Complete Drywall Installation Guide Part 8 Second Coat And Corner Bead

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[Music] they do butt joint we still got one choice on the ceiling let's take that day knife and clean that junk off now we're good to go so the same process you're just going to fill down one side get a good pack much if you collect your mud and put on your hawk so you don't have much of the top and bottom it shouldn't land all over your face when you learn upside down like this okay now we want to clean by putting that pressure you see the ridge is too close there we go cleaning the pressure on the outside over here and then one down the middle on the paper and leave those lines there that tells us where it is that we filled to and what we have to fill afterwards okay same thing coming the other way [Music] so in drywall less is more the goal is not to put on so much mud and then sand for 14 days they get it all nice and smooth the goal is to imply the mud smooth and then just sand to change the texture of the surface that's it all right so here we go we've got that all set up lessons more we put too much on there then we got to take it all back off again that's just a waste time when chef all your butt joint is done you still have any mud left take care of all your inside corners all right this look quick look take your forest knife run your corner with it real quick make sure that you don't have any big toe some buds are in your way again a little bit of mud I like to go with the left side of the corner first because I'm right-handed it just makes sense to me and then it's going to go and put more mud than I need [Music] okay this is one application where you don't want to use the side of your knife because you want to set up SMUD going from zero to cover over that four inches you could choose clean as you go you won't wear it alright now what I want to do is I want to use pressure on this knife like this from cleaning this mud as tight as I can and leaving the wrist now you see in the change direction because when you're doing finish work you always come towards your finish work now what I'm going to do is I want to try out the inside corner with my knife I'm going to put my pressure on it'll fill it up and finish flat without any excess you see that I'm not making the other side of that corner dirty as soon as I see a little extra excess mud I'll take it out hit the top again clean my knife I'll start coming from the other directions of time always finishing to finishing the finish mud a second second day first coat on your inside corners only do one side there's a tool on the market we should talk about this is I got a handle and it's got this little V notch on it and it's designed you put a bunch of mud in the corner you track it down and it's supposed to clean all the excess mud out of your way but it leaves way too much mud in the corner and the corner isn't sharp you want a 90-degree corner so use a tool of 90 degrees those are really rounded and then when you come back in the sand that you're always going to sand too much out of the corner you know the great big deep bruise in your drywall looks like hell so we saw on day one we like to install out our paper corner beads and all of our bulkheads anywhere where there's no meat in the back of there is no wood but on day two I like to put all my metal corner beads on and maybe the camera can pick this up but you'll see that it's 90 degrees maybe even open a little bit more than 90 degrees what I prefer to do take two seconds pinch that together more of an 85 okay and the reason is when I screw this on I want the outside corner of that bead to be sticking out in both directions I don't want it flattened I know these are made for really quick installation there's a tool on the market for the professional drywall installers we put the corner bead on and they just slam this hammer device over top of it and it breaks the metal scribe the drywall and they're good to go but if you're working in your home and you like a nice joint and this is the way to put it on we're going to push it up to the ceiling now max maybe with the camera you can see this now I've got a gap here and I've got a gap here to fill all right so when you do an outside corner bead you're going to have a pretty significant gap and that's a good thing and because we bent the metal and greatman created a nice gap we can use drywall screws again there is a blue ring drywall nail on the market and it's a nice little nail and you can hammer them in it's a thin metal comes with a flathead and you can pound them in and it does a great job but I would rather have to push that get a good grab then I don't have to rely on adhesives or something mechanical that bust through the metal into the drywall it's a little old fashioned but I get to sleep at night and you don't have to put a screw in every single hole every sixteen to twenty-four inches is plenty you always have a nice tight corner you're good to go okay so I'm going to take my 45-minute muddier now we're going to film this pedal corner and we're going to go to all of our paper beads and fill those as well day two is outside corner day and I'm just using the side of my trowel and loading it on okay that's it folks coming back and taking it off I'm just setting my knife about three inches from the inside corner there I don't want to take out any more mud that's not necessary kind of that inside corner that's a fresh corner all right not using pressure on this night because I don't want to groove it I just want to clean it up I made a mess with me inside clear so I'm going to go back and fix that right away okay so this is going to be a door frame really important when you're working around door frames you don't add a thickness to the wall next to where your door jamb goes okay so you don't want to just have this huge pile of mud sitting there like that all right that's going to cause you a whole world of hurt when it goes to the finishing trim you want to clean as tight as you can from that drywall to the outside of that quarter so put your knife on there use some pressure we've got a 45 minute mud on our hawk it's probably talking and moving a little faster as it dries but you wanted to take your knife double check that everything is cleaned up before you get started fill it and just I'm kind of doing like a rolling I'm carding like that and I was rolling it off okay just so that I leave them up on the wall that's just easier then you can move it back with a little bit of pressure okay and I don't need this to be perfect I just need it not to be bumpy I don't want anything sticking out further than what I'm going to have as a finish because we're going to come back and about a half an hour and put another coat on it now when you're doing underneath again start from the inside roll it off at the corners when you come to one of these outside corners come at it from the angle so you're finishing on both metals at the same time okay that'll set the depth of the mud real nice and then when you're ready to clean it off you can come out of this way ease up on the pressure come on this way he's off on the pressure and then come out of the backside all right you're going to see those ridges they're not your enemy you can clean them up a little bit but leave the ridges there something like that if we're still working on our second coat so I like to work through my room clockwise because I'm right-handed that way I'm always finishing towards my finish month so I did my outside corner of them my inside corner now we're going to do a horizontal joints this is day two and this is a filk okay what we're looking is we're looking to throwing a lot of mud on the wall to fill the quote from here to here and then you need to stretch those just a hair make sure that it's always level so when you're doing that you want to put pressure on the bottom and a bit of an angle here so you're not pouring mud all over the floor okay you now hold the excess and then with a little bit of pressure top and bottom nice and even fill it all in that's it we don't want to see this on second coat I don't want to see that if you can't see the tape you've used too much much all right the mud is somewhat translucent when you do it properly you should be able to see your tape through the months okay you want to see the definition of the paper joint and you want to know that you've just filled what's necessary and that's it and you've taken the rest of that mud off the wall second opportunity hit the screw holes okay never let an opportunity go by to hit the screw holes gives you an opportunity a and make sure that they're all sunk you don't have a head sticking out and we have reason to need to investigate okay so somewhere during construction here that screw hole missed the mark and it's getting filled when that happens it's just covered up with mud and covered up with mud and then sand it bump smooth dent it with your handle fill that hole with much all right same with this this is a bit of a mess okay add mud at paper please out [Music] here's the crazy part now this patch is back to first code this is ultimately the problem so we believe is fixed it is tomorrow when we come this way dry will actually hit this with some 45 minute mud and then we'll just finish coat over top that way the whole jobs finished together all right so the only thing left to do on second coat is to hit your outside corners with your finished mud so here's like do let's take a finger in it if it makes a hole of non dry leave it alone so is dry and look beautiful you're enjoying these videos subscribe to the channel if the like button the most importantly comment on the video by all means or a suggestion of video you'd like to see let us know we'd love to be in touch
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 1,109,470
Rating: 4.8978949 out of 5
Keywords: cornerbead, corner bead, taping, drywall taping, corner bead drywall, corner bead installation, drywall taping and mudding corners, drywall taping and mudding outside corners, drywall taping corners, how to drywall corners, drywall installation corners, drywall taping and mudding inside corners, drywall corners metal, drywall corners mudding, drywall corners tape, drywall corners installation, drywall taping inside corners ceiling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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