This Is Crazy, I Don't Know How To Do This!

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man that is so sketchy so we got a call for a Jeep with a broken tie rod or drag link or something it's broke clear off from the pitchers it's on the triple sevens Trail so this is prior to the off-road record games and I said I was not going to run the record on Triple sevens before the games because I didn't want to give myself any unfair Advantage so we're going to be having Lizzie drive the truck if it works out that way so that I don't break my word because my word is my bond so let me tell ing broke the tie rod and the whole knuckle on the mor bear getting this Jeep off oh yeah the second one oh and we're supposed to be at the shop getting ready for the record games but it said we're out here recovering this Jeep and last time we recovered this Jeep we were supposed to be going to SEMA this Jeep does not know when to break down yeah it was bad timing the last time we got this Year we're gonna see if the wrecker is actually better at doing this or should we still take our 18-foot dovetail car hauler either way it's gonna be a fun job so let's get to you like don't even feel it come off the trailer [Music] [Music] so we've ran into this problem where the record is just faster than any of the other rigs we have and our other rigs are faster than most Jeeps because they ride smoother but the wrecker rides so much smoother that it just walks away from everything it's like washboards don't even exist all right Lizzy's headed up the trail you gonna go over that first obstacle yeah that's the worst one you'll do five right now remember your steering's really fast now please get your in the banana last time I did that that was like a piece of cake let's get some air out of these you're really struggling because of that all right we got these tires aired down we never had them down from the Expo we like to run them high because we like our Jeep to look super tough at the shows and they just they're just taller when they're aired up so a little secret I want your Jeep to look tough make it uh incapable of doing things yeah 50 60 PSI now I get to drive this up that yeah yeah I think man I don't know Lizzy I think I think I'm gonna let you drive up there why don't they will let you drive down you can drive down it I don't care to do that you will be able to tell everybody you did not drive up triple sevens right oh we found a loophole Godzilla you're doing this tire is about to come up there we go is that a spring okay [Music] [Music] It's like because I always in the pie and then I drive over it and I never see what that actually even looks like it's pretty sketchy it may not be for the best we're here at the Jeep and Home Free is right there we're gonna have to go back down the trail because that's the best way the camera probably makes it look like we could probably pick our way through this but about 25 feet away from the Jeep we've got this wall and there is no [Music] there's just no good way off so we're going back down the trail like I said I made the deal I wasn't gonna go up triple sevens to practice but we're gonna go down with that loophole so we were trying to go up this this waterfall the big ledge right here as we were going up it snapped the drag link snapped so he's tied it up out of the way and disconnected it yeah it's exactly the same which side did mine yeah mine broke on that side too yeah so we were just talking about oh and it okay you did the same fix you took it off oh yeah the ram might help we might be able to drive this out of here I took it off so I could get it down I can't believe the parallels is that what broke on your banana over there on the more there oh on the time that you can yeah yeah and we just unthreaded it and drove off we I had the hydro assist it wasn't totally wandering on the other side I guess totally track yeah oh yeah but mine I couldn't get it to turn to the right at all you don't have hydro on this I do have PSC is it hooked up on the side oh there's a ram right there uh yeah so it's tie rod should be yeah if you go all the way to the end of your steering and then lean on it it'll move that Ram oh yeah yeah well then you might be able to drive this out well I'm not going to drive it out but I am I'm gonna see if I can turn it around and get it pointed this way at least oh crazy am I good you're good to come back I'm coming okay so here's the Dilemma that we have this has Hydro assist on it and you can make that work by leaning on the steering box it's pretty sketchy it is sketchy we're talking basically it's you have to turn the steering wheel full lock to lock and then it just goes you're basically full Hydro steering Now using only the Ram with a gap ram ram and a big gap in the Middle where nothing happens what's your vote I'm gonna think here Lizzy what's your vote um okay if it wasn't this sketchy of a trail going down this was the west rim or yeah or something but this is triple seven this is a high consequences Trail here so I'd hook it up to the Wrecker okay Tom votes for the Rector okay we got a vote for the customer you can't see it but the customer voted for the record [Music] um Lizzy on that side there's gonna be two d-rings or both shackles [Music] why don't you just hook this to this um because [Music] [Music] we'll see what happens here it doesn't have as much steering as I just made it look like it had yeah [Music] yeah is that what you like you try that what about this one too yeah well let's we're gonna try something different I don't like it banging on that winch what do we got for these how long [Music] the little rumps are not working they're not developed enough yet were they too long what was the issue they didn't have any holes in the eye okay will this put us too close if we have a grab a grab one of the big shackles I need another one of these and another one of those perfect okay Lizzy jump in this Jeep start it up put it in Drive come forward just a little bit and you're not going to want to leave stop okay all right we're gonna cross these to kind of help with the lateral shifting motion that's a real problem all right Tom had to run back down to the banana to get more batteries because we ran out of batteries so he's on he's almost back look at him Tom is a real athlete he's a cross-country athlete I'd say your spirit animal is a wildebeest a wildebeest huh you ever seen those things they're like a high-speed all-terrain they're like a you know what they're like they're like a rip saw a rip saw yeah all right how you doing good Tom loves hiking so we had to hold him back when we're like hey we need batteries Tom's like [Music] they're over there I'm gonna go get them try to stop me all right that gave us time to do a double cross on the thing you're probably Gonna Wanna put this in first gear manually lock it all the way down in first gear okay slow Matt you're coming off super slow when we're back wheels hit this is feeling pretty good actually Lizzy's doing a good job you're gonna drop off here Lizzy so come down really slow slow Matt super slow what was that that was her back corner there's so many things going on right now that is crazy they just keep turning left on you don't they yeah you keep straightening them and they just pop over super slow okay oh you're gonna start coming up in another flood you're wrinkling pretty good back here I wouldn't go any lower on the tire pressure okay you're gonna start dropping Lizzy on the right then you turn your rear to the right pull her up a little higher I've got it back on Lizzy but don't spin your wheels just go back at the speed I'm going that's all you got Matt [Music] about myself hey Lindsey ease up a little on the brakes but don't let me have any slots this is super sketchy [Music] foreign you're gonna start dropping keep coming now it's gonna climb it's climbing in the back what's that [Music] he's close but she's not she's gonna fall right in there yeah this tire needs to be over oh that's going right in yeah I should have swung the back end but I should have had my other back tires up on this we came up right there what does it look like if it does go down in there should we just get the back end over that way the tire is the furthest point out look at this what if we stayed on right here catch that so if I just bring the back end over I don't know how far she's gonna tip but it was really slow oh man that is so sketchy wow you see this tire that it's folded [Music] okay let's just go nice and easy I'm gonna go this way mom come talk to me close you're tired about half on the highest okay we're just gonna keep coming over I'm gonna go an inch at a time [Music] you're on a good line up front you're going to go a little higher on the left side and you're going to drop a little bit more on the right and then it'll start to even out in another foot or two are the back wheels [Music] tires touching now they're coming off of that crack firing for the trailer hitches hitting in the back you got to be really careful about lowering the boom because the front tire is going to touch more [Music] okay let's see here so she needs to get her Wheels turned left oh yeah we should have cut that sooner [Music] I can feel that we can already see nothing bad is going to happen here all right let's look at this I'm gonna put enough time yeah I'm gonna try to keep her on top of this but I'm gonna drive in it we gotta watch this really really close yeah I definitely want her on the right side of the groove right there how's your tire placement good perfect this is a little bit better to fill back on kind of level ground but we're not level yet so let's keep on going this is steep I'm thinking I'm going to want to stay far this side [Music] I'm gonna want her back wheels past this Gap and I'll tell you why so the best line off of here is with the Jeep straddling yeah until we get to down here and that wheel drops off and we knock that left corner swing super wide here and have her Tire drop off here somewhere and then we'll be home you're gonna come way out this way yeah so I need I need good rear steer spotting her left tire goes right down here yep except for a little bit to the right of that you cross over onto this flat exactly what that rock just did identical all the lines are terrible that's the best one I can think of the brakes on um the right amount I forgot what I was going to tell you now took so long take it nice and easy oh watch that boom you're in charge of the Boom how's the line looking can I swing the back end of this truck out right yeah yeah she'll stay up [Music] slide we're going slow um we'll turn to the right a little [Music] bit you're dropping off now very slow you're okay that was awesome foreign just crawls through the sand like this it is crazy oh man that was crazy I'm impressed how's that compared to uh the more there and an 18-foot dovetail trailer and all the Fiasco last time hey this was so much more fun and effective there's no way a trailer would have done what we just did no way all right we're just gonna head out of here I guess I think so now that we've been down that going up is gonna be a piece of cake that was crazy that was insane okay good job that was crazy we used the bead locks today for sure oh Big Time those tires wrinkled up like crazy all right Tom's gonna find a way out of here that makes sense okay I'll look for a line [Music] all right we're here the customer had his friend bring a trailer so we're gonna drop it here I'm gonna give him that back oh yeah this is the yeah that's the lowest that's the lowest point yeah well there was a casualty oh well that happens I'm gonna say it went it went pretty good I'm gonna say it went so good and last time the wrecker and this time we had the record and it did its job exactly how we designed it last time we were barely able to do it with the trailer this time the trailer would have been no use okay we're gonna take it off it's about lunch time all right that I usually say that wasn't too bad we got them out but that was bad it was really bad that was crazy but we got him out we got him out there was one casualty which I think is a win like I'm gonna give me a perfect score oh you get 100 there okay thank you plug hanging low I'm pretty excited are we beaming I'm beaming I can feel it my heart is starting to settle down These Guys these guys did amazing spotting it's hard to spot you're you're spotting three axles yeah you've got eight tires hanging out there and none of them are doing the same thing and yeah it's a mess well thanks for coming along and thanks for watching that was awesome dude that was sketchy it does what it's supposed to do
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,557,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge, toyota tacoma off road, toyota rescue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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