Ayn Odin 2 Review - 30 days

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hey how's it going everyone it's your boy blackout back here with a quick review now this is my promised 30-day review of the here a Odin 2 now um I also have over here what I also said in my last video I was waiting to come um which is the um retroid pocket 4 Pro um and different devices different manufacturers but just kind of wanted to put them side by side so you guys can see the difference between the two sizewise now granted you see I got a screen protector on both of these for some reason the a screen protector is excellent the retroid screen protector I got two of them and they've both done the same thing so um I don't know maybe it could be my application maybe it could be uh uh just the quality of the screen protectors but anyway just want to put these side by side uh um and want to give you a quick overview of how I feel about this after using it for 30 days I have some pros about this obviously this is a great device well reviewed a lot of people have reviewed this device um and said great things about it so I have the same exact things to say want to talk about my experience um and again I think what going to make this review a little bit different from uh some of the other reviewers um uh claims about this is that uh I've maybe had some time to actually just use it and purely use it so I'm going to be talking about more things than just about my performance going to talk about the hardware the physical chassis of this um a lot of things um but I want to keep this short and sweet I'm not going to go into the details of opening it up and and you know all of that stuff mainly because there's other reviewers out there um who have done those things and given their first Tak so I just want to give you guys my um experience with this now also had a reviewer tell me I also had somebody in the comment section tell me that my videos uh need to have a better lighting as far as not using RGB lights so here we are I do have some of my RGB lights on but I do have a light up there that you can probably see um so hopefully the quality of this is up to par for what you guys are expecting now let's get straight into it now I want to talk about the specs of my a Odin 2 Pro and again uh for me uh I decided to go with the middle version um and it's rocking a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 um with 8 GB of RAM 256 GB of storage six it's a 6in 1080p touch display uh the GPU is an adreno 740 the battery is 8,000 milliamp hours with y57 and Bluetooth 5.3 uh micro HDMI and type-c connect ctor for video a 3.5 mm uh Jack for audio and a 65 W Quick Charge 5.0 um capabilities and uh the weight is about 420 G now if you see my unboxing video that was the first thing I pointed out was the weight um and actually this is a great device in hand I had some time to use this and I've also had some time to use uh my retro pocket 4 and even though this is smaller more pocketable they're pros and cons about both and this isn't necessarily a comparison video maybe it is but um this is basically going to be about you know how it feels in the hand right now now in hand first thing first out of the box um it feels pretty good now the con that I want to point out about this device is you can tell I've been using it I've had it for about 30 days and if you see here um let me go in a little bit tighter here if you look at this area here this area here in these Corners you'll see that this is where your hands are kind of gripping this device and there's some noticeable wear and tear in these areas now they do have a case that you can put on here um a silicone I believe case or something like that it's a clear case that you can put on here to protect it from that but I do want to let you know that this is what I've gotten in 30 days of using it and that's something you might want to consider when you're getting this device because I've been using it naked minus the screen protector so anyway in hand it's a great device it feels good um now one of the things I didn't know when I purchased this that is it has a uh fingerprint sensor um this one doesn't again not a comparison video but this one doesn't not have a fingerprint sensor so basically uh you have to you know either swipe to unlock or leave it unlocked I like the fact that this is a little bit more secure with the A and Odin um so big plus uh the joysticks are great I'm going to talk a little bit more about those um and I also like that it has led uh capability which you can change really easily in the software now like I said now here's how you unlock it boom fingerprint you can swipe from from the top and uh you can go to amb a light over here you can see right there and right now minees are not bright but I can adjust the brightness and you can see how it looks now if I turn this light off maybe you get a better idea of how it looks um and I can also change the colors things of that nature um so yeah all in all that's great and then also the lights are on the side as well which is pretty cool I don't use them all the time but I find that their times where it makes the device feel a little bit more um immersive in really dark rooms so uh you can use that right there now um a couple other key things I want to point out about this device uh um I'm using emulation station as my frontend um and I'm running you know things like retro Arc uh to for some of my older SNES games and things of that nature now mind you one of the things you should keep in mind about this device is it does not come preloaded with anything so with that being said you can watch some tutorials um online I've done that I've also had you know a history of doing emulations in the past with like you know uh uh retro Pi um not retro Pi Raspberry Pi uh device so I have a little bit of experience doing this cuz I built this probably like eight years ago but you can do that as well now there's a couple links I'll leave below so you guys can take a a look at uh some YouTubers that I've seen um that I follow to you know install my emulators but as you see here I have a folder of emulators now again this is running Android uh so uh you're going to have to run Android emulators obviously and everything is going to be in Android now emulation station is pretty good on Android now um and it's constantly being updated again this isn't a tutorial on how to do all of that stuff but I just kind of want to give you my experience now before I give you totally my experience let me tell you about some of the things that I like I have some notes here and I kind of want to share that with you guys um so things that I like form factor the bumps the size the weight I talked about the weight earlier in the video and it's good weight the form factor is great and what really makes the form factor really good uh is these bumps right here these bumps make this form factor really good I can tell you this playing my retroid pocket 4 Pro um and not having those bumps on the back I find myself cramping up a little bit now ala also had you know a number of uh injuries and surgeries in my life um and I'm not a small guy I'm 6'2 but um so my hands are you know medium size I wouldn't say super large uh but I had some injuries in my life some surgeries in my life and things like that so um I find this to be very cramped but on the go when I'm just at the dentist office as you'll see I'll throw some be roll up here of that when I'm just out about on to go I find this to be really good and really comfortable to to put in my pocket but again this isn't about this this is a video about this now I'm going on to cruise soon and when I go on this Cruise I'm looking forward for to this for this device to be my main driver when I'm on a plane flying to uh the location that I'm going to to get on the cruise for a week that I'm going to be on the cruise this device is going to hold up now one thing to note about this device um is the games that it can play because of the processor the device the the the model that I chose with the Snapdragon AG gen with the 8 gigs of RAM um and all of that stuff this can play PS2 games like a breeze if you're looking for something strictly for PS2 this is the way to go if you're looking for something that can get away with some PS2 games but you care more about maybe some platformer games this is the way to go and the reason why I say the rp4 is the way to go for some of your 2D games is really because of where that d-pad is for me uh preferably it's easier to play fighting games if I'm using a d-pad or any 2D platformer if I'm using a d-pad there a little bit harder to use a d-pad here but because of the size on the A on on the A and Odin 2 it's easier to maneuver between the d-pad and the joystick no matter its orientation be it uh you know North side or Southside so that's the way I will look at this uh the button layout is obviously different you got pause and select up here and then you got your Android buttons down here which is home and then back um so pretty neat for that um as far as sound goes when I'm playing this I don't really hear a lot of noise it's very quiet um now let's talk about some other things that I like here I don't want to deviate too far from my notes now another thing that I like about this and I'll throw the website up about this is a support for replacement parts um they have a OD and two repair kit online um and it's fairly priced um if you are the type of person that's willing to open things up and get it done yourself which you can find plenty of tutorials on YouTube and you can find uh tools to help you do that uh one of the tools that I recommend to help you open up parts is by um iFix it their toolkits are pretty good and you're pretty much going to have everything you need to open up a device like this now um they support replacement parts I like that because if you wear out these joysticks if you wear out a d-pad if you want to swap things out with different colors um you can do that the only downside that I don't like about their replacement parts is that they did not offer a replacement screen that would have been cool to know that if you drop this you scratch your screen you break your screen whatever the case may be it's easy to replace so you can replace almost everything but the screen the CPU and I mean obviously the motherboard and components that makes this the a Odin but some of those accessory parts are replaceable if you're a DIY kind of person you can do that I am that kind of person so I don't mind you know swapping out sticks when they you know uh wear out but so far these sticks are pretty good now one of the things I will say about the sticks is if you notice here and it's probably really hard to notice considering that um you know hopefully you can see that you see those little those little scratches on the sticks now it's not a big deal but that just comes from digging your nail in there and digging your fingers in there and stuff like that so um I don't use the right one as much so that's a point of comparison right versus left so that makes me curious to know like I can put some you know bumpers on there like like these that I have I can put some of these on there but I like the feel of these and because the replacement parts are so inexpensive which is basically about the price of getting something like this uh just buy the replacement parts and replace them when you need to um and the cool thing about it by the way going back to the joystick is you can always take this part off and and replace it with something else if it's just this that's messed up so you got your options there again pretty pretty darn cool that you can do that on this device and it is fairly priced now talking about price I believe this device is going for 369 uh 370 last time that I checked um and uh those are some of the things that you you need to consider when you're talking about getting a device like this um what do I mean by that well the base price for one of these is $249 which I kind of don't recommend if you're going to go $249 this is starts at $149 but you really want the pro version of this and it goes to 200 just get this if this is what you're going to go unless you just want this the screen and that's what you're into but if if you're going for the 199 version of this I mean the 249 version of the a Odin um Pro then two uh if you're going for the $249 version for the a Odin Pro 2 uh then you are more likely better off and getting better performance than this if you're getting it for 2D Platformers I don't even see why you would just get this strictly for 2D platforms go ahead and save yourself some money and get a great experience by going with the retroid pocket 4 Pro now with the a Odin Pro 2 uh the price at 369 gets really good if you're looking to emulate switch games you want to step up to the Max from the pro and go with the 459 version now the things I don't like about the prices let's point this out um I feel like this should have come with an additional um with additional accessories for the price especially since it's a brand new current gen gaming console um it it's close to the price range of the uh Odin 2 max um and also the competitors like valve stream deck is about $3.99 for the LCD model and comes with a carrying case and higher refresh rate screen uh so you're getting kind of close to um what newer devices uh not newer devices uh higher end devices can do and kind of closer to the form factor of them now I don't have uh an uh steam deck or I don't have a uh Ally or anything like that now I did get my hands on one of my buddies allies um and who knows I might go grab it from his house and see if he let me make a review uh of it um and you know but for the most part man um I when I did use that device by the way this is not a review about that device but when I did use that device windows on a handheld is a freaking headache and this is why I went this way yeah I can play my you know uh Call of Duties and everything on a on a uh uh Ally but and I will get away with it for my friend he just you know is a gamer he's not the the techiestudios for the average person or the person who's just not into it or don't have time to do it they just want to open it up and play so again like I said in the beginning of this video if you just want to um open this up press play be my guess uh you're not going to be able to get that done go with something else but that's for most handheld devices outside of the switch now um again going back to the accessories this doesn't come with a charger um this I would suggest getting a 25 watt charger it can get away with a 15 25 to uh I think this could take up to a 65 if I'm not mistaken yeah uh a 65 watt charger um is it can go up too so you'll do great with a 65 watt 45 35 watt would do you just fine as well um now speaking of charging and battery life battery life on this thing is amazing when I'm playing the games that I'm playing which is and I'll go here and show you some of the games that I play uh this will show you my most recent games uh last played Gran tesmo 4 on PS uh 2 uh tennis on Dreamcast tennis 2K 2 some Metal Slug and stuff like that artif fighting those are Neo Geo games that I play um and some super Nintendo games and a couple N64 games as well now um when I'm playing these games I kid you not um I can see myself the longest flights that I'm typically taking are from east coast to the West Coast from California to New York at the longest and we're talking about 5 hours I do not see a reason why this wouldn't be able to play at Max settings a PS2 game well uh Mac settings for this device PS2 game um with you know without losing with this thing dying you're you're going to get probably about man I don't know I haven't measured it cuz I haven't had them die on me while I was playing um but they last a long time so uh if you're the type of person that's going to be traveling a lot you don't want to have to charge this it takes USB type-c so you can charge it pretty quickly pretty easily um but flip that back over but again this device will last you sometime so um anything else I want to talk about because I know this video is running a little bit long um we talked about the storage I mean it's that's all standard um it's not very pocketable we talked about that um this does have a oneyear warranty and again like I said for some people it may or may not be a big deal this is subjective the oneyear warranty um uh for me is not a big deal because like I said you can they sell replacement parts and you're able to do it uh relatively easily uh provided you got some inexpensive tools to do it with um but that's it that's all I really wanted to say about this uh I'll probably show some b-roll some gameplay all of that stuff um but overall it's been a great experience for me the d-pad is good the joystick is good it's great filling at hand a little bit worried about the wear and tear on the back of this device but on the go all in all excellent device 1,000% recommended um if you're you know Retro Gaming but hey that's the end of my video hopefully I didn't record a 20 minute video that did that does not sound good like I did before but um again it's your boy blackout and looking forward to seeing you guys on the next one by the way I'm changing my logo down here uh you can see that looks janky with the black kind of being disappeared out my little brother shout out to my little bro he created a new one for me updated it so I'm going to be using that on my next video but anyway you guys have a good one it's your boy blackout out take care peace
Channel: DJ Blackout
Views: 2,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dwGcORD6J2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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