I'm trying to destroy the spawner over the spiders the spawner I guess kills himself yep does damage to itself every time it spawns we have already mentioned that a couple of times but you know mention it again just in case for anybody new in the channel or just not watching every single episode right because that's also thing is it an issue by the way that I'm repeating myself once in a while I'm pretty sure I am repeating myself I mean I'm not pretty sure I guarantee can tell you that I am repeating myself in general that's the thing that I've realized in my actual life that I'm doing um but good thing is that sometimes you know there are some people in your life that remember what you said and then they just interrupt you and they're like oh yeah yeah it's the other thing we were talking about and then boom you feel like you were Hur the whole time we're going to go Magic Bullet and pillars pillars of light I don't really care about keys right now uh let's go with pillars of light here so once in a while we're going to be spawning those is there any reason for us to also do random shots I could just go pillars of FL whenever that thing triggers yeah I might as well go with pillars of FL I think they don't even do anything DPS wise they just protect us from shots so as long as I'm behind these boys we should be super duper safe yeah okay that literally got blocked there nice nice we I really feel super duper safe yeah I would like to do a solo build honestly for Real uh I just I just need to get snos and oh you know what the build is that I never used Flame the fire is something I've never ever used maybe I should do a fire build instead of just going for the Salvo build the volley is good and all not Salvo Vol Vol not Sol uh we found all Mana cost of all the wands 80% this is one of the best side ons to have in general so I'm really happy about that we just got a Mana reduction on everything uh there is no real reason to have yeah this we're not doing anything here this was not the main wait what does what does the first Elite give you a want I my memory is not good at this yeah I guess the first enemy gives you a wand I didn't know that I did not know that that's good to know in general lose life here get Mana region and a potion the reason why I'm losing life early is because the potion I remove everything and lose stuff no that's useless for us uh oh this thing has Mana issues okay that's good to know I didn't know that I think we don't have Mana issues though so um yeah I don't have Mana issues that thing has let's definitely do that and maybe the Mana region of that thing is less than the below one 24 17 I mean if I remove these 18 17 yep uh excuse me let's go boom boom and let's continue playing as if the opponent even do anything this is the elite version of that so that means every time it um yeah every time it gets hit it spawns a little butterfly but plus let's see what we get and one more option I would say is good and early here I'm going to take that if there are five curses or lose everything the lose everything is not really I'm not really eager to use that uh let's see what this is going to be hopefully this could be a curse yeah maybe we're going to do with lose everything uh increase movement speed actually I'm most lik going to go five type of curses increase en movement speed that's one two I projectile 3 three recoil 100 twice perfect I can literally just get all of them and these are exactly five curses so I can literally remove them all and I want to see what that thing is first un like everything like in the current room uh yeah I'm not going to say we're not going to use the rules everything because there aren't enough things here so let's go with we lose five curses boom and we just pick everything up randomly upgrade well we have this thing forced on us uh which is going to upgrade the how many relics we get which is actually really good because now we will have choices between a lot of relics therefore we're going to value for money ourselves into a god build I would say not true though but who knows who knows you never know by the way I don't have two residence runes just to be clear although it looks like I have two I don't have two the one is a mimic tube so you cannot have them in different spots uh I guess these guys with the mushroom heads are the ones that actually provide healing to their allies these guys do not seem to do that yeah shots are not going to get through us ever yeah I guess the mushroom heads are specifically the effect of healing opponents around I guess I can just backtrack here and we have a lot a little walls to protect us uh I think I can make these walls have different abilities because they're supposed to be summons right I can make them rotate around and I can make them have uh what is it called the the line I don't know what it's called the cord umbi C or something I don't know uh let's go with money I would say with 59 coins we don't really have that much for a shop you do have enough for a shop don't get me wrong but not that much and I I wouldn't really like to go into the shop I think the late game shops are 50 times better than the early game shops specifically because of the god ones you find in there and of course the one I specifically got from this last shop went was really good don't get me wrong but the difference is like huge with 60 coins I can get the best want for Mana issues in the whole game which is the Mana thingy battery or something I don't exactly know the name of that we we need tracking Shots by the way to increase our DPS exponentially as a lot of my shots are literally missing and tracking shots fix exactly that aspect let's open this up I'm going to use this potion when I find two choices to open what is this this is refresh all doors and items on sale we're going to throw away the remove all the curses but also lose all your things and now I do have enough money and also I do have I don't have enough spells I'm thinking what I should be doing here I'm actually thinking about comboing these and comboing these two and then rerolling one of them yeah let's try that so we're going to just straight up combo all my here we go oh you know what I could now do actually I could go boom and boom Oh that's a level one though uh still yeah n no I'm going to just roll the one of the Magic Bullets and something else defin not troll blood another volley uh well this is a better volley and I would like to keep it Salvo three and 70% Mana a laser beam nice so we're going to switch these around excuse me is this not Vol oh it's happening at the same time but that's a bit weird okay fair enough uh can I do all of them and then also have Mana region yeah I think that's better uh n no it's not better we have Mana issues here while this other way we don't have Mana issues yeah this this is better actually and uh let's go on I obviously need more things uh could also roll the residence runes n we're not going to roll things we know for guaranteed are good so we didn't really spend that much money here uh obviously the laser beam helps us with being able to help us out with more uh piercing and damage in general and also the cool down obviously increases enemies cannot detect you until you launch and attack that's a useless one I don't really care about that did you just pop an egg that popped this thing out is that what happened it feels like that's what happened and we got him very nice and there are a bunch of eggs over here which I'm going to all break because why not nope and and nope and I would like to be able to get through here actually I don't need to go through here because there is a zigzag path over there uh enemies cannot detect you until you launch attack this is useless I'm not going to even get that with us spell breaker that's really good and self gar is always insanely well and Powerful we're going to go with the two insane things obviously I'm going to say grimoire plus spellblade and one Mana region on this thing and now we have a grimoire that slashes enemies cannot detect you until launch an attack whatever once again refresh yeah the things we have are better in my opinion and we got a free chest that gave us 10 shielding not really something crazy good by the way can I excuse me oh I can do this oh yeah the gar can do nothing for now we're going to stick to Triple shots but now the gar does nothing uh we go money we go money nice if I go close obviously we slash him to death and because I have the sword here most of the attacks are going to bounce off of us oh this this is cool man I do enjoy this as an idea the fact that I can have triple shots shooting at the same time all the time nice nice nice I enjoy what we're doing right now open that up piercing shots why not I'm tack good oh I should have opened everything ah I have two more yeah we're going to unlock everything in the door in the room it was a mistake randomly upgrade one Relic it's obviously going to be forced into that thing uh but but I'm going to keep this randomly upgrade a relic instead of trying to get this I'm going to try to double the whatever the next Relic is going be also there is always a chance that my Relic can't even upgrade further uh which is a thing you can check I guess after you do a run so I'm not even going to gamble that aspect here I want to get just a relic instantly level two that's my idea here what the Relic I get now I'm going to try to level instantly one out of five to get something good here we go 100% Damage Done 70% damage received I enjoy that uh yeah we're going to try to level this thing up if it has a level so roll it boom it did not have a level I got a 20% damage up randomly that was extremely lucky so my damage should be insane now and this thing does more the more size the more damage you have I'm going to do sword build again we just rolled a lot of damage here I'm Bal I'm Bal okay let's gotic raage uh theoretically this should be an easy fight and theoretically we shouldn't even get damage to be honest because this guy shoots projectiles it's gone it's done it's done it's done it's over let's what we're going to get nice I got enough meta progression now to unlock the next class okay so we got a very powerful cool down related book or a good penetrating shot wand and somebody told me I can always press Escape here to check so I if I take this away I have 0.15 and 0.5 I shouldn't even be using this by the way I should be using this one I don't even know what I'm thinking about uh it has less cool down though this one 0.33 yeah well let's actually see what we're going to get uh 0.6 or 0.3 I would say let's get the 0.3 honestly this locks us into piercing but I don't really care about piercing that much we're going to go here uh this has more Mana region but this has better cool Downs so we're going for the better cool downs and I'm going to just do a quick swap which is done by this way by the way boom boom and then you go here and then boom boom boom boom nice so now theoretically the should have less cool down and the Mana 21 18 oh yeah look at this madness uh we're going to go over to a bunch of Mana region on the actual thing I'm using nice I do enjoy this I do enjoy this we now get the build going infinite keys for 45 I mean I'm already at three keys so maybe that's useful healing no after defeating a boss there will be definitely blood well you know what let's let's uh yeah let's go with I lose 45 Max life for infinite keys the three keys I bought are useless I mean I pretty the three keys is the double key which was 11 and then one more key for six that's like 17 coins right there that I missed or through out or whatever it's not that bad this is going very decent by the way I like that I got the triple attack here and I can have I can add one more attack in this by the way this can fit up to four attacks it's a full Salvo three that means four attacks because it's 1 plus three uh let's go here so now I'm obviously rushing people down as I am bustedness bye-bye you all of you nice easy and Destructor boy man Destructor boy is working out uh anything that I can do to break oh you know what I would also like to do I would like to do the money shot build I got a q for fre which is useless for us uh I can't really break this this I don't have anything that breaks that let's go spells I would like to break these to get the money another antise okay pretty rare to get them and now I got two of them back to back nice destroy everything man we have a very very powerful build right now and I got another key for free so I really feel like I wasted my health there but it's okay accuracy crit chance is good and a rare one to roll them I would say yes and yes uh and I will instantly put the creatures here so now I have a better line attack now this thing has um scatter and the more scatter it has the more AO does you want more scatter on this not less but for now we're going to stick to what we have I mean if anything the crits are more important because increase the damage we do nice I like that the laser beam has piercing and therefore it doesn't deflect back to us nope that's light okay we got them all theoretically the swords should be breaking these no I guess they only break based on how many deflecting they do a mic tube very nice and I guess Pops I guess pops uh you can summon pops you booklets and this is going to continue as this and the mimic is going to I would say copy I don't know even more of these even more of these this is stupid what happens if I put laser beam on the Salvo yeah I only attack once and then the laser beam just blocks Us in completely a bit sad let's get damaged enemies cannot detect you until launch an attack by the way we at this point we have six Keys yeah we we have wasted uh how would I know man forget wasting wasting is not a thing we're not wasting anything it just happens maybe there should be a potion that says all your keys become something all your keys become five coins uh I'm going to go with another accuracy and I'm going I'm going to go rainbow here uh I would like to see this you know what forget this I would like to see this oh yeah and this is cheaper now because this thing makes things cheaper I mean look at this this is now 0.8 7.1 1.6 boom 0.5 4.9 1.1 plus 3.3 uh slow down time for 12 seconds definitely better than the you become invisible let with become invisible not that that helps in any way shape or form and we also got 30% chance to summon a homing the SW does 65 damage which is really good so once again just to do the math here this is uh 7.1 plus 0.8 that's 8 that's almost 8 plus 1.6 that's 9.5 let's say now this is it was 9.5 so it's 5+ uh 1 that's six and then plus half that's 6.5 and plus 3.3 that's 9 uh let's say 10 so we at 10 mana and one more spell for only one more Mana we got one more spell I think this is worth it DPS wise at least and now we're a super duper shotgun build I'm just rushing opponents down yeah let's go rushing them down easy enough wh opponent tried to hit us there I don't think you're going to have time for that what's the curse lose 10% Max MP MP is not something I'm going to throw out random upgrade one Relic I mean it's going to definitely hit the soul bone actually it's 50/50 it's either going to hit the soul bone which I already have here which is 60% chance to do the summoning or it's going to hit the 20% damage so I'm going to try to hope it's going to hit the 20% damage the rest are irrelevant to me by the way damage when taking damage is stupid damage when around us is a bit irrelevant and summoning else is also a bit irrelevant because the projectiles are going to get blocked by my sword attacks so off into rolling into damage and I rolled into damage very nice uh we're going to go shopping I would say I can't really remove this curse and I don't even want to roll it let's go shopping yeah 28 coins is enough to shop and I also got the sh side shop is what I'm trying to say why does this only cost 13 I'm first time ever seeing such a cheap wand here Mana cost 150 5% chance to restore full MP when casting 20% chance to refresh cool down okay so this is super expensive but it has 60 Max okay this is like one of these ons where you want to build 50,000 things on this right you want to build like Stone and stone and stone and stone and stone and have like a line of 20 different slots on this and then you just put three lasers on that thing and it keeps the Mana up forever that is what this is at least in my opinion it has no cool down already so if you put like 50 lasers on this this can have infinite attacks and infinite damage I'm I'm not going to buy that I'm just saying let's see what the potions are just so we have an idea on this I want to keep the build as I have it uh also that thing gives us maybe that is the volley build no we we need a lot of room for the volley build that's not the volley build item R imun to Venom and slow to the current room uh yeah I don't care about that Shield gain whatever slow down no double the things on the ground that's definite yes remove all curses but lose everything no randomly upgrade one Relic if there is none you do not get anything out of it okay we're going to go with uh the healing is trash so I'm going to just drink it I'm going to take the randomly upgraded Relic and we're going to just uh drink it hoping for the damage it's most likely going to roll here but who knows yep it rolled here why did things blink around in front of me I don't know let's get the double the things on the ground which is going to definitely be helpful uh here I would like to say none of these two black holess yesterday I was doing black hole build uh if oh here we go this is the build when MP cost of the spell is lower than 10 increase damage by 50 and guess what we're trying to literally make everything cheap with the volet so this is guaranteed the build guaranteed uh we're going to switch here okay flip that up and as I said the quick way of stacking these is boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom unless there is some faster way that I'm going to read in the comments the next time I play uh the next time I read the comments actually whoop and boom boom boom boom and the build is ready and it's also cheaper because this thing says uh not cheaper it's not cheaper but it does a lot more damage because this thing does 50% increase damage on this nice nice I do enjoy this a lot uh let's roll these away nice we got tracking shots that's pretty important and we also got one more of these which I'm can combine and I cannot combine them but I can now flip this over here and make it more useful I would say instead of having crit chance we're going to go with track and shots yes nice tracking shots obviously increase my DPS by exponential look at this we have 1,000 DPS already this is unbelievable R free spell Caster no uh laser beam no electricity on the shots no bombs on the ground is also and no yeah I don't want to waste money on things I don't care about honestly let's go nice now obviously my DPS increased by an exponential amount once again because we have have track and shots and track and shots literally just make everything a lot more powerful oh I should try to always avoid things ah come on man I wanted to double the keys and whatnot double the money if this drops money it didn't uh this is poison thingy uh I don't have meteor or anything to break this I don't think there is enough money on the ground for this to be worth it yeah there isn't even a single Crystal if we got a Crystal M then maybe yes loop loop loopy Loops loopy loopy Loops let's go lead fighting I should actually Rush this guy down but the issue here is that there is a spike in the middle we got him by the way he's dead he's dead let's see what we get Mana box is nice and yeah we're going to get the Mana box and might as well go for the laser as I already have one Mana box should go here I would say so that this thing can summon more we have two laser beams and two crit chances that's nice I'm going to go spells over money over shopping once again let's just wait a minute hey look if I if I shoot towards the right to the left I'm trying to shoot towards the left but the SW because the sword is tracking it still attacks towards the right look at this it's only going to stop attacking towards the right when I yeah it's it's attacking wherever the opponents are okay that was a lot of damage we took there for no reason the exploded boy is super dangerous okay and we won the ghosts are a lot of damage uh crits actually do more damage that's nice and rebound shots also nice or butterflies might be better with what I'm doing no I I want fast shots and these are old fast shots we might go bouncing we will go bouncing I want stones of course uh casting these yeah I guess we're going to cast those let's also say that when they crit they do something better the rest don't really matter that much uh I do prefer the man region on us we're going to definitely go crafting now boom look at this the SW just straight up goes whereever the opponent is I cannot control this Ro no matter what uh we don't have anything here that I care about uh these are definitely things I don't care about especially the bouncing is the first thing I don't care about and honestly pops are also relevant s for gmir is really really good in general um this is the Mana box is definitely getting rolled and the pillar of FL I think is also relevant at this point because we have the sword that blocks everything anyway and I'm going going throw this Ro away so let's roll this into something better first and foremost arcan explosions not really duration no uh the pillars this this thing here works with the pillars by the way as far as I know let's make sure that's true yeah look at this the pillars have lines now so I can have these pillars just exist like that is the one play that I could do you know what I want to also roll the C let's roll this one for a moment AOE that might help uh specifically only with the sword to be honest yeah maybe one of the very few times where AOE is completely relevant maybe one of the very few time damage is definitely relevant I'm going to go damage over Mana region as at the end of the day that's going to give us more damage and now we're going to roll the crits away have pop first okay do I want this on the thing I'm building let's see I believe yes my damage is 1,500 you know what can I see this again the different way no ah no it's the same thing we do more DPS with the Mana region over the splits splits going to St though it's going to fit at some point when my Mana is even better I need to get a better volley or something let's actually roll the crits now ah I should have tried it snos are snos better than laser beams I mean they're guaranteed better than laser beams yeah yeah snos are guaranteed better than laser beams oh yeah we just increase our DPS by an exponential amount let's actually roll the laser beams now the super laser beams uh if anything no I still want to roll the commons boomerang I should have tried Boomerang blades no to electricity butterflies are the butterflies better than the shotgun I don't think that that's true this time no I think the shotgun is better yeah my DPS isn't even hitting 2,000 well this with this one it will I'm pretty sure H I do prefer the shotgun I do enjoy what we have here we have opponents take 50% more damage and then we have snos for DPS we have rainbow for burst and then we have spell breaker for super burst and also protecting us from dying uh butterflies have to go okay we got two laser beams uh I guess the laser beams should be in this spell book right yeah I think that's the play let's keep them like that uh this St I would say I want to get rid of the laser beams nice I got the mimic tube leveled up which is pretty important in my opinion nice and the mimic tube used to be down there now I can put it here is that going to decrease my damage Mana by the way uh let's see 3.3 3 1.1 4.9 no it's the same it's the same so this getting it twice doesn't really help so we're going to put I guess here like it was almost you can go damage back here I think we're good also do this by the way so it has a double line going on I don't think it's worth it though yeah I don't think that's worth it let's go with casting more often and the booklet can spawn wherever it wants to start shooting we're going to put Mana region on this uh yeah let's roll the other Laser Now double shots that's actually really good uh I would like to have double shots though I think double shots are better than triple yeah I'm going to go double shots this increase my burstiness decreasing a little bit on my uh it increased the Mana cost yes but the burstiness getting increases better and the rest can be down there whatever I'm not going to roll more we have 32 coins I think most of the things we have are useful now I just need to run opponents down like I need to not specifically cast all the time I just need to go somewhere and be like boom boom you're dead boom dead instant that's the idea that's that's the idea of w anyway right the idea is we we cast five Spells at the same time and they are insane we don't want anything else we got the NEOS for consistency oh we got another random chest let's get the random chest pop it it's a sword chest it is what it is O and I got a booby trap explodo it's actually good for opening things up my is power chrises gain a refresh H I would say gain a refresh to have complete control over what we're getting let's also continue opening up coins rooms ah this is the Pokemon room okay we were pretty lucky in the first wa okay pretty lucky very quickly that was a mistake then up nice wow that was very fast okay Frost crystals not really relevant I guess I can make the pillars being Frost pillars maybe opponent instantly died again again again wow we are very powerful and I love the build double thunderstorm to maybe level them up I'm going to go with it maybe level them up backpack slots minus one one of the most unimportant curses is what I would say uh let's definitely have the bombs down here so I can just straight up use them for popping the statues okay people told me opponent up here when you break them uh yeah this is not a curse man I'm taking that and we got a 50 35 Max Life After 50 overheal and not overheal after the next the next 50 health is going to become did I get damage no I I think I blocked everything maybe I'm supposed to now break this while we're still fighting maybe that's what I'm supposed to do that I think go through the wall yep no that did not happen uh let's open this up and let's open that up let's maybe open these up I'm seeing if H you know what this is 10 Coins Plus this is about 3D coins I'm I'm going to trade this for 3D coins uh did it double ah there was a no I didn't see this okay no difference no difference Max life is important though I should actually remember eating these yep nice uh I'm going to go money I would say over spell rerolling with 82 coins we don't really have that much money anyway nice uh maybe the doubling is better in the curs everything is curs room but I don't have the remove all the curses so I'm even if in everything is cursed room I would not look how many ghosts we have we are very powerful well this is the room I should have actually doubled everything uh not really it's not that much more money here somebody can definitely go back and check or even editor could check and see how much coins I got from from this room in comparison to how much I gained from the previous one in the previous one whatever the number is it's divided by two so previous one divided by two is the answer okay we won by this is done oh no I need to press the blue again blue locks this we go up and down and around and this is the easiest puzzle by the way you just randomly press things and it happens tracking shots that's in general good but not in the specific not in the specific context of how we're playing this uh I'm going to get hit here unless I Rush the opponent down the issue with the Eyes by the way is that they have too much health man I'm literally one-shotting everything I click on hey click and click oh that thing survived who do you think you are go my ghosties the ghosties don't do anything in comparison to US let's see what we can get money is power crit chance I'm going to go crit chance 50% crit chance is good in general his now is 15 15 15 and 15 they literally had no crit chance so uh off into spells we shall go crit chance is good because it is a chance to do double damage so that by definition means 15% more multiplicative damage because it's a chance to do double damage about you you you snap man the sword snap is the main DPS we're doing the moment the sword snap happens what there is in front of us is dead we take this and I guess we go with slow let's go boss or I can roll the boss away refresh item sale in current room uh I'm going to roll this boss away it became a shop not a good one but it is what not a good roll is what I mean is this Mana oh that's the chance to fully restore your Mana no I got another grimoire and because I have already one I can combine them so I'm going to buy that combining things is always good because you can just expedite how fast you get powered up stuff damage deal by this one is you're not going to die from that one that's what it does reverse recoil uh no I would like to get another split I can combine them yeah let's buy a split as we can combine them as I said as I just said and I found the third one of these so I can combine them right away so therefore I'm going to just take them and we're going to now roll into the wands if there is anything up we found the all ons have more MP more MP is a bit irrelevant right now we have everything costs cheaper and everything get Mana regen and an irrelevant wand I'm not going to use but once again this this is irrelevant we're going to get super oneand later from the boss yeah we're going to get the boss here should give us a good wand anyway uh we know what the boss is it's the dun the cage that becomes a ghost not a ghost uh wa Whoa We are insane I did not expect that we were so insane let's shoot out some D braise for half a second and please do a move oh come on man oh I got hit for a lot I could have gone for a secret room here but I failed at it I completely failed at it it's okay how much do you need it's done I got the max life nice uh let's go wand number four and let's see what we're going to throw out oh we found the best one in the game this is infinite Mana wand psychic sword is good but this is other wands may use uh the Mana and this one to cast spells and this has 20 Mana region and 250 mana on the side so the best one in the game you obviously put all the Mana region you have on this I don't have that much Mana region but you always want to have the Mana region on this thing and and no other thing ever because this is your Mana honestly and it has also zero cool down by the way which means you can just this was my whole mana on on this thing uh which is insane in general but I mean look how fast it's going to shoot here how awesome is that I love this one it's very awesome uh but we're not going to use that obviously I'm going to back to what we had and uh let's go the laser beams crit thing uh I no Mana Region's better I think so they shoot more often yeah let's go and we have yeah I think we're ready is there anything no this is Mana reason this is everything's cheaper this is I'm the Mana build and this is the 50% more damage because my spells are cheap now I need to find Stones I need to find the stones let's say your you have three more backpacks not backpack slots uh more room here I'm going to go here 78 coins is is most likely going to get used another thing uh we don't have Mana issues anymore so I should not be afraid about using my spells all the time you know why we don't have man ises anymore yeah because we have the best one in the game uh this thing down here which it isn't even going down do you see this look how much Mana I'm spending and that thing isn't even moving it's the best one in the game uh infinite man I want uh let's go wishes crystals I already have one and I guess Ghost Fire it's irrelevant which of these two I go maybe speed was the ah speed was the play Maybe speed over enhanced damage would have been better rushing the opponents down man this is a very fast build that just is made I have to say this thing is really powerful volley is really powerful the fact level two level one maybe not that much but level two volley making you making each spell cost 70% less uh based on how many you have you just put four of these in there and then they all cost so little uh it's insane it's insane especially because if you think about the fact that you can just throw something cheap in here anyway right right like the Magic Bullet is a cheap spell you just throw it in here and the rest become cheaper for example 10 plus 6 plus 7 is more than 1.6 plus 7 plus 4 plus 4 right like it's it's insane you just throw a cheap thing in and then everything becomes super duper cheap let's see the next fight let's also open this up in case I forgot maybe not run him down we have infinite everything look at this let's actually not stop attacking at all and see if my man is going to run out ever I want to see this uh it is slowly going down slowly yeah it takes so long for that thing to go away less Health it means more damage Mana region on everything we take Mana region on everything and just like that we just have infinite Mana now because this two Mana region I just got goes on everything right on every everything this gets two Mana region this gets two Mana region this and this therefore when all of these are out of mana and this here is the only one that's using Mana these three are still regening helping out so it's like I have eight Mana region just like that okay 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 7 8 yeah okay and we can have a one that shoots on itself this is useless for us I'm already casting too much anyway uh I would say we go relics because we have 50,000 Relic choices as meta like my relics are very much made for getting more relics so let's see what relics we can get out of this although obviously money is always the play in this game one of the very few games for money is like almost always always the play I just got damage for no reason let's see what we can find here uh 50% damage or 50% we're going to go with damage up straight up more damage means bigger sword though what is this Relic options minus one I'm going to say yes that's almost not a curse well that was useless uh as a non- cursor but whatever it is a curse of course because I I would like to see as many relics as possible but still even only seeing four relics is not really that bad ghost NEOS ghost neckos I like that I'm getting more and more books although that doesn't really change anything but still we get the books we also get the the tower defenses I don't even know what they are I'm getting so many things here protecting us okay heal when you go through a door might actually heal us 9% chance to get get a soul now let's roll these M chance to get money let's go with chance to get money why not and let's go with Spell rolling in random chest is also thing yeah let's go Spell rolling break that uh let's also get the random chest right now okay and we got money and health whatever maybe should have kept it to minmax or something but it is what it is let's see do I have anything that can combo yes and uh yes and uh that's it so the book uh this is not going to get used I think this is super expensive anyway yeah 17 I can't use that at all but I can roll it this is also going to get rolled these two are going to get rolled first and the book goes back to its place and let's reroll those two things boom Glade how much does this cost maybe instead of snos 4.5 okay uh we obviously have infinite Mana so I'm going to wait here to see how much DPS we can do with this so right now I'm at 5K let's see if it's better than snos I mean theoretically it should be better than snos because snos level one how about oh no it's less than snos snos bring us up to 6K yeah snos man snos with navigation is just straight up broken is better than this though you know better than rainbow the chance of it being better than rainbow is extremely slim uh you know what you know what you know what this is a leveled up common I'm going to get a better leveled up common ooh I don't need that though Magic Bullet again okay okay I'm accepting that let's roll this into something we want I'm accepting that too um I want common to roll not this bullets the flame the Flame's a good choice nope nope uh orbit did I need orbit for something on this one I think I can put Orbit on these oh [Music] yeah hey look at this now I have have a wall around us I think that's the play look at this I got a wall I like the wall I like the wall we're going to play with the wall what did I have there previously ice who cares about ice we're playing with the wall Le um okay I mean split stay because we have more than one Mana region stay because we have more than one actually I'm not even using the splits man I'm not going to use the splits I'm not using the splits let's throw away the splits these stay for sure laser beams also stay I'm going to I'm using them and I'm leveling them up let's throw this away no crits no don't give me split again though nice I want to level that up let's throw the split away nice level up the laser beam I would say because I'm using it here it's going to be doing less damage though if I level it you know what do I specifically care about laser beams I don't think I care about specifically about laser beams like I can also have books that shoot the bullets it does not need to be laser beam specifically I'm going to roll the laser beams maybe into another bullets No orent butterflies uh no I want bullets man I want bullets I'm using the bullets anyway 8% Mana no no oh orbit uh is this better than this oh now they rotate wait what is the level up spell circles are on the Caster ah okay I'm going to stick to this I'm going to stick to this this is very stupid and that's why we're sticking to this uh yeah guaranteed take on that one uh I would like to reroll the booklets honestly one of the books because it might roll into targeting on the same vein though now I can actually roll this thing because it's useless for us no no no butterflies no no we're about to run about the thing and it broke it is okay I think I enjoy what we have going on this definitely stays this also definitely stays in my book and these here are the throwaway things bmon in the front rares in the back I guess RAR here in the middle to have the more clear cut as to what's happening and these are n this is rare I think we're good as we are uh I don't think anything can combo anyway and let's go we have 38 coins we're going to get more money in in in the first place and also more spells more everything okay so theoretically nothing should be able to do anything to us because the moment I rush them down they explode and we also have the walls now and the walls are protecting us from everything and the walls are super fun and stupid at the same time the wall is the best thing we have gotten up to this point double penetration to level up and a ghost I'm using snakes so snakes we go and one pen so snakes definitely stay and let's go to money boom boom I think up to this point we haven't lost anything from not having enough money oh I got a third level on that thing which we are using by the way so this thing also goes to the very right this can go back nice nice nice nice nice uh what is this let's take it money is what it is and let's go on mini boss room let's see how fast the mini boss dies okay I would say very fast if you don't move right now you're dead ah he's about to jump on us and that should kill him big mistake boy I have killed him faster but this was pretty fast too so I would say we're on the higher end of things P explosion level up a self aware gmar level three nice Mana region nice so uh we just got level three on the book which is obviously good and the Mana region level up is going to obviously go to the infinite Mana book which is cool and here I would say we're good I could put Mana region I I mean we do not have Mana issues uh I think we're going to find another one of these so let's go spells first I I hope we're going to find another one actually I just beat the boss right this was exactly the boss kill so theoretically we should get at least one more choice at combining spells if not then my bad um I mean I guess if we in Residence Rune yeah I guess if we in Residence Rune we're going to go into relics here there was some boxes that I could have broken now I'm just hoping that we're going to find the thing I want to find obviously and now we're on Hope mode by the way if I ever run out of Mana we will instantly have issues I don't think we will run out of Mana also DPS wise this might be the fastest kill I'm going to get on the Super Final Boss ever I just need to get a level up on snos I need to get I I need to get level up on the main spells we're using uh we do have Mana issues I mean Mana issues can easily be fixed if I remove the loop to Loops like if I throw this in the backpack we're we're done uh refreshes twasa movement speed Dodge chance let's roll these away for some damage kind oh summon limit twice I'm going say yes on sum limit twice that should give us more pillar of lights and also some more booklets therefore more damage on average we're going to go here specifically buying only the things we care about but like this I just found one very nice okay let's first see if there is a money gives you money potion uh type of curses petrify yourself immune to everything Health becomes money that's nice levitation and all non boss enemies become money okay I mean those are going to pay for itself obviously so first and foremost we go I lose money I lose health for money oh boom that's the most obvious yes ever yes okay and now we're going to go so everything becomes coins that thing I think costed six or whatever we have we're going to have chances definitely buy this definitely so now I have my rainbows ready now I guaranteed want to go to roll shop thing uh roll the away of course the roll away we got AOE AOE is useless we I mean we do have AOE related things but it's useless for us I would like to get a stone uh we found the this is cheap wand I think it's better to keep the this does more damage wand uh do I want uh one of those I mean theoretically you always want them but practically I'm not really sure so I'm going to roll away thing no what is this full solo three no if you don't move the casts yeah I'm not going to go no on all these let's go here and hope for the best and we got the opponents I want to actually be getting no okay I'm not going to attack anymore I'm going to wait for these guys to split and now I'm going to do the thing coins everything and we killed the room already I think no we didn't this is a lot of money we gained today oh we had a lot of CH chances of doing that nice this this was super duper a lot of money actually okay we got the three points of Shield when entering a room I I've lost so much life on this whole thing I need some healing maybe no uh crit damage I guess more max mana on all the wands let's go crit damage okay I really would like to find unlock everything locked in the door whatever uh I really really really really really really really really would like to by the way we have 10 Keys therefore I think we should never not have gotten the the key epic Relic let's go here like come on man please give me a spell room please although I'm pretty sure before each boss you get only one spell room something like that seems to be the case please please I'm losing life for no reason by the way maybe I should also get the damage as power uh yeah damage taken as power what is this permanently change your stats I'm yoling YOLO it I got the plus 15 as always I've never take got in the minus 5 I was going to splice in the moment I got the minus 5 uh let's go with I guess we're going to go shopping with so many coins there was a coin on there please give me the potion shop didn't give it to me also I'm most likely not going to be able to combine my spells man there's a very good chance that's going to happen uh crazy madad Mana region if it's your off wand well we still keep the Mana region one and the Mana cost one forget everything else laser beam who cares uh the same one twice I got biblical cords no oh damage up is yes no gri more again no no this is a crit thing yep but once again we keep the 50% more damage although the crit thing might have been more damage whatever too late now and we still have two choices here please give me one level up room please please spell level up please I got level three book on my hand I got level two um shotgun and level two what is the other thing shotgun and snos I can no snos not but we're going to get them I believe in my luck come on another wle yes I guess moving speed no don't give me shops what did they throw out I don't have room okay uh let's throw out a rare I guess some common going let's throw this out wow I'm out of of spell slots pretty unlucky here uh money is irrelevant I don't have mone's power right yeah we don't have m's power let's go shopping I guess and final boss forc on us H we got this Neo by the way super sad come on man there is still one chance one last chance and Neco Last Chance last opportunity let's throw away the booby trap I don't need it anymore give me this one last chance give me Stones by the way no double damage here Stones Stones ston us ston us that's a bunch of spells by the way could have been Stones one of the two nope didn't get anything another volle is here but I don't think we're going to combine enough volleys to get anything going uh although I have enough money to maybe try it let's throw away a random common let's throw away this and get the volley just in case we're going to be able to combine them all if I'm going to be able to even get anything well there is a good chance we're not going to get what we want but it is what it is it is what it is so let's go chase the boss down the SN go are my most damage so as long as this guy's running around it's safe to say that we're not going to be doing enough damage let's go where do you think you're running to he's about to do the Cris shot um avoid the chrises some of the Chris might literally kill the run if I get hit by them I avoid and he's going up I should have gotten hit there but I somehow didn't avoid the chrises do not spawn curses on me please for a moment go snackers go and we won nice we went uncursed time to fight the final boss this is the build so 47 minutes pretty fast I would say we got a side shop that's nice and we even healed a bit that's also nice okay let's first go to the side shop see what we got there uh lose all your knife and lose the game no no and no all three of these are no the only thing that matters is maybe this three Mana region want uh which I still think is the best one we have one of the best ones we have let's see if we can switch that into something better uh not really Mana cost 70 maybe this for enemy hit with the wand you shoot everything inside the wand maybe this 70% Mana cost nah this is an epic spell that I would like to get and roll so I'm going to get this with specifically the Epic spell and then I'm going to just take this one back throw this on the ground take the wand back please fix these nice and uh I'm going to say this goes over another common or whatever yeah here the speed so if I if if I'm lucky enough and get what I want which most likely we're not but if we get the one we want come on it's like a one out of six I think to get a room I didn't get it so we're forced into the final boss without being able to combine everything it's a bit sad but it's also part of the Run that that this thing is part of the run and we got three elves irrelevant let's see if we can do enough damage to kill this boss in a timely manner we're definitely going to beat this thing because we have blocking shots and everything else oh man this is a very high DPS run right now yeah he's never going to hit us ever and we're just going to sit here attacking him all the time what is this by the way unlock everything the qu room oh no he damage uses SI be like he's not going to hit us ever sift is lied he yeah this is literally my fastest easiest kill on this thing uh once again from the last video I said the editor if you can if the editor can see how much life this thing has somehow somewhere and then do a division between how long it took for me to kill this thing then we can know what my real DPS is instead of whatever the game thinks my real DPS is so also I would like to see the build for a moment we have sword damage yeah we could have upgraded so many things the double attacks could have been triple attacks oh we have Mana issues Mana issues came in yeah the double attacks could have been triple attacks what else could there be uh I think one of the big mistakes is that I'm spawning books again and again yeah I think casting books is wasting Mana it's okay though my DPS does not seem to decrease maybe we attack a smidge less often maybe like a smidy smidy bit but it's not really felt and we won we won yeah we could have definitely upgraded a lot of things here at least everything could have been level two like the the the snakes were ready the rainbow was not ready but we would have gotten it so these two would have been leveled up for sure and then if I could have gotten one more damage up because I have it twice so the damage could have been leveled up and the Multi Shot is maybe the hardest one to level up I would say but still that's the Run hope you guys enjoyed most like the T the displacing thing I mentioned here with division if I know I don't know man I'm putting things on editor although I'm not aware if he can even do that them because I don't know uh by the way we should have enough to buy the new class nice which levels up into what 4 seconds of not attack invincibility so the Summoner class do you want me to run the Summoner class or do you want me to Able level this thing up I don't know this this feels like a trash class I I enjoy this thing um and we also have 14 to level the trigger spells pack up for 12 actually so that's even cheaper than what I thought and now we have these new spells that we used to have anyway but now we also have them officially because I'm playing on the official base version anyway that's going to be it if you have any ideas of to what you would like to see comment down below and tell me about it and yeah as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 26,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, rogue like, Magicraft gameplay, Magicraft playthrough, Magicraft guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, Magicraftbullet hell, Magicraft roguelike, Magicraft win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, Binding of isaac
Id: 7zMM8lLbkVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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