This Is The Best Selling "Gaming PC" On Aliexpress...

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now according to AliExpress, this unassuming  little package is the best selling gaming PC   on the platform... Hmmmm. But you know what else is  the best today's video sponsor   brilliant is where you learn by doing with  thousands of interactive lessons in math   data analysis programming and AI with brilliant  content crafted by professionals from these fancy   places you can build your critical thinking  skills through problem solving brilliant   new thinking and code course for example is a  brilliant way to build a strong foundation in   writing robust programs so start your daily  journey to developing a new skill using the   brilliant link down below for three full 30 days  and you'll also get 20% off an annual premium [Music] subscription now the system in this pack  pack cost $170 Canadian dollar which kind of   explains why it's the best selling gaming system  on AliExpress but it doesn't explain the gaming   part of it so um yeah let's open it up and have a  [Music] look oh really I thought it was a massive PC so they're clearly very excited  about its size because I mean it's   all they have to talk about on the box  there's nothing on this side on the   back we do get some more Mini PC and then  no information about what the specific one   in this box is so we're going to have to fire it  up to find out oh yeah let's open it up [Music] further wow that PC really is mini that's tiny and  it doesn't weigh anything either but first let's   have a look at the accessories that comes with  W this system just needs a 2.5 amp power brick   that is very low power and then as is often the  case with these mini PCS we get a Vasa mount on   it so that you can mount it to the back of your  monitor and we get a short HDMI cable for that application it looks like a bootleg Max studio  it is very plasticky but you can tell that it   really wants to look like an Apple product  even with how the ventilation is implemented   in the base but I'm not mad you I to mind me  some poverty Apple that is some real flimsy   housing though now in terms of the front we have  our power button which is kind of lame on the   side it's got three HDMI ports which makes this  really interesting for people who want to power   a bunch of displays for as cheaply as possible  and in an act of symmetry on the other side we   have our USB 3 ports and on the back there's dual  ethernet that's very interesting in terms of iio   this is a fascinatingly set up Mini PC which  definitely has use cases although going by the   form factor I'm kind of assuming gaming isn't  going to be one of them although we'll we'll   find a way to turn this into a cool gaming  experience later in the video wow this is   a wildly terrible arcade peripheral now aside  from its minute Dimensions another thing that   makes this PC interesting is that it's got a  Celeron n100 in it one of Intel's newer loser   tier CPUs one that I've not tested before on the  channel I'm very curious to see how it performs   with its all ecore layout cuz maybe it is a  gaming Beast now we'll find out soon enough   but before we do that let's jump to the Future and  crack open this Mini PC to see if it's inherited   some other app traits opening up the little  firebat seems relatively straightforward it   seems like it's just these four screws one of  which is hiding under a quality control sticker there we go oh and then aside from a tiny fan  we just get some plastic Cod [Music] pie then   pops off way more easily than this bit did and  then under there we've got a very cute little   motherboard which can also just slide out of the  way under that oops oh that was the power button   uh but under that we've got our Wi-Fi antenna and  the little Coss battery and when you flip the mobo   around it's clear Tim Cook didn't have his grubby  little Ms on this system cuz we've got upgradable   storage and under that is also a replaceable Wi-Fi  card with that I think we can still go [Music] deeper that is such a cute little heat  pipe with tiny heat sink next to that   it does seem like we even have  some contact with power delivery [Music] here we lift that off oo lots of thermal paste and that's what our chip  endowed with four ecores looks   like M what a beauty oh the other bit of  cooling was touching some soldered down   Ram as supposed to power delivery so at  least Tim Cook approves of some of this design oh it's so cute and little get a little LED hey fire bat and  here's our little bber mini PC running a   remarkably clean install of Windows 11 not much  VD to speak of let's quickly control alt delete   in here and have a look up in our bent corner of  our OLED panel and our little Celeron is already   being choked out just running Windows that's a  very good sign although that's probably due to   update processes yeah it is Windows update suck  in and dry so I'm going to leave it for a while   so it can finish being brutal ized by windows  and then we'll try the five most popular games   on Steam at the moment on this system to see how  it holds up is the gaming system that it very   definitely is a while was an understatement  the update processes took so long I died of   old age waiting for it to finish but luckily  baby doid can take over and test the gaming performance this is running at 1080p lowest  settings with balanced Fidelity FX as you can   see it's looking real balanced here lots of  balance happening frame rate isn't looking   great but quite frankly it is better than  I was expecting this is borderline a usable   experience I'm always surprised to see that  CS2 seems to handle the depths of frame rate   despair a lot better than CSG go ever did I'm  not saying that you should be playing it with   10 frames per second and that you're going to  be competitive online or whatever but there's   less input lag maybe it also seems like the  Bots are really punishing the little Celeron   it's doing that fun thing where the CPU bottle  makes its own igpu but that balance changes   quite a lot as more Bots die but again despite  the frame rate and the fact that Fidelity FX   is doing most of the heavy lifting here  so it looks pretty terrible but despite   those things it's running quite a bit better  than I was expecting those are also some fine temperatures so we've launched Dota 2 here just in  the demo hero bit uh because I'm trying to remove   Bots from the equation cuz that really tanks the  CPU performance and I refuse to spend an hour   playing against real people on this system but  here at 1080p low settings with full render scale   so it's it's rendering at 1080p this actually  isn't too bad there's there's nothing really   happening on screen but it's about 60 frames per  second let's see what happens to the performance   when we just Spam a bunch of [Music] spells yeah  okay it's it's not it's not going great but we can   still drop the render resolution I think we'll set  it to 70 that's where it was by default I think   even with the lower render resolution we've still  got a bit of CPU Headroom ooh fancy so when we do   that that okay this is still not doing great but  it feels kind of borderline usable and this is a   game that a lot of people play and I I'd say you  can get away with using the system for it you're   not going to be happy about it it's not going  to be a good time for you but it's borderline usable so this is the third most popular game on  Steam at the moment running at [Music] 1080p am   I doing it right I think so and despite the very  intense Graphics happening here we're getting 30   frames per second very playable for some banana  clicking action what is this and why are 400,000   people doing it right now well after Googling  it it turns out it's essentially an nft scan cool Destiny 2 took ages to get running it kept  crashing initially for some reason but then I   redownloaded the game on the little PC's SSD  which fixed it because Destiny 2 is all worried   about cheaters you can't have any overlays  on it other than the steam one and I think   as far as I read on the internet the Nvidia  performance overlay also works but we don't have   an Nvidia GPU so that gray 23 frames per second  is going to be our best bet here unfortunately yes   that's a lot better okay now we can actually see  it oh this is looking so beautiful look at that   detail looks like the metaverse up in here it's  awesome so despite us getting about 30 frames per   second with our 75% render resolution at 720p  the game is kind of more more playable than I   was [Music] expecting that's a very good start I  wonder what resolution this is at it looks like   it's running at 1440p which would explain the  seizures we have to do 1080p even that's going   to be a real struggle oh you always know you've  got one hell of a gaming system when you load in   midair being kicked out of the plane wow it is  running like it's got lead poisoning this is not   going great okay I think we're going to have  to drop the render scale to 70 that's as low   as it'll let us go okay that's helped a little bit  now we're fully utilizing the system my lordy 100%   GPU utilization and 100% CPU utilization that's  some good teamwork right there but unfortunately   teamwork very much did not make this dream work  aside from the terrible visuals massive stutters   low frame rate input lag there were also massive  Network drops some of which lasted over a minute   which made just not dying outside of the Zone a  challenge in itself so this was running way more   in line with what I was expecting now obviously  this little system isn't designed to run pubg   the only reason it's gone gaming in its product  listing is because this seller was keyword baiting   but I bought something else of the Val Express  which may go very well with the kindor games the   system should be able to run with very little  problem emulation it's called the how pad and   it's a control interface that should be awesome  for classic gaming there's some instructions for   it our how pad oh look at that it looks different  to what I was expecting I was kind of expecting a   joystick on it for some reason there's a tiny  little LCD screen over there that's super cute   and it's all kind of mounted in this acrylic  plate uh all of the keys I don't know it sounds   quite arcadey and then we've got our start  buttons and stuff up here and included in   the box is a square USB to type c cable it also  comes with a little spare switch so that if one   of them dies you can replace them that's quite  a nice touch briefly looking at the manual it   does all seem wildly unintuitive I don't know  my eyes immediately started glazing over while   reading this but I'm sure we can figure it  out with that let's get it set up [Music]   oh all the keys line up and then the little LCD  over here tells you if the key inputs are being   registered and then all there was left to do was  download retro arch for some old school gaming action I'm going to blame the controls even though  it's not its fault at all what is interesting is   is that for left and right it can't register  those two inputs at the same time which I guess   isn't a huge issue I don't know why this is  lay out in the way that it is because of the   size of the buttons when you use your standard  keyboard grip you have to reach for stuff which   feels really uncomfortable and then the shoulder  triggers are next to the normal Keys which I'm   not sure how that's going to work for PlayStation  gaming and whoever made it clearly hasn't learned   their left from their right yet cuz I'm pretty  sure that's the wrong way around now I'm sure   a bunch of people are going to tell me that  actually DAV the shape makes a lot of sense   cuz it's modeled on the Super Nintendo famon Beast  64 controller from 1978 and actually the fact that   you think that it doesn't feel good it's because  you're stupid but this is a terrible layout even   if it is originally based on a thing okay with  that little Outburst out the way I will say the   keys do have a nice arcade cabinet feeling to  them although even in 2D platforming games like   Mario I feel like a joystick would have worked  way better for movement and unless you want to   develop osteoporosis in your hands I wouldn't  get anywhere near the shoulder trigger situation   and then in terms of the Mini PC I ran up to PS1  games on it which had ran flawlessly so um yeah   I guess that means you can game on it so with  that what did we learn in today's video well   these days anything's a gaming PC as long as  you lower your standards enough which brings   me to the end of the video thank you for watching  subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video   maybe watch another video suggestion will pop  up in a second and until the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 333,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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