Reddit Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the reddit mod that's right dudes as you guys can see we have a custom among us map and our job is to survive as you guys can see i have some tasks and those tasks are the tasks i'll use to escape now if i go over here you'll notice yep there's some stuff here oh they're all i'm the cute oh wait i'm gonna have you i'm gonna move puppies i'm more puppies i'm voting puppies puppies wait you think puppies are cuter than me no but i you know what i figured i'd vote for puppies because i like puppies what happens when you win dude this is this this is the genie oh i joined i got 500 i got 500 boats nice nice ice i'm gonna go to the next one which is down here somewhere let's see let's see yeah whoa who's funnier how do i how do i open more open no so we're all okay okay this is is this possible is this even possible oh can we go all the way over here know oh god oh oh i win let's go baby oh you're kidding me i'm sorry people why would you do that wait a minute why why did he just slice him in half because he lost the mini game oh no what is fun funnier okay let's do i mean i got i got the winning i got the winning one and i can't vote on my own no wait wait a second wait wow funny between food and food did you just vote for his no way no way help help are you kidding me i they voted for his okay okay okay i gotta do tasks oh food is the best oh oh i got this i got this i got this what's yours gonna be what's yours what's yours what's yours what's yours oh brother that's my favorite i love brussels sprouts okay we need oh wait there's pizza right here wait oh wait that's not oh that's that's how i need people to come vote i think you can vote dan joel's you know you know i voted for you earlier singles i voted for you earlier pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza yes get it together okay okay okay let's go to the next game next game next game oh there's henry's dead guys henry's dead uh let's see we'll do this easy easy dumb [Music] get away from that sunday sunday sunday sunday everyone about minecraft vote minecraft guys no oh oh i won i won you guys you're you're one i won by a lot but i get points since i voted for you oh what is this there's someone dead down there oh i'm gonna download this real quick now the goal is to finish all my tasks and then we can escape but we've got to make sure we don't get caught by the imposter so we'll see what happens we've got two tasks left in electricals let's go do that real quick upload this bad boy wait what wait wait wait wait help oh my gosh oh my gosh you almost you almost just let me die you almost legit just let me die wait what happened well how did he lose his up votes i don't know oh what is that what does that thing do it'll explode and kill all of us there's votes that's a bomb okay the imposter can drop bombs oh my gosh you do a lot of bad things to me then oh oh i think the door just saved us the door just saved us sunday give them my phone i just vomited my own votes i didn't see they would you were behind the door i'm gonna get them oh no get out of there get out of there get out of there get out of there pat oh [Music] [Music] i just threw up my votes on the other side of this wall i have zero wait let's get him okay no i'll go get him no i'll go get him i got him i got him i got him i got him this guy didn't know that we could that we can cheat wait where'd all your votes go [Music] [Music] this is not good this is not good at all this has been an absolute nightmare all all my friends are are getting chopped up smushed behind me was dead up top oh gosh i don't even know who's left i haven't even seen anybody wait done [Music] hey how many upvotes do you need to get out of here this is this is not good oh my oh my hey kkk how many upvotes do you need to leave [Music] wait where'd you get that oh i think she's dead oh thank you kate i thank you so much what is it hey nico okay let's go and open this board gary nico my favorite man oh what just happened i was typing what just what just oh no oh no oh this is bad this is bad take nico take nico take me go don't take us where'd he go oh hey gary look comes you monster oh no see that i'm helping you wait you're helping me yeah the imposter's working with you killed my best friend biffle you're my best redditor that's why i'm the best rider oh come here we're going to steal from nico okay okay where are we going hey nico what the heck is going on listen i can explain it's uh it's complicated but come up top come come come you see this door nico well i can escape um i'm the best redditor but nico you're not so you're 15 000 yeah i'm pretty popular um so nico i hate to break it to you but uh you're not you're not a good redditor i'm sorry man yep okay goodbye reddit mod see ya he was the worst [Music] goodbye i'm the reddit mod uh oh okay let's transform let's see what this guy can do i can go invisible i can throw my hat and see what it looks like oh it literally just throws a hat oh and it comes back cool cool karma i can make people throw up karma which is pretty cool let's see let's see who what no one noticed that was dangerous i almost made a mistake seven i have seven votes yay sunday win sunday win it's okay before don't cry it's gonna be okay dude it's gonna be okay i promise oh what was that what hello i can't hear i can't breathe look at this oh i just blew up had we guys vote for me look it's not zadoya who is the door it's obviously zod come on hopefully come on give me your puzzle people die what is going on nico just lost point right now please just [ __ ] let's ban i just banned ian is anyone down there oh he's done for not gonna make it i have to save him it's the only way uh anybody um i almost saved him um well i guess he's dead now help i guess i did that i'm uh i'm sorry ian didn't mean to kill him like that but i i i was gonna troll him a little bit but he sort of got wrecked to be honest all right let's have throw somebody oh wait we can oh wait wait check this out we can have throw pat [Music] dude that is so op okay okay there's the bomb i put the bomb down [Music] dang dude that thing is that thing is bad okay okay let's go back over there and let's mess with them a little bit wait i can take down okay okay i can go up to these boards and take them down what is down voting let me see oh it makes it nico are you good he's getting down voted so that means all his upboats are going down got it got it got it or island boy neither of these are funny you know what i'm taking this one down oh hell wait no no run them on just cancel the vote right about just cancel yep i just canceled that vote we're not voting for that one we're not voting for that one let's see let's go ahead and ban hammer nico no one to be over there to save him now no one saved nico oh he's dead oh he's dead down there look at him look at him goodbye nico oh no one even tried to save him that's the thing i don't think i don't even knew he was in there to be honest this is so much better i have the gold one for you did anyone die no one died i dude i put that right in their face too uh we're just gonna make uh we're gonna make biffle throw up here you know what wait wait let's make kate throw up in here dude son has almost 5 000 now we down vote he's dead [Music] yep it's just that easy it legit is that just that easy i think somebody went down the specimen let's see let's see where they at where they at wait no wait did you just get banned i just banned him right in front of him maybe maybe this is uh deserving oh know what you know okay fine fine fine you're good you're good i just stole them should i ban him again should i ban him again i banned him again will zod save him in time oh no he's gonna save him [Music] well i'm thinking i don't really know oh my god he's he weighed the last second to save him okay okay who's this this sigils no more there's absolutely no more saving oh who are you what what was that what hello [Music] guys guys he's here [Music] uh i guess it's time for me to expose you guys i am the reddit mod i've been working very hard to be where i am today and i want to let you guys all know that you're all terrible redditers especially sigils is terrible you know what i'm going to vote for life life is better life is better i even gave it a golden star not dead no you're just stunned you don't die silly i'm the best wait if i win dude that would have been sick if it would have killed them all that would have been absolutely amazing wait who's here kate what are you doing over here kate no pandas nope no pandas no pandas oh wait someone's trying to escape who's look at the judge about to escape you literally okay that that was not supposed to happen he was not supposed to escape oh i missed all right that's it that's it i'm going on a rampage now we're gonna vomit kate we still have a lot of people left okay hi guys hey everybody oh sorry man sorry dude i'm just gonna just gonna blow just gonna blow you up real quick you assistance done to leave this is your fault okay who else is next oh look they're trying to leave they're trying to leave wait for it wait for it [Music] you know what's actually great i can just [Music] light mode dudes absolute rampage okay okay the last person's actually at the bottom and it's singles and he's about yes [Laughter] if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to drop like if you're new around here hit the subscribe button i'll see you guys tomorrow bye dudes
Channel: GarryBlox
Views: 405,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among us, among us mod, among us modded, among us imposter, ssundee among us, among us ssundee mod, funny ssundee, among us tips, funny moments, funny, sabotage, how to win, crewmates, ssundee, sunde among us, among us sunde, mods, modded, sigils, biffle, henwy, new among us mod, new among us map, best among us mods, among us update, among us dlc, among us modes
Id: aHSaeoVjZbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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