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in today's video we're testing what you can and cannot get through with a cast cutting saw [Applause] not long ago i was watching a tv show called royal pains and in one episode someone got skewered through by a post a fence post from like a chain-link fence they ran into a construction zone stabbed through their torso and in a very heroic idea one of the doctors grabs their cast cutting saw to try and cut the pipe so that they can safely move the patient and i was very curious if that was something that could actually work like it seemed like it was working in the show i think they then stopped because there was like spilled gasoline nearby and they didn't want to have an explosion but they were successfully cutting the pipe and i gotta say it sounded like it was nonsense to me but i wanted to test it so i went ahead and got a cast cutting saw here's the basic idea we want to test the idea that a cast cutting saw is strong enough to get through metal as seen in a tv show we also want to test what else it can and maybe can't get through if you're trying to cut stuff we've got our saw it feels pretty heavy like good solid strong motor in there or you know maybe they just added some lead weight so it feels that way it's got three blades a small circle a big circle and a little blade like this and if you're not familiar with cast cutting saws they are what are called oscillating saws which means that the whole blade it doesn't actually spin it just moves back and forth in a fairly short travel distance when you're cutting something rigid like a cast that should work pretty well because while it can cut back and forth and attack the rigid thing when it gets to your skin because it's not actually traveling very far at all it can't cut you like it's not supposed to be able to cut through skin or even cut skin at all which is really good for the safety of the patients i think it also is supposed to help heat up less so you know less chance of burning so what we're going to do today is test this against a few different things to start off i got a hold of something called fiber fix this is basically the same stuff that casts are made out of slightly different formulation maybe it's designed for pairing tools and stuff but it's very very similar in principle and it's a lot easier to get your hands on than actual cast making supplies so i'm going to throw a little cast onto my own wrist and then i'm gonna see if i can cut it off i've given myself a cast bandage let's see how well this does at cutting it off all right we didn't get through the cloth part as expected so [Applause] okay it didn't go as quickly and easily as i thought it would i can kind of think of a few reasons for that one is that i do have the small blade on here i don't have the full size one so the travel as it oscillates is not going to be as big two this was not wrapped as tightly as a normal cast is so it was moving around more than it probably should have and three is just technique i've never done this before four as a possibility this home version of a cast removal saw isn't as good as the medical ones all possibilities all right well i think it's time to test what else this is going to work against we know it can do something against the cast material but what about that metal bar that they had in the tv show and what about other softer metal and how well does it really prevent you from cutting your own skin let's see if it pops a balloon while it's turned on that feels pretty encouraging about it not cutting skin so now i'm just going to test it on myself so i would say that it's about as damaging as poking yourself with it when it's not turned on you can feel it because it is vibrating and you can see the little marks that are left in my skin but there's no cut there's no abrasion you know my skin isn't really damaged it's just been poked a little bit and this is on the less strong part of my skin like on my forearm compared to like my fingertips and my palm where it really just didn't do anything like this was uncomfortable on my palm nothing just buzzes well we can see what happens if we install the larger blade if that happens to make a difference we got the bigger blade on here which means the motor is going to be twisting the same amount but the teeth should have more travel distance because we have a wider radius now let's see if we can feel it any different on our finger [Music] no it's still fine like maybe it's a tiny bit scratchier i don't know for the most part it felt just the same and i do want to take the piece of cast that i cut off and see if the larger blade makes any difference in how well it cuts [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's hard to brace against anything right now but it did seem like the larger blade really helped it cut through the cast a lot faster that tiny bit more travel distance as it oscillates back and forth really seems to matter so i do want to do something that demonstrates how this is not moving because it's a round blade it looks like it's spinning and we can also put this blade on which will illustrate the effect but i wanted to do something else when it's turned on it looks pretty much the same as a moving blade it's just a vibrating blur and you can't tell really if it's spinning or static but i'm just going to draw a little line right here and if the whole blade were spinning that line would sort of evenly blur all the way around the circle but that's not going to happen you can kind of see these three bigger marks i touched to the blade while it was moving and these smaller ones are what i put when it wasn't moving so you can see the movement that we get out of it moves sideways it also slid a little bit because as it's vibrating it doesn't have as much friction on the surface of the marker but i think this demonstrates pretty well how the blade isn't spinning anywhere it's just fixed in one spot moving back and forth just a little bit all right i've got here a piece of ducting which i believe is a thin steel but it's rigid and it's thin so i think this has a decent chance of being cut through before we possibly ruin the blade on some other stuff let's give this a shot [Music] i'm not getting very far so i got some scratches on the surface of it uh very very slight dent on the inside and this is this is not hard durable stuff let's see if i can get through this that does pretty good if you look on the inside of the pipe you can see i cut all the way through it's a decently thick wall of pvc the rigidity of pvc combined with the not as hard as metal nature actually works quite nicely so it's not the most efficient way to cut through this but if you happen to have this kind of saw and a piece of pvc it'll cut through it and i do think that even though i was worried about the heat it seems like it was cutting more than it was melting it was also melting but it was mostly cutting so pvc pretty good it works okay if i had to cut the length of this whole pipe i wouldn't really be thrilled with it but i could do it got too long of a wooden dowel let's see if i can trim it all right again not the greatest tool for this job we've just got a couple other things we're just gonna test can you cut through an apple yes quick test i'm gonna see if i can cut through an apple when it's turned off yes it was a little bit harder but not a lot harder can it get through a piece of white bread i would say the answer is yes but it struggles a little bit on the crust which is both very movable and slightly tougher than the inside portions writers for the tv show royal pains did you have any idea what you were talking about when you showed someone using a cast saw to cut through fencing pipe this specifically is pipe designed for fences also in the show there was like a lot of sparks being thrown off i bet we get zero sparks i have no idea how long it would take to cut through this pipe with this saw blade if indeed it's at all possible now i will admit i looked up and was able to find the same model of saw that they were using in the tv show or at least i'm like 95 sure that i found the same one cost more like three or four thousand dollars it's a pretty high end cast saw and this is not a medical grade one this is one from amazon so maybe they had a better saw and maybe the really nice saws come with much harder blades maybe they had a much harder steel or even a carbide bladed saw it didn't show enough details of the blade to really know that but i doubt it because there's not really a reason to have carbide bladed saws for cutting a cast as you saw this works great for cutting off the cast it did a good job especially with the larger wheel and even though this is a fairly thin layer and somewhat still flexible it cut through it pretty easily so i don't know any reason why they would use anything more intense than just the steel that is on here but i'm also not a doctor and i don't design medical implements so i guess it's possible that something else existed i just don't think so i think the writers thought we're just gonna say that this works and no one's gonna test it but i did test it and i thought i didn't think that's gonna work and i was right you cannot cut through a steel fencing pipe with a cast saw and even if you try it doesn't make sparks there were no sparks whatsoever here all right guys i hope that you are satisfied with the testing i've done with this cast saw if there's anything else you'd like to see me test with it or any other similar tests you'd like to see us do let us know down in the comments that is it for today but we've got tons of cool videos for you to check out hit that box right there to see one of our favorites and see in the next one talk to you then you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 705,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cast saw, saw, cutting with a saw, how to take a cast off, how are casts taken off, popping balloon, metal, cutting metal, pvc, cutting pvc pipe, testing a cast saw, saw can't cut skin, how to not cut skin, safe saw, safely sawing, king of random, tkor, random happens, king of random saw, tkor cutting, tkor balloon, king of random balloon, balloon experiment, tkor saw, nate, calli, grace, kennan, tkor metal, king of random metal cutting, tkor build, tkor test, kennen
Id: 0VIk2zKpwn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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