This is the deadliest warden in Survival Minecraft… [Lifesteal]

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so a spawned awarded in Survival Minecraft but this wasn't any normal Warden what I just popped to it this Warden along with my pet Ender might had enough power to destroy the server but I thought it would be hilarious if I trapped this Warden inside a giant Labyrinth and four streamers to complete it without them knowing so I'm gonna bring back and to do that we're gonna need some of these and then we're gonna need where are they yeah we're gonna need some of these the last time I spawned this thing it eventually escapes so hopefully this reinforced security prison we'll get the job done however after looking at the first maze I think the biggest issue was how we actually contained the mod we had some accidents so I'm hoping with peas however uh we learned from our mistakes and build a new an improved maze right here let's start off by clearing out this ice why is there so much ice now a warden can fit in a block wide maze however to make sure that this could be the best maze ever I called the maze expert Planet lore yo do you have access to a computer yeah yeah okay that's a bad question well Planet built the outline I ran to players bases to steal more blocks because this thing was going to be big oh this is toxic dude actually yeah I'm gonna make it even worse it's just a circle but I realized any mob could easily get stuck and won't be able to find the player however wardens worked very differently so I'm gonna start with pressure please I was just playing to the video I'm so confused you just make a maze to get some kills mazers are funny though all right this looks completely diabolical I think I would never actually touch this thing except I barely had enough blocks to finish the pressure plates so I did some more exploring to find materials I can't make pressure plates out of that come on please have like a stone chest something did oh my God thank oh my this will for sure work or at least hopefully I don't want to Rob another base oh I hit this easy and finally the outline was finished however here's the problem while he is able to fit through these one wide uh block thingies like here to stop him all you need to do is that even with mining fatigue you can just block this all up and you'll be fine but here is the cat I plan on filling up all of these walls with buttons but even buttons wouldn't stop a player from using F5 to cheat so for now though we actually need to add some glass onto this thing so we can actually look at the Players inside and when the glass was finally placed it was time to lure my best friend to the maze it does not sound happy oh yeah there it is hey okay so we're gonna have to try to find a way to get them out and into that maze over there but for now I have something else to do real fast which is placing over 10 stacks of Bedrock because yesterday as if recording this we gained 651 subscribers and if you want to claim your permanent bedrock and lifesteal you just need to subscribe now before we actually transport it peepees I think we need to actually do something about now yes that is a normal game mechanic but in my maze I I can't allow it so I need to find one specific chest I only need one Elder Guardian and of course I need to rename it but getting the guardian in place was the easy part now I had to move PBS there he is and now to transfer heepies the warden there we go I know you guys might be freaking out right now like oh my God why'd you kill peepees oh I just I also just realized I can literally just spawn more PP so now what I need to do is go into the middle of this and drop a warden into it oh this is a terrible idea so that's gonna speed after me oh and they get too exactly where I'm at right here oh my God that's insane yeah this thing tracks really well and I'm out kind of funny though like look at them down there he's just chilling but it was finally time to lure some streamers into the maze you guys want to see what I've been working on this was colored Play Time yep it was a lot of fun but there's a sequel now what is the sequel I call it PP playtime what is this wait is peepee's in here I think that's probably your texture back oh God so yeah this is my maze if you complete it I have 24 conduits on me well if I give you a heart and 24 conduits like a deal all right this time uh we won't have any breaches I mean this time there's your starter Hearth feel free to bring whatever you need into the maze what do you think the strategy is like go fast go slow dude has anyone completed this yet I've completed days but not with a warden inside of it Michael good luck all right all right relax you got this good luckie he is slippy did you shower today where is the little stinker oh I know stinkers over here oh hold on hey follow me buddy you dare lead him you're pretty safe from him for now oh zombie right now there's 24 gone to it oh thank you see he did pretty easily yeah very easily hey hey this time I have a stack of emerald blocks in my under chest what that's kind of a deal you can also foreign oh where is he at Iggy ran for it dude I'm gonna die I am too hard all right folks someone's gonna get his stuff Dory Dory clean up crew all right we break this circular glass right here I'm going in are you going in I'm almost there oh oh I don't know oh my God but pangy you wanted to prove that he could do it so all right we'll make sure he's I guarding you all right yeah exactly on me all right all right we're inside the run off things go right here he's gonna fall run it yeah oh oh okay it's on the map he actually got it though I got it I think let's go oh my God you were like a few seconds away from me getting to you bro my good friend here is a stack of emeralds but pinky doubted that the Creator the maze could beat his own game buggy why don't you go one one turn you think I should I should give it a shot I should try yeah yeah let me grab a shelter box then can we make a prediction for slow I can clear this bro three two one he's just standing still right now oh no he found he found you I think yeah he's always oh God he's running yes he's just killing it [Music] even though I failed it was still hilarious seeing them die so of course we had to convince Woogie wait we'll try again yeah this time I have a stack of gold blocks that's worth it I mean do you have any more conduits that was oh my God foreign [Music] you 24 conduits I could make broth in here all right I'm gonna get my totems out all right let's get this you got this all right he's going forward um he might be Aggron on you oh my how close was it I got my 24 gun dude hey I'll give the conduits and sack of gold to you guys if you want to make profit this is your chance right here hey you want to do it oh that's a deal um not that close I mean you have nothing to worry about I'm drawing them away I'm drawing them away hey get your ass in here I know how to get out another round I got this we got this oh my God I'm afraid we'll get access don't be afraid I know exactly where we're going not no way yes it is no I took a wrong turn Boogie you're gonna close I think I'm getting close [Music] oh my God congratulations to both of you okay here is your profits here is your profit congratulations you have made her office why do you have so many conduits by the life eventually Pinky and Wiggy logged off 24 conduits richer while I still had one more goal to complete and that's killing Prince Zam I've got my um iconic weapon of choice I'm ready to take down peepees same was the first victim of PPS however I believed he should have a chance at getting his revenge you know what I've even got a skin to make me do better all right are you ready for this are you ready for this what do you think I'm forcing your price down to 16 bucks no no no no no no no change I'll change I'll change I'm horrified welcome to BB's play time when you cross this line you should shift I didn't actually calculate this I think it's a little farther out but here's the pillow oh God there's pillagers he doesn't hear him hey hey middle middle buddy hey what are you looking at I'm going in I'm going and I'm going in where are you guys at we're at behind the level running through the thing you are doing well right now it's not near you oh my God oh my God the pillagers are on top I think you're fine actually oh my God except if you go in there oh I'm actually oh I think you're fine oh my where the do I go I'm so screwed what the what the hey hey oh my god dude dude there you go oh my god there you go oh my God congratulations oh my God there's your emeralds why do you look like that I'm Joseph joestar now if you want to earn the rest of the stack do you want to go for double or nothing give me back a totem um oh my God you should be fine I know they actually based Five Nights at Freddy's off of poopies and pee-pee you're not allowed to map out the exit you're supposed to fall down all right sorry all right clutch oh I think he's fine bacon he's right by the door dog you think he's fine or at least enter now well I have it just oh my god oh he left oh no it didn't it okay all right I haven't distracted I haven't distracted all right you should be good to enter now good luck all right I don't know it's moving over it's over it's over oh my God all right bacon you ready for cleanup crew however one super Warden is pretty powerful but very soon you will see an entire Army of super mobs attack lifesteal because I'm uploading a video on this every day for this month and each one is going to get crazier and crazier until the 30th day which is when all will be revealed in the Wormhole will finally be opened
Channel: Spoke
Views: 269,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival, wormhole
Id: lFlrRycJlGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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