This Is How 15 MCU Characters Were Supposed To Look Like

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one of the hardest things about adapting a comic book character to films or television is getting the look just right once upon a time that meant grabbing a onesie and sewing a logo on it the button no one wants to watch someone fight bad guys in there under is that maybe the underwear that's fun to wear but it's just not fighting trim to strike a balance between what works in the comics and what will work on screen without having to be all Scott Summers about it and mocked the idea of Wolverine in his yellow suit we would like to see that you Apple polisher that makes what's called the pre-visualization that's a fancy term for an artist drawing up what the big screen look would be in previous videos we've compared the comic book look of superheros to their final big-screen looks but now let's take a look at what some of our heroes could have looked like from early concept art no one listens to Scott Scott was wrong wrong love it or hate it or just accept it as the ever-evolving tool of filmmaking CGI or computer-generated imagery has made some of the larger-than-life elements of comic books come to life sometimes it creates some spectacular characters and sometimes it creates weird combinations of Eric Bana and Shrek film schedules can't always wait for Moore's law to catch technology up and producers have to explore the old ways like back in 2011 when the MCU prepared for the post-credit cameo that would set the infinity saga in motion for their concept for the mad Titan creature effects and makeup artist Joe Fernandez and Tom flouts applied makeup and appliances to Damien pachi egg to create the Thanos look it was Damien pacce in that makeup that gave the rice smile at the idea of courting death I nodded the comic book Thanos and his complicated relationship with the actual being death when Thanos appeared again his hots for death was replaced as well as the makeup prosthetics and Damien and in their place with CGI and the gravel-voiced pathos of Josh Brolin who would have thought the guy in the muscle shirt from Goonies would be the universe's biggest villain Captain America is a product of a different time both literally and narrative Lee the character of Captain America predates even Marvel Comics at least in name before Marvel became Marvel it was timely comics which doesn't really have the same ring to it make mine timely sounds like a rude thing you'd say to a waiter not how you tell people what your favorite comics are by the time timely timed out and became Marvel Captain America had been relegated to the canceled file Hitler had been beat and without Nazis to punch there didn't seem to be a place for the star-spangled hero that is until Stanley forwarded the idea of bringing the Joe Simon and Jack Kirby creation back to life in Avengers number four translating the patriotic look of the star-spangled Super Soldier had been a test and that well many had failed in the past that clear shield from the TV movie it's just it's just the worst early concept art by Ryan miner ding tried to bridge the gap from vintage Captain America with a more military look that included the original shield in some very 90s looking cargo pants which is still better than his actual 90s movie look Oh enough said [Music] in the early days of the marvel cinematic universe realism was all the rage in comic book movies as superpowers were realistic or vigilantism being okay as long as you have a cool theme Marvel had to walk the line of real and fantasy when they introduced the actual Norse pantheon to the MCU including the god of thunder Thor Marvel's version of Thor had a distinct look that has evolved in the MCU since his introduction by the time Ragnarok came around Thor had gone through a lot of changes he lost his parents his relationship with his brother had gotten complicated at best his relationship with his sister got off to a bad start with her breaking his favorite toy and all he had come a long way before he found himself as a pawn in the grandmasters games when you go through that much stuff sometimes you feel the need to change up your look in the early concept art by a Leske brick lock that change in look was a little more dramatic and fitting with the 80's aesthetic that permeated Thor Ragnarok and the Jack Kirby look director ty quwata he wanted a cleaner armored look with a lot more white the version they went with was more streamlined and altered look from the classic Thor costume if it was difficult to work in realism with a literal god of thunder by the time Doctor Strange made his appearance most of that concept have been thrown at the window sure strangest magic had been given a vaguely scientific explanation but it was still magic and dr. strange got his iconic levitating cloak even if the collar was a little more subdued but even in the Wilder world of wizards in wonder there are still some things that might not have translated the big screen one of those is dr. Strange's longtime foe and ruler of the Dark Dimension Dormammu when making demon Lords from alternate dimensions in a comic book artists generally a free rein to go nuts with a look as a result Dormammu is appropriately bonkers looking with a flaming striped head in burning hands and an outfit with enough spikes to make him at home in humongous is road warrior gang the concept arts by jared moran to replace the spikes with scare horns and a more stoic look without the telltale striping the final movie look went in the opposite direction highlighting the stripes and fire and obscuring the rest of the god of the Dark Dimension giving him more of an infinite and unfashionable look one of the crazier characters to make the transition from page to screen is eagle the living planet like it says on the tin ego is a living planet with a single consciousness that controls the entire planet including being able to manifest up based on its surface the smack-talk other giant space beings like Galactus that might come around and try and eat them marvel space mythology is kind of bonkers in the best way for the MC use guardians of the galaxy volume do however ego went through some changes instead of being a kind of mysterious biodome with the brain he was a celestial but he also had to interact with the entirely human sized Guardians ego has always been able to create antibodies humanoid figures that he can control for the movie he creates these avatars of himself to explore other worlds without just ramming into them the initial design for that look by Michael couch was straight out of a horror o ski movie more at home in dune than the MCU he would appear as a robed figure floating several feet off the ground in a floating chair instead the movie went with Kurt Russell because if we had the chance wouldn't we all be Kurt Russell at least once sometimes you have to take the long way around to get back to where you started black panther may not have been the first character on the big screen but it was the first major character of African descent in mainstream comics they wanted to get it right like all Silver Age comics the king of Wakanda and sworn protector had gone through a few looks the one thing that has always been consistent is the full face helmet that he wears that hints at his namesake and the Panther God vast but in the comic books you know who was talking by who the word a bubble is pointed at and there isn't an actor underneath that mask trying to emot-- lines so early drafts of the Black Panther designed by Jared Moran's featured a half helmet that would lead the lower half of his face revealed similar to another character who was in the sworn protector of his country Captain America unfortunately that half mask with the Panther ears just looks a little too much like bat ears ultimately the final design landed closer to the challahs original comic book look when Chad Bozeman needs to a mode he could just take the helmet off his sister even gave him a nano suit to make that process a lot easier but the time that thor ragnarok came around thor wasn't the only one to go through some big changes the ever-lovin hulk had gone missing at the end of Avengers age of Ultron after banner was no longer able to come to terms with the destructive nature of his angry or half he had taken a Quinjet and literally vanished off into the horizon while it was assumed that he had gone back into hiding it turns out he had gone from the planet entirely and was busy living the gladiator life on Sekar a battle homeworld ruled over by the Grandmaster this was a new Hulk that had enough of puny banner and simply stayed Hulk the entire time while he got his Planet Hulk armor and weaponry for his big rematch against Thor there were some more looks from the comic books that concept artist Ryan mean during explored including a grungy beard and long hair he could have on that with cargo pants Captain America at Lollapalooza whether they just didn't prefer this grunge look or didn't want to animate that much hair Hulk retained a more traditional Hulk look with a more verbose personality one that also didn't have as many problems with modesty grab a towel Hulk Hawkeye is one of those characters where comic-book accuracy was bound to take a backseat to practical considerations over the time even comic books have had a hard time reconciling the skin tight purple suit swashbuckler boots and the weird hood with eyepieces and the giant H the modern iterations of the superhero whose superpower is a weapon that predates gunpowder had been a little more reserved with his headgear consisting of sometimes just a pair of sunglasses it seemed a cinch that the MCU was gonna go with a variation of this look for the super spy who just can't miss and they explored a few options one of them was Charlie winds designed which had the tactical look that hints at what we finally got but has a bit of a nod to the original costume in the form of a skull cap while it was supposed to give this super archer a more urban soldier look the headgear was ultimately mixed in favor of Clint Barton's regular hair and some of the more questionable haircut choices he would make over the course of the Infinity Saga this is what happens when you stop hanging around your best friend they're not there to tell you that that mohawk it's not working Clinton the cosmic end of the Marvel Universe is strange and it doesn't stop with living planets that can form a face there's plenty of weirdness to go around not all of its beings of unimaginable power either sometimes it's just beings of regular amounts of power who happen to be weird and yet strangely familiar like the anthropomorphic raccoon named rocket while the character of rocket in the movies is the product of an experiment called 8-9 p13 that doesn't know what a raccoon really is that strangeness is nothing on his comic book origins which includes a sidekick engineered walrus named walrus so old the it's weird it's weird enough that even Rocket has been part of the guardians of the galaxy in the comics the studio was reluctant to include him in the movie worried they weren't going to be able to pull it off even Marvel doubts itself sometimes the character has been a runaway hit but early concept art for the character reveals that dumpier and more slovenly rocket that looks a bit like he's been left out in the rain fortunately again they went closer to Rockettes comic book look though less formal if male superheroes can get stuck in the costume right of long johns and speedos they go to for a basic super heroine suit 10 stare err on the side of Dan skins and some fancy head wear that's certainly the case for the Avengers hex magic welding member The Scarlet Witch it's another comic book look that wasn't going to translate well into live-action especially her outlandish headgear among the people who weren't a fan of that look was Scarlet Witch actor elizabeth Olsen who noted - Seth Meyers while she took ballet it was not a confident look which is not to say that Marvel and concept artist Andy Park didn't explore options including one that reduced the massive headpiece into a more manageable headband it also featured a red and black sleeveless bodysuit with long clubs the end result turned out to be pretty far away from both concepts with a red corset standing in for the body piece and a red jacket replacing the more flamboyant cape leaving that kind of superhero affectation do her Android boyfriend she has yet to support anything really resembling the iconic headgear she wears in the comics but she also has her own series coming up on Disney Plus and a role in Doctor Strange multiverse of madness so who knows she may just yet changes aren't limited to looks when a character makes a transition to the big screen personalities can change as well as abilities or even origins mantis went through all those changes in her debut on the big screen in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 in the pages of the comics she's an earthbound martial artist erased by a Kree religious sect in Vietnam where she was groomed to be the celestial Madonna destined to give birth to the celestial Messiah with the oldest living Cote d a race of beings the Kree tried to wipe out to win a contest created by the Skrulls we did say that things get weird in the cosmic end of Marvel even when there's Earthlings involved in the MCU she's a ward of ego and able to detect an alter people's emotional state and even put powerful beings to sleep as long as you don't repeatedly punch them in the face Peter quill original concept art again by Andy Park had a more insect-like influence and yellow skin that had been approved but changes were made during the actual costuming to fit her more innocent portrayal Batman has the Joker Superman as Lex Luthor spider-man as the Green Goblin and for the Avengers this signature villain is Ultron at least in the comics in the MCU he was one and done though the damage that he has caused during his brief time against Earth's Mightiest Heroes sent ripples throughout the MCU that meant that the team was not ready to face the universe size threat of Thanos originally the creation of Hank Pym Ultron was created to help protect the world and just like Tony Stark's Ultron and just like Tony Stark's Ultron the angry Android takes an odd and destructive approach to how to best do that mostly by killing the Avengers and a bunch of other people one of the things that makes Ultron such a formidable foe and so persistent is his habit of making several copies of himself that he downloads to when the body he's in gets destroyed as well as using those clones of himself to overwhelm the Avengers in age of Ultron we did get to see Ultron's use of superior numbers but according to concept art by Phil Saunders they consider taking the Voltron approach and having the various Ultron's form one big Ultron during World War two Captain America was accompanied by his wide-eyed teenager Bucky Barnes for some reason Golden Age superheroes nothing of taking minors along with them to fight crime and Nazis with nothing more than a plucky attitude and a domino mask it was a strange time but then cap went in the ice and Bucky was assumed lost forever in fact it used to be said that he was one of the only exceptions to the no one stays dead rule in comics he wasn't but before Bucky came back from the dead cap got a more age-appropriate crime-fighting companion in the Falcon who was more a partner and guide to the modern world than sidekick concept artist Josh nizzy was tasked with coming up with a more modern and military look for the wing suited hero for Captain America the Winter Soldier one of those designs featured a more minimalistic approach to the wings the wings are actually an apparatus that supports several smaller feather wings that would help Sam change direction while in the air the final design featured a more wing like look that the Falcon could both use as protection and as weapons plus it kept with the gimmick everyone's gotta have a gimmick in a way vision is one of the oldest Marvel characters there is being beat out only by cazar and Nana or the Submariner sort of technically but not really that's because in the comics vision is a copy of the Android Human Torch that Ultron finds & reactivates in order to attack the Avengers while the Human Torch Android does exist in the MCU as a bit of an easter egg during the World's Fair in Captain America the First Avenger that's not where Ultron gets the chassis that eventually becomes vision this time he's meant to be the ultimate upgrade for Ultron before stark and banner upload Jarvis and Thor gives him a jolt of lightning in the comics vision sports a festive season already and green with a high collar eerily designs by Ryan mean during goid around with different themes including this more minimalistic look with no green but copious amounts of white instead the design also did away with the visions cape the end design went for more muted colors that hints at the comic-book visions more flamboyant design and keeps the Cape because Thor made it look so good Thor makes a lot of things look good it's his other superpower Captain America is a pretty outsized hero with his stars and stripes and mighty shield when the red and white and blue came through it's usually through some pretty colorful villains as well it's not just Red Skull either another big Captain America bad made it the big screen in civil war and it's one of the only people that crack up a W against the Earth's Mightiest Heroes that villain was Baron Zemo in the comics Zemo has a colorful look to go with his colorful personality it starts with a purple sock cap topped with a crown and ends with his weapon of choice being a longsword when the MCU went to adapt his iconic villain for Civil War they explored some variations of zimas comic-book look ultimately though they went with no costume Hellmann's emo was a regular guy with a grudge against the Avengers and EK o scorpion training to drive a wedge between them destroying them from the inside being a villain that didn't suit up made his success at tearing them apart work so well but fear not he's back in falcon in the Winter Soldier and it seems like he has a taste for sock Capps now that some of the concept art that we didn't quite get in the movies what are some of your favorites would you want to hang out at an outdoor alternative rock festival with grunge Hulk and cargo pants Captain America let us know in the comments and while you're there why not hit that subscribe button for more videos every day thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,587,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU, concept art, pre-visualization, super-heroes, comic book movies, Ego the Living Planet, Thanos, Endgame, Avengers, Captain America, Black Panther, Charlie Wen, Ryan Meinerding, Aleksi Briclot, Andy Park, Vision, Hulk, Baron Zemo, Falcon
Id: Eif0R4xqT1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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