How Not To Run A Restaurant | Fly Simulator

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let's go Douglas welcome as games and before we get to today's game I'll apologize for the past five four or five days has been anything on the channel I have been away shooting some amazing stuff for you guys and I can not wait to show you what I have been up to you'll see it all entire I promise one of them is a sketch you can head over to the - back channel now subscribe also the match is back on I am working on some more new emerge the merch is back on links in the description below and all that said and done let's get back to today's video I am playing a game called flight simulator you can play as either a man who runs a pizza restaurant or a fly I'm going to go with the man at first the winner is okay alright open for business I can already see the Flies now it's important to note that the flies are other players hello ma'am Oh would you like something to eat how do I serve you I guess I better get some [ __ ] right a pizza you want a pizza okay I'll [ __ ] off thrown out the old man you did not serve the customer no I am oh no damn it alright I'm coming wait did he die oh [ __ ] wait I picking him up I served her a man I'm sorry I don't understand No how do I do this oh I place yeah how come I can pick him up [ __ ] I got to get him out of here oh [ __ ] I'm coming here have it your brother your brother's on the floor I got to get him out of here get out get out you're scaring the customers off I need to get some food [ __ ] okay all right I'm coming account oh no it's a food no I got something for you they're just walking over the dead man why is that why isn't he disappearing I'm coming but yes sir what can I get for you sir come back these [ __ ] flies are ruining my life burn he's dead I killed a fly that's how it that's how we run this business Oh she's coming in the client was frightened of the corpse ah for [ __ ] sake it's only a dead guy killing me come with me I cannot believe this alright let's just put it behind the counter no want to see him there right oh this [ __ ] blood everywhere that's not good I can just say it's ketchup hey hey man do you want a pizza can you put that down for [ __ ] sake I got your pizza I'm coming where's he gone where did he go my max job no don't come in don't come in yeah I told you I'll put that pizza I'll [ __ ] I've got now go get rid of these [ __ ] people they're just dropping dead in my restaurant Oh God alright corpses can go there hey alright man I'm coming okay I got you a pizza best pizzas in town they go yeah successfully served a customer you better [ __ ] off fly no no no no no no I'm so no she's conscious I'm not playing with her ass I'll be right back once I've dealt with this debt woman I mean unconscious I don't know go there with em - [ __ ] draw some wine no no come back got some wine I got some wine Oh [ __ ] Ferrara I'll [ __ ] she's dead no don't tell me we closed make dies all right love I'm just gonna move you to the back because I don't want a scare I've had one customer are they're piling up they're gonna start seeing them now ha I'm not even dealing with the Flies I killed him the client was frightened of the court what corpse there is no cop what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I scratch one in my face I'm just gonna drag you to the back you gonna be fine no right you need you need to stay still right lie still okay just lie still oh right give me the chair [ __ ] can go over there come in come in I can't get him I can't go outside oh now no one's gonna come in my joint is that [ __ ] caught I got him I got him I got him by the legs come god damn it this is embarrassing okay [ __ ] off over there okay I am scared of a cop there are no corpses I'm gonna have a pizza ready right to serve come in sir [ __ ] off sir it's ketchup I promise [ __ ] I've gotta clean this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the bathrooms open it's at like a mop or something I can use for scared of blood I know although there's a bun in the back with the muffler I'm gonna watch the blood I'm washing the blood away they go look at that see now there's nothing to be scared of it's fine it's just a little bit of wine spilt on the floor you know Italian restaurant it's the third wine it's perfectly normal they go wrong a pop back there all right we got a customer get that pizza they still guys don't move you show me up this time dead bodies hey don't I happy so why did you die you just walked into me why why is everyone dying I just cleaned everything up hey are you are you only one pizza you go [ __ ] hey Joe I'm just enjoying it [ __ ] up oh no oh [ __ ] I'm trying to get the Flies little [ __ ] fry all right yeah I don't know Gino what does it don't come here no just please go yeah that's what I thought okay okay I'm just all [ __ ] I can probably end up putting them in the bathroom right in a minute because this is kind of on hygienic so keep your dead bodies here see the other flies they are played by players look at them they've got little names above their head I'm gonna [ __ ] you up where are you now be careful up yep I'm sorry I'm so sorry doll this one more in the corner come here wait why do you say why is there a hole in our pants or do I got time for this [ __ ] yeah you can kind of see the fur right now I need to clean all this [ __ ] blood up god damn it wait why am i why am i painting everything with blood I think I need to rinse it what's that what am i doing it's in the [ __ ] town can I can't get rid of the blood a paper to dye it again what now how did they die they die why do they just walk in and die get rid of this guy in the doorway hopefully they won't mind the blood not come on I can't do this with you no no open the [ __ ] door it'll have to do hey guys I was going alright bye look I'm painting I'm painting everything [ __ ] could I put it in the toilet I'm not doing anything how do I clean the brush Oh for [ __ ] sake turn away right I need to how did it go here we go there's water yeah look I get it now right this restaurants gonna be cleaner than a whistle okay I need to yeah we have to hold it under the water to get it to be clean that's right alright let's clean up the blood it's alright it won't be that way for long job davines gets more water now I need to get more water okay flies [ __ ] you're ruining my establishment you you've got nipples why do anything she just died what are you gonna do to sit on her alright run that's fine oh there's more car the [ __ ] site I was just get back on track things are starting to be normal around here yeah we are looking clean apart from that [ __ ] this chair oh [ __ ] like that stabbed with a chair god dammit there's nowhere to sit there's [ __ ] no wetters that you have to come with me laughs I'm sorry stay put all right is there another one in there laughs [ __ ] it doesn't matter in here go on rounds he's not gonna like me at all okay right let's go nice and clean pop and the Flies and the dead bodies go on the counter we are good all right uh okay we I'm Adam welcome to [ __ ] off then get that [ __ ] pizza put it there but I need to get some order restore no [ __ ] what came to me then white you die why did I huh why why why you stupid all right then you you fake that you just trip I did [ __ ] goddamnit I just want to run a restaurant get full in this cubicle I'm not gonna lie all right yeah that's obvious okay god damn it let's get it let's go have a chair I'm minus 5,000 I don't nice jet welcome to Cafe the [ __ ] dead body who did that oh [ __ ] you want some food I got some food that's a chair put the chair down get the put down pick the pizza up she's gonna [ __ ] leave you go yeah eat that [ __ ] Wi-Fi I take my employee to the back yeah welcome surf up back site what'd you do you trip over a menu god damn it craps up wine [ __ ] I've got to get a pizza coming please wait no don't leave don't leave sir I'm gonna pick up alpha [ __ ] sake oh it's walks into a flying [ __ ] it what do I do with these [ __ ] it oh all right people are [ __ ] leaving I don't blame them this needs more than one player oh god damn it this is on the street corpses get behind here just stay just stay down to be quiet well you're dead but what are you doing hey man how's it going welcome to dazzla pizza may I get you the finest oh you are [ __ ] kidding me have a nice time all right enjoy yourself go hearing these [ __ ] flies before they eat that pizza don't go to that [ __ ] pizza dude [ __ ] off no not there on his pizza oh [ __ ] off Robert about a business with your [ __ ] things up look at this [ __ ] I can't do this I cut that there's four [ __ ] corpses you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna start again I'm gonna start again all right and this time I'm gonna run a business owner playing as a fly good afternoon sir yes coming right up one order of thin crust pizza is coming your way here we go eat that [ __ ] I'm coming yes don't worry now this is how you run an establishment no dead bodies no blood hey don't eat that [ __ ] I'll shut up the menu in a three dice all right I ignore oh man I'm I'm successfully running this joint now look they're queueing up around the block everyone's enjoying their pizza what am i what am I talking about this is great outlet supply now how do I kill the fly without killing them welcome sir please have a seat that's not taken prick it's important because these chairs they kill them it actually could I need to get a little [ __ ] not the chair put the chair down put the [ __ ] chair down right throw that [ __ ] all right you're gonna have to come with me come on get in there bathrooms getting full up now with dead bodies I don't think I can keep the charade up much longer let me get rid of this fat [ __ ] pick it up there we go that can get out my restaurant I give up I give up no sir don't come here it's an awful restaurant you're only gonna die or leave have fun sorry oh good customer Tom oh wait wait just wait right there don't leave don't leave I am going to be right with you with your pizza here it comes see this [ __ ] you go enjoy see oh sorry sorry I didn't mean to bump into you don't die ah but alright alright sorry [ __ ] that alright yep I just killed all the men you don't know don't come in don't come in please go please go to stoke or I'll die [ __ ] idiot no sir please God just trot on Khaleesi [ __ ] mother dragons here it's been fun running a pizza restaurant but it's very difficult this game was a I found it on Steam and it's so much fun it's so funny I think you guys can agree I hope you enjoyed it and it made you guys laugh a little lighten up quest my channel and I will see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,377,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, fly simulator, pizza, funny, comedy, gameplay, daz games, daz black, fly
Id: jq7hbb3M4UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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