This is NOT FSR 3. It's better! But also worse! AMD Fluid Motion Frames

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this is the 7900 XTX running cyberpunk Phantom Liberty at the ray tracing Ultra preset and it seemed like we were getting around 90 frames per second I mean sure fsr2 quality is on but wait how the heck is it getting uh well about 85 frames per second right now and why does the frame rate dip massively when I move my camera quickly why am I dropping down into the 40s well that's because the games only sort of running at about well back up to around 84 frames per second now what's going on well if you have a 7000 series GPU let me kick off this overlay so it gets out of the way and kick on a different overlay this is AMD fluid motion frames it's available currently only on the 7000 series gpus and only if you download a specific beta driver this enables frame generation in pretty much any dx11 or dx12 game so even though right now fsr3 is only available in Immortals of avium and for spoken which let's face it people are a lot less interested in right now than games like cyberpunk or Starfield this sort of enables fsr3 now what do I mean by sort of well couple of things first let me kick that overlay back on and why am I using amd's overlay couple of reasons number one because actually in this version of the overlay it can tell you the frame gen lag in other words that's not the average uh total latency for the PC right now the frame gen lag is the additional milliseconds of latency being added by frame generation right now and currently it's about 23 milliseconds which you know is somewhat noticeable but isn't the end of the world however notice again I move my mouse quickly and watch the FPS numbers 48 I'm gonna stop moving my mouse quickly and we are back to around 95 actually about 98 now so again what the heck is going on this seems really strange well here's the thing so what's going what this is doing what what uh AMD fluid motion frames is doing is applying interpolated frames through the driver again to pretty much any dx11 or dx12 game you just click a button and your frame rate goes up it's pretty cool however because it's done through the driver level it doesn't have access to things like motion vectors that the game would be feeding into the actual fsr3 implementation which means if things you know started moving quickly it would probably have a very difficult time maintaining maintaining image quality at fast speeds which means their solution at least currently again this is just a beta version of the product is to just disable the feature on Fast Mouse move now unfortunately the time when you would most want a high frame rate is when your mouse is moving quickly because that's when you would want you know the increased motion fluidity because you know when you're uh not moving quickly you don't really need that high frame rate by the way you should also mention that you're watching a 60 frames per second YouTube video right now which means that you cannot really experience the frame rate difference that I'm experiencing in person and unfortunately unlike fsr3 which you could probably run on your GPU if you have one of the games that supports it well this supports pretty much any dx11 or dx12 game this only supports the 7000 series gpus so if you don't have one of those unfortunately you cannot try this out right now even if you have an earlier AMD product like the 6000 series anyway uh it's still a very interesting thing though right uh the fact that we could do this um but again I I just really find the fact that we need to be able to um uh basically not move the mouse quickly to kind of defeat the purpose now on slow Mouse movements and like standing still the cars driving by and things like that I'm not noticing you know huge amounts of motion artifacts or anything but again it's kind of kind of silly also I should mention it has um the opposite uh interaction with vsync to uh what we're getting from fsr3 so in my fsr3 video I explained that AMD wants you to use vsync so hopefully you're hitting your monitor's maximum refresh rate uh and actually frame rate capping at half the monitor's maximum refresh rate and then using vsync cap when you're using fsr3 at least in its current state AMD fluid motion frames are ideally going to be um not using vsync and instead relying on variable uh refresh rate um as you go now I have decided to turn on a controller so I'm using a controller now I just switched away from my mouse and I'm curious yeah okay so spinning the the controller quickly also triggers uh the low um the low frame rate uh not low frame rate but the disables the the fluid motion so um I was wondering if this would be something that would work better on controllers I actually think that might be the case because you can see here if I just kind of run around uh steering and things like that um you know the quick the quick turnaround not too crazy terrible um and it does kick back on but again that seems to be the biggest downside to the technology now I'd love to show you the image quality here but again you really can't pick up on the high frame rate smoothness in a YouTube video you just can't however I could right now I'm on the RT Ultra preset um uh with dlss uh sorry fsr2 quality however we could do things like disable motion blur and um things like that if we want to try to get at least some look at the image quality maybe turn off frame grain and chromatic aberration as well uh if we want to get uh something of a better better look at it in motion I think with those features disabled especially the motion blur uh disabled I thought the car in motion moving by did show a little bit more uh motion artifacting and again I'm going to try kind of panning the camera with a with a controller by the way if you see screen tearing um again I'm capturing video for a YouTube video at a locked 60 frames per second and again um I'm not going to enable vsync on this so uh yeah we're just gonna the screen tearing wouldn't necessarily be happening if you want a variable refresh rate display uh but again this is kind of what we're seeing panning panning through here I'm kind of interested in looking at the vehicles driving by seeing if you see any kind of judder on their motion I feel like I do see a little bit of judder on the motion so in other words this doesn't feel like a perfect implementation or anything like that um we could turn fluid motion frames off now and take a look at the difference so with fluid motion frames off uh you can see now that we're about 50 frames per second or so um and again I feel like actually the car is driving by in motion don't have as much judder on them so while this seems like a very cool idea and a very cool feature it's not necessarily um I I think where we need it to be yet but again if it does mature um I'd be very interested what they can do with it the downside though is I'm not sure how far you can go with this uh without getting the motion Vector data for games so I think in the end the better option would be to have something um you know just get fsr3 like officially implemented in in more games uh now I was thinking it might be interesting to drive around in the vehicle a little bit um because let's see let's actually kick the fluid motion frames back on and I'm curious about um if driving the vehicle is going to trigger um the the camera sorry the the fluid motion frames off because turning the vehicle does not have a you know it's a keyboard input not a mouse uh here I guess I'll turn around at least um but it's not a mouse input right it's also not a controller input I'm using my keyboard keyboard to turn so here we can at least move at high speeds with the fluid motion frames enabled but again you're getting 60 frames per second YouTube Capture so you're still not again getting to to really see it in person um again in motion like I said I I do feel like there's a little bit of of judder to things as they pan quickly um so again not really uh perfect smoothness so overall conclusion on this is that it's a very cool idea and I do hope that it matures again remember this is a preview build of this and it is very possible that we could get something um you know uh better in the future uh but yeah with the with the main thing being that if it just disables on a quick Mouse motion it it seems fairly silly and um again like I said I do feel like there's also a little bit of motion judder and um I'm staring at frame rate counters while driving so so uh that's pretty much that uh it is a cool feature but a lot of people are asking me to test it out and I do think that in its its current state I don't think feel too bad that it's not available also I should mention again I can't remember if I said this earlier in the video currently the performance metrics don't display correctly unless you're using amd's own software overlay which is again what we're seeing here if I try to use like MSI afterburner for example it's not going to work um to actually show us the uh the frame rates so if you're not aware um if you go to the performance tab in your uh AMD driver software so if you press alt R it opens your AMD driver software in the game you can go to the overlay and you can kick it on and off although there is a hotkey for that and the hotkey is uh what is it Ctrl shift o I believe let me try that out Ctrl shift o yep Ctrl shift o is the overlay by the way I really do like amd's overlay and I love that at least this version of the driver's has the um the frame gen lag built in I'm actually curious if that's going to work in an fsr3 uh game so I think my next job is I'm going to test out fsr3 on some AMD gpus including using this driver on the 7000 series and seeing if that frame drag frame gen lag uh Works maybe I can uh throw a couple side by sides in here if I have time as well at the end of the video I can't stress enough that while you watch the side by side here you remember you're watching a locked 60 frames per second YouTube capture of a variable refresh rate experience that was not at a lock 60 frames per second so judder and Screen tearing in other words like I don't know how useful this really is but I figured people would want to see at least one side by side we can at least see some performance numbers here and so it is interesting that the base frame rate which you can see underneath the overlay reported by the actual Benchmark is a bit lower on the right hand side this is a bit of a underlying performance cost and then the generation happens but the generation does almost double the actual uh frame rate which is certainly interesting I also don't think I mentioned earlier in the video that this preview was also not compatible with HDR so another little bit of a downside to it but anyway My overall thoughts on this is that if they could make it actually work well in motion on a fast Mouse movement this might actually be something pretty interesting and it is currently just a preview so I am interested to see what they do in the future but I think in its current state don't feel too bad if you can't play around with this but again very interested where this goes in the future as a potentially cool feature
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 139,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eGfIAjQNsMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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