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[Music] if you were to ask me what the best dedicated emulation handheld is If Money Was No Object I would ask why you don't just get a steam deck and put em deck on it but if you wanted one device that just did emulation and that's it then a has been making the best stuff for quite some time their last Android device was the in Odin 2 it's just an Android device so you start off with a clean slate but it's extremely easy to set up with emulators and the in Odin 2 is extremely powerful it can emulate whatever console you want all the way up to even Nintendo switch if you try hard enough what we're talking about today is the in Odin 2 mini this one is the exact same thing with the exact same internals but it has this gorgeous mini LED screen the whole device is way way prettier it looks an awful lot like a big PlayStation VA but more than that it just looks and feels really premium and it should feel premium because it's $400 with that price point it's hard to justify getting something like this you can get a steam deck for around the same price and that could play whole AAA brand new PC games this is an extremely powerful Android device so maybe it's worth it if there's some Android games that you want to play or maybe you want something that's small and you don't care about modern PC games I guess or maybe you just like collecting Niche emulation handheld well then from that perspective I I guess I understand the hype before we go any further I have to drill this into your head Factor hungry 50 this video is sponsored by Factor they have an exciting new technology it's called lunch Factor's fresh and never frozen meal is already in Just 2 minutes all I have to do is heat and enjoy you can skip the grocery store prep work and cooking fatigue instead get Chef curated dietician approved meals delivered right to your doorstep you don't even have to think about it it's just there and they even got smoothies and juices and wellness shots I didn't even have to read the script it's drilled into my head like it should be drilled in yours Factor hungry 50 that way if the description deletes itself this time you'll know where to go again click the link below cuz that's got some tracking in it or something hi my name is Bob I've been using factor for a while now because sometimes I forget to eat and then whoa there it is in the fridge all ready to go I just pop in the microwave for 2 minutes or 7 Minutes in the oven I like to do the oven I don't like microwaves I think the the government uses them to try to pin us against each other politically and you can try it for yourself over at what was it let me hear you say it you're so you're so good now get you 50% off of your first Factor box and 20% off of your next meal that's so generous let everybody say thank you factor or click the link below because there is a link this time the second I took this thing out of the box I was kind of in awe of how nice it looked it does look an awful lot like aita but is significantly larger than my slim one here but that doesn't mean the whole thing is large it's a good size it's significantly smaller than an original in Odin 2 and even a switch light it feels really good too it has analog triggers and clicky bumpers the analog sticks feel significantly better than the little nubbins you get on an original Vita but they're small enough where this thing is still pocketable clicky buttons have gotten a bad wrap these days these are clicky in pretty much the exact same way a modern Xbox controllers buttons are clicky but not as clicky as an original V the d-pad however is substantially clicky it feels just like an original V the only thing that I don't like about the buttons here is that the dad is on the bottom I would prefer that on the top because I'm going to be playing mostly retro games on this thing and it'd be more comfortable if it was on the top also that's just where the d-pad is on the original vaita you know the device you're trying to mimic here the speakers are also so loud and the max volume doesn't even diminish the quality all that much is this max [Music] volume it sounds good it's loud the star of the show is this screen it's mini LED this is a significant improvement over the original Odin 2 it's gorgeous it looks a lot like an OLED the black levels aren't supposed to be as deep as OLED but they look pretty damn deep to me the colors are great too they look a lot greener on an OLED switch I did a great job here this thing also has a gyro in it just like a Vita but no touchpad on the back so you're not getting the full Vita experience but you're getting pretty damn close besides all that it is essentially just an in Oden 2 Pro it has the exact same CPU the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and it has the same 12 GB of RAM and the same 256 GB of internal storage so it performs pretty much identically to the in Odin 2 Pro and for that reason I'm not going to be doing all the tests that I normally do with all these emulation handhelds if you want all of that you can just watch the in Odin 2 Pro video just keep in mind that there are three versions of the original in Odin 2 there's the bass there's the pro and then there's the max in that video I showcase the pro and the max I bought the max myself and a lot of that video is using the max the performance difference between the pro and the max is negligible this one the mini does not come in a Max orientation it's only Bas or Pro this one that I have here is the pro back then I reviewed the in Odin 2 from the perspective of somebody who just wanted a super powerful emulation handheld they would probably want to emulate nint Nintendo switch games for that and because of the price breakdown you would probably just want the most powerful device to get the most out of it so I was recommending the max if you wanted to play Nintendo switch games even though the performance difference between the pro and the max was kind of negligible this one doesn't have a Max I don't think that's really that big of a deal but the pro is $400 so it's already more than the pro of the original Odin 2 hey 3716 is not bad that's pretty close to what the Odin 2 max got on my original tests this is pretty good even though it's in a smaller form factor you're paying a little bit of a premium price for a slightly more premium product the form factor is nicer it's way prettier and that screen is great when you first get this thing it's a clean slate it puts you through the setup that any Android device does and it gives you the option to use in's own launcher I do like in's simple launcher so I went with that now I'm lazy so instead of setting up all my emulators myself I used the Android version of muud deck which I made a video on a few months ago since that video they have updated muck for Android I made a YouTube short on it they actually called one of the updates the Bob Edition because of all the issues that I had with it thank you it's a lot better now it still has some issues here and there but it does make your life a little bit easier I had to set up ppsspp vaita 2K and Yuzu pretty much by myself after the setup was done but it got me like 80% of the way through the process and even set me up with a pretty nice launcher Amud deck uses Pegasus that's the launcher you're going to use to launch all your games and the default theme that it comes with looks just fine I should mention that V doesn't show up on the Pegasus launcher you have to launch that outside of Pegasus for some reason even though you can set the Vita folder in the settings it's already there it's already set up but it just doesn't want to show you VA games for some now there are launchers on Android that can help sell that VA look a little bit better there's like the beacon launcher that you can get to look just like a VA home screen but I'm fine with the way the Pegasus looks by default also the VA launcher isn't that good we're only going to be using this to launch our games so I just want a list of all my ROMs that I can easily navigate and Pegasus is just fine for that speaking of ROMs I just pluged this into my computer with the included USBC to USBC cable it's probably the nicest USBC cable that's ever come with any of these things I set usb2 file transfer on the Odin and just dragged my ROMs into the Odin that way it has a Micro SD card slot but 256 GB of internal storage that's more than enough to just put all of my ROMs directly on the device plus it transferred super fast because it's just going from device to device and as you could expect everything emulates amazing on here the screen is only 5 in so you can get away with like 3DS stuff with the two screens but you might want a little bit of a larger screen to stack the two 3DS screens side by side I was also reminded by my chat to get the latest turnup GPU drivers for Dolphin Citra Vita 2K and Yuzu emulation this increases the performance of those emulators by a decent amount dolphin and Citra should cause no problems for you whatsoever VA emulation is still not perfect and Yuzu is just asking a lot for any device speaking of Yuzu that's currently a big no no word because Nintendo took that down a couple of months ago same thing with Citra but it's not too hard to find it with a quick Googling it's very hard to wipe things from the internet forever I decided I'm going to treat this thing a lot differently than I would normally treat an emulation handheld this thing looks at a a lot like a Vita so I'm going to go ahead and play PSP and vaita games on this thing PSP plays fantastic Gran Turismo seems to run just fine look I can even fast forward Jesus I even managed to get my peace Walker safe file on here yes I took it off my hacked VA what you're going to want to do is move the folder that PPSSPP uses for game files put that in your ROMs folder then you can just drag and drop your save files Peace Walker usually runs poorly on most cheap Retro handhelds Peace Walker seems to run mostly good but unfortunately the mission that I'm on in my save file won't load and I can't figure out how to get the turnup drivers to work on here so I guess your mileage will vary here oh come on I don't usually play VA games on any of these retro handhelds I don't think I've ever emulated V games well I learned during this whole process that emulating V games is a huge pain in the ass you have to like install the game files I have hacked Vita I did a video on it a while ago so I figured why not just move my games from my V's micro SD card over to my new fake V that took a very long time to figure out I will link you two of the videos that helped me out during this process they were both by a YouTuber named the new game plus I will say uh those are best watched at two times speed one of those videos was for the game files specifically if you have the cartridge but it also works for downloaded games which is what I had to do and the other one was for save files they're both very helpful the one little note that I'll add is that if you're using a PC you're going to want to change your Windows Explorer settings to unhide protected system files is that exactly what it is unhide protected operating system files in your Windows Explorer settings otherwise your computer won't be able to access a lot of the important vaita files like your games but even after all of this not all games will work on vaita 2K Super Meat Boy and Titan Souls just do not install hell divers does install but constantly crashes Gravity Rush which was the only game I really cared about did work and it worked quite well even my save file worked there were some weird graphical glitches before the turnup drivers after installing the turnup drivers things worked a bit better still not oneto one with a real V but remarkably close even the motion controls just worked I didn't have to map anything thing here I am playing Gravity Rush just like I would on my Vita it's pretty awesome to see now I already feel what you're typing in the comments why would somebody buy one of these $400 things when they can just buy a Vita and if you just want to play vaita games you should just buy a Vita it is the best place to play vaita games and if you want to hack it to play V ROMs it's a bit of a pain in the ass but if you try hard enough you could do it and have a fine time you'd get the Odin 2 mini for V games and everything else that it can do it's a retro game Powerhouse you can emulate older games on a PlayStation vaita but it doesn't do a good job with a lot of them in Ein Odin 2 mini would do a much better job it's easier to get going for retro emulation and it's a lot more versatile than a hacked Vita but still it's hard to justify spending $400 on something like this when the steam deck exists you can get one for the same price and it's a lot more capable it's even more powerful and can play even more stuff because it's built for modern AAA PC games you can't play Elden ring on an I know in 2 mini you can on the seam deck that makes the seam deck clearly the better value it's just that this thing is way way smaller than a steam deck after holding the Odin 2 mini and using it for a bit I kind of get it it is way cooler than the original Odin 2 because of how pocketable it is and how Sleek it looks and this screen is awesome so I don't know if you've got the money to burn I can see why someone would want one of these now I did not purchase this myself this is a review unit that was sent to me by a by my request I asked for it because $400 is a lot I don't want to spend that I made a video a couple months ago about their PC handheld the in Loki and I spent a decent amount of time talking about my buying process with that device just to summarize it it was a show but I did crowdfund the Loki this is already out you can just go to their website and buy it so you should have a much better time getting one of these things if you really want to than you would if you hadn't crowdfund it I will note that in does have a history of just removing SKS from their website so it is possible that in the future this just becomes unavailable they just forget about it wipe it from existence or becomes unsupported by them a lot of companies are Under Fire right now for their bad customer service like Asus recently unfortunately this handheld space is riddled with companies with bad customer service no one is really safe my original steam deck that I purchased is broken the three dots button it thinks it's always held down when it's not I tried taking it apart anything I do doesn't fix it so we submitted an RMA request and it's just outside of warranty it would cost me a couple hundred dollar to get them to fix it my point isn't to swing my influencer this to try to get them to fix it I want to approach this like a normal customer would my point here is that there is no company in this PC or retro handheld space that handles customer service perfectly I don't know why I decided to use the in Odin 2 mini review to talk about this I guess my point here is that this device is not for somebody who is trying to make a sound financial decision this isn't something you'd want to save your money for this isn't going to solve all of your problems I'm not sure how reliable this thing is this is for people who are willing to spend a decent amount of money on a relatively powerful retro handheld that looks and feels premium this is the lambo of retro handhelds you don't drive this thing to Costco you take it out have fun and you hopefully had the money to spend on it I will often get asked by people should I buy this handheld or that handheld and if you have to ask that about the Ein Odin 2 mini the answer is probably no you already know if this one's for you you shouldn't even have to ask so what do you guys think about the Odin 2 mini have you been wanting an Odin and did this finally sell you on it are you still confused why anybody would want to get something like this leave it in the comments will add me on Twitter any need and all this other social media garbage hey maybe there's like an Android game that you play all the time that this would make your life a little easier with Call of Duty mobile war zone mobile has verdance now I think next week is going to be the RG Cube that everybody's already been talking about but you know I like to do a video a week leave me alone I haven't even opened this yet and they told me that they sent me one with a bed screen so we'll see how that looks hey I stream on / wolfen all of the time that's where I set this thing up and had people in the chat help me out with that hey I should probably say that I'm going to be at too many games at the end of the month in Pennsylvania I'm going to be doing a panel with the nerd Nest guys including Retro Game core fan the deck those those guys you can come over there and and see that most important thing you do help support this channel is just subscribe right here and share this video with a friend a friend who is thinking about getting it to Retro handheld or just somebody who loves the Vita so much thank you very much Jesus heaven good week
Channel: WULFF DEN
Views: 139,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wulff Den, WulffDen, Wolf Den, WolfDen, Bob Wulff, Ayn Odin 2, ayn odin, ayn, ayn odin pro, odin, odin pro, handheld emulator, portable emulator, retro handheld, handheld, handheld console, emulation device, emulator, new emulator, new handheld console, roms, retro console, playstation portable, portable gamecube, nintendo switch emulation, switch emulation, odin 2, odin 2 pro, vita emulator, ps vita, new vita, playstation emulator, playstation handheld, PSP
Id: pfkRoYbQCKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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