This is becoming a HUGE problem...

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[Music] winter is leaving us with some scary conditions you're basically trying to create an avalanche exactly what it but we are making the most of it I said I wasn't doing this anymore no matter how hard it gets yeah but who needs a sauna when you can just put on a hazmat suit literally soaking wet today is a little bit of everything didn't know any better I'd say it was perfect and trying to stay positive through the problems I wanton a Jiu-Jitsu competition with crippling back pain same thing as labor is that what you're saying just as hard as [Music] [Music] labor it's spring cleaning sort of clean enough to make a huge mess yeah is this all extra insulation uh we pretty much WoW who did the math on that I don't know what's up guys and good morning it is a very special day today we are basically cleaning out the living room because I think today even though it's a little glum and cloudy out here is the day we're going to start spray foam dude it's snowing do you see it it Al it is yeah it's not good it I didn't do anything [Music] it's snowing oh how nice no-oh Play-Doh okay good luckily it's nice and warm in here and the furnace is on so it's nice and warm in the addition and in the sun room which is kind of amazing actually uh but it was supposed to stop snowing yesterday and start to warm up and be sunny and heat up the roof so that we could spray foam I don't know what this weather thinks it's doing ah bad back and a pregnant lady not a great combination together makes one useful person [Music] [Applause] yeah the snow that's built up on that side of the roof that comes off the main house and then sticks there as a little iceberg that kind of needs to come down so that that part of the roof can warm up now that's not going to happen until our little ice waterfall out here gets broken so I'm hopefully going to go out with this Spade shovel break that little waterfall apart and then all the snow is going to come down all right like Humpty Dumpty cleaning up not making a mess yeah that's wild oh no oh be careful oh no right [Music] there wow that's where that waterfall is coming from yeah we have a waterfall that comes around the front of the house right now it's not coming in the house it's not doing any damage or anything like that the water is actually being pushed around the building and out forwards which has always been our plan but it's pretty intense at night yeah especially after it's been really warm yeah careful your back no I'm trying old man woo oh my [Music] goodness oh my [Music] goodness you're basically trying to create an avalanche trying to create an avalanche it's exactly what I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] like a glove so that was exactly what I wanted perfect I just wanted all that snow to slide right off the roof it did now the sun is out and Shining these last little pieces of snow here I'm going to melt and slide off and then hopefully the heat from inside the uh living room will heat the inside of the sheathing the sun will heat the outside we'll be ready to spray some spray foam so we are absolutely transforming this room we've got all of the tools taken out of this room and put into the office we're removing all of our scrap wood pile here and taking it out where it's going to be used for kindling or to get disposed of all this insulation right here is actually going to go in the ceiling after we do our 2 in of spray foam so we've got to move it to one side of the room do spray foam and then move it to the other side of the room now a lot of people are probably wondering why we're doing spray foam and mineral wool and that's because in order to get enough spray foam in the ceiling to have like our full 45 r value it would take a lot of spray foam like multiple multiple kits so you do like a couple inches of spray foam so that it has like a thermal barrier and it doesn't cause uh condensation because there's no attic and it's not ventilated and then you do the rock Woll to get your actual full R value so we're going to be doing both of those things hopefully hopefully today maybe we'll be able to get them finished W the temperature is not cooperating but I think we're going for it [Music] anyways like supposed to be stormy until noon and then it's supposed to clear up so partly cloudy but no more precipitation I was going to fake it till I made it but you me out I vacuumed and put everything back in that little corner and now you're about to all I have to do is take those boards and put them in an orientation and nail them together so it shouldn't make a mess other than like my boots and stuff all right all right I'll just move the blankets how about that it's funny cuz yesterday I actually took all the firewood out of here the baby gate that surrounds the fireplace out of here and it makes it look so much more spacious um and just like nice and open and I was joking like oh yeah the minute I take all this stuff away it's going to snow and today it's [Music] snowing yeah it's like the muddy mess combination it's great you know it would be really nice to have a roof over this deck that fingers [Music] my lips what are you rubbing in lotion lotion on your lips and your cheeks I didn't know lotion goes on your lips chapstick [Music] chapstick looks like something tr's about to lay down on and you're going to carry him out FX my back [Music] [Music] yeah where you going to work uh and then I need the ladder I think is upstairs [Music] all right thankfully this is not my first time doing spray foam I did a bunch of spray foam in the house I did a bunch of spray foam in the garage so I'm a little bit experienced in this I really just need to fill these bird blocks with enough insulation to seal them up and provide some good r value and then get 2 in of insulation on the like bottom of the roof sheathing through this entire floor if my calculations are correct this should be barely enough to do that but if you saw how much extra insulation we have out on the deck then you probably guessed that I'm not very good at estimating how much installation is going to cover a given space so hopefully this is a little bit more accurate the only bummer is basically I'm the only one that can be in here because I have to wear a respirator I have to wear a suit other people can't really be around while I'm doing this because of the gases especially Ali so we're going to do our best to try and film this maybe do a little time lapse show you what it looks like going on it's time to get to [Music] work I am a little nervous about this just because we're like right on the brink of like the safe temperature to use this foam at just hoping that it doesn't make it not work cuz these kits are like $1,000 a piece so it's very expensive but to pay somebody to do spray foam is like just as much or more and we can't get a spray foam truck up here for probably another month or so so kind of have to do this we got to do it now and uh yeah I'm going to throw my respirator on open up these tanks and we're going to start [Music] spraying you got this know nothing all right give me a Kaka when you're done good luck all right leica's coming with me Brandon and Grayson are safely away from the fumes downstairs Trent is going to get started in that part of the ceiling right there and uh we'll catch him when he's [Music] done to my left Angel to my right we're [Music] going all right well it ain't pretty it's done I got 2 in of foam on the ceiling in there very difficult like on the top of the ladder I'm like hanging on the Rafters with my back like trying to spray and then because you're having to spray the ceiling and you have to see where you're spraying you end up just like sitting below it while you're spraying so all the over spray drop fall on your face yeah but who needs a sauna when you can just put on a hazmat suit literally soaking wet my lumbar belt is wet very [Applause] wet you're going to stay inside do you want to get in the truck trck in Grayson's truck I can walk down with you okay come here buddy can I hold your hand thanks Leo where are you going today I'll go house to aa's house are you excited oh I love you I love [Music] you you going to have a good night okay I love you let's go bye oh man it has honestly been so amazing having Jennifer around to help watch Leo not only because she's family and it just feels like feels better it's hard to find people that you trust to watch your kids but also because she has six kids herself she's done this so many times before she's amazing with Leo and he absolutely loves her and tonight is actually the first night of me and Trent's new birthing class to prep for baby brother's arrival um so for the next 6 weeks we have a class every Wednesday night from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. which is long and late and it's hard to get a babysitter to come up here so Leo is actually having a sleepover every Wednesday night for the next 6 weeks at aga's house which honestly I don't think would work with anybody else like it's really the perfect situation she's got a nice little setup for him and he's very familiar and used to her house he loves playing with his cousins so it works really well for him and then we don't have to worry about trying to get a babysitter come all the way up the mountain and leave late and him with bedtime and dinners and all of that it's been huge and we are so grateful and also very excited for tonight's first birthing class for baby number two oh Brandon just went and checked our propane tanks in September actually September 16th which was 6 months and one day ago we had 83% and Brandon just tched him in there at 70% what we literally used 13 % of our propane tanks why through the entire winter I don't know were we not heating the garage as much or something what did we do last year that was the well it was just so much more snow or something last year was freezing I don't know the difference I don't know we're running the heater without insulation in there a lot burning through a bunch of it that's true okay well that's exciting this is crazy going have to fill up for 5 Years baby all right like I said before it's not pretty but it's done we've got our 2 in of spray foam insulation up here in the ceiling now we have these 2x8 bats that are R30 and those are actually going to get cut down and then stuck in between all the tjis to insulate this roof the best that we can now a lot of people have asked questions because our tji are doubled up which means in between each tji is a little pocket of air now one is that the air is trapped in there it can't really go in or out or do anything so that will actually be like a cellular like insulation Zone and everywhere else has spray foam and is going to have rock wool and then once we get our sealing material on here it's going to be as good as it's going to be okay so that's all we're worried about and I'm glad that the spray foam is over I'm freezing right now because I am just soaked from head to toe but at least we're making some progress I think we have an errand to run Okay so let's go do [Music] that so we are actually down here at my grandparents house and I have got a special product for their lawn this product is from Sunday and Sunday is the sponsor of today's video so Sunday is actually a really cool company where you don't have to measure your yard you don't have to try and figure out how much fertilizer how much seed or all the different types of things that you need for your lawn care they do everything through GPS they look at your property they assess what you need and they send it right to your front door every Sunday order is customized for your specific lawn and works with nature using planetf friendly and carefully selected ingredients to give you the best lawn care possible they just sent us one of their little packages here that has fertilizer in it you connect this to the hose and you're ready to go and it's basically that easy if you guys want to check out Sunday and use them for your lawn right now you can actually get a special deal you just click the link in our description and use code Trent alley 30 for 30% off your Custom Lawn program from Sunday wanted to say thanks again to Sunday for sponsoring today's video now we are going to head home and we'll see you guys in the morning maybe we don't look too close the mirror just do as they say let it River this your horning ritual I've never seen this before no no you want to get in on this Brandon don't get go was cold yesterday no on top go right next to him right [Music] here good job not on dad while he's stretching okay [Music] good oh wow this is a a shirt and shorts outfit that Gloria got for Leo for Easter and he loves it and wants to wear it every single day but it's still too cold to wear shorts so the compromise this morning was to put your pants on and then you can put your shorts on on top of the pants you wearing shorts yeah who got you those clothes grandma grandma [Music] good morning all right we are ready to get to work today yesterday we corrected most of one of my mistakes uh I accidentally picked up 19 extra bags of insulation from Home Depot [Music] how many are you returning 16 wow she said 16 out of 20 that's not very good yeah it's not very good awesome cool thank you all right Trent you're not in charge of take offs anymore good your job now okay 15 out of 20 she's like that doesn't sound very good and little does she know that there's another like three bags that need to be taken back so it's even worse than uh it looked actually it was 16 out of 20 and we have three bags so we really needed one out of those 20 bags of insulation so we got that taken back yesterday and all the spray foam is fully cured and ready now we have all the bats of insulation that are going to go in the ceiling in the living room so today we're going to be cutting those in half which absolutely sucks but it's because those joists are doubled up 12 in on Center so the gaps in between them are like 9 in and they don't make 9 in bats of insulation so we're going to be cutting the bats in half sticking them up into the uh ceiling up there and once that's done we can put a vapor barrier on the uh exterior walls in the living room and then build our little bookcase around all of our Vents and then the living room will actually be done and ready for drywall we're like slowly moving through the house that's cool with that that exact objective we're going to cut Brandon and Grayson loose throw an insulation in the ceiling I'm going to go down in the crawl space and finish doing our Vapor Barrier on the floor and then I can actually start doing exterior walls in most of the house with the vapor barrier so going to be a lot of fun today you can never just have the entire place clean one room has to be disg I mean per usual with us we don't ever really clean anything up we just take the Clutter from one spot and move it to the next if you went out and looked in the garage right now you'd know exactly what I'm talking about but eventually slowly things are moving around and getting finished and things are moving but you know I feel like maybe we'll have to start a new project here soon just so that just to move right before we finish the addition we'll just start something else cuz that's it's just what we do finishing things is for the birds you know yeah all right let's see what you got going on down here yeah I need you to get that dust pan wow it really does look like Dexter's layer in here yeah it's pretty interesting H it's going to be really nice when it's done okay I said I wasn't doing this [Music] anymore to leave it rolled [Music] up all right so now that we've kind of figured out exactly where our post is going to end up in the center of the room where we have to cut the plastic uh I've cut the plastic completely around the post so now we can start taping in this corner we can get it stretched out nice and tight to that end of the room then we'll just flap those two pieces back together around the post tape that seam tape the perimeter and this will be done actually a pretty easy quick plastic [Music] [Music] wow got it close just perfectly all right so now that crawl space has a completely solid Vapor Barrier and what this does is it prevents moisture from coming up from the ground and then wicking into the crawl space absorbing into the wood or the insulation or any other materials that might be down in your crawl space and creating mold and damp wet environments where bacteria can grow and stuff like that so by putting this layer of plastic on the ground and then layers of plastic on the walls and the ceiling you're basically creating like a giant rubber glove that's like basically keeping this space dry and then we're going to have it conditioned so the heat will be blowing in here and circulating air so we don't have to worry about damp air causing any problems down here it is a lot of work but in the end it's definitely worth it now that we've finished with this Ally and I are going to go frame out the header for our walkway at the top of the landing and then get some drywall thrown up and get that area ready for tape and mud oh my gosh it's too hot it's either too cold or it's too hot in this house just goes from winter to summer feels like like that and we have all these south facing Windows which is great cuz it lets in a lot of solar gain and heat but it also heats up the house and maybe part of it has to do with the fact that I'm pregnant I go from hot to cold or cold to hot really fast it is [Music] warm are you a good guy or a bad guy I a bad guy no guy you're a good guy B Guy what's the bad guy's name in Lion [Music] King Mufasa is the good guy M the good guy uhuh the what's his name what's his brother's name he has a big thing what is it scar scar is the bad guy the bad guy yeah and what is Simba baby the baby what the other one what's the bird's name zaz Zazu did you say d was Zazu was Z oh and what was mama oh Rafiki is Zazu and mama is Rafiki I'll take it I like that thank you basically the rough opening for this hallway right here is like a foot and a half taller than the doorway right next to it so we're basically going to fur down this rough opening to be like a normal sized rough opening instead of an 8T giant rough opening so that it matches the one next to it so so I'm going to be installing these boards up here to frame this down and then I actually have a piece of leftover drywall from when we did the the archways in the sun room I think that's what it's left over from I'm going to go ahead and try and cut that into a very precarious shape to fit over this beam and then over our like framed in space once I'm done and then it'll be ready to get taped and mudded and maybe some trim and then this part of the house will be done Trent is having some severe back issues himself from a Jiu-Jitsu injury that just will not heal so he's not going to Jiu-Jitsu right now he's fully trying to rest his back um he's getting some like adjustments and he's doing some stretching still hasn't really improved very much my um back pain from like my sciatic stuff has actually improved a little bit so I can like walk around which is huge let me tell you it's not 100% but it's getting much better but I feel like both of us combined are just like hobbling around like trying so hard not to injure ourselves and like barely able to lift things together like an old couple with bad backs it's like a sign of the future and it's like scary it's like okay this is why you stay healthy and you stay in shape and you take care of your body this is why you have kids so you can have your kids pick things up and move them for you it's definitely scaring me into taking better care of myself because I could not be like this for the rest of my life [Music] honestly it would be cool to have like this huge 8ft opening but it would only be cool if it matched the other opening and since we can't have two we can only have one and one would be shorter this will look so much better and honestly it's still the size of a regular door it just looks small compared to how big it has been all right the first cut of drywall Edition actually I guess we did the archways that doesn't count hopefully this fits I really don't want to have to do this again oh wow you're pretty close oh yeah oh look at that I didn't know any better I'd say it was perfect is that header level it's as level as it's ever going to be did you level it TR I did my best build the rest let me see it's pretty level that means it's not that's why he's just saying that he not level yeah exactly pretty close we were just talking about how our first birthing class went um which happened the other night it was super positive very exciting just to start like prepping for birth and for labor and like getting into that that head space and I always joke with Trent like I wish you could just have the baby I wish you could be pregnant and deliver the baby then we could have all the babies but like because it's me maybe just like one or two like that's funny he's always joking like if he had to deliver a baby he would be totally I'm a hearty individual he wouldn't need him epidural he'd be totally easy he would just like grit through the pain and like it would be fine which I would love to see I won a Jiu-Jitsu competition with crippling back pain same thing as labor is that what you're saying just as hard as labor what do I know I can't get pregnant y I'm doing y whoa that looks like a somersault silly goose can I help you just like that now you look just like Dada you going to go measure something oh yeah this is his labor prep actually I'm doing all the things I've done all the things that people have recommended I think it's just going to take some time before like the injury can heal or like the problem can heal and just trying to strengthen and support the muscles around it is really all I can do I'm trying to stretch but a lot of times stretching gives you like some very momentary relief and then like after you relax a little bit everything kind of gets like tightened back up and and hurts again so I think strengthening the muscles around it is like the easiest thing I can do to better my situation so that's what I'm going to continue to try and do I think for sure one thing that would help would be for you to get a haircut that would help me shave my beard too his head is too heavy all that hairen heat rub maybe Jiu-Jitsu will fix it no [Music] Trent in case you're on the border about having kids this is what it's like [Music] one more time yeah one more time one more time one more time that's your pillow Leo definitely has your olivey skin like he does seem like he seems like he's going to tan he's not going to be like he won't burn as much as Trent does good night okay don't move don't move okay don't move don't move sh close your eyes close your [Music] eyes all right Grayson just finished up in here he's got all of the insulation done Brandon had to take off early cuz his son is getting registered for preschool so he took off Grayson actually finished the very last pieces of insulation that needed to be done in here and now this room is ready to move on to the next stage I still have to build our little bookcase that's going to go around all the venting over there and so I'll probably be doing that in the next video but we can literally start cleaning up all of the instulation in this room and then we got to put our Vapor Barrier on the exterior walls but after that we're ready for drywall in here so that's that's one room ceiling walls and floor that's fully insulated and ready for insul or ready for [Music] drywall there it is in all of its Glory it does feel really good to know that we've got this door framed down to where it's supposed to be I've got the drywall on the inside just needs a little tape and mud and some paint and that thing is actually going to be ready and we got to do a couple things on the other side of that door but we're making some progress here we got all the ceiling spray foam in the living room I just it feels like a mountain of insulation that we have to tackle and we're chipping away at it and chipping away at it and we're having a good time and we're glad that we're getting through it so and I think it's only going to get warmer and warmer at least fingers crossed yeah by the time we're done with insulation we're going to need air conditioning yeah perfect anyway if you guys enjoyed coming along on this adventure with us today make sure you guys show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already thanks again to Sunday for sponsoring today's video click the link in our description to check them out and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] adios while you can we would broke cold let push out thought I heard it all up and leave this town
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 178,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, life uncontained, good simple living, fabrats, let the building begin, revealing our floor plan, framing our home, chainsaw demolition, winter is coming, big things are happening, DIY, fail, miami, travel vlog, HVAC, cabin diy, diy reno, renovation, blizzard, snowed in, a blizzard in april, this is becoming a huge problem
Id: orzqznyJF_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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