I Upgraded The PS Vita, Now It's Even Better

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oh hi didn't see you there I may have uh discovered something that I didn't really know before that I didn't think that I would ever really understand because I don't know if I just would have I didn't really understand the length that this was going to go to when I was doing something but I I think I just realized that the PlayStation VA is probably I got to stop saying everything is the best I've ever seen I don't want to keep saying it's the best I've ever seen or something because then you sound like an idiot if you keep saying it it is one of the best things I've ever seen the PlayStation vaita was already a very fun handheld before I even did anything to it now I just picked up the PlayStation vaita for the very first time a couple of weeks ago didn't really know what I was getting myself into to be very honest with you I just thought it was going to I thought it was going to be fun I'm not going to sit here and say that I really had any other expectations for it because it seemed like it would be just from everything I saw on it and it was it was very fun I didn't have to do anything I just had to basically put Need for Speed in the damn handheld I played a little bit on it and then I just you know thought that it was going to be just a thing where I kept buying games and just wanted to keep playing them over and over again after a certain point when I got games I went to the internet and I looked at what I could possibly do to make the PlayStation VA experience a lot more fun and you know what well it is the PlayStation VA after being jailbroken is an absolutely incredible hand handheld console again it already was before that but the fact that it can get better is a little bit insane because we already have good games on the PlayStation vaita a lot of really goodlooking games too especially with the 1,000 model I know it's like a thing where you know I don't know if it's a big deal if you have the original model or a later version but the original model with the OLED screen I find is very nice I haven't really compared it to a later Edition or something so I can't really say the differences I'm guessing it still looks very nice on the later editions but I just like having the original one I'm not a very picky person I I I find I should be actually sometimes but I'm not at all when it comes to specific things how when it comes to getting a TV or something when I moved into my new place and it came to choosing between what TV I wanted where it was a display versus another one I kind of just went with the one I thought was a better price I don't really know if I care that much about the actual screen quality I just wanted to get the original one just to see what it was like I should mention or I will mention I shouldn't mention I will mention it that this is not a guide of what you do to jailbreak the PlayStation vaita it's just going over how I think this is incredible and what you do with it after it's jailbroken and why it is amazing if you want to see how to jailbreak the system there are a couple of guides that I was following very simple very very simple process you don't even need a PC you don't need any type of computer to do this so it's very strange actually I was assuming that that was going to be the case but you don't even need a PC it's just going to a website on the internet browser and downloading a file and then doing a couple things after that very simple if I'm saying it's simple then it is explaining what the weather is going to be like to a sea urchin is most likely more impressive and is more likely to be done than me ever doing something that's going to be easy but this was a very easy process didn't really run into any problems when I was doing it didn't take long either that was very very different PlayStation 3 jailbreaking process may have been it's not that difficult it's just very long you have to download a lot of files and go back and forth from your PC to console and do a bunch of things so you might get lost on the way there's so many steps this is a very straightforward process that anyone can probably do I'm going to talk about what I personally think is the best part of this because I don't know with this very Nic looking application which is adrenaline it takes you to what is almost the exact well not almost it is it's the exact look of what the PlayStation Portable looks like the cross media bar shows up as soon as you open the application once it loads into it and after that it's almost essentially working exactly like a PlayStation Portable you go to your memory stick you find all of the games that you downloaded onto the system there's also a process during the jailbreaking process twice in a sense but it there is a specific part where you have to copy files onto a folder from the actual connection to the computer you need a computer for anything it's to get the games onto the system now there is a couple ways to do this because in my instance this was the only trouble that I kind of ran into but I was luckily able to find one specific guide on YouTube that helped me out with this in the original jailbreaking process if you don't run into that's probably the word of the day a couple of guides that I was following it almost you know sometimes you run into problems and this happens to me every single time whenever you watch a guide or a tutorial of something no matter what it's about it doesn't even have to be video games whenever you run into a problem it's always the most random thing that nobody can ever figure out so that was kind of where I was at unfortunately but a quick little tip if I can give one if you decide to go through the jailbreaking or if you did it and you can't figure this part out either if it's even still happening to people or something is when you connect the actual to your PC or laptop or whatever you're using it with you can use the actual adapter with your SD card and then you can plug that into your PC or the way I did it was I just used the one part of the charging cable where you plug it into the bottom and then you plug the USB into the PC you have to open up the v shell application and that almost looks like it brings up every single file that's on the PlayStation vaita after you jailbreak it once you click select and connect it to the system it will bring all the files up on your PC to get the PlayStation 1 and PSP games on the system you have to drag the files over to the folders it's very interesting because it's almost backwards you have to drag the files for PS1 games into the PSP folder and then the PSP files go into the iso folders so it's a little weird but it does work I thought that was very strange but it did end up working I mean I'm assuming it was going to work that's what everyone was saying my problem was is I did have the PlayStation Portable folder but I did not have the iso folder was not showing up so if I wanted to get PlayStation Portable games all you have to do is you have to create your own folder and just name it ISO and then that just is the same thing as if it showed up on its own and then you find the ISO files and then drag them into that folder and it works I'm very happy because those were the number one games I wanted to play any PlayStation Portable game you can find the ISO file 4 you can play it is incredible and I love this this is the best thing I find from the jailbreaking process is being able to go back and do that this is the other thing that makes it better what is maybe the second part or I guess maybe this might be the most important part is because if you don't have something like this you might not be able to have that many games on the system once you do the jailbreaking process God damn it I can never open that up every time I try to get the stick out of the top or something I can't can't do it get the hell out of there all right thank you it's finally opened if you want to increase your storage and make this thing even more powerful storage wise then getting something like this which is an SD adapter you get an SD card whatever size I guess I don't know what size it goes up to I'm going to be honest I think I've seen from videos that it can possibly go up to over 512 so the adapter goes into the top of the PlayStation VA where you would insert the game usually so you don't have to put it into the bottom put it into the top with the SD card in the adapter once you change some settings around it will recognize this as a storage device so with 120 GB of storage on this SD card adapter with the SD card inside I am able to get a shitload of PlayStation 1 PlayStation Portable games and honestly that is most likely what I'm going to be doing on this before I did the jailbreaking process I did play some PlayStation V games I did very much enjoy them however again I wasn't able to find that many so it was very unfortunate a little bit saddening actually wanted to play some that I saw people mention online that are must plays for the vaita and I could not find them I don't know if I was ever going to just completely give in and buy them on eBay and then wait for a month or something for it to rely what I was going to say relive at my house that is clearly not a word but I don't know if I was ever going to to do that so I just wanted to try and get some of the old school games on the PlayStation vaita upgrading the PlayStation vaita was most likely the greatest thing I could have ever done I was in the middle of trying to figure out what handheld I wanted to jailbreak this is the handheld I decided to jailbreak and I've never thought that my decision was better because I make terrible decisions every decision I make is a bad one until today this very moment in time history has been made today I made a good decision in jailbreaking the right handheld I think I am personally more interested in the older games so that is what I was focused on I was focused on just trying to get as many PSP and PS1 games as possible I am assuming there is much more you can do with this I just don't know if I've figured it out yet I've done as much research as I can and I really feel like inside my body there is many things that I haven't figured out yet so I still need to do that is this the greatest handheld ever made that's a good question actually cuz I'm starting to really think that's a possibility I am honestly really considering this to be if not the then one of the greatest I mean I'm not I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm some legendary experienced handheld user I didn't even have a Vita or PSP in its prime so I can't really say anything about them that are going to make me sound very knowledge I had a couple of game boys back in the day and that's what I was using but honestly this is nice while you can play newer games that look insanely good on this you can also go back in time and go back to the Glory Days of gaming PlayStation Vita in 20120 whatever the hell year it is I don't know probably sometime in the future hell we'll be in cyberpunk Era and I feel like the PlayStation vaita is still going to be very nice very good very accessible like when I say I'm going to most likely take this out in public and use it that is a serious statement people be looking at me like I had a wooden spoon attached to my left hip they wouldn't know what to think when I'm walking into any store with a PlayStation VA this long after it's released this is a very good process made me really want to actually sit there and play it consistently while there was many other things that I've bought or just did recently where I would definitely go back and play it when you do something like this especially to a handheld it makes you really want to do everything you can I'll be in the shower plane this waterproof I don't know if there's anything that needs to be said other than that it feels like that's huh it feels like this is just kind of where the video needs to wrap up because I've already said everything that needs to be said why did I make this video I don't know I don't know why I did I don't know if there was any meaning to it it was most likely just going over how incredible the PlayStation vaita can become once you go through the jailbreaking process so I don't know if really anything else needs to be mentioned about it it's just that at this point in time it seems to be the consensus that doing something like this is almost necessary and I believe it cuz again it was already good once you do something like this it makes it just really impossible to really put down is it worth upgrading the PlayStation VA well absolutely I guess that's just obvious now went on for however long this has been saying how it maids and everything is and I'm going to ask the question if it's worth it shut up and makes sense all right well now I really don't know what to say because this is just awkward now [Music]
Channel: Basement Gamer
Views: 41,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps vita, playstation vita, ps vita 2024, playstation vita 2024, ps vita in 2024, playstation vita in 2024, ps vita jailbreak, playstation vita jailbreak, ps vita games, playstation vita games, ps vita best games, playstation vita best games, ps vita gameplay, playstation vita gameplay, ps vita review, playstation vita review, ps vita jailbreak 2024, playstation vita jailbreak 2024, playstation, playstation jailbreak, playstation games, ps1, psp, ps1 games, psp games, gaming
Id: YhOfw34GWAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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