Starting a New Build at ABANDONED LAKEFRONT HOME! (diy dock build from barrels)

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it's the start of a new era welcome to the abandoned cabin this summer we plan on transforming this abandoned cabin and this land into a beautiful offgrid Oasis starting with the most exciting one with the warm weather just around the corner we're going to want to be going swimming in between projects for the rest of the year so why not start with a dock it's moving day packing it up and moving away I know lot of our adventures this year have caught a lot of you off guard but I bet you have a pretty good guess as to where we're going right [Music] now hi see you there I was wondering where the back of that trailer went we definitely lost it on the road hopefully Crystal sees it and picks it up because I need to head to our mailbox and fingers crossed everyone the package has arrived they're here thanks for crossing your fingers everyone I wonder if Crystal's got down the driveway yet with a trailer haven't drove a trailer since last summer it's a serious skill yeah girl you did it who was I kidding crystal is a professional trailer driver now we got these sweet 55g plastic drums on Marketplace we've got 20 in total these barrels are $40 a pop and at the hardware store they are a couple hundred like $2 to $500 it's wildly different so deals on deals all you have to do is a little extra work we're taking off the Caps making sure they have gaskets making sure that they are sealing well and we're actually adding a little bead of cocking to every single one just in case what do you smell what's down there what's there Bill what's there supervisor found something she doesn't approve of what is that [Music] beer this probably looks like a lot of hardware and stuff to everyone but to be honest honest it has been quite the order let me tell you that much getting everything out here I don't see that on your order at all like holder like caps um wood The Carriage bolt we need the corner brackets in order to obviously put them all together with carriage bolts so they're extra strong and of course we ordered 32 have your knife we got eight I feel bad because we're far drive out from where we ordered all this and the driver has already come back twice now due to them not uh packing the order to 100% but it looks like the driver's coming out for a third time now eh we're just going to make it work with what we have and how much sunlight we have beer [Music] that's so [Music] cute all right first Barrel's going in Beauty it's not in forever though so now we need the joist going that way we are currently boxing these barrels in so they're braced all the way around so that when they do go in the water they're stuck in their little cubicle and they can't knock it out keeping the dock a float [Music] good and it's also like bracing so Mak it a bunch of rectangles one side is complete and we have a lot more of these to build I cannot wait to show you all the finished product it is going to be incredible and so relaxing and so big and so fun all at the same time so we're on to the second side we're going to cut the long piece which is a joist and then we're going to box in the barrels once again we're good doc build day two everyone Hi Bella thanks for the ride oh yeah everyone now this is the weather I was picturing to build a dock in this is our first float design done and dusted kind of there's no decking boards girl yeah but that's all later but we're going to do this again and again and again cool also if you're wondering why we're using such big carriage bolts I'll let Crystal tell you that one I did my very first order and I ordered massive Carriage BTS so we did end up getting a couple small ones but we're kind of just using what we have I don't know if anyone knows this but there is a carriage bolt shortage in Nova Scotia so we can't return these and get different sizes we just as you can see start our board this to hold the thing in just right at the bolt that way the bolts don't puncture our floats dock building is a lot like Duck building and I think both Jasmine and I can agree that we could do this every day forever because it is so fun and I think it's so great to be outside at this time of year it's hilarious as Canadians we're like shedding layers as the minutes G on but just going from the Subzero temps to a beautiful 10 12° Day 11° Day feels like summer it's such an amazing [Music] [Applause] feeling how satisfying is that this one's coming together so quick just replicated that in a blink of an eye yeah I mean it always goes faster once you know what you're doing right yeah girl this is getting me so excited to start everything down here I cannot wait to bask on this after a work day can y'all believe it we're on dock number three so these three docks are 5 by 10 and you get 10 ft boards thinking you know you'll just like cut in half and less Cuts less time wasted but nothing is true to size obviously and you want it to be square for your decking boards so I'm going to measure each and every board to make sure we are hitting 5 and 10 ft exactly best feeling when they're all perfect if you haven't already guessed these three docks are going to be what bring us all the way out we wanted them to be W enough that we could walk out not feel like someone's going to go in even though someone's probably going to push someone in one day let's be real part of the reason we need 30 ft to get out there is because this lake is a Shallow Lake a lot of Nova scoia Lakes aren't the deepest so you got to get out there in order to have a good swimming spot I'm going to eat it like an alligator wow hello hi sweet girl are you snoozing in the shade no one loves to be out here more than Bell and Izzy taking a nap in the Sun and then in the shade and just enjoying the breeze we were keeping lunch warm in the windshield today this contractor's got a lunch box and it's break time and you bet it's filled with ag1 it's that easy I've been saying it for many years but getting your vitamins and your nut nutrients in one single serving we're talking less than a cup of water here see that that's the 250 mil line and just one simple scoop and we throw it in our box and we bring it to work and we know that our body is getting fundamental nutrients it needs to be able to function at its best stock ain't going to build itself and ag1 sure does keep us on track one single serving of ag1 every time we make the decision to drink it 75 vitamins nutrients and minerals antioxidants prebiotics probiotics adaptogens amazing things that benefit your body I'm convinced there's no easier more convenient better tasting way to get your vitamins it makes me feel like I can do anything it keeps us so energized and if you have a busy schedule long days on the road lots of traveling ag1 is going to fit into your adventure seamlessly we've been loving it for so many years and if you'd like to give it a try you can scan this really cool QR code with your phone or click on the link in the description you're going to receive five free travel packs for while you're on the move and a year supply of vitamin D dropper oh that duck building has us hungry lunch how is it finger looking good chicken sandwich [Music] and for dessert homemade cinnamon spread remember when we found the container in the crawl space here oh my gosh do you remember caramel spray or spread cinnamon spread that's my well we're making our own everyone a few reasons to absolutely love this lot you've got the sun all day long it's got the best sun exposure it is such a great little lot check out these little ducks just swimming their way into the [Music] sunset without you you're the center of my [Music] life I got a bigger stick than [Music] you classic spring day you go from tank tops and sunburns to winter hats and your sweater back on but we are on our very last platform Uno number four it's about to be built are you ready square up the frame attach the corner brackets using carriage bolts throw in the big barrels we might have had a little bit too much fun doing this again no good you have to be in the sidelines [Music] Okay add your Joys and box them in you got a dock it's 8:18 Jazzy I know I can't really see either give the camera high five can you hear that that's Clementine she's on the way what a way to commute to work yeah Clementine that means we're going to be floating soon did you get extra I did cuz I do that another beautiful sunny day to build this dock you started yesterday the same I know well we're just blessed with this beautiful weather sunshine and building my two favorite things we're attaching the very last bit of Hardware onto these floats measuring them out perfectly in hopes cross your fingers that all of them are going to connect quite smoothly I'm pumped that we're at this level this level that's a game dock building game these are the last two and then we are sailing floating I keep saying that though floating well could sail too if you want to put a sheet up these are the multinautic hinges super big connectors that going to connect everything together spaghetti again spaghetti ghetti spaghetti again Eddie this is a lot of spaghetti my daily update good morning it is not a beautiful spring day in fact it's a cold windy day but we're still working look at these dogs what are you doing Bella she's so funny while Clementine warms up I better warm up [Music] too you're a brave soul thank you so much I've always wanted these damn girl what's funny is these are probably up to no I guess this you're good you can jaw use a jaw string I have never seen you look so cute in my life cute yeah you look so cute look at her everyone know look cute I do looking like I'm working I'm A working woman go get them go get them this is going to be the hardest part of it all and not because Winter's back but because the docks are heavy we're basically just going to push the dog as much in the water as we possibly can and Crystal is going to look cute in her hip waiters while doing so kich kapach apple sauce [Music] beautiful there are many ways to put in your Dock and I think it depends how many people you have or if you have any machines because it's just the two of us and Clementine we have decided to do it this way slow and steady we inch the dock in put the floats in and then the dock will be a floating in no time this is when it all comes to life this is the fun part look how sick this floaty raft is going to start decking this bad boy in a minute she's floating beyond happy [Music] you like it I see a lot of nathing on this deck dock I don't know what it is W you're on the dog amazing good girl are you going to go dog diving yeah see I love jumping off docks mom you like it Bella you like it there's something else coming for you Bella oh my gosh what Mom oh it's a secret Bella even though you should have looked over the plans Bella yeah Bella if you're a real supervisor you'd be looking over the plans yeah you already know you're surprised yeah Bella what are you slacking caught you caught you Bella wow ducking boards last piece and the sun's coming out last piece woo sun's really coming out yeah I know I was being serious I felt it it it's amazing I'm so glad you came up with this idea supervisor I was just looking down putting in the last few boards something about the water is so appetizing from the dock it just looks like you want to get right in there I can't wait do it jump in jump once I have my Runway then I'll go in okay this is the definition of getting her done we're moving on to the platforms now or the runway as we all know it the wind is taken flight and we now have fog I think Crystal's going to become a news lady after this welcome back to vnn and now to Crystal with the weather fog okie dokie where are we at looks great out of four docks three of them were're perfectly square and you know why I think I know why why I moved this one with the tractor yesterday we just need to cut a little piece of pizza to go on the end of that one and then we'll be smooth sailing putting this dock in the water and being like frogs on lily pads might do it might not might just eat the slice pizza myself cuz I'm getting hungry for lunch okay what's next sunnier day or uh sunnier day hey hey we have a dog beer we just want to FL downam All Summer Long P put the top down clean but I'm running on fumes I really have to get used to lifting these cinder blocks because we are going to be lifting a lot in our future and if you know what I'm talking about you know and look at this little fisherman how cute is she I didn't think she could get any cuter after yesterday's outfit and she just proved me wrong look at you so cute biggy you ready to get a dock in yeah go okay we need to launch the dock on the other side because it's more of a hill and it's easier to get these barrels under so here goes nothing we just want to [Music] FL we just want to FL yeah yeah we just want to [Music] flow we just want to flow tiptoe to the about to go the weekend 10 on the Canon like a picture from the catalog go with the bre so we can let go Chuck up a three no need all right third dock is going in we beat the heat no need to be cool and it's lovely got me pourn PA free in the bubbly chop it up with Bubsy it don't even bug me it's all good if you're great and love me we just want to [Music] flow we just want to flow yeah yeah we just want to flow flow flow flow now as you can see our dock wants to go down the river I don't blame it it's quite nice River but we need to Anchor it so we want to keep this Beach area and this right here is like the perfect little pathway just to walk right down like how beautiful is this on the Moss it's a Bella I'd be making a r ramp there you want to make a ramp for sure okay so I need a rope now cuz I'm wasting my time moving this actually yall know what that's saying if you don't know how to tie knot tie lot that's what we're doing tying down the dock before we anchor it look at that Queen yeah girl nice Runway now come back that's our anchor now we need to get real strong and be able to throw our anchor out that way and then tie the anchors into the anchor brackets wish's luck Bella's walking the runway now pretty smart I know I thought I was pretty smart actually for thinking about this not to toot my own horn or anything but toot toot toot toot toot toot wish you all could see her face there she really got into it to dude this didn't fit tried to hammer it and got stuck not our smartest moments but we redeemed oursel with this idea Crystal doesn't think that we're strong enough to lift these four cinder blocks that are our anchors so she doesn't want to try to throw them with me fair enough she does have a bad back and she heard it again in this video so the idea is I am going to put them as close to the corner as possible those looking Crystal's face and just push them off but we need to have the dock exactly where it is where we want it at least so that's the dock anchor so hopefully when I throw these in it won't snap the bracket off here we are redoing our work because I decided to put the anchor bolts on the front of the dock where your feet are going to be and it would not be nice to get one of those cinder blocks in the toes have to grind this later my grinder broke and that's some thick galvanized chain Ling congratulations the sun is out and you have a dock the sun is out kind of a girl they Sun Ain know where are you from n girl that's girl The Sun Ain't it oh I got a dock wooo ready for your [Music] son now that this dock is floating we have a few more very important details to really make this dock come together we didn't want to leave the dogs behind so we decided to add stairs so Bella and Izzy can go swimming with ease built a ramp for easier access instead of jumping onto the dock look at the geese [Music] Izzy well that saves hours of time and lastly we decide to make the ultimate chill area by building a dock frame attaching eyelets weaving really strong rope in and out of the netting have you guessed yet yeah you going to go on this VI you're going to try I know you are you say heave I say ho heave oh that didn't C doesn't curl get a it doesn't Cur you got to keep doing it he ho he ho Bella like Bella get pumped up come on Chris Sports come on SP you say he I say ho he h all right everyone piece number six is going in and it is the final one it's almost as funny as when we brought that generator now time to bring it in the water bombs away a couple of feet and tightened all the legs Just Before Sunset unreal oh my God that's so cool that's so fun I love you trust it okay good Yay good girl good amazing we said we wanted a dock before summer yeah yes we get all summer to enjoy this dock
Channel: Vanwives
Views: 218,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starting a new build, abandoned house renovation, abandoned, home, floating dock, how to build a floating dock, do it yourself, diy floating dock, how to build a dock, barrel dock, floating dock with barrels, diy renovations, cabin in the woods, cabin, diy floating dock with barrels, vanwives, eamon and bec, off grid, jenna phipps, abandoned home, renovating my abandoned home, renovate my house, diy reno, diy home, how to reno your home, Lakefront home, abandoned lakefront
Id: mofsIrAn294
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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