So wurden früher Schweinerippchen zubereitet. Rezept nach besonderer Art!

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2 kg pork ribs. Salt. Black pepper. Salt. Black pepper. Olive oil. Sear the meat vigorously on each side. 1 garlic. 2 tbsp tomato paste. 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar. 500 ml vegetable broth (You can find the recipe for this vegetable broth under the video in the description). Bake: 200°C / 392°F 60 minutes on top/bottom heat. Every 15 minutes, pour the meat with its own juice. Olive oil. 50 grams of smoked bacon. Use cooking oil as needed. 200 grams of mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms lightly. Some parsley. Yummi, it tastes great.
Channel: Fleisch Rezepte
Views: 3,331,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fleisch Rezepte, yt:cc=on, Schweinerippen, rezepte, pork ribs, spare ribs, schnelles rezept, rippchen, bbq, bbq ribs, pork ribs recipe, rippen, fleischrezept, ribs, schweinefleisch rezept, fleisch rezept, meat recipes, recipes, quick recipe, barbecue, rip, meat recipe, pork recipe, rezept, fleisch, einfaches rezept, kochrezept, asmr, asmr food, 먹방 asmr, food challenge, asmr no talking, schweinefleisch rezepte, schweinefleisch, fleisch rezepte, rezepte mit fleisch, einfaches fleisch rezept
Id: 3OArOg2huRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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