AMD's Most Underrated Feature Nvidia Hopes stays Hidden (AFMF is Goated)

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so you can see in the top left corner of the screen that we're at about 85 FPS right now Starfield doesn't support any kind of frame generation or anything yet you can flick a button and turn it up to 156 FPS or 157 all of a sudden we're doubling our frame rate and yeah it feels a lot smoother when I'm playing with it here and this is a technology from AMD called AMD fluid motion frames otherwise known as AF MF or what I like to call it as mother but for the first time in a long time we're actually seeing AMD come out ahead of Nvidia in terms of features offering something that's completely different and unparalleled adding at the very least competition to the market and that's what we as consumers want to see because For the Longest Time Nvidia has been sitting on top of their Throne basically Untouchable in terms of features with rate tracing dlss frame Generation all of this Cuda support reflex technology but all the sudden AMD has feeling like that that they're catching up but all of this doesn't matter if ammf isn't good so let's go and check out all of the pros and cons break it down in depth in this video Let's jump in What AF MF does is actually at the driver level of any 7,000 series graphics card from AMD then you can flick a switch and it will use frame generation to double the frame rate perceivably of any direct X11 or direct X12 game now this does come at the cost of latency just like any other their frame generation technology does you can see in the top left corner of the the screen just from using frame generation we're adding about another 20 millisecs of latency so because it's integrated into the driver yes it does make a game feel smoother but there's no way it doesn't have downsides you can't just make a one- siiz fits-all solution and it just works for any single game that's out there that's impossible when you move the mouse quickly so I'm like spinning around the mouse a lot okay you can see that it completely turns off in the top left Corner we went from 150 fps to like 80 now okay but then if I stand still and just look at a straight line it'll go up to like 160 again because it doesn't actually have access to the game's code it doesn't know where things are moving so when you move your mouse quickly it would look so bad that AMD just decided to just turn it off yeah that does kind of suck because it's probably when you would most want to have you know more frames is when you were spinning around your mouse a lot that is one downside of using this technology however this does come up worse in firstperson games like Starfield here because you have to move your mouse around a lot but what's interesting about Starfield is we can actually go into third person and in this mode you can see a lot more things around you and you don't have to turn your mouse nearly as much in order to you know play the game properly with normal camera movements and stuff we're not seeing the FPS uh drop nearly as far as we did when we're in first person so you can get you can take more advantage of AF MF when you're in a third third person game but it's not only that aspect where if you move your mouse too quickly that it turns off but also ammf has some problems with visual artifacts unfortunately because I'm on a single PC setup I can't show you guys this whenever I record from internally on the same PC it actually only records the base frame rate of the game so that's why I want to bring you guys out of here and just kind of point the camera at the screen with 120 FPS and see if we can pick out some of these visual artifacts in these games and see if it is like too much to play with or anything like that okay so we're in Starfield here I'm recording at 1080p so unfortunately won't be as sharp but it's at 120 FPS so this might be able to display some of the issues that we can run with you can see that we're up to like 150 FPS you can see some small issues with it so you can see with the HUD here as I turn the mouse way more distracting on this gun so you can see like a ghosted image of it here it's not not absolutely unbearable but it's something that you can definitely notice motion blur is not on right now by the way so any like motion blurriness that you're seeing is because it's doing this so you can see especially when I'm running around there's some more going on with the HUD there and it can be especially more apparent if you go into first person when you really focus on things but what's kind of funny is that there's like this range of how fast you can move your mouse so like if you move your mouse too fast you can see in the top left corner that it just turns off but if you move your mouse you know just fast enough that you get visual artifacts then you'll actually start to notice things you can kind of eliminate this issue if you have certain scenarios so let's go and check this out in another game so we're in Risk of Rain 2 now and this might seem like a pretty random game to be testing this in like oh your FPS is already at like 300 because it's not that demanding however I want to show some things that come up with frame generation in a game where you do have a lot of FPS because what ammf is doing is interpolating the frames in between two real frames so that can really change obviously if you have a lot of frames so we saw those visual artifacts in Starfield let's go and turn on ammf in Risk of Rain 2 here you can see that we were at like 300 FPS and now we're at over 500 but you have to take into account because there's so many frames in between them I'm not seeing like any artifacts with the HUD here and it looks really good I still think the latency is really great right now we're at like 10 milliseconds of added latency so yeah this this can make it a lot smoother and in the game like this I know it doesn't seem like that crazy but in Risk R 2 when you get to late game and there's a lot of stuff going on on the screen tons of effects and everything your FPS can drop even with a higher end GPU like the 7800 XT it can drop pretty dramatic atically so um this really can help you if you want to keep your your smoothness of your game up especially at the late game apparently like 500 HZ monitors are starting to come out right now and you know with ammf on we can get over 500 FPS which means that you could use the full refresh rate of your monitor whereas we're like 300 here still very playable performance not anything bad but it's kind of a an interesting use case so it's also really interesting and risk range to that I want to show you guys now I know some games have a funny thing that a lot of us love to hate and that is an FPS cap in most games you can manually do this as well that's what I'm going to display it here I can visually see that looks a lot less smooth with a 60fps cap in Risk arain 2 here however with the ammf and you guys unfortunately can't see me doing this but I just turned it on and we're now at 120 FPS that means that with ammf in any DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 game you can get around an FPS limit and one of the main games that comes to mind I would say is probably Elden ring so not only is Elden ring one of those games where you have a third person view which is the best Advantage for ammf in general but also Elden ring has a 60fps cap now a lot of you guys are probably going to crucify me cuz I can't test that because I don't own Elden ring and I probably should buy it at some point but I haven't bought it yet so can use ammf to get around FPS caps that's awesome okay so we're in four Spoken Here I know this isn't the most popular game but it has a really cool feature that will be coming out to other games that is FSR 3.0 frame Generation Now what we can do is actually try to combine both the doubling effect of FSR 3 and the doubling frame effect of AF MF so first let's go ahead inter turn turn on ammf in this game you can see that we were at like 80 FPS before and now we're at like or maybe we're at like 70 and now we're at around 140 I can feel it there's a little bit more latency going on here but I don't think it's that bad it does look quite a bit smoother when it comes down to it here now let's go ahead and turn on FSR 3.0 and yeah this is going to be wild you can see we're at 140 FPS before now we're at like 240 240 FPS and this goes pretty crazy now this can definitely be seen as cheating for the FPS and I wouldn't disagree the game shouldn't really be this smooth and there is a decent amount of latency from what I was able to find but visually what's interesting is that it doesn't look that bad it's just the only thing is the latency so like I'm trying to like see like major issues obviously when you whip around the mouse faster it you're going to lose the ammf frames hopefully AMD doesn't start advertising this where where they'll be like oh you can you can have a base frame rate of 70 FPS but if you turn on FSR performance mode then you can get up to 100 and then if you turn on ammf then you can get to you know 200 200 FPS and then if you turn on FSR 3.0 frame generation then you can get up to like 400 hopefully they don't start advertising this what is kind of nice about this so yes the latency is a little bit worse from my experience in my testing however you can also use 240 HZ monitors kind of to their fullest potential in a game that you realistically wouldn't be able to run that FPS anyways so this gives you that option that otherwise wouldn't be available to you and it doesn't feel completely unplayable now is it perfect no I wouldn't use this in a competitive multiplayer game ever this this isn't meant for that but in a single player game where you where smoothness can be really cool this is honestly a pretty usable feature and you can see our FPS kind of hovering here you guys can't see what these new generated frames actually look like except for the ones from FSR 3.0 you can't see what ammf looks like but man it does feel pretty smooth and you're only seeing a 60 FPS video as well pretty crazy stuff let's go and check another game too what I really want to show you is that this game is famous F like CPU limited and you can see that our GPU is at like 90% right now this is a 7800 XT and then the CPU I have in this system is a 5800 x3d so a very fast CPU let's go ahead and test out using like ammf that can work in every game to get around a CPU limitation okay so let's press this button turn it on and you can see that we went from like 100 fps to 200 FPS so in a game like this and we're adding about 16 millisecs of latency because even though it's CPU limited we can still get our FPS higher which is a really cool scenario to be in and does it look better now this is a a good case for this for this like um frame generation technology because you actually don't move your mouse a whole lot in Spider-Man when it comes down to it Spider-Man Miles Morales doesn't really have any HUD elements that are tracking your screen so you actually don't run into that many issues so if you're in a game where there isn't a distracting HUD then honestly it might be pretty good I feel like the sides of his head are kind of like clipping away almost you see that there's some issues in motion but man overall it does feel smoother like this is something it's adding about 20 Mill seconds of delay I don't think it feels bad whatsoever in a single player game like this it's kind of like a why not use it CPU limitations you can get around them with this okay so ammf it is a pretty freaking cool technology that is relatively Niche but can be really freaking powerful so especially in games where you have an FPS cap you can get past that with ammf I think that is great you can make games that are capped at 60 FPS look ahead heck of a lot smoother but third person games as well you don't have to move the mouse as quickly and that means that you could actually use this feature in it as well you get more advantages with ammf the higher the base FPS is because the less difference between each frame then that means that it doesn't have to interpolate as much data that makes it really powerful if you want to like max out the refresh rate on a monitor but you're you're already starting at like 200 to 300 FPS with that though it does have its downsides it can't like when you whip around the camera it turns itself off that's obviously a big downside that basically makes it unplayable with firstperson games especially if you're at lower FPS and that's the other part is the higher the FPS that you have the better Advantage you're going to get with the ammf and with the 7800 XT like I was testing here today it's a pretty fast graphics card and can usually hit that limit but if you're on a lower end card then you might not be able to get that and that makes ammf like a winning more type of thing you already have to have a high base frame rate in order to get the best results with it then there's also artifacts to it and issues with the image quality so it's not just like free frames or anything like that especially when the FPS was lower to begin with and then it was doubling after the fact that games can look a lot less sharp when it comes down to it and that would make sense to me but especially in cyberpunk here when on The Benchmark run now that kind of makes it a toss-up scenario do you want to use ammf and get a less like sharp image or would you prefer the smoothness but also the blurriness that comes with ammf that is like kind of a personal preference thing also you get a little bit of latency with ammf it isn't always that bad especially if you're at a higher base frame rate there's kind of a checklist you have to run down to see if it'd be good for whatever game that you're playing it with but because it's compatible with every directx11 every direct X12 game that means that you can just kind of try it you could just turn it on any game see if you like it if you don't like it just turn it off and if you prefer to get more FPS by turning down settings or using upscaling instead then this is just a feature that's just another option and that is a good thing to have we like options on PC and we'll also see because this is a preview driver we're going to have to see how ammf like performs in the future is it going to be compatible with more AMD gpus down the line I hope so like I really hope so and is it going to like get better visually who knows I'm I'm not 100% sure and only time's going to tell with that but it's in it's very infin stages and it's still looking pretty freaking good right now and what's really interesting is NVIDIA doesn't have this feature on their gpus would this be something that Nvidia is going to try to hop on to because this is a pretty cool feature I don't think it's exactly going to sell AMD gpus but it has a potential to let me know what you guys thought about ammf hopefully I was able to break down some things especially with avoiding FPS caps and games and you know when you move things type of artifacts that you can see and visual bugs and stuff like that anyways though that's been it for me hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next video [Music] peace
Channel: Vex
Views: 95,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: afmf, amd fluid motion frames, amd, nvidia, underated, underrated
Id: d3AvuaYx0kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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