This Is It. Minecraft's Craziest Escape Map

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nearly 7 years ago I played a Minecraft map where the entire thing took place in a 3x3x3 cube area it was a pretty short one but the concept stuck with me ever since such that 3 years after that I was excited to try out another similar one that instead took place in a 10x 10x1 area but didn't use relative teleportations to move the player around unfortunately ever since I haven't found any other maps that expand on the concept enter Canadian with a Ken back in 2022 after playing another couple awesome Maps he built I asked if he would have any interest in creating a new one for me to play that worked off this same confined Cube idea while he initially said yes I didn't want to pressure him too much so I didn't message often for updates and after a year had passed I sort of assumed the project had fallen to the Wayside much to my surprise last month Ken messaged saying the map was ready to go I had just announced my intention to to Sunset Minecraft Gameplay from this Channel and a map over a year in the making was now ready to go well the hardcore series is still going which means technically Minecraft hasn't been retired yet so here we go with the most insane escape map of all time genuinely I don't know how he came up with some of the things you're going to see this video is brought to you by my music channel Marin music you're listening to my new track right now playing in the [Music] background we are officially rocking and rolling let's go oh oh okay all right the shell or intercom static hello and welcome to the 3X3 series our most advanced escape room yet don't worry about your safety you won't have to we'll be monitoring you live from behind this oneway glass for the entire session just give us a wave if you need a hint in fact I'll give you the first hint for free click on buttons let the escaping begin is this the one way glance here uh I'm being I'm being watched they're staring at me okay I don't have anything what am I supposed to do with the haste I guess I break the button that was the way to go I forget about survival mode there we go can break buttons man that's a way easier way to do things okay now I have another button and because it's not Adventure Mode we can place it anywhere oh hey there we go what you got all right so we've learned if we we button those blocks that they will disappear this is a this is a mechanic we should probably keep track of okay we have a stone cutter the question is what do we do here what should we turn it into or alternatively I could potentially soft lock myself but if we need another button hey maybe the stone cutter is a red herring for this step right and instead we make this into a button hopefully not soft lock myself oh okay now the thing is right I can't just button the black stone so maybe this is where the stone cutter comes into play but I also I can polish the Blackstone it and then I can make a button out of that right I'm pretty sure there's polished Blackstone buttons but not buttons of other varieties of Blackstone but we need a button to be able to put down there so I'm going to go for it and did I soft lock or are we good oh my God we're good let's go boys that was very mean that was very mean checkpoint ooh the look on your face nothing to worry about though you won't be burning in lava today anytime you get more than four blocks away from the 3X3 chamber the next level will start automatically I don't care how you get out an escape is an escape okay okay cool cool okay if I just click the button anything going to happen no I assume we got to can I fist break it okay we can I never remember like what buttons can actually be broken with with a fist punch versus can't but anyway do I put it there or do I put it I assume here right that opens up we have ice what AM we going to do with ice I don't know what I'm going to do with ice maybe this just responds to any block placed on it no because we have to push the button for things to happen so what am I going to do with ice should I Retreat should I try to retrieve the barrel maybe there we go and then maybe here comes the soft lock here we go and then come to me please please come to me um I'm break the ice I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm so dumb it's obviously going to turn into water and not just break and it's going to come towards me and then I'm going to get the other stuff that was so silly that was so dumb okay but now the question is how do I what okay so hold on I can get into uh I can get into a swim in order to get back here and I can totally drown myself but I feel like there's some kind of like tricky thing that I can maybe do like if I put the barrel over yeah there we go there we go oh oh right I just have to get three blocks away from the main room and then we got it checkpoint pretty good these Gates can be triggered directly by any power source feel free to experiment with the mechanics in this room red stone more like blue stone okay so I guess if we do this we do that that lights it up I can break this though so then presumably well I could just do that right and that breaks should I not have done that because it deleted the the power source on on the gate but okay we have this which allows me to do what what is it that I want to do with those things there and I see there's okay there's another gate over there but is this gate opened by getting a signal to that I'm hoping I didn't freck this thing up by like I should have I don't know wired the Redstone on no I wouldn't have been able to do that I think that lever directly on one of the blocks is the only way to do it can I can I get any good views outside of the box we got to think outside of the box here can make a redstone torch right duh what am I doing I wasn't wasn't thinking about this because it's blue but yeah duh of course I was like wait is that a soul torch no it's a redstone torch okay I'm going to do this I hope it wasn't a mistake but this will send a signal and then open something else I've made a mistake slash trigger reset okay cool oh that's so nice I I love this okie dokie and we do this as our one right and that okay that opens that up and then aha oh God wait a second how am I going to get a wait actually will this place the pressure plate in here it might and then do I have to do like some kind of alop and ye this it says four though why is that four but hold on if I do that does work and then I got to go for the ultimate Yeet no you idiot you were right there you just had to go a little further God dang it I'm also noticing some interesting stuff over there there's a sign that says note the oneway glass they cannot see you wow but I can read the sign uh I feel like there's got to be so three it's this is three though which is so weird right if this is three then it almost seems like I should put this down first and then this is four but if I put that down and then I put the pressure plate on top of it there's no I like I can't trigger the pressure plate so I don't know how that would help me um I I like I I it seems like putting the pressure plate down here would be the the correct way to do things but it is out of order of the numbers given why am I trying to Yeet why am I trying to Yeet when I can probably can I do I can't do that but is there another wait can I reach I'm thinking I can place the block down and then I can break it and as long as it's lined up properly then I can but I can't reach how do I reach wait oh yes come on let's go I have escaped God dang it he keeps catching me now if you've been disappointed to lose your buttons and levers every time you use them this chamber should pleasantly surprise you or would pleasantly surprise you ha get it cuz wood buttons can be reused oh that's so cool to oh hi there there's a that's a pickaxe I'm going to grab that okay so we got an iron pickaxe I can presumably break the wood which is exciting I guess we get the item frame frame to and okay so we got Birch button I mean yeah this doesn't allow me to do anything at the moment but I'm sure it will later so that's a good hint but which one should I start with that one okay cool we've got a candle wait what does this do for us I don't know what the candle oh wait we get the oh yeah yeah yeah we just keep getting to use the buttons so we can keep unlocking all of them and see what it is that we get here okay so Soul Sand Soul Sand candle button enchantment table for efficiency one on each and then the stone cutter we can't Stone wait oh wait there's one more oh that's why we have the pickaxe it's all starting to make sense that's starting to make less sense can I even do anything I can't even do anything with this what what do you want from me I can't oh we can make the chiseled polished though dude I never make any of these fancy building blocks and much less outside of the stone cutter cuz I always remember to use the stone cutter when I need to do things even though now have I done the wrong thing maybe I've just totally done the wrong thing because I still what am I going to do with any of this is the idea that I I need to like build up and get out that way like I could just break the stone cutter now remember can you break an enchantment table using maybe the whole idea here is we actually just have to get out but we have to get out by being smart is there a way okay here's the question right if we want to get out is there a way that we can utilize some cheeky like stacking a half block on top of you know something that that then I can use the candle and I can jump from the candle onto the half block and then I can build the other blocks on top of it let's try I guess we can always redo this this right so like let's say I no no no I want to jump from the candle so if I were to do that I think it's just figuring out an order here and then if I like went on the candle can I get on top of no Frick wait God dang it oh God Frick um okay I was thinking the stone cutter would have been my best shot here but it is not I just I feel like I can use the candle to get on something but maybe the three block ceiling height is messy me up here is it that I need to do like a shift jump in order for it to work or is it just not doable whatsoever because we need we need to get three blocks out too so it's like how do I get like all the way up there using four blocks four blocks we have at our disposal I don't even know if I could get on the stone cutter here if it would be the right way to do it m okay God there's got to be some trick for me to get higher than I would normally expect to be able to it has to be that it has to be because otherwise okay if I just did like this and then I did this and then I did this that was probably the wrong order but I did all this stuff right like and then I jump I need to get like one block higher than this and I think I'll be there so I think that's the trick that we're trying to achieve here so what block can I get on to with a little cheeky extra elevation from a candle is it is it the freaking enchantment table does that let me do it like is that lower technically than it the stone cut I would think the stone cutter has the lowest hit box of all it's like the one time I'm ever like actually excited that ow what the heck how do I wait how do I just take damage there is that is that the trick somehow there's a like cuz obviously Soul Sand's one pixel lower than other blocks but somehow I started suffocating and maybe that's the trick although I don't know how to recreate it at [Music] all H like these and then I use the stone cutter here right we do something like that we break the block out from the bottom because the stone cutter is really it's I can't oh so that's why the candle wouldn't even work because apparently this is inv viable what the heck unless the idea is uh maybe I can just get up if I use the candle hold on I haven't tried this yet maybe maybe the idea is I can just do this and I'll be far enough anyway wait no stop wrong thing oh okay I was overthinking it we didn't need all the blocks okay uh checkpoint this next level is a lesson about sharing behind each window are two Hoppers one has items the other one needs items get at least one item into the lower Hopper to power open the next window okay behind each window are Hoppers oh I see so we got that there one has items and the other needs items got it so I can just retrieve this stuff as tempted as I am to eat it I guess I won't get at least one item into the lower Hopper to power open the next window okay it's like ye that opens the next window I'm assuming it's going to get a little bit more difficult each oh okay I see I see so we have to use some like tricky Maneuvers which is is there a way that I can break the gravel maybe or break the cobweb um I'm assuming that I that's not going to work yeah um still works that way okay cool got think about being able to break blocks okay so now we have a wall in the way but I'm sure there's something in here that can help us with that um the hopper is down there let's think so we have the crossbow and we have the arrow but once the arrow is is shot it's just going to stick there it's not going to do anything I'm going to try the cobweb thing we might have to do a trigger reset here but we'll see I don't even know if it goes over the wall I think I've frecked it but would it if I if I landed it on the I'm just seeing maybe no no that didn't work okay and then there's just a bunch of red herrings here oh freak do arrows just travel through cobwebs well balls I could put down the nether gold I don't remember maybe actually wait can you break nether gold with your fist and have it turn into nuggets or is it does it still have to be a pickaxe still has to be a pickaxe I I was thinking because it shares a texture with the walls that you know this would be unbreakable but obviously like there's no Bedrock walls so I just break the wall I don't know why I didn't think about doing that earlier I could that could land right that could do the right thing do the right thing do the right it's a moment where Ken is is like God dang it man okay this required a hint from God but um I feel like an idiot because I literally I literally had it and people were probably yelling they were yelling like come on man you already put the you you were on the right track do that you do that and then you just put something in there whichever one it I don't know which which one are you willing to take oh I hold on hold on hold on I can just do this and then oh so dumb so dumb ah I actually thought I was going to have to break the Brewing stand there not it was just going to absorb the glass bottle but oh that was stupid I feel so stupid for that one okay anyway so what do we have now all right so we have Ender Chest I can't just put it in the ender chest and break it cuz that's not going to work that's cloud storage um items in the cloud at that point okay do I have the ability to make anything I have I can make bone meal right could I do something with the vines oh wait wait wa wait wait wait oh God if I if I think of the answer here like like instantaneously bro I'm going to be stoked although can I even put Vines here can I do that I can't wait will it grow down if I do that no did I need to put it on the side did I need to put it on the side I tried putting it on the hopper you probably can't do it on the hopper and now I'm going to have to slash tur or reset and do the whole thing over again God dang it how have I done this can you not you can't bone meal Vines God dang it wait is is it the glow Berry can I put the oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's the way yeah easy peasy wait we did them all right where's the oh I'm out oh thank goodness even though I got one wrong I didn't have to do a reset okay which means I didn't have to do reset the first time either anyway uh brilliant you can drop an item into an empty Hopper but can you take items out of an empty Hopper huh that sounds like a magic trick of some sort what do you mean can I take items out of it button in the head classic classic except I figured no one's going to trick me with button in the head ever again no one's going to ever do that okay so wait take items out of an empty Hopper that's confusing what does that even mean maybe it'll make more sense once we're over here uh okay so that's my exit um wait so if I were to put the door oh you little cheeky light gray stained glass panes H okay okay wait oh there's got to be some way to get into a crawl here I don't think I can make anything right there's nothing craftable here but there is there a way for me to use the door to get into a crawl underneath this is there a way to like H okay this is going to come down to some like the question like this doesn't this is just it's just a hopper that's holding inventory is my assumption here and everything else has to be done with the pains but like is there is there a way that I can get myself pushed under with the help of a door I do ah there we go I've never done that before but it works when I did the seawat map that Ken had made there was some like real cheeky getting into crawls so I had a feeling it was something to do with that all right no notes this time I want to see you solve this yourself it's frog poo all right what do we get is the Frog poo concealing anything I guess not um is there anywhere I can go with this okay so we can get that I don't think I can break this right and there's no is there an opening here anywhere there's no opening doesn't seem like how the freak am I going to get power into that nothing here do frog lights generate power in a way that I'm not like frogs have a redstone electrical poo I don't think I can I can't break this without a oh I can there are a lot of things that I don't realize you can just break with your fist huh okay I still don't know how this really helps me perhaps let's see let's see maybe that's the way do that and then no let me in let me can I grab it from here go fre I've ridden it off all right no no no I must be on to something I've got to be on to something with this right and then come on let me let me get go go oh I'm in a crawl hey I figured out how to get into a crawl at least yeah that's got to be worth something um oh let's go it's amazing oh that was so big all right there we go easy PE wait okay just just get the chest I guess no wait it's a way through it is a way through was I not supposed to break the chest but I I just need to get up there and and then I will like if I'm up there I'll be good oh no wait was the chest a way for me to be able to place the rail and mine cart down I wonder oh I hope that's not it wait or hold on but maybe I can still do it maybe it's still do oh I can do that right okay so never mind we're fine all I got to do is that presumably and then balls I can do this though right and then yeah we can get it down and and we good we made I made it's not letting me make it why have you done this how much further do you want wait um okay hold on hold oh I bet you wait wait wait wait now that the now that it's up there right I can just get in this way and then I do that and maybe wait freck oh God no oh there we go ah i e them all got to catch all the blocks there we go for your own sake F3 plus b will make this chamber much easier come to think of it makes any escape room easier it's just a neat tool all around anyway you're halfway to the end pretty soon we'll meet up with you and don't lie to them I'm just trying to record uh speak to the part oh well the order is out now we're starting to close the airtight doors already these voice lines aren't going to save them but uh oh so I got to escape this place huh I haven't been playing with F3 plus b this entire time I feel so accomplished that's pretty cool okay so I mean we got a lot of uh St I can make sticks but then nothing beatroot is wonky so f3b huh there an armor stand somewhere I'm going to find here got the crafting table is probably going to be used for something right um I can't I can't break these if I were to break this would it just fall and be doomed I would collect it that's good that's probably the last one that I'm able to collect so I wonder if the play is like I actually have to get in there somehow and then I have to walk over and that's that's my exit so the question is how I act do I get behind a like thre pixel Gap without an ender pearl um okay if I break this yeah it's fricked cuz I was thinking oh maybe there's like something uh there's a create encased fan over there cuz we're definitely playing with create installed um and it would push it over here and then I'd be able to collect it but that doesn't seem to be the case so um is there a way to like can you get on if I'm standing here can I put a block over my head no no I cannot do that um I'm almost thinking of using the the tricky maneuver where like servers combine items in order to grab more like if I were to do this right maybe and then no that's it's got to be through to the other side but I'm going to be in a place where I'm going to pick it up break you first and then we break you and then we let the items merge I got I I got two of them I got two of them I don't know if this helps me out but I don't think I can repeat the process with this one here I think it's too far away but does this this allows me to make a carpet oh God does that help me in some way shape or form making carpets I'm just going to just going to try to do this I feel like it's it's a mistake but like I'm not a wait why did it merge to the back is it luck when they is it luck when they merge like a random if they go to the front or the back or the first or the second broken I don't know if it's actually just complete dumb luck was though that first that second and then it went to the back one why did it go to the back one why was it an idiot maybe it is pure dumb loock which one it decides to merge to merge to the front it didn't merge oh my God this is incredibly unreliable but holy freak it's just incap holy heck okay worth that time now we just have to go we have to go two for two here folks we got to go two for two and then we'll be good right so that was back to front as well and we go back to front and we get lucky maybe we can merge to the front and then we can utilize wait no I need the need the rear one you freaking idiot okay wait wait wait wait but I can I can use one I can use one so maybe I can do that nudge it forward a little bit yes yes and this is not luck based and then we use the barrel we nudge It Forward I got it oh my God I freaking got I could have just used the craftting no but we wouldn't want to use the crafting table that would been a mistake I think I did it right I think I did it right yes now we do this and we do this and we make I think I've got it oh that was infuriating but we are out here we are out here indeed and we got ourselves a bed and we can put the bed down and then we make it come on let's go let's go I'm out of here okay sorry about that we'd like to remind you that you're still being monitored by real people someone just barged into the studio I mean the not Studio you're doing great you coming or not I am actually being monitored by a real person God Canadian I'm being monitored okay so we need to get out of there cool cool cool so we can break that we can get it we can we can do the thing we can get the button we can clear that cool oh hello Mr snowman wait there's a button is that a button behind there wait a minute wait a minute no it's crafting table there just like a teeny tiny sliver of oh teeny tiny sliver of a hit box we can do if we need it okay but there must be some oh wait teeny tiny sliver of a Barrel yeah netherite shovel piston I feel like I'm on a roll today boys and then wait wait wait okay so I can get infinity snow here right I just need to make sure I don't accidentally kill Bob is his name Bob Okay cool so snow good good good good good so we can do this right we can make some snow block arenos and then we can use the crafting table we can make some snow layers and then somehow the Piston comes into play here here is the question how does the Piston come into play okay we got that and then boom got some snow layers so hold on just a minute we have the button we have the Piston if I just do this though can it like all right I'm not going to be able to do that wait um but I can't put the Piston up here and then crunch myself because then I'll be in a crawl there is there a way for me to maintain the crawl that's the question maybe there is a way for me to get like I do this and then it maintains the crawl wonder if I'm just like over making the the process here um no that's not going to work what am I doing that's not going to work and we got yeah that and then and then the question is do I do I piston here and I piston there and then does it does it work does it work okay here we go God it's a Crouch um okay one more cuz I don't think I can't put any snow layers up there I'm in a Crouch freck my concern is that the level at which I maintain a crawl is too high for me to actually like get into right exactly that's the pro but I'm still in a Crouch oh my God so had to fetch another hint here um so possibly what we wish to do is utilize the Piston arm pushing horizontally in order to allow me to go up a block because when the Piston extends that's partial so we're not using a partial snow layer CU that's impossible that's going to count even though I'll be in a crawl underneath it I can still possibly get on into the upper part over here maybe so like maybe like this cuz I can't okay no I can still Crouch there so it needs to be higher than Crouch but possibly if wait if we do oh okay wait I have to be over more I have to be over more and then oh my god well it turns out that the contraption is a much simpler snow setup than I had anticipated um oh my god dude I didn't realize that it would actually consider a different elevation on the arm of the Piston versus the edge of the Piston oh jeez oh God I feel so dumb it's so obvious now but dang it I wish i' oh I wish I didn't have to have a hint there okay okay okay look I'll give up the ACT I have to get these last lines done quickly and I reckon I'm not convincing anyone up I'm aware So Listen by the time you hear this uh this will we we will evacuated years ago so you're the last person left in the facility sorry for all the lying I figured the emotional thread wouldn't make the puzzle solving any easier you have to understand it's important that you finish the 3X3 series our levitation system will safely pull you out of 3x3 box and drop you into the Deb brief room it's been less than 20 years it should still function properly just follow the exit signs from here and hope for the best there's not much more I can do to help but you still have a chance to escape oh God yeah the voice lines were recorded years ago what the heck man what do you have what do you have you traded diamond for Target daylight detector skull Catalyst and Ice oh my God I got to figure out which one I want which one is going to do better at serving me with I think if this is anything like a an iron door I can break this with my fist but it might not be like an iron door now I have to find that out why can you not break iron trap doors with your fist but you can break iron doors and for a second I felt smart about that and now I have to reset oh sorry Mr villager yikes um well dang it okay okay okay so if we can apply a redstone signal then we get a block underneath and then we can flip up the trap door I don't know if that actually does anything for us um I have to figure out which I have four options to choose from uh um so the the target could presumably output a redstone signal but I have to have something to to go to it the ice I can make water from and then swim out and join my boy I'm going to swim out and join my boy I think that's the way to go honestly that's probably the way do that oh okay not this time you let me break it into water before but no not here also wait actually I do that oh my god I'm an idiot I forgot about that oh I'm so dumb that was really stupid why did I do that well now the blast furnace is done I like how daylight detector was was my first instinct and I don't I don't know about this here I don't know about this I'm going to be honest with you um oh God I didn't want that to go there I wanted it to go I wanted it to go here oh balls I need to use the daylight detectors to get far out as well that's probably the answer okay okay so if I do that right and then do right right click there and then we do that but then the problem is hold on if I do okay I can just place it on the ceiling I'm going I made it just a little dive into the lava at the end and we win perfect okay well thanks for the lever already oh the lever's gone all right so we got Observer blocks what do I need to do with that do I have anything on me I don't have anything on me so somehow we need to create observations for the block to observe oh there we go scaffolding how nice okay so well if I just do that oh that's not going to work I'm not allowed to I can't tell if there's a barrier there like I think I'm actually I think I'm no that's not working hold on can I reach out no can I oh I guess the scaffolding doesn't have to be on on flat ground um but then how would I like get it out right yeah wait wait wait I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm dumb we just that's all we needed to do right well now the question is um oh okay now we got more stuff I see so every time that one of those disappears we're going to get another blast furnace to work with I'm assuming I can't retrieve those I can try though oh I got him back did I just cheese wait did I just like Omega cheese I might have just Omega cheesed no don't go that way don't be a fool I think I have just oh there they go okay not going to get away with that one again uh and rods my apologies was I supposed to probably just stack the uh the things up but but but anyway now I could just um now I got a lot of blocks at my dis osal here isn't this pretty cool um what do you know what do you think of that wait should I just okay I'll use the I'm assuming that I was supposed to just do that probably and then it would have been there we go fine fine I won't continue to cheese now we must use the end rods somehow to our advantage which I might have to do a reset anyway here because uh how do I get this to how do I get this to place up um how do I get this to place up and then now we know what to do here we do that and then we do that and then we do go to get right yeah easy peasy whoa okay Lantern mushroom and coral fan okay um so we put the mushroom in the center place the lantern to the side no those have to be hanging don't they or on a I should say on a on a floor they have to be on a floor did I just I just break it I'm might just messed it up but if I okay I'm trying to think with the one block area here even if I put the mushroom in the center and even if I could put the brain coral fans like on the walls I don't know if they allow us to go on the walls but I feel like this needs to be done with symmetry right so that the mushroom has to go in the center and then does this that does go on the wall right oh wait wait wait oh it does actually there's like a little teeny bitty vertical hit box oh come on got to be on top got to be on top hey let's go let's go that works come on huge plays huge plays for us here checkpoint error AIO audio file 12 out of 12 not found well there's some corruption in the audio files it's fine we just need to get out and hopefully it's not been 20 years okay so what do we got here boom open exit down 15 14 it's timed a uh oh my God Anvil red carpet Soul Lantern it's actually a speed run holy freck 3 2 1 how do I open I need to get something out of the pressure plate oh okay so I guess I keep the items it just ah okay okay okay so that's fine that's fine so we need to get stuff onto every single pressure plate presumably are there any other things okay so we get we we need to get stuff out to there um and it closes up I can put things down wherever I want I must have to drop the Anvil on something painting God dang it man why are they going to why why do you have to time this thing thing okay so a b c but does that mean so okay my assumption is that there's these pressure plates must like unlock those so that whatever I decide to put in there can flow to the end pressure plate out there so a if I I just need to like get something onto that but the question is like wait I can't break I can't break it what do you mean I can't break it what do you mean I can't break the thing if I do let's say this right put that on B and then what we do is we we do that then the carpet has gone and found itself being an absolute buffoon and has not fallen into the Gap in the center like an idiot forcing me have to do this again which means I should probably do this as my first move so that when it fails inevitably I can just although maybe it's wrong and that's not even the right way to do it but I do that okay and then we put the Anvil down there and now you fall it does fall into the center which is good which means but then I have to figure out how in the freck to do the others try to put this uh right no I can't put that there because the pressure Plate's in the way the only place I can put that God dang thing is the freaking the painting painting is the only one that can occupy the same spot but how would I put a thing into there and have it not actually just get broken or or evaporated Thanos snapped I know how to get that one with with the Anvil at least I don't know how to get it with the others the problem is I don't know how to get any of the I can't put the Anvil down over there to be able to get that one if I wanted to get that one with the Anvil okay crazy idea crazy idea what if what if what what if instead of play facing that there what if it with an entity instead of the Thanos snap happening because it's an entity with the painting maybe the painting goes into oh my God it spans both blocks and then when that did it not break the painting I swear to God did it not break the painting oh it did it did and a is gone I saw the block spawn and then the freaking painting was still on the wall I was like there's no way okay okay that that's good so that that's done something for us all right but then the question is how the freak do I do this one oh I just don't this one is crazy bro this one's actual Insanity I have an idea wait wait wait I oh my God I have a freaking idea I have the craziest idea in the history of the Universe I have an I have a freaking insane idea no a but I have time I have time I have time watch watch watch watch watch I have to wait I have to wait until the end I have to have the hit boox I have to have the hit box and then because there's going to be a block above the freaking thing I'm going to be able to place it it's going to attach to the top and the next time I'm going to I hit the button the thing is going to remove okay watch it watch it watch it watch it come on oh this is so it this is so it this is so it and then we can do now C is going to disappear yes let's go baby well now the problem is please go where you need to please go where you need to you're such an idiot imagine imagine rolling out the red carpet I did everything for you I did everything for you and that's how you treat [Music] me oh my God go where you're supposed to you're so stupid that's probably why it's going to behave badly next time is because I'm calling it stupid but I'm sorry at this point it just deserves it thank you oh thank you wait wait wait wait I could do hold on I can speedrun the freak out of this hold on oh did I just get that I think I just got that bro and wait wait wait wait wait double the double disappearance the double disappearance come on wait where did I oh let's go hello so good to see you guys thank you for participating please wait for our automated system to extract you from the CH levitation system malfunctioned oh it's been more than 20 years oh God it's been more than 20 years being taunted here they're waving at me welcoming me back instead of bidding me farewell there's a lever really I thought that would do something I thought that would let me out at least or something like that oh was that a bed over there wait wait wait wait wait wait oh the bed is too far away no I've dealt with this so many times in survival but I never thought it would mess me up here oh I made it I actually have no idea what I'm looking at right now whoa hey this is like much bigger than 3x3 did we just graduate to a larger size here or something like that f3b thanks for reminding me um I guess okay so we can delete some stuff in here wait am I supposed to delete the armor stands oh no I've killed W oh I've killed Ken and I killed Cory here that you guys can survive oh God I don't actually know if I like need the stuff though wait can I collect that okay I can collect all this stuff I can get the lingering water bottle which helps me and I don't know how and a [Music] lever how am I getting out here uh oh my God I'm such an idiot I can just walk through it's because they're just freaking tile entities oh my God why didn't I try that oh I'm so stupid I was staring at it the whole time open sesame oh hey it's chapter 2 oh that was dumb that was big dumb wow this is significantly larger than in a 3X3 area at least I've still got the bed on me in case things oh my God wait do I have to get over there oh my God where am I going this place just turned into craziness wait I'm supposed to go up up you say what if my lingering water bottle has frecked me up and I was supposed to keep hold of it let's try the other direction maybe I can retrieve something over here that'll help me in my journey uh no and then no stop telling me my bed is too far away I got to get the hit box perfect or something or I just frecked myself I needed to get the player heads all right thank you give me your heads give me your heads thanks so much all right let's try that again I suppose I actually could have just run back through here and grabbed him but yeah anyway so uppies right but the big question is I like it seems like I'm probably going to have to leave a head behind cuz if the bed is too far away no matter what here then all right I'm so sorry uh I I bid farewell to your head no the bed cannot still to be too far away you're kidding me it can't I'm going to have to use another head rip W rip what it's still too far away this is crazy all right Ken you're up okay so that's kind of that's kind of messed up I had to leave them all behind I mean to be fair they weren't joining me anyway but um what does that say thank you for choosing to participate in our involuntary test track today well I can't even involuntarily participate voluntarily because I can't get through the door so what do you want from me wait oh I'm supposed to probably go yeah all we got to make a little bit of a parkour jump ski over here and um okay well well let's hope I still didn't need one of the heads because if I did and the whole thing was like I got to get back up here again then that's going to be a problem parkour okay that wasn't too bad of a parkour oh God okay I feel like I have to get the angle like just right here oh okay made it in made it in made it in exit oh hey I me you're literally just taunting me right now literally you're just taunting me am oh wait oh hold on hold on hold on wait wait wa wait wait I was about to do a trigger reset and I was like wait wait wait maybe that's an idea I might not have messed up cuz maybe what happened here is I actually have to get back up there right and in order to do that I simply don't go off the edge thank goodness I simply maybe I did unlock something uh I just put it on top of the other is like what happened there anyway okay did I open that up by any chance no I didn't okay so in that case the idea is I have to please don't go off please don't go off I have to go back this is allowing me to have the heads and still be in the other place let me just check this area and see if nothing's changed over here um there are some Blinky lights I don't know if those are supposed to signify anything bro I have this I have this um pit of my stomach feeling that I'm going to end up having to go into like every room that I see here and it's going to be insane like we are in the first 5% of chapter 2 like we're not even in we're not even in like you know that's that's that's chapter 2 once we graduate this here that'll be chapter three like is there a way for me to phase through here by any chance no if I like put the bed on the head we get Bed Head then that's not I'm not going to be able to sleep yeah it's going to say it's obstructed so I was thinking like is there a way trying to think of ways that I can clip through here because I feel like the The Next Step has to be something to do with why the door is set up this way and if it's not to do with how the door is set up this way then fair play on creating an excellent red herring I suppose is there a way to hold on is there a way to like use this in order to get a head there and then I mean I could have just placed heads on heads and beds on beds and grabb that and then does that do anything have I even done that I'm losing track of what I've done no that doesn't work wait uh what if I hold on hold on I don't know if the fact that head wasn't perfectly centered made it so it didn't work as well but give me give me is that do anything that doesn't do any holy put a sign no that doesn't work uh block it with a sign but it kind it put me up front so it's like not going to that's not going to work uh what if I do another head there and then I sleep and then I sleep no okay switch the sign switch the sign but now it's going to put me over where the sign is isn't it no it did okay what if I do that you know even more obstruction oh my God I made it through but I did lose the sign and I don't know if the sign is important for later which is concerning to me that I might have wanted to keep that okay all right lava withdrawal gate A3 need something to be able to put on there no problemo insufficient items to con okay okay this time this time we are going to keep the sign where it is I hope this works yeah let's go okay so I mean that makes sense we sacrifice all the heads there and now oh thank goodness what a relief it's amazing how quickly things go when you know the answer after having done it before all right I got nothing to go through there we have got a sneaky little mans over there hm how do I get is there a way to get across there I feel like there's not a way to get across there currently obviously we're going to need that trident but let us continue along oh my goodness gracious okay so we need to all right I'm going to have to jump down there there's an arrow thank you this should be really embarrassing if I just fail the parkour on one of these things uh or proceed to a part where I've gone too far caution high voltage and moving Parts ahead okay I'm assuming the Anvil is going to come into play at some point we're probably going to have to break this and utilize it in order to do something maybe I need to break one of the glass here so that in the next part I can access the end maybe the door is going to shut behind us and then well I can break it from the other side as well and then we'll have access to the Anvil just something to remember also though actually wait a second this can give me yeah this can give me the pressure plates which may come in handy too which will be good in case we get locked in as well also will The Observers trip if I anyway whatever high voltage and moving Parts ahead oh so maybe I don't get in there wait no it does say that there is something to do and I am stuck down here all right let's try [Music] this uh that didn't do much for me do I need to break the and bring it all the way down do I need to rename something I voltage in moving Parts ahead I should probably collect the sign too we were collecting the sign previously um oh maybe the idea is that if I bring this down I can put something in front of the Observer which will cause an event to happen the question is what do I put there do I put a painting there do I put a sign I'm put a sign there and now does it open oh God please tell me that was the right thing to put there I mean it seems like it since we just got the sign there so so using that seems good I'm going have just do a reset heck at least we hit a checkpoint it's almost like I need to collect the Anvil oh it's almost like I need to collect the Anvil wait a second does this work yeah okay now we're cooking with gas that's what I'm talking about all right all right all right and now here's the plan here's the plan we use the sign right there we go and then no yeah okay now let's hope we haven't frecked it up some other way here all right so we have I mean it is it do be observing there but the question is did I did I mess it up and I was like supposed to keep should I have used well I suppose I can still use the light blue Banner but what can I do on the other side but also H what can I that's what I don't know I don't know how observers react to paintings but also if I put a painting here and then I try to do okay so that's not going I I can test things out here right I can test how things will behave so if I do that the painting will exist further out okay let's give this a try and see if the Observer uh reacts to the paint even though that was probably balls wait wait no no you imbecile you fool you absolute fool you dummy and now I've lost I've lost again you know what also just realizing we got a there's a bunch of glass been like running by cuz I don't have beds like I can't I can't get through although there's probably there probably some unknown way that I can I can get into a crawl using I don't know a sign can't do that I can't collect that yeah that might that might help that might be a good thing to have that might help with the last room yeah that almost that almost could be a good thing that I've just so I've been doomed like every single time that I've gone in I I I've been in a position where I'm incapable of getting through all three little did I know little did I know man just imagine if I had a bed here just think of all the things that I could do with that bed and getting into like all these different areas it would be just wonderful okay so given that we have three signs now like I'm pretty certain signs are the key to everything right so there this this is this is definitely the correct way then okay so that's open and now though I have to figure out so like I don't think I can do I can't do a a ceiling sign but I've got to figure out okay let's test things out here before we put him to waste if I do that yes okay the sign does work there but we're still we're still low we're still too low by one which is really messed up all right question is um oh God if I put down one of these pressure plates though the I wanted to test putting the heavy weighted pressure plate down on the ground and and or actually isn't a great place to put it uh Frick I wanted to test putting it down and seeing if I can put the banner on it and then the banner will be floating one high up right and then well here goes nothing this is probably not going to work and then we'll have to reset oh wait wait wait wait wait oh oh come on look at that that is a beautiful line of stuff that it's not meant to be floating it's just floating oh let's go we make these okay okay okay okay well uh H this seems like a place where I'm supposed to get into a crawl you know the usug just thinking jump into it like maybe nope it just hurts me I don't get into a crawl dang it what come on okay all right all all right everything's a crawl everything's a crawl wait where is I don't want to like get out and risk actually getting uh frecked up and being stuck so I'm trying to figure out where the Observer would be located here I'm I'm assuming I could use this to get back into a crawl but I'm still a little bit scared um or maybe it's just parkour honestly I'm going through maybe it's just parkour maybe the answer is actually back on the other side oh it's that there's that all the way up there with TNT on top of it oh my God okay so maybe maybe that's not the first step First Step isn't in there maybe the first step is breaking that's good idea that's a really good idea that's why I couldn't get into the other place before is because like I was on to break things that doesn't count though okay so and these okay so that all that did actually run something what did it run and then I can like still grab it back yeah okay cool I feel like I actually like the first time around kind of I kind of went hard dude I kind of went hard on getting through there without having the uh the redstone lamp I mean it's kind of sick honestly okay so does this do anything when you I'm assuming not but I can like I can get on top but this doesn't doesn't help me okay so maybe the idea is I just needed to get in here have all the Redstone lamps and then I can use these uh in order to scale what I need to do here so like you can do that and it'll just be about conservation of blocks here right and do that and then we can get up here it's going to be can always go back down if we feel like we're missing something but uh okay I have two more two more and then we probably want to grab that but do I have the ability to Observer block that thing from here okay what I could do like is if I could okay I can reach that and then the question is can I reach the block above it cuz if I could reach the block above it then I could put the pressure plate down on the wall right come on man minimize the distance minimize the distance or I mean actually I suppose I could just wait wait I think I saw it show up I think I saw it show up if I can just barely barely hit the corner come on come on oh yep there it is there it is okay do I risk it do I risk it for the biscuit okay tell me that's right tell me it's right tell me it's right tell me it's right oh well thank you okay so that got that back doesn't necessarily help us with our current predicament although I will re I will be able to retrieve that right okay so I'm assuming like we actually just have to get up there um which seems like a tricky thing to accomplish and now we only we have one extra redstone lamp to facilitate that I don't think there's any other way to get up here right now we have two more which will allow me to retrieve the top one up there and then I can like try to it's still not going to get me up there though is the problem oh it gets me the Observer oh wow it's actually really good that I got there in time um okay so I feel like I want to put the observer in a place where I know that I'm not going to be able to where I'm not going to have to like you know reput something cuz the Observer I'm not going to be able to break so we don't want it to be in a place that's going to obstruct my ability to redo this right so I'm thinking like I thinking we do it here if we put the Observer here that'll be a good place okay so that gets me up here um but it does not get me into the next area which okay just don't think there is a way that I could could have used it cuz I would have had to like I went there that might actually wait is that actually the key wait is that actually the key hold on so if we do that then the next block has to be one Higher does that okay so if we did this holy freak this might actually be it this may actually be it and then we go is that that's an over yep that's an over three up one oh my God that saves us a block oh my God that saves us a block this is a gnarly jump though oh but we get it first try and we save a block huge Maneuvers let's go let's go dude and now we've got what we need come on come on let's go let's go and we're through God I'm going to be so bummed if I happen to forget something here please tell me I didn't forget something but I do have the pressure plate so I can access that let me just check that we didn't miss anything all right I am doing the gono holy freck wait do I need to I can break this hopefully I don't want a pickaxe or anything like that what does that do for us hopefully nothing that messes any oh wait I can get oh God was I supposed to wait that did trip that well whatever here I'm just going to do this uh wait I'm back down oh God wait a minute wait oh hold on I need to retrieve all the blocks and then have those oh my God you're crazy ah this now I'm never going to get this jump I'm on the clock though as well because like those items if I don't get through well they're they're frecked they are they are frecked that's going to be really sad we got 5 minutes we got 5 minutes no pressure 5 minutes no pressure we get everything I think we got everything cool [Music] um there we go okay so we're going to have we have to use one oh I keep the pressure plate let's go I have to use one right and then then I think like there's no other way to do it I've got to use I've got to use that many um but now I do this oh you you're dumb oh you're am I just dumb was I just supposed to get back up how do I get the TNT wait that is oh freck that wasn't the the part that's facing the that wasn't the face that was not the face I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I don't know why I put that down when it's not the part that's the face what what am I supposed to do with this part here I'm frecked okay I'm about to um about to risk a soft lock here and um I'm thinking maybe what if what if we have something underneath here that can like uh conduct Redstone and we can get the TNT to go Kaboom if I just pressure plate down and then throw some throw some stuff on it it's looking like a no I don't I think that's gone now I'm pretty sure that gone pretty sure that's gone okay what if it's just what if it's just I'm being a total idiot here what if I just been a total idiot this entire time all I needed to do is just to put the pressure plate there and I'm going to use a painting instead because paintings are dumb and useless and freck actually wasting one of our Redstone lamps okay what if I just do this oh I missed oh it's all magnetizing that one we learned that it was a soft lock last time having to use multiple paintings in the water bottle so um we're trying it we're trying it uh here instead and seeing how it works oh thank goodness oh my God all right first try can uh that has never happened I promise that's never happened give me the wall oh okay all right I was never here that's completely my fault oh man okay all right all right all right I gotta I got to figure out how do I get up there using the wall so that I have a redstone lamp okay here's my thought maybe I can just trigger the Redstone with the with the wall and I don't actually need to worry about what I was thinking of worrying about which is is having a full block I can just get up there like this do that and then trip it off I can trip it off anyway it's a checkpoint I've have never been so excited for a checkpoint in my life and it just brought us back to here it brought us back to here with the sole difference being I now I'm in possession of a pressure plate that I can presumably use if I'm able to get across over to there okay so I I do have another idea here this is probably a great way for us to have to do a little reset but you know since we're so close to the checkpoint we got nothing to lose so I'm going to do a little uh I'm going to do a little jumpy jump across and then what we're going to do is we are going to put the pressure plate down and then we're going to e a painting onto it and it's going to open and now I'm going to grab the Trident from my boy and that has loyalty so what is that does that allow us to like does that allow us to trip things off I wonder that I don't know also am I stuck here no I can't get back up I hope I didn't need the painting though but we can always redo this if we need to and the painting was important for other reasons um okay so loyalty Trident I mean I could use that in order to just like he's Invincible oh it has durability so I have to be I got to be careful about the uses folks very very careful so wait a minute wa wait I'm used to like observers but is there something I can do with Trident in the room that was over here that I could like lava with withrawal gate does this do something it doesn't I mean it takes Redstone but I was thinking maybe there's a away if I put a pressure plate down there though it wouldn't affect that cuz that's too that's too far away I don't even know if I could reach that though hold on a minute hold on okay wait up is there through one of these openings now a place that I can throw the Trident that would actually do tridon trigger Observer blocks is another good question if it drop proper component later maybe I'm going to have to get all the way up there somehow how does this help me can it be used to do this it can there we go God I was looking at those pressure plates like so often and somehow I just didn't make the connection that's that's silly that's very silly meanwhile over here can I get over there emergency exit trigger B and a so I need to light it can I light the Trident on fire by throwing it into the lava and then illuminate the campfire with it no is there a way that I can cause the path of travel back I need to let oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait here's the water bottle here's the water bottle honestly I did didn't even know that that was a thing until I just made the connection okay so can I make it go up and light it I feel like there's got to be a way God that I can get it on fire and move to a place where it's going to actually illuminate the campfire on the way up or I mean I could jump over there maybe I could jump over there let's see wait this might have been a dumb idea but oh it doesn't do it either no way oh come on man well now I'm stuck I don't know like does it have something to do with the painting do I have light the painting on fire and then that allows me to I do not know man is there anything through the other side of here there just a button ready to go it's a wooden button wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that looks like it might help us out a bit okay okay and we oh Houston we have a button um okay but how is the button going to help us here I don't think you can just button press a campfire in order to illuminate it I don't think that works I should put the button up there you know oh you barriered it wait wait a minute I could just do this and then what does this do for me wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on wait wait a minute wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute so lava withdrawal Gates A3 I see I need to how do I get the button up there though I can I can get this back by just breaking this underneath it's going to go bye-bye but I get oh my God I'm so why don't I think of that why didn't I think leave no item behind and then then I bet you what I can do is I can use the heavy weighted pressure plate in order to get the button down so like I bet I can reach here right and then I can yep yep yep tricky block placements tricky block placements and then yeah look at that did I did I hit that didn't hit can you hit it's not hitting can you please hit there we go woo W come on let's go okay oh and then it is going to do that oh so I'm turning the lava actually on instead of off yo you deleted my Trident wait that's so mean what the heck that is a five blocker exit that way well there is water down there um well do I just jono and hope for the best maybe what what I do that may be what I do let's hope we didn't leave anything behind here goes nothing dropper let's go all right what am I doing oh God is it a oh God is it a water maze oh no don't tell me I can drown here oh anxiety oh okay we got an air hole that's good it's I didn't give myself full breath one sec and down we go what what oh okay like our barrier block hold on I have the inability to aim so there we go that's not what I'm looking for Please Don't Drown Please Don't Drown Please Don't Drown underwater maze was not in my list of expectations I have the painting I have the final thing this is all I needed yeah let's go chapter 3 come on we did it oh my goodness gracious all right welcome to the frost escape room map give me cover me with diamonds so if I break that I'm not going to collect it but I might need this okay okay Frost Walker and big fire prop there is an armor stand I'm being observed he's looking at me he's like why are you breaking the glass stop breaking the glass what does that say caution please do not obstruct vital water Outlets ha there's irony in that sign that's funny um okay hold on so I am swimming can I like I don't think I can do a a swimming Yeet into two blocks across into that can I like I'm going to be I'm going to be exiting out of swim like long before I actually get there ideas have been formulated from the do not obstruct what if I do this no wait really I thought that that would cause the the water to go do things and and go elsewhere but well that's silly that stupid water logging now if I if I put that there I mean it would stop the water and then would turn it into ice down here completely so we do have a source it is is it Source blocks all around I guess it is that's what I needed to do and now now it's going to flow yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep didn't think about that didn't think about that but that was the way also I do have the range on that chamber One open initiation gate upon entry subject should be actually just grab the book let me grab the book um subject should be graded and supplied with one pair of frost Walker boots register trademark boots must pass demo test within one week prior to use in the frost escape room map keep South ledge Frozen informed subject of frost Walker boots can be activated by walking over a ledge between 0 and one blocks above a water source okay so there's like there's a little bit of um got I got I got so chamber one is what we're at right now and then chamber two will be in once I can get past this I put the sign down in the center does it divert flow oh my God it does divert the flow maybe just that little extra bit will be that was exactly what I needed that was dumb that was dumb okay okay okay we're here all right how am I gonna wait can I just take off the frost Walker boots and then so I feel like the the solution here right is I just need to not well let me read the book cuz it said chamber 2 keep the South ledge Frozen inform the subject that the frostwalker boots can be activated by walking over a Ledge between zero and one blocks above a water source keep the South ledge Frozen but how do I if I if I mine the ice unless I mind the ice how do I get up there I can't jump up there and the frost water I'm going to punch it oh okay got it so I can the book kind of just like scared me a little bit made me think that actually I shouldn't be doing that okay perfect we're good to go there and then this is just going to be a little little bit of oh that doesn't work um oh dear have I gotten myself stuck uh you're to turn on man you're supposed to turn on please please turn on please please turn on can I get back oh dear am I an idiot no we made it okay how Okay so it said like you can get standing between zero oh wait no if I can get up here though it doesn't mean I can get up there I don't think I can get up there is there anything on the other side of that no there isn't but wait oh hold on what if I use this yes that causes the water to divert a little bit further and then maybe I can actually get up there okay perfect and now now it freezes let's go let's go and then uh I can oh I got to jump to there right and then yeah there we go and now let me do this be easier to do with momentum perfect this must be chamber three all right we've got the End Rod the End Rod um do not attempt to mine the ice okay understood so you're saying that if I mine the ice I lose and we'll have to reset but hold on if I if I attempt to mine the ice and then it doesn't wait that's not going to be it uh that's not going to help but if I do that because I I would think that like okay so the idea would be put the End Rod break this right turn it into water get the End Rod up there then I turn it back into ice retrieve the End Rod then put the End Rod on the other side and I can use it to get up what happens if I break the rules and I do mind the ice curios to kill the cat yes it did achievement get reset 50 times if I if I put wait what does it melt it and it okay didn't realize the End Rod would melt the ice in such a way where it actually does turn into water instead of me punching it with my fist where it does not turn in to water but this is great news and now I'm going to put that there and let's see can I get on it or just have to be one L there we go and then it turns into ice that is so cool wow didn't think about that one okay and then this I should be able to make that jump and I wasn't sprinting good Lord okay cool can I retrieve End Rod though that's the question do I need to actually have this with me if I attach it to let me see so hold on that is it is an over three but is an over three up one and a half Poss there's no way an over three up one and a half is possible except for the part where it looks like I do need the End Rod here in order to be able to unless I can freeze from the side no that's just so that I can get back up if I fail Okay so do I actually are over three up one and A2 jumps a possible thing just when I think I've figured it out I know nothing and I didn't figure it out okay oh my God come on man so we got this cre the End Rod like that really doesn't look like a jump I can do that's like above eye level the fact that this is not the solution and there's more that must be done is just classic um okay well there is a way to get back so let me just double check if there's like a cheeky way to do things in here so that I can freeze stuff yeah I'm I'm not I'm not seeing it what the I just ran over here and ran back and it turned into ice I don't even know what I did was it this wait was it the sign somehow I mean I genuinely don't know how this happened but I'll take it I guess I don't need the End Rod people are going to be like oh wa did you do some off camera I swear to god dude I just looked the other way for a moment I was like I'm going to think about this stop the recording and then it turn around and it's ice okay hey Ken why did it turn into ice when I wasn't looking um yeah so it's um I guess I can probably show up it's a you were crouched over the edge here for a moment curious oh really okay cool I love it when I accidentally solve things y thank you okay let's continue oh cool I didn't freck myself up I'm going to turn it ice here though [Music] um okay I got to get into oh my God how am I going to okay so I got to get into I got to get into a crawl here wait if I take off the boots and I punch this because it's a one by one is it just going to break or is it going to turn into water have I already freaked it did I need to take off the boots before I got into this room is there a way to use the Piston to get the water flow up how would I do that I have nothing that even if I break is it going to be gone oh it does go okay goes back into water I don't know what determines whether or not you punch it with your fist and it turns into water or it disappears I got no idea if that's a vanilla thing or if that's some NBT thing with the block but regardless Okay so we've got water back okay what does the book say about keep all water flowing initially all me oh wait no that was that must be the one that I just did was chamber 4 absolutely no instruction to be given to the subject hopefully they will will discover that the ice is still relevant uh but you need to uh uh uh freck oh God will this work is there a way yeah okay cool I've honestly never pulled ice with a piston before so um okay but the question is now can I like freeze it again by like if I do this does it turn oh my God this is interesting but now I'm like in here uh I did not mean to right click there um does this okay that does work this is so crazy what uh and then I like I can stand on this okay cool and then we can inch this over I get um but okay once we get like up though the problem is can wait no I can push myself up with a piston and I should be able to freeze it there the issue is can I get it any higher can I get it any higher that like will it be enough if I get the water there will I be able to still be crouched and dive in or will we run into the issue in the first room and is there a way to actually like soft lock this to where it has to be redone hope not but anyway okay and then we do that this is clever as heck though this is clever as heck dude okay so there and then we just keep moving it right um so this will push and that's so cool cuz it doesn't like it doesn't retract it right because obviously the you know it's freaking water so now we can do that freeze it back into ice I think I can just kind of I can work with this I can work with this right and freeze it again and then go up and now the question is what to do oh wait wait wait wait no I can use the water to get on and actually no this is fine right this is totally fine cuz I can use the water get on top there freeze the ice right and then I can just push it where it needs to go so it actually does yeah just like easy right and then I can get through do I need the Piston I don't know if I need the Piston but and come on let's go come on let's go get through there there we go huge checkpoint come on needed the Piston can you imagine if I had come through here and I hadn't taken the piston in the lever that would have been very disappointing that would have been very disappointing okay o po house snow do we still have the boots we still have the boots do those somehow come into play here it seems like we'd need leather let's see does this yeah that doesn't that doesn't work it doesn't work too good okay um so wait does the edge of powdered snow still oh yeah it's still bad um I was like we are in 1.9 not 1.20 so perhaps the edge of the block won't count it counts it it counts um it's okay all I got to do is just no Hardcore Parkour doesn't work is there a chamber six here oh a vital mechanic must be introduced jumping on the very edge of powdered snow from it from at least 2 m drop Will negate the effects of the snow huh you say that but but but do you do you mean that so it it must be a 1.19 thing though maybe it oh it's just the very very edge got it I really had to like I had to triangulate it perfectly but there we have it okay well hold up am I still yeah it's still going to be 2 drop I feel like this is um this is definitely a one point furnace of usefulness um I feel like this is definitely a 1.19 thing that probably is the same mechanic as slime and um and magma and Soul Sand and all that and is now defunct um I have to get into a c crawl how how do I get into a crawl I love it when I'm like peering down like oh maybe I'll be able to see under if I bend my head down set powdered snow initial position one block higher than it needs to be then teach the player to move it remember to provide two additional blocks urge subject to make maximum use of resources one block higher than it needs to be teach player to move it what do you mean move the powdered snow I don't think you can just you can't break powdered snow it just it's gone it just goes bye-bye what do you mean move it huh I'm not familiar with this like can I use powdered snow in order to get into a crawl to be able to get into there but I have to move it in order to do that and I don't know how to move it move it I'd like to move it move it please go wait a sec second holy freak I have ideas holy freak I have ideas folks oh my god I've I have accumulated ideas wait a second this is the ideas oh I forgot we can backtrack it is all about backtracking backtracking is the key we've learned that we can move ice of course we can move powdered snow of course we can do that why wouldn't we be able to do that there we go there that's more like it that's what I'm talking about sure it's kind of devious process but we can do it actually wait a second wait a second I don't need to do any of this wait why am I I don't need this is dumb I don't need to do that I don't need to do that all I need to do is I just need to push this down right remember it said place it one block higher than initially necessary right I I just need to get across with a piston I can crunch myself I don't need the I don't need this I don't need the powdered snow to get into the crawl I just need the Piston to get into the crawl and now I can get into the crawl haha okay and wait uh yep and that's the wrong place and ye H I probably need to retreat this don't I that's my guess I wish you wouldn't drop why why did you drop there you didn't need to drop there that was really silly thank you please give me give me thank you appreciate you okay uh so I'm going to start freezing help oh cool you can just jump up through it that's awesome okay okay so so uh where is it we are trying to get here my assumption is we need to get there with oh okay so IO I need to bring that down one and then bring that up one and then jump off the Piston oh I probably need the piston in order to get there and then do I need to get up there oh oh I bet you I got to you oh God don't tell me I need to piston the water all the way over there no no no no oh wait freak no don't tell me I got a powdered snow in order to and bring them I swear if I have to just do pistons on everything across everywhere it's going to be the most tedious thing I've ever experienced do not fill this room with water keep each powdered snow near their intended positions due to the daunting nature of chamber 8 give subject verbal encouragement no less than every 6 minutes I'm going to do that I'm going to do that and then I'm going to do that and um that makes it a uh okay I can do one more I can do one more and then I might be able to actually make this work potentially will that work let's try it I will have the piston in doing this keep it near its original balls keep it near its original balls please um Ye Ye we did it so it says don't fill the room with water but like that must be used somehow actually where am I trying to get to oh okay um I'm just trying to get over there so I mean is it just a red herring okay well you know what let me just if I pull this up I might need to pull that guy up by no I can't though because I need the piston over there um if I pull you up then we are okay so in that case if we just do another pole then maybe it is that simple hopefully alternatively wait do I not oh I didn't actually need to I could do a two block drop and then it's just an over three up one so maybe I'll do that instead let me just pull it over here and then um we'll try this I can always move it if needed I can do this okay cool let's try that who needs water checkpoints when we can parkour but I might just be able to raise if I want anyway so why were you like that Okie do here we go boom boom and boom Oh my God what are you doing okay come on there we go good if I stand under that okay and then you please do not leave me don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me thank you and then um guess the question is do I have to leave the Piston behind I may have to wait can I even [Music] do I'm a gigantic idiot so good to be out of there so good to be out of there okay I'm going to go up now hey guys seem to have lost your heads is that because I took them last time oops sorry about that I was kind of rude of me I suppose so you need me to get through there you need me to get through on into there don't you is there anything on the other side new nothing particularly interesting if I were to do this that just keeps the water oh I didn't realize even if it's not a source block it will still freeze or maybe that was a source block uhhuh and then back to room one mechanics I see you I did not freaking let me break the sign I didn't realize that this would work this way okay cool cool cool and then we just bring the water a little bit further and then we just bring the water a little bit further ww okay the sign's like I'm going to go now is that cool yes it's fine hey guys do you need uh the boots you want the boots I don't know if I still need them there you go you're looking mighty fancy Mr armor maybe you oh you could have a fight amongst yourselves who get keep them yeah you know beat each other up a little bit um God where did I end back up here okay hold up we've got oh we got more of these wait I could I put the sign in there oh man wait wait wa wait wait what do I do though what do I do what's the plan okay that's all sealed sealed that's wait I thought that was a daylight sensor maybe but no oh goodness gracious there's a lot of things that I have to consider here um oh I'm so worried that I'm going to miss like now we're getting nonlinear cuz I can run down here and open whatever this door is I can put the sign here but I don't know if I'm going to lose a sign that's going to be really bad uh let me just check what's going on down here okay cool good wait is this where I was or do I have to get through are we still using the furnaces I know this place I've been here it's the furnace of usefulness you were actually very useful you let me keep my piston thanks for that that's so nice of you I'm going to do this wait or am I going to do this hold on maybe I'm not going to do this oh I'm not going to do this I thought I was going to do this I thought I was so smart thinking that that I could just do this but it turns out I'm not would I have been able to grab a source block out of there if I if I had broken it ah would I have been able to grab that or is it not a source block I just don't know how these boots work this is a thing I forgot that was a thing just had a freaking I just remembered the like snow cone item oh my God I just remembered that oh my goodness okay wait I still can't reach that I can't really wait can I do if I put this down can I put the sign on top of it and then trigger The Observer block or am I supposed to do I'm just going to do this hopefully it will not be a lock do that and then ah oh we got a checkpoint boys let's go what open up this is huge for us okay I mean wouldn't have given me the checkpoint unless we uh didn't mess things up and we had the right item was the there's no way that the TNT and the and the the skulk were just red herrings there's no way why were they there then why were they there at all god dude I totally forgot Minecraft powdered snow buckets freaking snow cones anything I cover in a in a video anything I cover in a in a snapshot video I swear I just forget about it anyway I should probably grab that that's important um don't leave that there I don't think I can retrieve the sign but uh okay so we can probably use our little powdered snow hop mechanic to get over this then we can just retrieve the thing after yeah perfect we just need to make sure that it's you know within the confines of the place I wonder what those uh wonder what these two divots are for though you know okay what do we have over here oh this is going to be a whole like powdered snow jump mechanic thing a button must be forged from stained glass I do love myself some glass buttons Glass is very very well associated with redstone as we know okay what water/ laava gate execute override hold object on pedestal to force open all fluid Gates warning please run through safety check of all Gates first me safety okay so the problem is like I place this down anywhere and I'm I'm just doodo right there's nothing I can nothing I can do um you know question here question okay there's that there what is up just lava there's just lava everywhere I might need to get back on there cuz I'm wondering if I need to use this to get through that window possibly like can I use the powdered snow in order to like do that no no I can't do that can I it's probably not the way that I'm supposed to get up there but this way we can do that and do this like I don't know right here dang it okay so what do we have going on here um wait there's a painting why is there a painting on the ground oh God am I on the clock here am I on the clock tell me I'm not on the clock so I can break the bars with my fist but like is that going to do anything so hold object on pedestal when you say hold object on pedestal do you just mean like that or or is it I keep forgetting to grab this behind me if I put this on here oh all gates open not sure if this is a good thing or not but uh okay so now we oh okay wait a minute wait a minute got that let's see I can't retrieve anything if I break the painting break the signs I'm not going to be able to actually get them okay gates open Gates closed I see I can't imagine there is is a world in which I would actually be able to grab the water from here cuz that would probably be like super op but I don't know how do I make a button though so I do that can I ah it's barrier blocks it's like no not just going to give you water that that's not going to happen um okay so we have like lava if I jump down from here though I can't I actually like can't get back can I okay well now I am screwed as far as I can tell unless I can swim up the lava flow wait oh hold on I can swim up the lava flow I have incredible regenerative abilities don't know if this is cheesing things at the moment but uh hold on go get it get it get it no oh oh that give me give me give me give me give it to me why um so that opened up though so like what can I can't reach the source block I want the source block I want the source block give me the source block there's a there a barrier there this is ridiculous man I uh there go okay so the water the water has come forth here which is great this is big news this means I think I can break the TNT and it will come to me okay oh that's so cool now is the skull just a red hering like I could put it here and I could just blow myself up and that the intrusive thoughts they are very tempting however I don't know how that would help me Forge a button um okay is there another place that I can trigger a redstone signal that that will cause things to be good I can never remember actually if I just introduce TNT to Lava if it will go Kaboom or if it will not go Kaboom but even if it will go Kaboom where would I place it a little concerned that I was just like if I put that there and it blows up and then I'm I'm locked again I got to reset and there H it's not going to be good I put it there ow what do you want from me I don't know what you want is there like okay there's an arrow there is there a way to grab a source lava bucket if I if I'm through there can I grab a is this a source bucket of lava no I can't do anything with you why do you point it points to a block this doesn't help you're not helping me there's nothing for me oh oh I just had to get the proper angle you freak well now I can't repeat what I there we okay I have a lava bucket that is so exciting but that also if I have a lava bucket means that I can only do one at a time between the lava and and the powdered snow okay so I have put a stop to that wait does that mean I like wait let me see is there anything up there is there anything up there wait wait wa wait I'm just going to I'm just going to Chuck this over in a corner or something like that and see is there oh God no I can't check that out though cuz the freaking gates are closed hold on uh put this back what the fre what okay after a after a brief after a brief hint I just like there's so this is like the biggest free area that has existed in the map so far like everything so far has been confined to one chamber so I'm like okay everything I need must be in here this area just became gigantic and I'm like I don't know when when do I backtrack do I still backtrack yeah yeah I got to utilize I got to utilize the water don't I I got to utilize the water uh and then blow it up this yeah the sensor obviously like had to do with something um yeah obviously that should be fine I don't think I need the powdered snow I'm not used to dealing with so many tools I like being severely restricted with what I'm able to put to use okay God damn it let's try that again Gates got to be open I never remember what the distinction is between when you get cobblestone when you get so water running over the I'm pretty sure if I just like do this we're going to end up getting obsidian aren't I cuz it's going to be Source lava meeting I thought it was Source water getting hit by flowing lava that makes Stone wasn't it but I need but I need Stone not Cobblestone cuz I'm pretty sure if I just do this is an easy soft lock moment because if I make the wrong thing then I'm just doomed aren't I cuz I think if I just put the lava down here we're going to get cobblestone then I'm going to blow up the Cobblestone and then I can't make a button out of the Cobblestone unless there is a way to smelt it which there actually is a way to smelt it in the furnace using the lava bucket and then I will have the button this works actually this works now that I think about it oh it's just so many steps but it works and then we get the Cobble okay and then we go cammo and then we get that and then we cook it and now let him cook let him cook here we go nope not that it's very annoying that you would go and do a thing like that the furnace of usefulness truly living up to its names sake okay give me that button give me that button I need a button I need a button I need a button and okay we still keep the bucket and then we make ourselves a button that is finally forged as the prophecy for told imagine I break my Frost Walker boots by going through too much lava around here okay so we do this do this get that good I have button and I did I do it did I do it did I do it Oh chapter 4 he's only G and done it oh my God uh so wow all right this is where we have to still keep using the powder this is high stakes isn't it this is very high stakes okay no pressure folks no pressure got it okay good then we can drop down here and be good right and into here and hopefully I haven't left anything wouldn't it be embarrassing if I left something behind that I didn't want to leave behind that would be pretty embarrassing wouldn't it um this on the other hand is a is that simply a jump that I can make I suppose I could do is that a it's it's a no that's a zero block Gap so that doesn't work powder snow is not going to help me I'm just going to die so okay just a jump that I can make okay we have a I I'm assuming it's just a it's a little powdered snow course that we're dealing with here and then what do we have over here um okay hold on a minute so if I were to so if I were to put it down there if I were to put it down there in theory that might be doable here we go here goes nothing don't mess up oh he gets it let's go okay so that opened oh wait I open that up wait why did I not entirely sure why I needed that to be opened up but give me that and what do we do a lot of high stakes jumps that we got to do I thought I was actually going to fall on that one thank goodness we didn't so what does my um oh I see what the deal is it ah so it probably it allows me to walk on the powdered snow so that I can get over there presumably is this the part where I have to bid farewell to the carpet though it probably is but not the powdered snow let me keep the powdered snow and goodbye carpet okay well let's hope we didn't need that carpet otherwise um we're Doo man this powdered snow mechanic is is really getting some mileage here holy heck so we can do that can't do that um say one oh it's got to be two blocks it's got to be it's got to be this doesn't it yeah okay now we have some good building blocks though so that's good but where do we need to get to do we don't tell me we need to get over there with three TNT there's no way there is no way hold on okay with three building blocks I mean we saw the uh so this gives I guess this gives me the ability to create a snow jump wherever right um I could go back but do I want I don't know if I want to go back because if I go back over there then I'm just I'm kind of screwed because I I'm going to lose a block every time okay I'm just going to risk it just going to risk it it's going to be so bad when I inev eventually fail one of these good thing that wasn't it that would have been impeccable timing all right uh got to just hope that we can now use the TNT in order to access like I could go up here is there an area does seem like there's an area up there so a question like do I do I just build up cuz I could um problem is I'm not going to be able to retrieve everything but here goes nothing rip if that's wrong oh hey you do anything you don't do anything wait a minute I can't can I retrieve you with a fist punch I don't think I can get you with a fist punch can I but I also have no way of like blowing up the TNT I can retrieve two of the TNT maybe the third if I'm lucky I don't think I get get this with my fist um but maybe I can cuz we get the Blackstone buttton can I do this with my fist God can I um um um um um um I guess I could use use the pressure plate to blow up the TNT to blow up the pressure plate up use the pressure plate to destroy itself which is a which is a funky thing that I I just hadn't really considered is there a way to like um if I do this can I like can no that doesn't like it um um okay okay uh what is the way is there a way that I can use the snow Block in order to oh well wait I think my I think my brain has actually just completely shut down since the last chamber because that that should be doable there yeah that should be doable as long as I don't fall yep that's totally doable and then I can cble ammo okay it's um it's a rough time of it right now oh god um all right so the question is do I can I put this on the powdered snow does that work no I have to detonate another TNT for this don't I cuz that's otherwise not going to like I don't want to get rid of the TN see but I don't know that I have a choice here [Music] well okay everything is good we can detonate another one if we need to get through another wall um or we can just leave it here maybe we have to just leave it here and and go far away well here goes nothing all right yeah I can't retrieve that that's stuck there uh um over here where else are we going uh if I drop down there am I doomed don't mess up oh he doesn't mess up let's go watch me have just gotten into a place that was totally unnecessary and doesn't lead anywhere and I I've just I've just doomed myself because I can't actually get back up does this lead anywhere no no it doesn't maybe I go all the way down here let's try it okay surely that's not the wrong way wait wait wait wait oh there is opening over there oh maybe this is correct thank you for highlighting it with the yellow Edge oh my God have I made it to the place that I'm supposed to go just I feel like every move I'm going to make now is just like nope restart it try again um anything that okay so we got another one of the uh got another one of the things where we probably have to initiate an observer somehow what do we have over here a gap okay okay I can open that one up with just the pressure plate so that's probably worth doing and then I can't retrieve the pressure plate back so let's hope that's the last use it's a checkpoint hey we've got my concrete powder I don't think I can retrieve that back but we can use the concrete powder in order to get up so we have basically like two building blocks now kind of oh hey buddy I feel like wait do you put that down man don't have to do it get hand it over and nobody has to get hurt all right uh so if I go in here and then till day hey I don't want to have to I don't want to have to punch this cute little dangerous snow fox I really don't want to have to do that in order to get it a TNT so that I can repick up the the the pressure plate I'd rather not do that can I not do that can I elect uh to to do something else instead perhaps like anything other maybe than slaying the fox because I like to not slay the fox can I can I tempt it into another item hey hey buddy here white carpet doesn't that look tempting you should pick that up instead of the instead of the TNT right like here take that M delicious why do you like the taste of gunpowder it's not healthy for you is there anything under the ice no no there's not come on buddy come on buddy we can we can get along here yeah we can get along um there's a way to like you know is there to lure you out probably not a way to lure you out is there I had to guess like you want to you want to get up get up on there you want to get up on the Block you want to get up on the Block yeah get up on the Block yeah there we go well done buddy now now we just you know move you move you over to there and then and then you're going to make it I'm going to freeze and but it's going to be great and then watch and then you can get up there oh my God yeah let's go you're doing you're doing a great job I'm just trying to get you out God watch me get him out and then he just yeets himself off the edge of the map the pain the pain I'm so lucky that you just walk on powdered so you don't even need leather boots you are leather boots I guess okay I feel like everything I'm doing right now is just completely unnecessary but um actually what even am I what what am I doing I don't know what I'm even doing here like oh hey sitting cuz Okay now that he's on the top though like does this even I need you need to go further over onto the thing now that he's up here though is there any even if I use that no that's just going to fall CU it's concrete powder so I don't even know how to get him over man this is probably not the solution cuz it'd be too likely he just goes off the edge God dang it all right um ignore the magical shirt change this definitely was all completed in one session everybody all right budddy how do I get you to drop the the TNT you want do you want that instead is there a way that I can like could give him the powdered snow bucket I can't get in here without using that because I can't jump off the powed snow because I don't have a two block thing so I have to I have to tempt you some other way or maybe I don't have to tempt you if I press tie on my keyboard do you magically help me beat the map I'm pressing till day on my keyboard right now and it's not doing anything which is very unfortunate so okay that begs the question then is the next thing I have to do like oh you know what I bet it is we need to eventually get the TNT back from till day so that I can get the pressure plate so I can make it through the next door so that will have to happen eventually is my assumption but until then is is there something else can I get into a crawl somehow using powdered concrete like I can make this fall on me but I don't know that I can get myself into a crawl using it and even more the issue is like how do I get up there if I don't have a block to stand on so I mean I can get up here doing this and then I have the concrete and then I can also retrieve oh wow huh okay well this is probably good I feel like I feel like that I'm on to something with having magically managed to collect the white carpet and getting up here cool I'm not going to lose this because I feel like I'm not going to be able to recreate it okay there's got to be a way it's always a crawl when and doubt crawl I can figure out how there's got to be a way that I can get into a crawl using these three items I don't know how I got no idea how but there must be a way there's some combination of how I can place these down that will allow me to oh don't break that that would be a soft lock and then I'd have to do this again like obviously the white concrete that'll fall on my head but I get pushed out right it doesn't doesn't help me in getting into a crawl if I do that then just it breaks at the bottom but that doesn't help me cuz I'm not again crawling what if I if I do it like into the powdered no that doesn't work either wait hold on if I am in the powdered snow and I drop this then what happens it's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about let's go let's go okay progress progress is being made here today I might not I wonder if I don't actually need the white carpet like did I did I get get a little sneaky oh there we go I just magically while I was changing my shirt I also happen to learn that foxes get distracted with um food and that is when they will drop the item that is held in their mouth um um is there hold on is there an observer that I can do I'm pretty sure all the observ boys are pointing in ways that I cannot access right now so that doesn't help me how the freak do I get back cuz I can I can get into a crawl but then but then I'm like not able to not at the high points anymore like I'll be in a crawl but I'll just be wait a minute isn't that what I did last time isn't that ow God isn't that what I did last is that not what I did last time why can't I get into a crawl here oh there we go go but the issue is now kind of kind of frecked here uh I sometimes forget like we are in survival and I I can break the things on the map and the fact that nothing is getting triggered means that that Observer is probably not necessary for anything so I can do this perhaps go big Brainiac and then do the whole powdered snow thing here and do that and then probably get get the crawl yeah oh no you little idiot um that's not cool oh okay uh everybody it does work if if you just keep trying and don't let your dreams be dreams eventually you can make the thing work I was getting so down on myself I was like there's no other freaking way that I can do this it's just not possible okay there we go now all right buddy um let's get you out of there in a way that is um safe and good uh how can I is there a way that I can like get that thing to stay up and then well any I'm assuming the fact that there's a lead means I need you for other things in the future but let's first uh get get that TNT out of there for you buddy okay you want to you want to go get that look look it's a Sweet Berry thank you you're so Cooperative I hope that's very tasty now okay we're uh we're going well actually you know what maybe I can just do this and then I can do this and then I can do this and then we can have a a nice safer time all right and come on over okay I'm straight up not having a good time right now oh no dude oh come on man oh I'm just going to have to do it this way aren't I we just going to have to get him up that way and then hopefully I didn't need more sweet berries for more things in the future cuz God dang it go get the other one I can't I can't leave I can't leave anything on the ground around you this is ridic go get the berry okay I'm sorry till day clearly you just don't want to clearly you do not want to get out so I won't take you from your beautiful cold snowy home just going to use the TNT going to get the pressure plate back then I don't have to worry about you eating it anymore I got to hope that I'm not soft luck because I didn't lose an extra Berry and Frick give me ow thank you all right here we go again folks here we go again um okay huh wait a minute how would I um wait wait wait wait can I just can I use an item here I can't remember does a Blackstone pressure plate get I shouldn't have done that it also doesn't get I shouldn't have done that I've made a terrible M oh there's a there's another powdered snow there I've made a terrible mistake okay so um right we got another powdered snow which which um okay wait wait wait wait wait wait okay here's what we need to do here's what we need to do we need to get our boy we need to get our boy to trigger this right and so the way that we're going to do that is we're going to put him down there and then we're going to put a powder snow he floats up we're going to put a powder snow he floats up and then we're going to put the Blackstone pressure plate which cannot be put up there I thought I had away maybe I do no no no no no I do I do have a way I just do it here then I put down the white carpet on the floor I put the white concrete powder on top of it yes okay here's here's the play We Go Boom he's going to be there right then you go boom then he's up there and then we go boom and then we go boom and then we go bada bing bada boom and then he's going to be up there and then we're going to lead him yes exactly how it's going to freaking go come on man come on let's freaking go a bit let's freaking move on a oh my God this freaking guy um okay it's fine do that and then going have to get this but it's fine I just move him over a little bit right just a little bit is he on the is he on the next one okay there we go there we there we go okay staying still what a guy what a what a guy and then boom Oh we did it let's go get out come on follow me follow me let's go hello hello uh you know what this is okay God he's a no not like that no no I have extra sweet berries it's fine it's fine it's fine we're good we're good um please do not drop that down below for the love of God whatever you do do not drop that down below thank you you oh God we made it okay now that was so stressful that was so stressful thing holy freak all right Bud okay here we go here we go here we go don't need that bury too soon please for the love of God cuz if I another another item drop on the ground I'm going to be so sad I should bring at least why am I why am I doing that hold on just bring one of these cuz I'm going to come back and reach the others but yeah oh he's already eating the berry what the freak till day do not fall off the edge do not be a dangly Fox okay so you stay over here okay you you got to stay stay stay over here I'm going to push you into corner and then and then you are going to stay you're going to stay and you are not going to move you stay in corner over there okay I am going to be back with things that are needed in order to in order to win here we go here we go here we go here we go be fast be fast I swear to God if he has jumped off the edge in this time that I have been gone I am going to jump off the edge of myself and I will not be back so much running okay boom and then boom you stay you stay up there you stay and now please for the love of freck how do I get you no go on the I push I push get onto the thing get onto the hold on I can push him on yes he's only gone and done it come on oh my god do I still need you do I still need you no no he ate the so okay give me this back and then I guess we bid we bid farewell and hope everything is good um and and I'm not going to drag you to your death even though you've caused me suffering um I'm going to keep the lead but otherwise I'll see you see you next time buddy there's nothing to do here I'm assuming it's got to be yeah we bring it down The Edge and there's no way I'm there's no way to go down with both of them there's just no way I get down with both of them so ye hope for no soft lock he misses me already okay and where are we now is this I have a feeling that this is yep it's the other side of that room but now oh oh I'm just realizing where where did my uh concrete powder go okay so um it was just a thing where the concrete got cleared out of my inventory because I went backwards so um we don't worry about that for now there is uh let me see so apparently I went I went backwards so maybe I'm supposed to go over there and if that's the case maybe I'm actually supposed to keep both of the powdered snow if I am able to can I where's the furthest I can reach I guess right about right about there okay let's grab the other one uh I could do the little I could do the classic powdered snow jump here yep okay easy game easy life and then uh okay I guess you know we know how to do this now so cool hopefully this where well okay the fact that there is an iron bar here means that I feel like it's a good sign that it's probably where we're supposed to be going so am I crawling into there perhaps maybe okay I mean I can just do this and and this and hope that I can retrieve the well I think I can yeah it'll it'll give me both afterwards right we'll be good just doing a little flag juggling here Boop thank you okay we've entered a one block tall maze now is this a place that I actually want to go I'm I'm really worried about that's very tall I suppose I can always get back into a crawl so we're okay let me see if we go over here um you know I wasn't I wasn't necessarily anticipating uh one block tall mazes here in this thing checkpoint no way let's go this is so big this is so big um so we got a checkpoint I'm going to can I wait if I just put this there I can fall through and I can still have it sick what the okay okay okay Hy doie are the chies so umm wow I can't reach that okay so you know how we started and and things it was like 3x3 rooms it's gotten a lot bigger than that and it's numbered five six four three wait oh no no no no no no no no hold on a minute this is is wait these are the original Chambers aren't they it is okay so maybe I don't have to like solve these but the ones that have barrels do I actually want to like fetch do I want do I need to fetch the resources contained in them this is why there's a blue ice track am I supposed to make a boat so I can go back and forth quicker do I need to go and access every single one of these and and get the stuff that was in the barrels is that what actually has to happen here oh my God hold on a minute so like I can do I can't really utilize the powder um all right hold on like I can do a finicky funky staircase here right like I can do um I could do this on the ground I probably put this on top of it and then I can stack these on top of here and then I can access all this stuff uh bro I'm just going to have like a stacked inventory of a bajillion things here with no idea really what to do with them and the possibility of messing up and having an item go off the edge which will be really disappointing I don't know if I'm actually supposed to get on top of any all right so we've got I mean we've got a do have a crafting table I can't be meant to actually reach that there's no way there's no way cuz if I actually reached that then I wouldn't be able to like retrieve things right oh I am really zoomy if I just run on there instead of run jumping Holy balls um right almost frecked that one okay uh so there's no way I'm meant to to reach that either might be able to jump from there okay is the is the thing that I'm just like I have to get up top here maybe okay so if I I'm hoping that's what I'm meant to do and I'm not actually meant to like gain access to every single one of those chambers otherwise that's crazy there's no way there's no way right okay so if we think right we have we have the slabs and I can use slabs to get up there and I can retrieve them back so the the next question is how do we get up three blocks using everything else that we have in our inventory and also once we're up there is that any where we're supposed to go we could jump into there and then we'd be able to get potentially no would we be able to reach that underneath can I break that might be breakable in which case I can access that uh so we know that we can do that and and put the carpet on top and then that leaves just two I need two more bits of elevation here um so obviously this is also possible and then I can oh if I put the Anvil on top of this hold on if I put the Anvil on top of that and then I break this then it should break because it's going to fall on the carpet so I might actually be good here I might actually be good where does this lead I can't be with this area this just has to huh okay before I get up here and get sidetracked I don't know if there's anything I can re grab from there but we have okay stone cutter oh I can just access the barrel it gives me stone and then I can Stone cut into something which I'm assuming I probably need to worry about later I want to get the carpet back right yep okay that's good that's very good and then oh wait there's another Barrel over there hold on hold on um so I can do do that do that and then hopefully yes let's oh come on boys let's go and then just give me that yep and then just going to delete this right right right I'm just hoping I don't lose the carpet on the way cuz if I lose the carpet it's like it's like losing a block basically anyway um so if we do that we carpet here we just got to I mean also it's like uh am I actually going to collect the barrel here fingers crossed yo let's go okay little luck involved in that little luck and got it oh come on I love that that's reproducible that's awesome okay so now we have got um a bunch of bonus blocks here to be able to do other things with like I could I could build do another one if I wanted to but I lose blocks in the process so let's leave that stuff there we're getting maximum blockage and now let's see what we've got over here okay there is Barrel I can um I can o I cannot get into crawl uhoh oh but I can go back down and I can instead of using the concrete powder I just use something else right if I want to get in there and then I can get the powder and I can get into a crawl does this do anything for us that do anything for us no I can't break these blocks they're unbreakables that's not going to be anything um what about oh wait just kidding there's a button great I'm glad I didn't worry about that one thanks we got the button back piercing important notes and a feather this do anything this do anything do I need a flint somehow in order to get an arrow and then I got to do piercing holy freak oh look at this 3x3 series oh I missed the title that's so cool let me destroy the map as I'm looking at the title some of it was 3x3 it's much bigger now all right I need a flint if I was a gravel where would I be hiding that's a good question I do have so much stuff right now anyway important notes I'm writing this with low confidence that anyone will ever find this Factory After the flood if you're reading this you found whatever is left from the largest escape room assembly production facility in the world not lying about that most of our projects are certainly unsalvageable but if you're one L if but if not you're one lucky archaeologist I really don't have time to run down every little protocol needed to run this Titan of a structure but here's one Security check you won't be able to bypass without my help the end byend series can only be activated by a master switch completely sealed in Bedrock end barriers for security purposes on only three people are permitted to even know how to trigger it but if you found this structure abandoned we're all dead so I'm writing the secret here it's like an analog password you only need to know one key feature piercing projectiles do not activate until they hit an entity once they do they can phase through anything it's that simple we often use an item frame for this since it attaches to the wall that's good because I was thinking I was going to have to retrieve till day and shoot it so I'm glad that that rules that out assuming all of the systems are working once you hit the button the teleportation sequence will start automatically good luck and uh don't hurt yourself so I need an arrow I need to find the location of said button completely sealed in Bedrock and hm are these petrified these are probably petrified aren't they I can't remember if in any of the earlier Chambers I got given a crossbow and I was I was given a crossbow arrow it was the one where I had to do the Hoppers okay so I need to grab that somehow uh which number I'm going to have to review the footage okay it was the I think it's number five yeah yeah yeah yeah let me just go see if I can find this master oh it's got to be down the it's got to be down the tunnel over there it has to be down the tunnel over there cuz I wasn't seeing anything indicative uh otherwise so okay that is that one hold on hold on and that's oh never mind I don't know which I don't remember which stage of the thing and if there is even an access to it uh or God what is going to be the way to get there hold on man okay so maybe I don't need to worry about keeping all these random building blocks though once I have acquired the oh wait did I not go I didn't go in here airtight observation deck uh is there any anything in here well another block at least I wondering if we had a disc or something like that I don't think we can Harvest this by hand right I don't think airtight observation this does seem like a place where you would potentially be able to trigger some sort of Master Lock or something like that but I guess not but I do know that we got blocks for days question is where in the freck is the where is this like master override switch thing I don't know guess we can do our little technique of being able to get a little little higher up from the get-go right and then we can put down the powdered snow the next one on top and then do this and now we're already a little bit okay I'm just going to we're just going to um we're just you know what it might just is it in the if it's in this one then then is it in is in that one I didn't need to do any of what I did I could have just built up on the two barrels it was but I don't actually have an arrow unless oh we have the gravel though and I can make the arrows so I didn't even need to lose it I didn't even need to lose it I get oh my God that was the dumbest loss of a block I have ever ever done ever that was so stupid that was so dumb it was of course it was in the closest Hopper ah okay let's get a flint I keep forgetting to use the ice path I keep forgetting to use the ice path I'm so there we go thank you okay so I'm assuming for the freaking piercing thing though like I only got one shot one opportunity okay here we go and uhoh he cannot reach you made this one a little bit further away huh you made this one little bit further away can I reach I cannot reach this um okay I'm not not super into this but here we go we do this and now we can reach and we can make Arrow why do you say that I cannot make oh it's cuz stick is called two that's why I can't make an arrow um I guess we have we have four shots we have four shots I don't know what I'm talking about anyway but do not go off the edge I repeat please do not go off the edge oh you wanted to he wanted to so badly you see him he was like I'm going I'm going to go I'm going to be free little sad that I lost one of my carpets but at least we can still roll out the red carpet for ourselves the next question is so we don't have any levels how am I going to get level um did one of these have a bottle of experience that I could use in order to get one level wait how much probably more than one level too how much is it going to cost four levels four excuse me I also am dumb and I freaked it up and now the Anvil is not retrievable unless wait wait wait can I be can I be cheeky about it can I be cheeky about it I can be cheeky about it let's go I feel like I I have to get through here somehow I don't know how exactly do you want some music let's play some music here folks maybe it'll get us in the mood God dang dude and I can't I can't do the I can't do the powdered snow trickery I am wondering like cuz I left the uh I left the powdered snow down there maybe I should go and grab that just in case we need the extra plus the carpet okay so you know what I can just put the button here oh no I can't I can't click it I cannot clicky okay here's the here's the deal here's the deal a yes being a bit of a dingus forgetting about this a little bit but also at the same time I didn't really even thinking about it want to use in case I miss and but it might be the only way I also though like I could have just done the freaking I could have done this and the pressure I hope that I'm not going to freck myself here and miss and also like I should have just done the pressure plate and ye items thing but okay it opened but did it did it open the did it open the other access point like can I get in there now is this open no it's not hold on does this work does this work it does work okay okay so I can do that I can do that go away okay hold on don't miss please don't miss please don't miss please don't miss please don't miss it'll be really embarrassing if you miss got it okay okay okay okay okay here oh let's freaking go security closet and I got them both back and wait oh oh okay that's a nice sniper for dueling plays 50 m away for the best experience this time I'm going to get four levels um oh I'm getting four levels right right initiate five 5x5 series oh my God okay so I have to we got to take our boy and we got we're going to get levels from the advancement cuz it's purple advancement um but the the big I guess I can just yeah put them inside of a freaking encapsulated thing so hold on where are we so 210 thank goodness I got a lot of arrows 210 so we're going to like 260 here is it 260 I think it's just enough um can I even get enough Ark no I got to do this I got to go back down there we go and we can do that but then we're going to have to place a block in front of him obviously do that and then we got to block him in um am I going to have to use wait oh I have an idea I have a great idea here I've got a great idea all I have to do is this and yeah I don't know why I put blocks on the ground when I didn't have to do that but anyway okay we should be good and now um after my unnecessarily over engineering of the house building there we go Mr sniper for dueling it is time you're really asking for it buddy are you sure you want to be doing that when you're trapped in your spot and I'm about to mess things up for you okay I can't even see him that's what I love about sniper duel is you can't even see the skeleton so overshot close I think just like over a little bit more Mist brick I also probably should have just you know uh hit him a couple times to lower his health Take Aim that's good we're almost there and sniper duel oh hey what do you know perfectly engineered four levels brilliant okay now now we can Anvil and and all that oh level five are we going to need ow nothing is done by mistake there's probably a reason why we have five levels we're going to have to use the bones for something in the future too but God dang we got a lot of blocks and I can't wait until my in ventory gets cleared and I find out how I actually really didn't need to do any of what I just did all right there we go piercing four beautiful get the Anvil back just in case and then we build up again another way to conserve an extra block that I wasn't doing before which is probably super unnecessary but here we go as long as I yep cool cool now we have an extra uh slab which is definitely going to come in handy I'm sure of it so they said item frame but I don't have an item frame so I'm going to go with a painting and hope that that counts so we painting right in front and then we shoot through the painting is my assumption well here goes nothing the more you know I didn't know about that 5x5 series booting up preparing Chambers locating nearest player preparing Escape detector function preparing teleportation function reset function post Escape levitation function nearest player located chamber 51 loaded all right well hey you know what we may have started with 3x3 but levitation system failed to start participant will not be able to exit the chamber after the session is over to finish 5 by5 preparation sequence please reboot the post Escape levitation system again God dang it man but yeah if it weren't for the book I don't think I ever would have figured out that I have to use piercing to shoot through with a painting I knew I I maybe I would have thought about something with piercing but I wouldn't have known how to actually execute it necessarily so anyway okay um H security closet I can grab that I can grab everything I possibly can I can grab the sign from over here just to have in case we got to do any more Observer boy uh stuff how do I oh it opens stuff over there okay cool do we ever get to experience the 5x5 or is it all just shut down and deactivated the world may never know no oh post Escape levitation system reboot uh the freak so oh I still have my Frost Walker boot skis I forgot dude okay and then but how do I get you to activate that's the question oh they're breaking now it's not Perma wait wait wait wait wait uh okay okay hold on hold on we got our slab ski here wait yeah hold on we can do that dispenser so how do I activate the dispenser though uh can a can a button send a oh it can send a pulse through okay I didn't realize that um well what do we want to how about one of the random signs I feel like a sign would be a decent one to push through here and hopefully it's not bad and also like wait wait wait what happens if I do this oh do they all have to be simultaneously activated because if that's the case then wait no no no no I can do that I can do that I can do that because here's okay here's the I'm assuming it's got It's a big and gate so here's the deal we get the arrow to activate this one cool um we get something on that one sitting there cool uh we get something sitting on top of the dark oak good and then I stand on top of that actually no we should do that in the center and then I can put the after I use the button there I put it there I shoot it with the arrow or uh maybe just I can probably just press it and while I'm standing on this let's hope that this is not um going to be wrong okay so Random sign will be good to go let's stand up here freeze freeze it up fre hello you are supposed to freeze right now pretty pleased why only one you did you did fine before you did it good you did it great before thank you and Yeet perfect get that back good to go and then we just throw something on okay our clock's ticking obviously and then we go I don't know arrow in there does it work first try let's find out and hopefully we can get the button back after okay good okay that's good and then boom and boom and boom and yeah post levitation system rebooting I'm going to collect the items really quick the ones that I can at least 5x5 initiation complete oh we're G oh I got got no more invent chapter five I may have um gone a little overboard in in my attempts to conserve blocks there it may not not have been as necessary as I was thinking oh boy it's 5x5 now but you know what we've already done gigantic Chambers this is this should be easy peasy right there should be no problems at all okay next button press what have we got what have we got we got three glass I take it I am not supposed to retrieve that button anymore unless there's behind the barrel one can hope uh uh what do I what do I do with three glass was I Pro I was probably supposed to use the glass in order to push the button back to me as my guess but instead I broke the barrel so what I did was the the wrong choice but fortunately should be really quick to get back to that okay here we go this time hey let's get that button back to us and then we still have a spare glass brilliant and now what do you need do you just need the glass does it just want the oh wait hold on no wait wait wait wa wait I can put the button on there but then the hopper is going to steal the button from me or can I still get it back oh it's still in there okay cool um do we get we get another one let's go easy peasy uh there's okay so that one's going to be problematic isn't it but maybe because I still have the remaining piece of glass I will be able to like what's the significance of the hopper here whatever okay I can do this but uh heck of a misclick there folks hack of a misclick okay please please don't wck this up this time okay man okay pretty please you can do this you can do this good and you can then you can come on there we go okay now the issue is I got to uh okay so we can craft this into planks here and then we can use the planks in order to okay so alternatively I mean I could just do for buttons but the thing yeah cuz like why do I even need to retrieve the but I feel like I'm going to need that button for some reason but I could just convert the others let me just inevitably make the wrong decision here this is going to be the wrong decision woo okay it's like hey if I can hit them fast enough then everything will work out in the end now my question here is when we're in these 5x FS is it the same Principle as the 3X3 is where I had to get like three blocks away and this case it's like I got to get five blocks away and then I win checkpoint let's go okay so same thing I assume but maybe it's five blocks instead of three I'm not entirely sure but okay cool you just had to be quick quick clicks so what do we have here we've got a wood block is this just a pressure plate no it is a wood block would you look at that okay but the big question is we don't carry any items over from the last room um and hold on but I I don't know if these are separate or if these are all linked together can I just do one at a time I can just do one at a time okay got a is that a concrete powder it's not a wool but let me do this one maybe they're kind of interl and dependent on each other another concrete powder and is there's nothing up there if I break the ice will it turn into water but even even if it does will that flow around I don't know if we have a loop on our hands here let's just do that okay turns into water but it doesn't seem to even flow anywhere but maybe if we do that okay it turns into turns into concrete which does make sense I have to get up and I can't retrieve the button uh okay there's another maybe I did it in the wrong order this might be like order dependent so let's try it again but do it in a different way where we can do this and then we can do this easy and then we can do break this and do that and see what H there's a diamond pickaxe and if I break this first and then break the ice then maybe the water will flow maybe the whole idea was like I had to do I had to break first and then break the ice so it doesn't turn into the concrete although it could just break the concrete afterwards but if I break it as concrete then I'm not going to retrieve it whereas this if the water does freck okay let's try something different also I've just I've learned ice Behavior if it has a solid block underneath it turns to water if it doesn't then it disappears this is clarified a lot for me maybe too a little too late but if I do this does it open that up and allow for the water to flow holy freak I also got the button back that's forun although the water would have pushed it anyway so this was actually the way that I was supposed to go good so with that being the case then if I break you button you and then what we can do is we can put um okay so uh we do that we break it so we can retrieve that plus secondary concrete powder and the water is going to take out the item frame everything is going to come back to me I am going to have to do the obnoxious part of like punching this out unless actually there's clear there might be a clear path out there rather than below nope got to punch out the concrete cool it's good it's good it's good good good good good good and then there we go thank you very much I was also thinking if I seal this up completely then it might bring water out into here such that I can get into a craw and get into there what the freak Mr pickaxe that's okay that's okay I can get in I can get in there I can get in there oh and then I use the pickaxe to retrieve after I place them down then I build up inside it's all starting to make sense now yes okay cool other than the part where okay wait wait wait there's got to be a way if I could do this at an angle with the yeah there we go saying if I could do this at an angle with like the powdered snow and the concrete then yeah there had to be a way to do it here okay so um is that going to allow that's going to allow me to get across but if I retrieve this it should oh it stays out right right of course it does it stays out so we're good and then the question is that was omin sounding is there a way for me to oh yeah I can kind of guide the water flow across dude this is the most like op I have felt in this place in a long time the fact that I have a a freaking pickaxe at my disposal is crazy it's not a water bucket it's not quite that op but this this feels pretty good and now we just got to build up and the question is like is there a way that we can make keep any of the blocks oh can giveth and can taketh away we have no more pickaxe any longer and it's a sad time for us here a blaze spawn egg Blackstone and what the freck am I supposed to do with this I can make polished Blackstone and then presumably make a pressure plate step on that hit the thing it's got to be what I'm doing right I'm going to get four of these and I can do that and I can stand on you I don't know what the blaze is going to do for us here excuse me um excuse me I guess I could have just done button I should probably do that again it also it it does conserve more things everyone's like why why are you doing a pressure plate it's because I'm used to Blackstone pressure plates at this point that's that's why we blown them up with TNT and stuff and now I'm just I've gotten used to it okay well it went bye-bye cuz it's not a wood button so I could put a blaze in here I don't know what that's going to do for me there's a there's a unique block here that indicates something but I I don't know what I could just break the hopper and see if there's anything on the other side of it right anything nothing at all okay cool well maybe the idea is put the blaze down there oh he suffocates okay no he's not suffocating anymore I got too close um what do you do for me what is it that you do do you do anything for me does me being on fire uh help things in any way oh I didn't see that there ow okay all right stop stop oh I'm still freaking dying oh wait a second wait a second does this work oh let's go that's how you place a block on the underside what a dummy yeah let's go okay uh you have to hit you have to hit something oh oh ow ow I'm on the clock here I got a Target um um hit it hit it hit it come on swing batter swing swing batter swing I'm out thank you I didn't actually know blazes could set off Target blocks H new information I figured it had to be the case but um there you go give me gimme what do we have in here we have oh my God a lot of things wait four am I going in reverse order now or something like that a lot of concrete powder pickaxe that can break a lot of things because we're in survival mode stone cutter that can do who knows what and oh okay so it's it is merely an escape I have to get out of here I mean I don't see how any of the oh God balls oh frick um what apparently either I have to get lucky which is also obviously not supposed to be part of the process here or I have to figure out a better way to get these blocks to me um um H how do I ensure that I am the recipient of that works God dang it man okay back to square one back to square one here we go yeah I love it when luck is on my side uh but you come on there we go and then give me give me yes perfect sometimes luck is good um oh yeah and then of course this okay we must escaped now so how do I get out of there in a good way so I wonder if we can do oh this isn't going to work as well as the powdered snow trick probably because we can't just give ourselves the block underneath we have to hope that both go into our inventory which is going to be rough so don't know about that one um the button on the other hand we can do this this and that gets us a step higher um so I feel like this isn't going to work for me I don't yeah I don't think that happens um so H let's see let's see is there a way that I can like can I get on to you with that no I was wondering if I do that no I can't use that either dude this is a lot like there's one thing when it was a 3X3 room but like this is a long way to scale with not that many blocks that's that's just that's big brain right there right we do this and then um we do this we do this and then we do can I reach is the question oh no you um okay I don't like the part where you can only really do like one block at it so I do that right and then I can grab which is cool but that only works to the extent that I uh have the ability to shift off to the side which I can't do in every situation and also now I'm stuck being unable to do this I can't build up from here because the stone cutter is a wonky freaking dummy wait oh man that was going to be sick if I could do it I was going to be sick I think I can and I don't know if it's the way that I'm actually like supposed to do this thing but I kind of want to kind of want to try right okay so oh didn't oh I forgot to put down the carpet first God dang it that might have actually been the correct timing which would have been sick um anyway okay let me go here break you wrong thing and then get you and then get the carpet down okay and then come on no dang it dang it oh buddy wooo let's go that was sick uh I don't know if it actually helps me does it help me I hope it helps me it has enabled me to get higher and if I build up like this I can't shift off the side anymore freck if I just do this but now I can't get God freaking dang it I thought I was on to something I did get a block higher but oh heck dude okay so uh carfit caret was seven um 5 4 2 1 I don't know what three is and I don't know if anything goes beyond to like eight with a button or something like that um I don't like what I still don't like how does the how do the numbers come into play so one two blank four uh what is the stone cutter three maybe oh oh am I just a big idiot I'm just a really big idiot and that all I needed to do was like listen to the numbers and then this is five so uh hello Frick five and then but then what it doesn't actually help me a great deal inless no wait still doesn't help me how does this help me in any way shape or form cool if I were to do that you can't put a you can't put a carpet on a you can put a carpet on a button oh you can put a carpet on a button what do you know and then presumably we can retrieve these from the hopper yep and then we can use them to get out oh my God so the hopper thing did come into play I'm I'm proud of my little MLG thing that I did there because uh yeah okay the more you know I did not know you could you could button carpet each Hopper requires at least two items to be activated oh is this Hopper room this is Hopper room number two folks we got the sequel right so two items in it's not just one now it's two oh good how am I going to do this differently right so we can't throw it over that so what were we doing last time here was like we we had the ability to store items in a brewing stand and then the hopper would like suck them out and that would be great um here though we have no such luxury and instead I could convert these into nuggies and then like that would give us more opportunity cuz all we're trying to but unless I need the iron for like a future hopper in which case then I've screwed myself I am not entirely sure there's also no other stuff also of course like I can grab the sign um okay I'm brain I'm brain farting today cuz I feel like it's just okay I can do this and that goes in and then I just put the lever down and then we're we're good I don't know why I was I don't know why I not not connecting with that one sooner um that was very very silly uh okay so oh I've just gotten rid of the lever and now we get the dropper I suppose I wouldn't have been able to put the dropper down like facing it anyway but okay let's think so we're not going to have the ability to place blocks that we can break by hand I assume that we're going to be working towards getting a clay uh fourth clay ball so we can just make a clay block and then like break it maybe and Supply a bunch probably wouldn't be that easy though that would be too easy um so can I eat I could try I could also convert to bone meal I might have to redo this potentially but hold on can I just no can I hold on well now we're just fricked because the items are merging uh can't make it we're going to we're going to have to do a trigger reset but I'm just trying to see my maximum throwing arm here you know okay I want is there like a dropper mechanic that I'm not oh frick that's kind of silly that's kind of silly all I had to do was yeah that's all I had to do was just I don't know but which items that's the bigger question like do I do a couple clay balls or do I think that's going to come into handy later do I do it with the the bone or do I think that's going to come in handy later do I do it with the chain and the golden apple because what the freak are they going to have anything to do with with anything later on I'm going to do I'm going to do this I'm going to do this because I feel like these other blocks have more utility associated with them for future parts of the thing there we go okay cool what do you want me to do we got an eye ofender I had a feeling okay we get the clay block oh God so here's the part where we feel like super ultra confident about um um using the clay block right but it's not the answer because it's like the clay block is too valuable or something can I grow skull vein with with bone meal because I'm curious if I if I did this and then uh that's not bone meal so that does not work but I could sheer it right seeds come from trees it's good good information good information I could just do this but I have a terrible feeling that this is going to be premature and I'm going to be wrecked you're such an idiot you're so stupid should placed it on the bottom you're so dumb I still feel like it's probably wrong cuz that was four instead of two and what in the world okay uh right seeds come from trees large amethyst Bud we a freaking thing over there what why do I need seeds why do I need a fishing rod can I can I place down the the bush somewhere am I even I'm not able to do that and even if I could like uh would I how would I get what the freak what the freak how would I do but if I I can't because that has to be put on like sand or dirt or podzol right I can't just magically put it down like a bottle of enchanting but how am I going to even enchant where the freak is the Anvil I can't do anything with that unless I don't think yeting the bottle over there is going to uh count I don't think if you Yeet the bottle it doesn't hit the ground but hits a hopper instead uh propagule wait are these labeled item Hopper no they're just Hoppers but propagule happens here so are you saying that if I break this Mangrove leaf I will get the propagule okay I have just been made aware via uh Minecraft Wiki that if you bone meal uh you get a you get a propagule which I did not actually know until now which I probably covered in a snapshot video at some point and then that information just went out the window I'm so not entirely sure how this helps me out because because I um still need to grow it okay so I was I'm so dumb I was thinking I was thinking that you had to I was thinking you had to bone me the underside of the block for the prople to grow but you can actually just you can actually just click the leaf and as long as there's space for it to grow but but now I have to wait for it to right right I'm forgetting I forgot there this's an opening there's an opening God damn it man all right guys surely this time I'm going to get it look look okay it's growing and please fall I'm sure this time my leaf will fall where it is supposed to right oh thank goodness oh now I have to go uh uhoh waitoh oh oh dear wait I gota go I got to go up in order to get out so what you're saying is I I shouldn't have used the bone meal and I should have just waited for the prople to grow so I had the the bone block and then the bone block plus the chain and I could have gone after all this time okay I'm going to be waiting now oh I think it grew and if the leaf doesn't make it I'm going to oh it's not going to be good okay thank you and now finally for my escape from this place I've done it oh that was suffering man okay all right oh hello um so we've got a pickaxe and and an item frame and is there a way that I can simply grab that oh maybe not maybe I've made a terrible mistake well that was the that was the observation Edge That was supposed to cause things to happen when I when I create observation AG there but apparently not um I mean there's nothing to do with that first do I just have to maybe get lucky on the whole pickaxe thing come on there we go okay yeah sometimes you just need a little bit of luck so we can collect all this stuff right cuz we got we got silky touch oh it's growing very rapidly I see cool so the amethyst cluster then okay balls wait that's fine I can retrieve it I was thinking like maybe it's just not counting as something huh I wonder if I just need to like stock up on do I just need to like stock up on a bunch of these and then I can break the bud block maybe problem is I can't make any amethyst blocks because like Silk Touch is actually being problematic I could harvest the smaller ones though I don't know if those will be helpful I feel like it's about getting into a crawl it like it always is isn't it it always is about getting into a crawl wait can I do that oh and then I can do wait and then I can do that I can go around there but I'm still not sure how this is helping me out maybe if this just gets broken it will drop them in as yeah it will drop them as as the shards and I can use those to do things like make the block of amethyst or I don't know other things perhaps which is what I was saying I couldn't do last time um but then from there like there's no crafting recipes I can do with this I can just kind of I can I can grab that doesn't help a great deal that doesn't help either um that's kind of that's kind of frecked you can you can Harvest you can Harvest that by I didn't know you can Harvest that by hand oh my God you can it's like a beacon it's like a beacon you can punch this stuff by hand there's no way that this is a thing there is no way oh my God there is no way holy freak how how did I never know this to be fair I never really collect amethyst but oh my God that's a thing well now I don't have to worry about picking this up at all I can also I can give myself The Observer block and then I can I can oh my God oh my God there's no way ever in the universe that I was ever going to realize this okay well now let's do this again that's the wrong way to do it that's we don't want to do it that way we want to do it that way we just need to get extra Block in order to force the Observer over to me and then we can use that wow okay you learn something new every day I suppose yeah okay up up there please grow please grow please grow please grow can I get don't do this to me don't don't don't don't do that don't do that please okay please don't do that to me please don't do that to me though pretty please still still in theory be present such that I can get you to me with another two blocks pretty please I'm begging you I'm begging you please be there okay you're there good job good job and then I was facing the wrong way that's not the right way um but that's okay because all we got to do is get more blocks in order to win and we do this and we do I guess I could have done it with the Observer too but balls we're good we're good and we are good what what did that do I don't know what did that do did that open uh wait wait wait wait did it open something on the other side of here it opened something on the other side of here okay it opened away I actually have an IDE finally something takes place and and I actually have an idea of what needs to happen I need to grow a crystal into my head okay yep yep come on it's making me Crouch this is comfortable okay I'm not crawling I really thought this would work but instead what's happened is I've just been impaled which is regrettable maybe we just need we need to just coax it a little a little bit more okay so what we need to do is wait for some growth here right and see there's got to be a reason why we have the silk touch right there simply has to be a reason why we have the silk touch and I think that reason is so that we can wait for a small little growth yeah like this and then we can PL place that down and then it will compress us further to the point where I will be forced into a crawl or alternatively it will simply continue to grow into my head yo there we go come on come on huge plays are these petrified they seem kind of they seem kind of petrified at first they were afraid but now they're petrified what do we have here we have sweeping Edge I feel like if anything else spawns next to this I could sweepy Edge it into Oblivion or something like that hold on okay so we have tracks on top and somehow we need to so if I get a signal into there then the cart will go over there which helps me somehow I don't know entirely uh okay one of these is actually a a plank which is good news um so we can do this and then I can not get in there okay uh but I can um you know I probably like wasn't supposed to go jump into here is my guess but uh um mm but if I were to do that doesn't go that's not going to work do I have to like do it really quick that doesn't work either and let's try this again the problem is how do I retrieve the mine cart oh that's how I retrieve the mine cart and get out I go down there and then I have the track placed up here and then I can you know get back on out so we put that down there and then we do this and then then perfect okay just little by little baby steps baby steps I can also just get this back and then perfect and now the question is do you automatically gravitate towards the mine carts and the answer is no maybe the idea is it's not track related and you can just do like you can just push the mine cart like through right like I do this I break the track from underneath now we got a mine cart on the loose and then we just do the thing where we nudge it it'd be even cooler if we did the thing where we stacked mine carts on top of each other and then you know had that like magical thing that just goes forward no matter what but that's not working either why aren't you working I've just somehow I just somehow like completely neglected the fact that that that I have the sword and there's got to be a reason why I have the sword it's not just magically in my inventory for no reason although in the hopper one there were things in my inventory that were there for no reason that coincided with some very very um spooky noises but uh yeah cool no that's why wasn't I thinking about that before that's so dumb okay you go up there and now get me out of here please I wish to exit the place uh-oh uh oh no why uh hold on oh please please go okay cool I was worried I wasn't going to go back into my inventory I need to get in there and then be able to shift out and be in the crawl and then exit the the place we did it let's go that one took me too long to realize whoops pardon me just had to go put on a sweater definitely still the uh same one one straight shot recording session here um all right let's make a button and cool and we get the button back and is there oh there's another button to do no don't go down oh it's fine I can get in there I don't know if I was actually supposed to go in there no um actually yeah yeah yeah cuz I can get back out with that so we're all good there so I'm supposed to use this bed presumably oh I see a little there is a thing in there presumably supposed to use the bed to escape and retrieve the button okay so I guess the bed is it's it's basically just being used God dang it no the bed is not okay there we go W's only the bed is being used to retrieve buttons and also maybe retrieve things like oh wait there's also hold on got it and can I uh I'm hoping that I didn't need to be able to reach the orange wool to be able to get my it's not letting me put my bed down let me oh I forgot it goes on that side okay is this going to oh sick did the stuff just go down there or did I pick it wait where did the orange wool go did the orange wool go down into the pits cuz I'd rather the orange wool did not go down into the pit if I go down into the pit am I going to be frecked I feel like I am going to be frecked if I go down into the pit but it's also there it must exist for there must be a reason for the pit to exist right there's got I I just realized the orange wool uh back back roomed itself it it phased out of the wall oh doy surely you are not going to disappear and go away this time right okay we got it that's very good news now I have to imagine there is a reason why the pit is here can I I can't um just want me to put it down though and like I think it's trying to place it that way and so it's like not working and if I do that like I don't know if I can get the angle oh you know what maybe it's more of a put the wool down put the bed on and then do that yeah that's probably it and then yep we get another button down what how has this helped I must have done something back outside uh and then I can do that yeah and then wait okay good I was hoping I wouldn't lose the uh orange wool there okay so something must have changed right right right but where oh something changed over here we get to work our way [Music] through uh huh so did I miss something I miss something I'm not sure if I missed something can I get more elevation just to like be able to see what is on the other side of that okay so it's got an oh there's a oh okay but hold on there's no way for me to be able to hit the but even if I place the button there like it's got to be okay so there's some way that I have to get the bed over there in a placeable fashion that works I got to experiment can you put a bed underneath you can put a bed underneath the block and then you can break it and then you'll be able to sleep in the bed so that must be what we're going for here is we're doing that and then doing that but then I got a freaking is there like a microscopic there's not um okay is it that I I'm just dumb and like all I had to do was place the the bed below the button like it was just bed under button I didn't need the orange wool to be able to do it is that all that it it was really just that Holy freck I keep forgetting you don't actually need a base to put the bed on and then hold on now the question is can I can I keep the orange wool or do I not need to keep the orange wool here bed's too far I think I got to I think the orange W goes bye-bye oh that's so dumb I'm so dumb for not God dang it I just I made it like harder on myself I made it more difficult than it actually had to be okay so that must have opened things up on the other side which then begs the question how do I get back through um which hopefully is just easy as as this right and then get there okay cool and then we get to re- retrieve the orange wool and now we're over here okay why did I not I don't know why I didn't do that first and this is interesting on the other hand because like okay I don't I don't think I can I I like can't just sleep in the bed so the it's probably got to be a crawl right we got to utilize the crawl mechanic that we kind of accidentally did before I'm assuming right and perfect and we're out and we've room and we're done let's go I mean we're not done we're just into into the next chamber okay I love it when it gives you kind of a a freebie wait is there some sort of like hitbox cheese that we can do here with with the end rods or something like that cuz I've done End Rod glass pane parkour before and it has weird like half a pixel hit boxes but I don't know if that's what we're going for here is there a button in my head there's no button in my head um I guess I could just break everything to be fair I don't know why I'm trading this um just you know me going and changing my my sweater it really just it wiped my memory dude or adding the sweater really wiped my memory okay so that means there's just there's a way to get into a crawl using frog lights and end rods a lot of them which is interesting how would I do this how would I how would I get myself into a crawl oh okay hold on so there's barriers there but there is an opening over here so there's something to do with like this specific opening hello everyone I have made a determination that I don't want to use the button yet on this one and and that I should instead take the button and put it to use in getting me into a crawl then get into a crawl somehow all the way over to there and let's see let's see how this works okay so hold on if I were to do this and then if I wanted to start at a higher elevation versus having to do this is going to be a repeat of the snow layer thing this is going to be repl total repeat of the snow layer thing isn't it but okay so we do that and then question is right if I if I go on here and I flip this up it's going to put me into a that is not the place but it's going to not put me into a c i I want to be in a in a in a crawl up against here if you don't mind okay well won't let me do that got it so I am I am going to have to work my way all the way up got it cool okay well that then begs the question um is there a way that I can crawl on top of uh of end rods hold on if I okay no I can't put an endrod on top of there so how in the world then am I supposed to maintain a crawl to be able to get up there and get what in the world is this like the world's craziest staircase of all time help me what do I do the what what do I possibly do here does that okay that actually leaves me in a crawl which I still don't know if that's of any help but uh okay we're making progress now all right so that's the stair step I see so we go there and then is it that and then that maintains my crawl right and then we basically just like alternate I I guess so hold on that and then we one yeah that's that one and then the next is there and we're just are we just alternating basically there and there yep yep yep yep and then um we alternate there and there and then we go there and there and then are we good are we good is that no that's not going to let me through right it's that okay and I think we're through okay I just got to make sure I got to retrieve the button is the only thing so got to go into there get into a crawl retrieve the button give me the button please thank you and now does this does this get us all the way up no why have you done this oh you idiot wait what did I do wrong what did I do oh it's got to be uh it's got to be this way that's what it is that's what it is it's got to be that way and then this has to be that way and then this has to be can I even get this angle yeah that way okay then I think that works let's try that again okay give me the button thank you and now does this work oh that's what I'm talking about dude that's what I'm talking about and up we go again we're learning so many ways between snow layers and this to be able to get into Everlasting crawls all right let's go checkpoint oky DOI hey bud how's it going so I have to feed you diamonds but it's it's good you give a good return on investment there thank you very much okay we got a blast furnace over there that I assume I can reach if I just there's our Diamond um oh can I let I can let you out Okay cool so I can just get the uh get that use it for something is there anything behind there I've got to assume it's yet another crawl situation so what can I use to get myself into a crawl maybe maybe it's a crawl situation it's all blocks that have wonky hit boxes is there well actually you know what I can do I can just do this right and then yeah that can get me into a crawl ow balls ow ow ow ow ow ow owie owie OWI okay so there oh wait wait wait wait there's no openting on that side hold on there is an opening over there I believe cuz I'm not seeing a wall block I'm just seeing ceiling but what does this do Frick come on come on let me see through what do we got over there what do we got is it just lava I don't know what I'm looking at um I mean there's definitely stuff through there maybe the idea honestly is just trade get blocks block the lava we can try any given one oh you're kidding me wait wait is it a freaking lava maze dude how deep is this oh geez Bud okay we got to reset that one right there oh I'm wondering like is there a way for me to block the channel of lava get through the corner right like I go okay that's not working that's not working ow I don't think that any of these blocks are breakable with my bare hand so I can't once they're placed like that's it but is it about one that has a hit boox on the underside which will either be the Lantern of the grindstone I'm going to go back to the lantern oh my God yeah that that doesn't help me either does it that doesn't help me at all is it about being able to like squeeze by cuz I can I can obviously break the chain in order to be able to have a a more straightforward path through here takes a very long time to get rid of just thinking like okay so if I could squeeze between here and the wall maybe that would help out somehow I think it's too deep though like maybe cauldron what does cauldron look like is there a way to place on the under there's just place next to it what the freak if I put these side by side is it is there like that's that's not that's not gone well that's not gone well at all okay like I'm inclined to wonder if maybe the chains are like a hint the fact that I need to straddle two things and so you know it is it is actually a hint this is the most harrowing bank vault Heist Breakin of all time oh my God oh my God okay H dude when it comes to the trading ones it's it's just multiple choice you just got to like guess and check okay so give me that button button and we got an item frame and a crossbow can I reach the barrel slash putting the button down there there we go thank you for the arrows and then presumably can get the hit box there and shoot the button uhoh what has this done for me oh okay so we have a hold on we have a creeper we have so that's double barrier right there can't do anything about that this is open but um what the freak I'm hoping I don't need the button anymore and obviously I can't retrieve the barrel even if I break it so I feel like that doesn't do anything for me so like we the we are limited to the tools we have now I was thinking maybe the Anvil would be named like a clue or something so somehow I have to get like the creeper to get yeed over to there how would I do that I can't move the Anvil it's like do I I shoot the arrows onto the Anvil like shoot a whole bunch of them then spend a year breaking it with my fist hope that one of the arrows like bounces into the creeper and sends the creeper over to the pressure plate it's like doing the um it's the cheesy way to get the bullseye advance M where you just set a bunch of arrows above the bullseye walk away trigger the trapo with redstone and then one of them hits the bullseye when you're standing 15 blocks away or whatever it is we'll find out this is probably super wrong come on baby let's go okay wait what I oh okay I was like wait a minute this is all barriers what the freak um so it's probably another one of the uh the classic button tricks hey man thanks for helping appreciate you not often you're able to do something nice but today you figured out how I still have arrows which is good um so hold on wait actually is the idea like can you dispense a button onto the thing uh above it let me so if I were to yeah that works but then but then oh wait a minute wait wait then we go ye and we go come on let's go baby and then so this is all barriers oh piercing oh and then I remember this is a call back Ken why do you do this to me cool I've just gotten an advancement for resetting 100 times okay wonder if there's like a bugged way to shoot through the corner of a block or something there's just a bugged way to shoot through the corner of a block oh my god oh man okay and now we just now we know the rest so at least that's pretty simple good and then do this and then we finish it up right is that finished that is finished dang would have been a would have been a heck of a speedrun if it weren't for the part I I overly complicated what I did I'm actually that was cool that that worked though the break the Anvil and do like the bullseye uh trick I think that was a cooler way to do it actually that would that would have been really cool actually as the puzzle itself have two anvils right and one of them is or another yeah yeah no the Anvil cuz the hit box is the thing that actually made it possible like two anvils one of them you actually break don't have that corner there you have to shoot the Anvil you break the Anvil hits the creeper then also you get the Anvil for the for the next thing right you get the Anvil for uh applying the enchants that didn't pretty cool or you get the you get the piercing book beforehand I don't know anyway could have been could have been kind of slick um do we have another oh I see you oh I have the axe as well it it's probably going to be a lot of break AG in here if I had to assume um okay so we got to do both do we have to do both at the same time I see we got to do both at the same time so um what is the best play for this where I can get both of them at the same time I don't have a bed as far as I'm where to be able to like get in there get into a crawl and then be able to click them both quickly and if I break this yeah I can probably do do it fast let's give it a try see how it goes wait God dang it why am I so bad at this please click and then click what am I doing it's not that hard there we go jeez what am I doing wrong at least I got the things back that's cool and then them don't actually am I going to be able to grab this thing because this isn't going to break closely I feel like there is a World in which I could break it and it would be close enough to me but there's also a world in which I break it and it's definitely not going to be close enough to me so yeah okay that was the more expected outcome but on the other hand I can just keep trying it until it works or phases out of the map there we go okay so now we're up where is the next one oh God I don't want to like fall into any of these places hold on if I drop down into oh we got a triple oh baby a triple so hope for the best right I guess you know once again if we don't collect it yeah we can always just um just place the other one until it works all right watch my lack of success here nope I got it huge so the whole idea here is basically just like uh Delete all the blocks until the room is open and we can escape okay so ah freck ah freaky and got to I got to hit all three time while also go why are you so bad at hitting buttons it's amazing how bad you are that was not it either freak okay so top two first freak wait wait Frick there we go took long enough holy h heck dude wait what where do the button oh my god you're kidding me right now you're kidding me dude where how do I get my buttons back can I get through here no okay there's that oh wait there's more but wait there's more now I can get them okay good good good good God I was so worried that I had just gotten RNG and done we can get that right there we go okay quick hands everybody quick hands so I'm thinking it's probably like this go through there and hope that we get this one yay perfect well fast hands which I am not good at not good at oh I'm so bad at doing this okay no see I think if I hold right click it there is like some amount of delay and it can skip over sometimes I just have to be really fast about it okay now I can finally be a Formula 1 driver doing the light fast hands exercise checkpoint thank you for participating please wait for our automated system to extract you from the chamber oh yeah is it going to work this it working it's working it's working no let me up let me up me up no no it's not oh oh okay did that work wait I'm forever levitating hold on I can't grab can I grab anything on the way up is there anything here hello subject debrief and extraction before debrief wait until existential Panic phase ends and proceed with survey questions following survey open cell ceiling and affect subject with levitation okay that's already happened presumably so um I want to be able to get the signs but I don't know if I can get the signs um uhoh oh no it's escape room Minecraft Escape but upside down oh I am frecked guys okay is there something I have to do like really quickly before before I get out of here before I get freaked up do I have to grab something from here don't send me yet guys oh no well uh wait wait wait is there something okay so there's nothing here nothing there nothing there nothing there I could break oh it's going to take absolutely forever to do anything because I'm floating in the air that's going to be freaked up I can take the book I mean obviously I can break the signs slowly but I can't I can't collect them I'm not used to Minecraft but you are stuck to the ceiling escape room where everything is slow please give me Aqua or air Affinity I would love it you know maybe the whole idea is just throw the thing on that's that's the hold on is chapter six I am just floating bro oh I remember seeing this earlier dude I remember this oh God okay so hold on is the whole idea here tell me tell me I don't lose when I just go all the way to the top and that the spider webs are just there to potentially frustrate me right wait wait wait hold on there's water oh my god dude wait no way I have to use the water to like descend bro this is nuts hold on I can't get over there's no way I can get over there like there's no way right I'm be Lev I'm I'm levying I'm levying um bro what hold on is there an up from here was I too focused on going down that I didn't no no what no what what are you what are you what are you getting at dude what are you getting at here what is this I couldn't have broken any of those cobwebs and used them to my advantage up here either like hold on if I go down under if I go under this oh okay I use this in order to like travel to the why am I so slow I've just I've gotten so slow uh and then oh go go go dude why did I just I just started going so slow like I'm moving really quickly right now and then I got in there and it was like yeah no time to just time to go like the slowest you've ever gone in your life okay now we can actually do this cool oh and down we go all right all right all right so we got a little connector here oh God okay hold on hold on just a minute here okay sh oh okay that's as slow as it goes that's as slow as it goes so somehow I have to use this stuff in order to oh God to use this stuff to get through so it's got to be wait is it over there it's probably just that that track right there yep okay cool if I fail this and have to go back it's going to be real frustrating go go go go go got it heck yeah and then is it you no it can't be you cuz our next thing's got to be like over there right go nope oh balls it's fine it's fine it's an easy reset right if we need to wait I don't know do I have enough oh I don't I don't have enough is it back over here no wait it says go up there why does it say go up oh okay I got to get behind there so I'm not trying to go that direction I see it starts to make sense go fast thank you okay so I think the idea is get get under there yep yep yep yep and then get under here okay perfect and then I think we got to just dive we got to just dive for it shortest distance a straight line no you idiot I don't know I mean maybe that corner is is key and then I I don't know if I can just go underneath kind of the same as if you're standing on a corner block you can just like shimmy under does it work come on shimmy under there shimmy under there shimmy under there you got it you got it yes okay perfect and up we go checkpoint great oh up up okay I was like please don't tell me we need to have an item to be able to throw in that and I don't have an item but we have a checkpoint so that's good I don't think it would let us checkpoint if we didn't have the ab uh ability to do the next part um I'm not seeing anything through there I am still levitating man these folks really freaked up with their evacuation levitation mechanic man they really freaked it up badly okay we're going there and then it must be is there another way to do it I could have gone no that was already low that's where we came in we might have to just end up like looping back around and doing a another thing here in the future in order to like get through the gate God dang it bro okay maybe I needed to just be absolutely as straight as possible yes there we go in order to get under and then probably run into that okay we have extra water which is good okay so that's good so that means we probably want to go under like the lowest one right maybe if that's even possible I don't know if that's possible no that is not very possible wa even if I could get under there what does that achieve for us what do we get what do we get in reward for going over there we get nothing there's nothing for me here okay I've just magically managed to remain in crawl uh which it was it was a hint given to me I mean as as always everything is about getting into a crawl um but I guess I was at the top of the thing I guess if you are at the top then it keeps you in in a crawl which I might have even done previously but I wouldn't have known because the perspective looks the exact same in first person so I might have even done this before oh I definitely did I definitely did do this before and I didn't realize that's why I was so slow going under that bridge that one time and I'm like what the heck happened if I had gone into F5 I would have been crawling okay okay so this is this is one of those things this is one of those things where there's no way I would have realized all right um so is this like uh it's like an open at the bottom maze or something like that that we got to get through in order to find the The Next Step um which is not here it's got it I don't do I need to be in crawl anymore feel like I don't need to be in crawl anymore but I also don't think I can get out of it now um can I can I let me out nope I can't get out of crawl I'm stuck here you know what um I think what we have here is a little Observer block situation where maybe we grab this thing and then it will allow me to like it'll it'll drop water or it or it won't but it did like illuminate something I don't know if it unlocked um something else so I'm wondering if the idea here is like I need to redirect the water flow using this block and then that'll allow me access underneath and that's like the next step and and we're just done in there so thankfully I'm moving quickly again but let's give this a try and what what what is what is wrong with the water why is the water uh frecked why doesn't it spill water why don't why don't you spill I mean I guess this is fine like I can still get through but why you no spill also this might just totally be a red herring I maybe the idea is honestly just a navigate the water back over so it spills down the uh spills down the bigger opening possibly where block oh there it is okay there it is um maybe like a little bit more a little bit more so we can get over there without getting out of the crawl and levitating up and then like that I don't think that did anything and like that that didn't do anything I keep placing it in the wrong location come on and there okay and then we should be able to get the crawl all the way over yikes nope a Frick okay still in the water still in the water still in the water we okay we're just trying to flood everything that's the idea I think maybe although hold on what does this allow for me does this allow us we need to remember we need to get to the um need to get to that door that had the uh pressure plate in front of it and probably end up throwing the light on there then the question is how do I get that over here hold on if I were to do this will that scatter the water over the edge it's going to be such a mess like continuing to oh God it just doesn't want to it doesn't want to flow aqua affinity man holy freak for the love of God I hate this I'm stuck between floating and sinking and having no control roll over my faculties oh I'm frecked I am actually completely frecked and I have to redo it all okay okay please so I got to okay all right all right please please please please maintain crawl maintain crawl okay we're good we're good we're good we're good I mean I am going to have to redo this now but the fact that I I have this is good news even if I still have to go back to where I was and I guess we got to keep it rolling that's good please please I am begging you to stop with what you are doing I am simply I am simply begging you to stop this oh but I can go underneath I can go underneath oh God nope that's not working wait wait wa wait I can reverse I can reverse course holy freck maybe I can just reverse course all the way get over to the other side stay in stay in rather than going out come on come on oh we're underneath so it doesn't doesn't matter anyway and then the whole idea was I just needed to get under the bottom here and then and then float up under here so I I did everything like entirely unnecessarily and I made it other than the part where I do have to get under there which means that I might have messed things up okay yeah so uh did have to redo everything this is infuriating but I've also turned off um toggle Sprints so that should make it a little bit easier to like break and place things toggle Sprint was probably a mistake here uh the question is that like I have to somehow uh get underneath so I have to I have to get water in here like that's the only way how in the world do I get water in here here is there something in in this area is there something no and the problem is like I um wait wait wait wait wait no I can't wait hold on hold on if I do this then maybe I can do the same sort of uh I do the same sort of like crawl thing right are we we're not wait I I don't know when I'm toggle sprinting and when I'm not okay I'm toggle sprinting here so nope that's a Crouch oh it's so it's so hard to like figure out when this is operating and when it isn't God there it is there it is okay now we can get these couple and we can swim our way back out ah and then the question is do I use these to redirect this water flow and I would my assumption would be yes so like this probably right yes and then just keep working at it let me through let me through I want a toggle Sprint now there we go I'm going to drown please give give give me what I need this is the most infuriating puzzle like two more and then we'll be good come on is is that it are we in are we in tell me we're in tell me we're in not in yet wait you're out of your mind you're out of your mind did I have to go higher up wait wait wait wait wait you're kidding me you are kidding me right now oh wait no no no I just need to just need to do that and then we can extend it over can't we just need to do this right there we no could could you please could you please reconsider what it is that you are doing please reconsider this what is it that you think you're doing why would you do something so so heinous what are you doing I don't understand I don't understand what you're doing what are you doing it's the most infuriating thing of all time where's the block I have it okay so um yes I have to like maybe I have to make my own I have to make my own head hitter oh I got to like block clutch as I'm wait hold on no but that's too high that's too high so I got to do this I got to do got to get it right Frick right no that's wrong but maybe I can still work with it can I still work with that maybe can I still work with this wait no I don't know if I can still work with wait I can do that and that and but then the issue is like can I retrieve this properly okay okay I can bro if one of these does not fall into my inventory I'm I'm I'm done I'm done man I wanted to do it with water cuz I was so worried that this could be so easily frecked up yet here we are I guess I just make sure that I'm underneath the other one I suppose I have like a I have an extra because I have three I have an extra just in case I think now that we're over that we're probably fine um yeah I think we're good now it's good thing we had a spare please tell me that is a spare and I don't need it later okay great I have made it I have made it and and um hopefully I'm not soft locked cuz that would be oh I been that's so kind it gave me the other redstone lamp cool all right so what next then clearly I made that a little bit more difficult for myself but it looks like another it's another um it's another fun time with water folks it's my favorite my favorite thing is just bringing the water elsewhere I love it I love no no oh it's down okay it's retrievable I think maybe maybe are you retrievable can I can I get you you you really went far you really went far no okay great great great awesome why was that not a checkpoint okay so we're going to um we're going to we're going to pretend that this was actually a checkpoint after that what just happened there we're going to pretend that this room was a checkpoint cuz yeah I thought it was and um was thoroughly not having a good time for a moment there okay what next what next we got to we got to presumably keep going forever nope that's not it and we got to keep going all uh in a quest for a button or something like that okay wait wait wait I see you I see you I think we just we just got to get into a crawl underneath there and then we can get into whatever whatever this is there we go now I want toggle Sprint again okay so obviously can't bring the water too much further into here so it then beg is the question well how do I get inside there oh oh up we go just kidding I hope I wasn't supposed to get in there huh what what in the world is that just there so that when I inevitably screw up that part I can go all the way back down and do it again oh my God okay so like I'm wondering if I if I do this right if I do that and just go over here I don't think that there is a way I think I'm just screwed like I can't actually get back down into the water now like the only way I can go is back around but that said like do I what if I do this okay okay so I can still keep this and then I do have to cycle back around but then I can stay in the water okay so just stay in the water just stay in the water just stay in the and then we go over here so I put that there and then try to like go underneath but I'm not I'm not in a crawl I'm not in a crawl dude I got to put the thing in there but the question is can I even reach that from over here like I don't want to go in and then get trapped there we go okay okay okay so we're good so that allows me to get through and then I assume I have to retrieve this oh Down the Hatch so that opens up into somewhere is this a a maze oh God is this a maze and I'm going to die wait no it's oh God okay at least that's up at the ceiling but um we can do another water flow redirect all right guys let's redirect that water here we go again I don't know if I'm in the right place I don't know if the other place was the place that I was supposed to be at okay stop toggle Sprint stop toggle Sprint and then there this is probably dumb be nope stop toggle Sprint there we go and then balls and then yeah no this this isn't that's not is this is it what I'm wait hold is it what I am supposed to be you know wait no it's probably I actually just want to I just want to do I do want to I do want a toggle Sprint now and I just got to I just got to exit right at the top and then I stay crawling yes I do what does that sign say does that sign say say stop levitation water withdrawal Gates if I do this do I lose wait there's a glass on the other side there do I lose I got a checkpoint oh my God it's a checkpoint let's go oh and then this is going to allow me to this lead some ahuh that leads somewhere okay and we continue going down hey I have no more oh God not a not a maze not a maze not a maze oh okay okay okay here we are here we are here we are I can up these let's hope I'm not make oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh probably over there probably over there exit exit that way it says okay follow the signs to the exit it's an upper instead of a dropper hope wait there's a button over there I hope I'm not missing anything and we got more water and there's glass hopefully that wasn't a mistake to break I'm questioning everything at this point honestly wait there's simply no way that I am going to be given a water bucket I I I don't buy that I think what we're going to get here instead is probably it's got to be pressure plate plus iron but the problem is I can't I can't put it down and get through even if I could put the pressure plate down there I I would need to redirect the water in order to be able to get through the door um let's see can I can I retrieve that do I want to go in a different direction here instead there's many there's many signs and I can break them but I have no idea how to retrieve them and I did lock myself last time so I have a bad feeling that if I get up here early I am just locked I don't think I can get those signs cuz I can't come down um okay so we have glass down there we have okay so the iron ingots up here right is there something that I can do with this though wait could I make the iron pressure PL and put it on top of the glass and would that redirect the water flow rather than just breaking the pressure plates I don't know what else to do oh it does okay it does it does it does can I recover the pressure plate by oh wait I can recover the pressure plate by breaking the glass that's why the glass is there so that I can recover the pressure plate because otherwise I wouldn't be able to mine it with my fist it's starting to make so much sense so my soft lock was can I not break the glass but yeah okay so my soft lock was there we go breaking the glass not coming up the stairs cool so that then might give me the ability to get the pressure plate down on the ground over here in front of the God dang it this is going to take a bit of time everybody just bear with me just bear with me here okay come on let's go let go go down let's go down just want to just also want to mention to the to the people watching this right now that I am currently now while live doing this not being watched by one God but two Gods so there's additional pressure that has suddenly been introduced and and it's it's problematic um what's also problematic is can I actually make make it under there from this corner huh okay here we go here goes nothing here goes nothing yes he can and I stole the iron this is brilliant please tell me I didn't lock myself okay wait before I go through before I go through is there a way for me to retrieve hello iron I'd love to have you back please nope don't think so hopefully I don't need it wait what am I am I in a swim nope I'm in a Crouch can I not be in a Crouch and not in a Crouch anymore sweet okay all right what oh oh wait oh okay I didn't freak up I was like please tell me just not looking up didn't just destroy me oh where am I going where am I going where am I going I feel like I i' made the right decision coming out of the the chimney but I also feel like there's a way that I can um mess myself up here and I'd rather not do that I hope I haven't already messed myself up do I just keep going up and up and up and up and up and hope for the best tell me that I've not made mistakes so far okay hold on hold on just keep looking up if I go all the way up am I doomed there's not really much of an indicator as to where to go now am I supposed to get if I'm supposed to get over there I have already failed uh maybe through there maybe maybe we go into whatever is over there I'm just trying to like maybe go to the instead of the full height kind of the next spot each time just in case even though I've probably already failed I'm kind to end up going and floating off into the upper atmosphere and that's going to okay so if I end up there wait hold on oh I think that is where I'm supposed to go okay cool slime and Ender Chest escape room models copyright 2022 backup chamber items uh that looks like a place where there's still water which is very sad to me because I was thinking that maybe there was a world where I would stop levitating but that is too much to ask ask all right I don't think an enchanted golden apple can really save me from levitation to my knowledge so um here we go let's hope I didn't descend too early huh wait oh oh wait wait wait wait does that allow me to pass back and forth okay pass back and forth without issue what does that say over there maybe you can run really fast like like while levitating you mean uh uh I don't want to be levitating anymore you guys think if I eat the gapple I'll stop levitating cuz I don't know what else to do I'm going to eat it now I'm levitating but with style yeah oh God okay so what am I what am I what am I trying to do here what the what's the plays they're like a way that I can I guess I can probably get into a crawl and use that in order to maybe get through the upper left over here hopefully I'm not in to crawl anymore when I exit here okay come on let's go let's do what we can do let's do what we can do before the gapple runs out and I've learned that I've really messed up wait a second is this going to be one of those stop crouching well I recognize this place I've seen this before this is make the snow golem and then the the Snow Golem like yeets the Slime back through the the channel and then I but stop being crouched oh my God this is so annoying oh there's oh I see there's an opening in the ceiling all the blocks kind of they blend together stop crouching please wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before I exit before I exit hold on hold on hold on okay hold on wait wait wait wait wait there's something I'm supposed to wait let me uh is this a take I don't know if I should break it also it would take like 50 years to do it so rather than do that I do recognize this though oh I totally recognize everything here uh uh do I want to cuz this one this would like dispense slimes slimes would land on here and we bring the yeah yeah yeah memories memories of another world do I go all the way up or do I try to make it into let me let me rather than going all the way up see if there's anything else yeah it's the Maze of the oh I totally remember all this sorry it's a previous escape map um that that was posted a while ago if you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about oh and this is the place where we had to construct the lava uh traversal things and stuff like the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then like and then use them to go across the lava with the Slime machines and all that stuff I remember okay here's probably why I need the gaple so I can go through here without dying we may still be on the clock but still a good amount of time left uh wait or oh wait do I want to be going up or do I want to be going down oh god um wait is one of the hold on hold on is one of these like open or something to be able to yeah it is yeah it is yeah it is oh God oh God okay never mind uh not necessarily generously on the clock any longer this is kind of an urgent matter please go down please please go down faster than you're already going please please quick please make haste please be faster there's no need to be so slow right now oh God how much time do I have left I have a minute and 30 seconds until death sets in okay here we go and careful careful careful oh God and if I overshoot instead of entering the tunnel that's going to be really sad and up we go okay like a minute left here go through go through go go go go go go okay I didn't miss the tunnel everything is good I hope I didn't have to stay in the lava oh Jesus I hope I hope I am done with the need for fire resistance portion of the event H nope nope I'm not I'm not I still need viruses oh God wait oh no hold on this is not where I need to go wait is it down lower um uh uh-oh uhoh uhoh wait no oh no oh no this is just a decoy or is it no it's not a decoy I just need to I must have to go down that tunnel I got to go down and then get in lava again and then go I have to go down one of the tunnels but which of the tunnels oh you got to be kidding me is it this one oh maybe it's just this part right here the one that stands out versus the rest oh God no I'm frecked I am frecked I am frecked there's no way there is no way I I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead it's over boys it's over it's it's over it's it's over mate all right um we return this time with just such a great deal much more time so much more that I don't even want to check because I don't want to waste the time that it would take to go into my inventory in order to check the funny part it's going to be funny when this is actually just the last step of the whole thing and there is no more lava after this and I I that's all I had to do was just not fail this part and I would have been fine I'm really prepared for that to be exactly what's going on here and it probably is is it oh yeah it totally is that was that was the last thing good at least I'm not being hurt by the uh checkpoint why is this always how happen this this is always what happens to me men is that I I I fail I freak up like just just H it's Fourth and goal and I I cannot just I can't complete it I can't do it it doesn't happen all right at least we're checkpointed that's exciting um can I get through I can get through there that seems to be kind of the only place to do it what I don't know is if I am floating for the rest of my existence here I I tend to think that I am that that this is the rest of my life is in a constant state of flotation or swimming or lava in um anything down here no none whatsoever so it's got to be up and over there or maybe it isn't knowing my luck I've already missed something oh God did I want to go oh wait no this is actually fine what are what are all this what is everything that is happening here what do we have we have a lot of Hoppers any uh any good stuff any good stuff in any of you hello anvils all right that's great we got some glass over here very very pretty and rainbowy even though I can't actually do anything with it I don't think and even if I could is there like anything on top that wants to drop like is there an anvil on top of the glass I actually just simply can't tell uh I suppose I can just go over here and see what's up oh yeah okay so there is an anvil on top of the glass also has arrows pointing in that direction like I could do I want to drop the Anvil though is the question is there a reason to drop drop the Anvil that would do things if it went down to the bottom got no idea what do all these blocks do uh I feel like there's got to be like something inside one of them that will have there we go bring forth the sea you say bring forth the sea but you do not give me loyalty so I only get one one try only one try at this okay I'm going to see if I were to just bring the Anvil like maybe it's a combination lock right like I I break through here and the Anvil joins its Brethren and then this has done nothing for me okay cool um maybe it was supposed to be like a strength test to where I was supposed to actually have the thing go all the way to the bottom or something like that and I've already messed it up if that's the case because I haven't given it its full full momentum which is just swell but here goes nothing that do anything no so I'm currently just thinking about what I could do with that anvil in order to in order to get into these crawling tunnels but in the while I am thinking I might as well make some progress at The Brute forcing method right I might as well just do this and then I can simultaneously still though just be thinking about okay how could I alternatively do this I'm thinking yeah I could use the envil to crush myself into a crawl but even if I use the envil to crush myself I'm still presented with the Hoppers being in my way so um I'm really committed at this point I've invested a lot of time into making this happen so I don't know though like okay if I were to say like Drop The Anvil right here and say I'm like borderline right what happens [Music] now I am now still just floating I don't think the Anvil has really helped me in my pursuit of greatness here so yeah given that I still haven't figured out how I would do this otherwise I think I have actually saved time here so I think we're doing great half raw iron half this is two out of eight bring forth the SE okay so the next step obviously is break the Angels um and uh yeah basically do the same thing in order to get into the next area and then I got to like think is there a place where I can grow the sapling put it down somehow anyway regardless I got to I got to go back okay all right here we go here we oh this one's going to suck a little bit more guys we we made a revolutionary Discovery here I was kind of thinking back to the Bell one where I was like crawling through the bells through the lava but then I didn't really think that there was going to be a way to do that here but it turns out there may actually be a way to do that here which is super exciting the only issue is if I okay so hold on does that mean I probably need to do this first so that I can maintain the crawl ow and then we can go all the way around oh my goodness that's so cool the gods have become pleased three out of eight okay um so that makes me think that I I am actually in fact done here maybe except it just makes me all the more terrified that I I um I'm going to soft lock and it's going to be excruciatingly painful because I've now invested such a great deal of time into what I've currently done I'm wondering if because we've dropped the envil to the bottom and nothing happened at all but there got to be a reason why the glass extends all the way to the bottom sorry I got a hint that there's still more I need to do with the anvils and stuff like that I'm just like am I going to soft block myself but hey I'm standing on ground now so if I do that is there like I wonder if that does anything to make things more clear for me I'm too scared to do anything because I think anything that I do at this point is going to lock me and I'm going to have to redo everything so it's like actually working against me um but I think what I can probably do is this do that God to has rejoined um and then perhaps do this and then maybe this will work for me and then I can do that and then I can go under here and then I can get the things yes I have them both okay cool and and supposedly I have not soft locked myself ah this is great news everybody very very great news okay so from here we got a we got a pressure plate pressure plate time yeah okay not you oh God stop stop crouching all right so um yeah yeah here we go and then um and then aha it does it does happen it does happen but then the question is do I use the Trident or do I do this and even so even so if I do that wait there's a thing over here should I've done something with that even so if I eat this and open this up does it even like help me out at all which item should I use for this I feel like the Trident is the probably the one I should hang on to but also I would be the most accurate but also it has oh my god oh wait wait wait wa wait did that open up from the that opened up from the other side didn't it and I'm in Crouch once again my life is ruined okay so I can get back from over there slowly but surely very slowly but surely so this allows me to stay on the floor is over here giving me the ability to do what oh to get under underneath here God dang it now I have to do it again I can't tell if that is designed to be a very very close get such that you're supposed to not be able to get in or such that it's just supposed to you are yes okay you are supposed to be able to get in good I think an entity has to be standing on those so that's not going to help me um so let's follow this up and see where it goes which is wait am I back oh I'm back in here oh how fun how interest oh hello um okay so I can get under there but um the Anvil went away huh oh oh God wait the Anvil went away that's not how am I supposed to get through there if the Anvil is going on oh hello uh wait wait wa wait let's see what else do we have is there oh yeah we have the smoker above us I cannot leave here half wait half half do we need to get like more iron blocks wait is there a way that I can smelt something somehow oh oh hold on hold on hold on we got things in here uh uh I'm not in a crawl though so I definitely oh wait no it says it says arrows to that way so I'm probably not supposed to get in there yeah oh that's the that's going to be on the other side from here so I have to get in that way can you smelt like we you can't smell what rabbits do okay I was trying to I was like thinking is there a way that I can get even if I could get another pressure plate I don't know how it would have helped me okay so have I just been dumb the whole time and I can do that and then I can the hope is that I don't have to do all all four at once right because I'm not going to be able to do all four at once it's simply not going to happen does it let you do so so so yeah I had a I had a feeling that that that wasn't going to be enough to do a full smell but then I realized okay so half and half I have to but but I need to I need to be able to eat this I need to be able to eat this so that I can get the bowl so that I can actually use the bowl how do I eat I'm not hungry I want to be hungry please let me be hungry please tell me that this will make me hungry please I'm begging you pretty please this isn't this isn't working this isn't working wait wait wait wait please become hungry please become hungry I see that food shaking wait wait I got to I got to press and hold there's some there's some command that's freaking yep I had to beat the command God I had to beat the command for it to allow me to eat because it is autofilling my food bar this is just rude okay so we got to do that first and then we got to be ready ready on the bowl okay there it is now it happens now it happens and that is another pressure plate for us or shears God what if it's actually shears freak it dude making the heavy pressure plate and Can I stack pressure plates on top of each other like is that a thing that you can actually do put pressure plates on anvils the pressure plates on pressure plates I don't know if it actually works but it's worth a try and if it doesn't work then hey what's the worst I could have gone and done soft blocked myself yet again so what if we go heavy probably the wrong order and then light it doesn't work that way did it have to be light and then heavy or did I simply get the whole God dang thing wrong okay okay I I I have received a hint that I should not be focusing on opening it from the outside but rather the inside which thus begs the question how cuz even if I could set the pressure plate down in there how do I get the signal into it why did I even need the two pressure plates at the end of the day why do I why do I even need them I don't I don't understand I don't understand so if I were to like go over here and I were to try to click down it's just freaking hitbox fun time I put the pressure plate there and then one wrong move on the pressure plate placement and I'm I'm dead again so here's what I'm thinking like I could put the pressure p first one down here I don't know if the order matters or the order matters I'm fricked like 99% of the options that I can undertake I'm fricked 1% is the correct answer I can put a pressure plate down there I can probably do like some finicky little little Edge placement and it'll place it next to it which would be great I suppose but then the question becomes like what do I just do I just eat the the iron and and hope it lands I guess I do I guess I do here we go here's that and then uh just freak a freaking frustrating man and eventually when I go back and forth enough I will get it yeah I think that worked and then yeah it's next to it and then the last but not least ball sacks yeah where no it merged with the last but not least my final attempt does the Trident count I must aim true it opened I can get it back now I think please tell me I can get it back give me thank you I need the iron actually I can get it I can get it I can get it because I can just come over here and then I can retreat the stuff right yes I get the End Rod and the pressure plate and then I can just retrieve the pressure plate but not the glass but I do get the End Rod which is probably a good thing and we get another End Rod over here oh wait this is our Saving Grace to be able to access like everything or at least one of the doors I know one of the doors that had two elevated eyeballs and so we can put the end rods down put the pressure plates on top and then we can activate them both and be happy okay so over here it was this one yes okay cool all right so it should be boom boom boom boom and then I guess we just do can I activate like wait oh no I can just use the Trident again right let's freaking go now the question is do I retrieve these properly yes and please don't fall um I am snail speed I must go faster okay now it feels like we are cooking please stop being slow oh my God okay there we go so there is a shulky box back there um oh so we're ah I see I see what's happening here so we are operating that from this side is there even a way for me to get in there I don't think right okay so I think I could do trigger the pressure plate could I trigger the pressure plate by throwing the tridon at it and if I do am I going to regret it or am I going to be okay hopefully I'm okay I am okay okay wait my my Trident my Trident is gone oh God okay um maybe maybe we have another opportunity to work our way in from here to the other side like very rapidly yeah balls maybe the idea is you know what I have an idea I have an idea God is that even an idea though like if I do this right will that allow me to get underneath God I'm crawling again all right here we go here we go see the problem is I don't actually know if even if I get trapped under there yeah no that's that's an issue it doesn't work what if we try another approach here like that like that I didn't I just like is that going to work is that going to work I need to get back I'm going to have to go back over this way again so yeah no I can't I can't do that because it's lower now so how it doesn't help but okay wait wait wait Idea Idea Idea I put another End Rod off of that we utilize both end rods and then we just pray we we pray that we collect them this should be enough right this should be enough it is enough now please please collect please collect you're such an idiot maybe I can just do it from here maybe just okay I can just do it from there rather than having to take another trip around the Sun um yes you've gone and done it you're beautiful okay now please please collect please collect please collect thank you okay so we're in we are in baby let's go uh however now um I assume I need to do a similar thing here probably to like work my way across uh in order to access whatever the freak is in there um right so I mean this is the only way right I got to do that I got to do that and then we got to just oh wait a second wait wait wait wait I think I've I think I've actually uh I think I've ruined my life wait here can I do this I can do this oh that was so clutch that was so clutch now if you don't hand to me though then we're going to have a problem and then oh my God we got more end rods that's six and it's just called solid block cool that helps us in some way I'm sure uh and then okay so clearly like we actually do have to get in there but in order to do so oh my God don't tell me this is like the same thing as that room where we had to use the end rods in the trapo to crawl but now I have to do it using the water to get into the crawl and then I have to shimmy my way over while I'm in a crawl in order to get through there yeah I can't reach that I have to get in there with a crawl which is just psychotic absolutely psychotic okay so I've received a hint that I should not actually be focusing on doing the the extremely tedious thing that was going to ruin my life and instead I should make a return over to the Anvil room and I that that pressure plate that's over there it had caught my eye before but there was simply no way to access it however now I do think there's a way to access it probably maybe hopefully fingers crossed CU if I break an End Rod and it doesn't come back to me then we might be in trouble yes okay and then like we can just you know bridge the gap I don't know I'm going to just do this and uh we'll see what happens we will see what happens I guess we have some leeway right if I do screw up um that I have extra I'm going to just try to do it with two so that you know if a mess up happens we still have plenty more than just risking having a really bad time do this let me just get all the way over there with it and see how it goes and then maybe retrieve that one later I don't know and then from here start getting towards the pressure plate what are you doing why are you over there why did you go there okay okay I think I probably need to get that back probably need to get I don't know if I need to get the other one back but please hand yourself to me thank you okay that's that's at least a little bit of good news it's taking place for us um and then all right I need to normally I'd just be able to like float myself back up but I do really want to retrieve that just in case so oh we got it we got it we got it we got it and I got got that okay good then okay the question is how important are you I'm going to I'm going to wait I'm going to wait until uh that becomes essential to worry about it or maybe I've soft locked myself and and everything is not good so I got to do another fun another fun time of of building around here in order to stay at least low enough to be able to place the pressure plates down so I think I think I'm okay just doing that probably if I've messed up it's going to be not fun but I think I'll be in range I'm pretty sure I'll be in range so I've been informed that that I don't I don't actually need to do anything of what I'm doing here and that if I if I set the pressure plates down and activate them from this side it it won't actually work great I I thought I thought that um this makes it 10 times easier which is cool but I actually kind of thought that this would be problematic but I guess it's not problematic I guess that I can just do this and then can I can I single-handedly activate all three no I can't but we can do this and just get them nope not oh they've oh God they're all going to merge together aren't they they're all going to merge together and I'm going to not be H God dang it uh I'm going to have to do it with three different things one two please go where I need you to two and I'm drowning and three no I have to be on the third one cuz it's a stone a I got to be fast go okay it open thank goodness do I have to just sacrifice the pressure plates now am I done with them am I am I done with them is that it well here goes nothing I don't like this part I really don't like this part this is not it's not nice it's very not nice it's very not nice if you to do this to me but like I guess there's no other way to get them so let's get an even water flow and then we'll use that even water flow to do what we have to do in here okay so next up I think the idea is we remain in the crawl we just go full the ultra we go full Ultra tedium except that like I have to freaking this is going to be nuts dude this is going to be absolutely nuts and then I'm going to I'm going to end up getting I'm going end up getting to the end here probably and then I'm going to fail it okay so I am crawling and now I assume if I go up half a block I'm still going to be crawling and now the thing is I have to I have to always retrieve this to always successfully retrieve it and I got to go up the next half block and then I'm still going to be crawling I'm still going to be crawling and then I got and then I got to go okay it's actually it's actually working it's not not completely failing it's good news and then I can get you okay and we're still yeah we're still crawling it's great okay and then I could go diagonal but I don't know if it's worth it's not worth the risk I've come this far um and then get in there still crawling good who would have thought you could do the inverse gravity Frog Light End Rod crawl crazy crazy okay there we go at least I did it from the right distance um which is good news okay and then boom and then oh my God oh my God we made it in oh he really do be crawling okay we got to just break it I guess slowly very slowly and then get it into a place where I can actually open it or maybe there's nothing inside of it oh Anvil time 7 and Hopper time 8 huh interesting you hope I didn't need that hope I didn't need that cuz we ain't getting it not now not today nope nope nope no s okay so we're using the anvils and The Hoppers in order to crawl into another area using there wonky hit box clearly but the question is which area am I trying to crawl into um there's that area there would it would it be that would it be that do I want to go around the corner that's my assumption is it's to get over there and I hope I don't need the end rods for it otherwise I've I've just failed again first we can just do we want to make sure it's not in the way do we'll do some I guess we'll just grab the anvils grab the Hoppers and then maybe I should just give this back to myself right you're going to give it back to me thank you and then we got to stay in a crawl for this well I guess I could have just started to place things down oh I also have the orientation is more important actually wait oh God if I do it with the wrong orientation that's I think this is correct though or maybe I start with the hopper so I can get the Anvil down around the corner let's try this let's try this that does let me through yes okay and then we can keep doing this all the way over man imagine if I using like the wrong block here or something it's going to be really really annoying uh Anvil Anvil I mean hopper Hopper hopper Hopper and we got to we got to move to uh we got to move to Anvil here and they merge they merge they merge they merge right did I do it in the wrong order and it needed to be I swear to go okay no no no no we're good I was like oh they needed to be in a different order I was that's very mean that's very mean to do this is incredibly ex now I have to go all the way back around okay um I I was informed that I did in fact uh soft lock myself because I I was given not instead of just like getting to this point and it's like just have Hoppers so you can do it it's like no no no no no got to introduce another element of you having to choose the corre Block in the correct spot so so I used the the The Hoppers it was it couldn't it was bad it bad I need to switch to the anvils I need to switch to the anvils use the anvils on the straightaway because otherwise I'm not going to be able to get around the corner and actually access the pressure plate so now we get to the corner and now I can use the hopper in order to kind of like go around it right and and maybe enter the the place hold on hold on go back back go back I got to got to do that and then I can go around and now aha everything's fine uh my blood pressure is not at unsafe levels I'm sure I haven't actually tested but I'm sure uh am I just going up I'm afraid to I'm afraid to do anything at this point I'm truly just afraid to do anything but maybe I should just risk it and go up but I think anything I can possibly do at this point is wrong and I'm doomed I'm just going to go up now though okay so we have TNT we have a log we have log log log log TNT and wool I don't know if I can get that wool problematically um I'm going to just get the wood first I am stuck up here so unless I've made a mistake again I have everything I need in order to do what I have to do up here probably hopefully maybe I just have no idea but there isn't a way for me to get into a crawl at the moment because I don't have water cuz I'd never be given a water bucket because that would just break everything in a good way in my favor [Music] um and uh okay so I can try to I can try to get this but I have a feeling it's not good work I'm going to try I'm going to go for it oh it's not going well but I can do that and then I can do this and then I can hope that the next one you know comes to me instead right it's not but eventually eventually I should just do this with TNT probably at least alternating CU it'll be much faster to there we go okay we've got them all well I have things that I can make now I could even make a crafting table if I wanted to um the question is like what even what even do up here what even do I have no idea what else to do so I'm just going to soft lock myself um which one should I use let's use the uh let's use the Anvil maybe I'll get the Anvil back though there we go H that had just about the expected outcome but we did just we did hit a we hit a checkpoint so oh oh oh wow okay turns out I had a lot of extraneous oh hey eight out of eight oh that's so much easier now to be able to got it break the things this is good news though I turns out I didn't even need any of the additional um yeah and rods or anything like that so all right I'm wondering like all right so this makes life so much easier this is so cool all right I I had to I had to take a hint here the first time I've ever taken a hint which which is that my goal is to remove levitation here apparently and I'm like okay well I can drink milk well there's no cows here so I'm like well I could just die apparently I die on purpose it's not okay it's not something I ever would have it's not something I ever would have arrived at I just never would have arrived at that um okay I guess the issue is here like am I actually going to am I going to die if I stand close enough to the TNT the trick might be how do I get close enough to the TN to where it will kill me in one hit or something like that but anyway let's try this again maybe I was actually on to something before but why would dying be the freaking answer okay nope I'm going to do this and then I can stand inside of the TNT and it's going to oops looks like you obstructed your spawn point and then died if you did this on accident trigger reset if you did this intentionally please contemplate your sins and then run trigger reset I have an idea I have an idea and that idea is to kind of do what I did but place a bed in here first and that's why the wool is here it's so that it like kind of um yeah the wool the it it's here to kind of push me in the direction that I've I've elected to just not follow so far but that's fine so what I need to do then is I need to make sure okay so if I do this I still have six planks if I do this I still have four which is enough for a bed so I make the sword right and then I have to collect all the cobwebs and not lose the please I need eight I need eight which is 1 2 3 4 5 I need to collect all of these and none of them can drop and if they drop it's again I thought we weren't relying on RNG but I feel like there's a slight RNG element here where if I miss one of these then it's fricked but thingies crossed okay good good good and last but not least oh my God I got them all okay I just wouldn't have thought to like purposely die I never would have never would have considered the the the intentional demise scenario I also don't think I can sleep in there I don't think that'll work I think that will just consider it to be obstructed so instead I guess we'll just do it here we'll just do it here and then do that and then put the bed down okay great wait no is that great oh I might have I might have completely bungled I might have bungled everything because now the problem is I can't die instead of being an idiot use the crafting table as one of the bed placement things I feel like I'm in I'm in like Doctor Strange there's like 10 billion possible timelines and only one of them is the correct one and I'm I have to find it God I hope that's I hope I'm still okay here please tell me I'm going to be okay I'd like to be okay I'd really like to be okay here so we do this okay good we have the button left that can be used to set off the TNT we we place the bed here good brilliant and then we come over to the other side we definitely don't want the bed to blow up so good so helpful oh God wait if I'm in a crawl am I not going to be in the TNT if the TNT falls down oh wait no actually this works this works for me you know what I think this does work cuz I can do that and then I can do this I can put the button down and I can actually just crawl straight inside the TNT cuz I'm crawled I'd say I want to die but I already did okay so this time surely if I do that and then I do that then it will work great great okay so I'm going to do I'm going to do that and I'm going to do this and I'm do that and I'm going to and then ple if it doesn't work this time I just oh do I not have levitation anymore oh my God everything is good now in the world everything is just great such a good such a great place to be it's such a amazing okay bye amazing time to be alive incredible okay bye okay guys um now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go I'm going to go down and not die to fall damage CU if I die to fall damage boy won't that be fun let me I don't know if we need all this stuff but we may as well collect whatever we can get the Frog Light and uh button continuing along just don't die of fall damage please it feels good to be able to walk levitation is a curse bring forth the sea huh it's uh emergency airlock manual Trigger 2 requires level 15 power now my assumption here is it's got to be both of them activated at the same time probably unless I can just got it it requires a dual dual activation system I need to get myself um thank goodness I was not going to be in a good place if there were no accessible string I was going to be in a very bad place other than the part where I'm still in a pretty bad place because I don't actually I don't know how to get an arrow at all um but but but that's okay we can check down the hallway I feel like if I put an arrow into one button and then run over to the other then we'll be good but I do need to find flint or something oh wait is this where I came down and hold on maybe I use the crafting table here hope it doesn't light on fire cuz then uh it's not going to be not going to be a good time I also can't do that ah I have no idea if that's where I'm actually supposed to be going or if I mean it it just I'm going to die I'm going to die so um we're going to we're going to take that that thing where I just died with lava and we're going to put it to use here and it's definitely going to be easy to do and uh repeatable replicable and okay so I come over here right and I basically begin I begin to incinerate intentionally begin to incinerate now I don't like I don't know if I'm going to have too much regen now I have too much regen now I think no wait maybe I don't have I don't have the regen okay have to wait until I'm on half a heart God dang it and now it's probably going to be like too much and and uh okay m is that enough H I got to go I got to go is it too much oh is it too much wrong side uh there's no world in which I'm going to get the angle correct and hit the button in time probably just do this cool and do that okay it's a good idea like maybe okay oh I got two instances wait but maybe I get good regen God I've crashed go fast go fast go fast come on come on come on dude how do you possibly how do you possibly hit the button die and hit the other button within the amount of time go fast go fast come on come on no I've received a tip which is I'm trying to set up the bed so that when I respawn I'm on the button and I just I just flick down really quickly at least I've now determined it's four ticks of lava and then that should be good one two three four and then we run for it then we run for it even though now that is not working why is that not working why is for there's Forex of lava before but it's decided to change on me I don't know why exactly but it has three four there we go that looks better this is it this is it this is it come on come on I still have to get this timing right there too God it took an extra tick to kill me come on come on come on just need to like spam the button oh my god it worked warning intense pressure detected in case a flood stare directly at flood okay sounds good I'm going to look at it now here it comes woo oh my goodness what's next what's next oh uhoh oh oh oh oh God oh God that is a lot of pressure wait that's a that's a whole lot of pressure it says go there Arrow wait there's an arrow please don't die I see a platform I see a platform I'm going to it or is that the sun no there is a platform oh you're kidding me right now oh you're kidding me if I die before the top it's going to be very upsetting exciting news everybody I am actually able to uh get some air in here and um hopefully that will enable me to go out please up up up and away I don't know if it's enough I think I actually needed to be out I was one shot one opportunity and I'm dead maybe just move the bed a little bit closer that's that's the way that's the way just move the bed move the bed and then we're going to then it'll be everything will be fine just move the bed up to the top this is how we escape just continue to die actually and just reup my air that's the way perfect okay am I going the right way yes now I should be able to make it I mean I think I'm going to start dying but I should have enough health you think about it you really cannot hold your breath very long I feel like you know for all the weight that Minecraft Steve can carry boy can I out breath hold merry crimbus everybody a diamond sword a cake a book and a quill an oak sapling and is this uh a survival island feels like it took you 13 years to get here wow I started this map when I started YouTube congratulations I I didn't think a 3X3 box was that hard to escape credits production level design programming Canadian level design glitch hunting W resource back and decoration Coralis play testers Canadian W Milani maximum voided star OSI Coralis Dr Hobe Nova wifey and I'm um I'm permanently stuck now on a survival island and uh it's okay though we'll have more wood in just a moment and we have cake what more could you ask for um okay well that is I I wasn't I had to receive confirmation that that was actually officially the ending and there wasn't another puzzle on the raft for me to I know blast into outer space or something like that but the tree has grown which is cool um so yeah Sky Block now thank you water water block I guess Water World um thank you guys for making this along with everybody who tested it it was definitely uh the most extravagant Escape experience I have had so I can't imagine the amount of time and uh just I don't know where you get the ideas like very impressive so thank you you're welcome thank you yeah and I'll uh I'll link I'll link your channels and stuff in the description if you guys are interested and uh that's it see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 567,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft snapshot, captainsparkles, escape map, minecraft escape
Id: 0Fo0i-A9nLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 302min 3sec (18123 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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