DIY Drywall Part 5 | This is how you get perfect walls!!

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welcome back to my kitchen renovation we've got a beautiful sunny morning here so don't mind me I'm just trying to get my quick-set mud ready to go here when I have this much sunshine and beaming through a window I'd take advantage of it for my prime check now I'm just running around with this thing last night you know before I did my first coat of paint then I came down here this morning and lo and behold the Sun Shine has revealed all kinds of sins on my wall that sounds almost poetic done here we go so this is just 45 minute compound I'm just using cold water so I have a few minutes to actually work with it what we're gonna talks about today is when you're finishing your drywall and going in to paint the different steps of construction so that you can get a flawless finish here we go Wow and it's just amazing what you can see and this is what drives you crazy because at some point down the road after you're all finished paint you're gonna be sitting here and the light is gonna be just you know February when the Sun is low in the sky that's when you're gonna see all these little minor scratches and imperfections it doesn't look like much but there's nothing like sitting on a couch watching TV and good oh my lord look how horrible that drywall work is right so I am just taking advantage of this light okay give me two seconds I'm gonna walk you through the whole process alright so traditional building process if you're working with your drywall it's pretty much you do your three coats of mud you sand the room you prime the room you do a prime check and that's the process traditionally of taking a light like this and walking around checking your inside outside corners looking to see if all your narrow holes were filled properly or if you have divots I had a few divots than the other ceiling know what a big surprise like when you're doing your drywall work you're gonna run into situations where different aspects of the work only got two coats instead of three or the screws were put in there just a little deeper than usual this is why we do a prime check just to help take care of all those little imperfections and it's a lot easier after you've sanded the ridges off to go back and fill the divots and the scratches then to try to sand everything perfect the first time know what I like to do the secret to white how I get such a great finish when I'm done is I'll actually sand it and I'll prime it do a prime check but I use a 45-minute the compound here when I do my prime check because after that compound is on all of my ceilings are going to get two coats of paint all of my walls are going to get two coats of paint and this compound here does not flash through the paint after you gets two more coats so I'm really confident with that situation I'll come by and I'll do one coat of paint on all the ceilings and walls I'm not going to use the brush and cut in as you can see but this allows me to have the colors in the room right then are going to be the here long term so I can experience the daylight shining into the room bouncing off these colors because the ceiling with that daylight coming across the horizon exposed a lot of things and I never saw this color paint once I put the the light on it showed a lot of things I didn't see with my trembling so it's just nice to do one coat it also lets me have a look because it takes what 20 minutes to roll all the walls it allows me to have a look at the color in the finished space and confirm whether or not we like what we see so now that the prime check is all done we're gonna have my wife come down we're going to pull out some tile we're going to talk about plans for the future on the back wall but we get to experience the color in our kitchen decide if we want to go darker or lighter or something different altogether but this is a great time it only takes half an hour and half a gallon of paint so you can invest that now you've all seen the TV shows where they put like five or six colors on the wall and so these little squares I don't know for how for the life of me anybody can decide that that paint color works by a little square most people don't have that kind of vision so my wife is a visual inspector she doesn't see things in her head before it's finished like I do so I take everything one step at a time show her completed space get approval and then move forward it works and that's how most people work right so if you're like most people you're gonna want to get one code on your walls double-check the space before you get to committed to doing all the tedious brushwork and the details huh once you're happy and you're ready to move forward then it's simple I'm gonna get rid of this and we'll talk about the rest of the stages you can finish off your room all right so now that our patches are all dried up we're gonna come back with a sanding block this is a medium to fine grit grit and you can just give it a nice little scuff okay that'll work great your other option because when we do this we're also going to be sanding the rest of the wall it needs to be Santa we can take our sanding pad here no this is my radius 360 okay I put it on my painter stick because it has uh salad after we are going to call this first coat so we're gonna also need the sand in between coats so we want to go completely up and down here the whole surface including your pageants okay that's the other option now you can see it was brand new clean all these spots here are little chunks of dirt and issues that were on the wall and now is sanded smooth and it collects it right here I got this question a lot actually dealing with sanding walls you have to clean all the dust off the answer is new when you sand your drywall on the first time you're gonna buy a bunch of dust left on the wall when you're adding your primer that dust gets mixed in with the paint and it becomes part of the solids content of the paint now that's a fancy word for high-quality primer has a lot of solid content okay so having dust on the wall just means you're gonna make your paint even better it's gonna make it much more solid white and less transparent and that allows you to see all the imperfections it'll also fill in a lot of hairline scratches left over from sanding so leave the dust on there get your first coat patch it check it in the sunlight repair it with your 45 sand it again sand your whole wall right then it's time to prank now I've done this in other videos and I've talked about my sheet rock 45 material and how I'm confident that I can just go ahead and put two coats of paint on that I'm good to go but if you don't have that available in your area then you follow this procedure just take a bit of primer and brush it on okay done now we only have to wait about five or six minutes and a light dusting like that is going to be perfect okay so now I'm gonna go ahead sand the rest of this wall patch the rest of these spots up and then we're gonna go from there this is the whole process for sanding between coats there we go that's done now the most amazing thing about that is it makes the wall incredibly smooth all right you know what hit the rest of these patches just a light dusting right you're not looking to put a lot of paint on the wall here here I go from the purpose of this is just to make sure that all these little spots if you using regular compound they don't end up showing through in the sunlight this is what happens it's called flashing flashing is the painters enemy because whenever you have flashing after two coats of finish paint you can't just go with a little with the brush after and touch it up because that'll show too because you're leaving brush mark instead of roller mark you can't just go by with a little mini roller because acrylic paint after it's been sitting for a little bit the levels of acrylic are different from the beginning to the end so the only way to make a nice wall when you're painting is to paint the whole wall top the bottom the whole section so you can't do touch-ups on flashes so better safe than sorry hit it with your primer you can avoid that cost of mistake because flashing in your paint is going to leave you really disappointed also means you got to go back out and buy another gallon of paint in order to fix that wall as most rooms one gallon of paint will do fine but if you get flashing you don't have enough paint left over to do the whole wall again and that is how you avoid it right there now we're gonna give this about 10 minutes I'm gonna come back with the brush do the same thing we'll show you there okay so while you're waiting for your primer spots to dry you can go ahead and grab your paint because we still have to do our cut line now if you want to learn my process for painting walls we'll put a link in the video you can click the card right here what I'm going to do is I basically have 5 or 10 minutes waiting for this to dry up so until that's done I might as well do my first cut in and having that finished it's just use of time right you know that old expression of what he wants to sit around watching paint dry well the truth is if you have the right order of doing things your paints always buying while you're working you're never wasting your time careful here my bench is wobbly yeah that's right you're watching this correctly there's no tape needed for my process other video I'll show you I can actually paint this wall faster than you can put the tape on it I'm talking about and the time it takes for most people to put the tape around their ceiling I can cut and roll and do all my patching yeah so you should learn how to paint like this so I just finished doing all the cut line now my primers dry then we're gonna come by we're gonna call this the first coat of color on the wall alright then we're just gonna brush over the primer same thing nice and lazy we're not doing anything here as far as adding too much texture don't want to have too much in the way of brush lines really feather that I just want to add the color there right what we're doing here is we're just prepping for the second coat so we can just get this on now this color that I'm using actually covers incredibly well so how you can only have to be that careful depending on your paint be careful you may want to put a nice little mini roller involved in this program just to get good coverage because the brush you can see it leaves these little white streaks okay so depending on the paint you're using if you use the lighter touch you'll get much better coverage so that's just a tip right there for you there we go good coverage are there the edges and the reason I'm using the brush over and over and over again because it's a really good failsafe technique if you have blues and reds and that sort of thing you might find it even necessary to do a brush coat like this and then come back with a mini roller and then an extra coat on your patch just to get the right color depth of color in it there's a lot of real popular colors out there that are somewhat translucent nowadays they're real pain in the butt to do repair work on now you see the time that it takes you to run around your room and hit all your patches this paint will dry because we're putting it on real thin okay this whole application only needs about five or ten minutes and really time you're done prepping your patches you can just come right back with the fresh on the roller and do the wall all over again put the final coat on now I wanted to mention really quickly because I don't have any trims done yet some of your gonna notice hey what's going on with the ceiling up here that's pretty nasty and where's the baseboard here's the thing when you're doing a project of this scale a couple of rooms all the drywall work the ceiling paint the wall paint all the touch-ups you've got a lot of time it's in your favor here you can put in the carpentry at any point before you roll your second coat okay so what we're gonna do is just show you here's my baseboard right now what I'm gonna do today is actually set up some saw horses in this room I'm gonna paint all my baseboard trim so I'm gonna paint on my crown out and then I'm going to cut and install it so that I only have a quick little a few nail holes and some caulking to do then I can do my entire second coat and we're going to be able to show you that process at the end of this video but I just give you an idea all that's left for finishing this room my process is install this baseboard about 1/4 to 1/2 inch off the ground and I'll just nail it in like that and then when I come do my flooring my flooring will slide up on underneath ok and you'll see that they'll be a gap all the holes especially is really necessary to do it this way and then you come back with a small detail trim like a doorstop or a shoe molds and you close that gap after the fact there's no way you're gonna get a piece this thick of wood to follow the contour and close all those gaps up a short piece might look really pretty and you might want to say there's an argument for putting the flooring in first now in new homes you could put the flooring in first and then put all your trims on and avoid that detail element but in older homes like this the walls have got too much of a curve and even though we're using some floor level or in places it's really difficult to guarantee that you can manipulate this board so what I like to do is put all my baseboards on first I have them painted I use the adhesive on the back just stick that on the wall throw the odd Brad nail in in part of the detail so that I can just put some of that 45 compound in there like I said we'll get all that detail in a minute but this is why I'm installing where the gap and then I've got probably two days of touch-ups and waiting for the good sunlight and all that sort of thing I'm not in a hurry to finish the paint so while I'm working on the paint I can also do all the truth no and of course if you install your drywall with a little gap under the floor you have lots of room for expansion contraction with any kind of learning that you install so once everything is all done we're gonna take in our second cut now listen important to know that when you're painting your walls on the first coat you can do the cut after the roll there's no rule about that but on their second coat you really want to do all the cutting and details on each individual section of wall and then roll it where right away while it's wet remember the technology and paint nowadays has it so that this coat of paint can actually dry in about 20 minutes and you really want to go a wet edge on wet edge so having a good technique here to finish quickly is important all right here we go now if you like to see all the kind of specialty tools that we use for doing our paint gear in my whole rig then I suggest you click the video right here and you'll be able to see all my favorite tools and we're also going to clewd the bonus feature of how don't wash it so that it lasts forever for you thanks for joining us today I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 183,740
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Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff
Id: H54uKu0YIzA
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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