We're losing her. ...making the tough decision. | Vlog 797

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you don't look so good no one likes this I know she's like that's cool that's cool that's coold you want some cabbage oh she's falling want to see her bad feeling about Marge in this situation you're being summer just going to Burge into me I know all right guys all the way in I think it's [Music] time he momy don't look so good I was afraid of this I came in last night and she wasn't looking so good my U has gone backwards uh she won't get up now she's looking very sad I've given her some calcium I gave her some more antibiotic I milked her out as much as I could uh both this morning and right now she only has a wee little bit of milk in her and her tee is just hard as a rock so I've got a cold compress on it I actually don't have high hopes for this one um and she's just a young you so I'm really sad really upset can we get you sitting up a little more is that more comfortable with your udder oh I hate it when they're down like this okay what can we do for you so you can sit up a little more you sitting up a little nicer there do you want some water you want some water I know you like your water you want it there you go I also gave her some calcium last night I gave her glycol in the morning good morning by the way I don't even think that's a good morning I could probably just leave this here because you're not too loud and crazy do you want any more food a little bit of this nope she love water okay all right well I've got her I give her some halit and some pellets just to see if we can increase her appetite get an appetite at all at least she is still drinking I've got a painkiller here and then yesterday I started the glycol and the calcium last night we're in survival mode we're just throwing everything at her in hopes of survival at this point I know no one likes this I know but we need some sugar you're not eating let it go now this treatment's more for pregnancy toxemia I realized but I've used it for like the last three years that I've gone down that have gone down with masitis just to get them up I don't know if that's been what's working or it's the antibiotic and the painkiller working but for whatever reason um I've just I've done this until they get up um glycos is sugar it's not going to hurt her and calcium's I don't think borogluconate is going to hurt anything so far it's worked on all the use that have come down with mastis but again I don't know if it's because of that or because of the actual antibiotic but I just want to keep doing what's been working so this calcium I'm just putting sub Q along her back under her skin I wish you'd eat the other ones uh in the last group we're still [Music] eating okay all right I'm on tour Duty again today so thankfully I am on this weekend and I can keep an eye on her uh later tonight we are going out for supper to celebrate Mark's dad's birthday so that should be fun I need you to feel better please that's all that's my only request short time well I just checked my U again I can't get her on her feet so oh I'm not really sure what is going to happen with our little lady we are leaving shortly Jess and I have to run a few errands and then we're meeting up with Mark and his dad and family for a birthday party tonight so I think uh while I have about an hour I might just continue packing some uh t-shirts I started the other day I got I got all the tank tops put into plastic I'm going to start working on the t-shirts [Music] um um Jess and I did a little retail therapy today yep uh and I didn't get anything at the mall though I well we shared a shirt we shared a shirt we shared a shirt but I did go to the bookstore I got a an old book with a new cover called off to the RAC those covers yeah I just like the the matte that feel it's like the waxy it's the matte yeah and this one it's like a baby how much is that actually it's a baby book sweet um does it say let me check the receipt I mean it doesn't matter that much it was $349 I was going to say it's got to be a bit better this is for our book club giveaway it's a giveaway for our book club if you're on a book club if you know you know know all the dates yeah it was a good one it was a two for one this month two for one and I got a new puzzle I like that it's very pretty we should start it sometime maybe if we go back to the cabin again well we could do it at home we could do it at home anyway I've got a few puzzles I should be doing at home yeah I'm a bit of a puzzle junky now yeah so that's it that's my purchase for today you look really pretty oh thanks [Music] happy birthday to you I've just run into the barn tonight to check on our youu I've been watching her in the cameras and she has not moved since I left think we need some lights getting dark in here you ready honey oh she doesn't look good how are you doing oh yeah [Applause] it's I don't like the sound of her chest this is what happens when they're down too long you can really start to hear them get raspy but I can't get her up see if you can get up honey no she's [Applause] not some water honey that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um I'm getting a lot of comments about using some uh cabbage leaves on her udder um I mean I'm not it's not the first time I haven't heard of doing that uh so I might run to town and grab some cabbage in the morning I my gut is saying we're too late I think she's been down all day I haven't been able to get on her feet all day so once they get to this point I'm highly highly doubting she's going to get up I don't like the sound of her chest now but she is drinking we'll try the cabbage leaf in the morning but if it carries on too much longer and I can't get her up I'm going to have to euthanize her because I I know she's not feeling good so I mean I've done everything I can for pain control but too many days like this is not not a happy life good morning as promised Mayu is still alive she is in the exact same position as she was last night so I have come to the grocery store at my favorite time of day which is right when they open and I did get a head of cabbage so I'm going to run home actually it's still cold but I want to run home and throw a couple pieces in the freezer um I Googled it all morning and I will put this dis claimer out right now I know everybody wants me to put cabbage leaves on my used udder it will maybe help sheep are not humans but I'm assuming an utter is an utter in terms of mastitis and it probably really hurts so uh she has I have been giving her pain medications this will just be sort of added relief hopefully but it will not cure the infection everything I've read is like if it's infected the only thing that is even going to remotely help is an antibiotic which I have given her twice so this is not to cure her the only thing that's going to help this you survive at all is the antibiotics and that is only if I gave it to her when she needed it which I'm very confused as to why it's not working on this sweet little young you but it's she does just does not seem to be responding to it Mama I don't like the sound of her lungs cuz she's been down so long now right I have cabbage cabbage leaves for her udder it's like relief for humans when they have mastitis or engorged boobies we [Applause] try I put them in the freezer to chill them a bit oh she's coming to life she's like that's cold that's cold that's cold and they say to keep this on until it gets warm or 20 minutes on a human yeah I've already hit her twice with the antibiotic usually you only need to do it once he's already getting kind of filled filled up with gas you guys want some cabbage you want some cabbage like are you kidding me where's the mail you want it you want to put it on the ground playing with it oh oh oh what do you think you like something want some more want some more right out of my hand oh all right that's warm now can you get up do you think she's gassy I don't like that I don't like that at all you need to stand up for a little bit mama you need to get that gas out of there she's so weak here we go we just needed someone to help in the front end you put this for black girl there you go oh she's so weak yeah she keeps curing that way yep I don't think not a girl come on try good girl oh Kinsey oh she's falling oh girl oh I can smell her now that poor eye yeah she would have been pressed against the bar you want some more water honey you do like your water she's giving up mhm we don't want you to give up come on honey I know it's sore no just stay up no she's like doesn't want to see her well we've uh done all we can do for this you for now now um I do not like the way she looks so I don't have high high hopes for her but uh now Mark and I have to head to the hospital and we're going to find out his prognosis he sees a surgeon um 10:30 I think his appointment is I'm nervous that he might need surgery I really really hope he doesn't um I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself cuz I tend to go down uh mental rabbit holes that aren't healthy for anyone sitting up looking a little Brier he drinking we have good news uh Mark just got back from the surgeon and uh he does not need surgery in fact the doctor on call today just said s a really really bad sprain on both sides of his ankle and he said it's just going to take like a month and a half 2 months of like just being careful with it but you said you can go home start taking off your boot at home on like level ground but if you're on uneven ground like outside just be careful because you don't want to go over one way or the other so that is good news I did come in here about an hour ago and just rearrange mom I felt like she was filling up like bloating almost with gases because she was sort of stuck on one side and I didn't really want to put her on this side cuz I didn't want her laying on her bed side like her bad utter side but she seems so much happier on this side so I'm going to keep her on this side but I did bring some more cabbage you have a really swollen eye I think she through the night she must been like banging her head against the gate and she's bruised her she's bruised her eye pretty bad how am I going to do this now you're on the wrong side this might work out better actually cuz her leg can hold it in place oh that's B yeah just pinching it in there nice there all right well we let Mama lay on her compresses I am going to start Hoof Trimming and vaccinating The Golden Girls I just picked up the vaccine on the way home from the doctor's office so I'll be running two vaccines because I have a blend The Golden Girls are a blend of young Golden Girls and older Golden Girls so the younger ones get the gland back and the older ones get Taz backs let you show them where to go dip [Music] [Applause] oh I have a bad feeling about merge in this situation okay I think we'll fit in this yay Mary good girl good girl good girl Mark come on that's it push her up Tomatoes push her up that's a girl he girls you don't even need it so dips has been done she lambed in December so um I'm going to do the vaccine anyway to get her up to date with these guys and then she'll be on an annual um an annual vaccine program her ho should be pretty pretty good still too but we'll we'll see popcorns are terrible and I was always under the assumption when they're outside they're pretty good now her outside for the last few months has been inside cuz they just go in the barn when the weather's gross so I'm hoping this summer she'll be a little better and the rest I haven't really noticed so I'm hoping they're okay I can't believe Marge that in [Applause] here yeah your feet are [Music] [Music] bud I don't know about this you think can you do it come on come on [Music] that's it come on you're being summer can I get you on your bum probably not in there oh you do need your vaccine so let's do that okay vaccine is done you think I can get you toppled like Charlie does I don't think I'm strong enough I know you're just going to Burge into me I know I just need to [Music] yep come on on your B no not that way just go the Margie we might have to get creative cuz she will not go in here oh look how good your feet are you barely need it again that's 2 years in a [Music] row come [Music] here okay honey [Music] Lucy sorry honey you wor almost okay feels okay there's no foot rat that one looks good that one looks good I don't know I just I haven't loved the way she's been walking but my camera died so you missed Ruby sort of bathing her one leg but there's nothing on her Hof but she's limping on her back left leg she doesn't want to put a lot of weight on it so I'm wondering if it's up in her hip maybe so I'm going to go in and give her some medicam cuz I don't think it's an infection I can't see anywhere where there's anything that looks like an infection but maybe the medicam will help just make her feel a little better and Margie um her Hooves look okay um I'm not going to I'm not strong enough to get her turned over I should have probably done it when Charlie was here but I hate holding him up so I'll take one more look at her feet before I move her back over oh my you look sad again there's a uh bird in her water would you like some clean water okay the plan was to um make a judgment call tonight and a piece of me this morning was thinking I wasn't going to have to make the call she was not looking well but then I proceeded again today to give her another shot of antibiotic and another shot of Metacam I just I can't give up on her like looking at her right now she looks sad again M anyway [Music] all right guys all the way [Music] in perfect M to get in they all go in get that oh no [Music] girl good morning it is Tuesday already crazy my U when I first came in here this morning I knew in my brain what I had to do but Carissa was still here and I'm like I'm not doing this in front of Carissa so we went across the road and we did our weening weights up and we have 191 land over there we had decided uh last week I was going to put all the girls on one side all the boys on the other side and then this morning I said let's do one better because I said this will save us a step in 2 weeks when I want to select my UL lams I said let's at least get our selection down to what breed we're going to keep um and then we would do another evaluation in 2 weeks so we did that not a word of a lie the ones we are left with there's only there's not many that I am proud to say i r they just look sort of dumpy the breed I wanted to keep back ended up having boys and I've had this happened before in the past in my spring lamming and then the breed I don't want to keep back as Replacements they're the ones I had girls so the ones I'm left with are quite literally just not the priz Lambs so I don't know what I'm going to do cuz I only want to keep Lambs from my April group because in a year that's when I'll breed them again so they'll be a perfect year old if I end up not having enough out of my April group I'll have to wait till my August group and then those ones are just like not on a good cycle for replacement U Lambs so we'll see how these grow now that I've separated them out we'll see if they gain a little more maybe they're getting bullied they're they're just smaller use yeah and then a ton of rams I thought we were sitting around 50/50 when I did these stats at Birth but holy cow it felt like everything we scanned today were Rams we could figure that out here quick 191 Lambs total the minimum weight was 14 lbs it's tiny we have a couple little tiny itty Bitties and then my Max he was 982 lb for an average of 58.3 one I don't think that's near as good as my last weaning weight uh but still decent I'm just curious as to the gender on these guys okay yeah there was more so we had 106 Ram lambs and 85 UL lams so 5545 so not a not a complete split which is odd usually it's like 50/50 all right lady at that yeah you're look a lot better oh it smells so bad oh [Laughter] get got the back in almost I don't think so I think it's time she's not acting right I don't think she's been down since Saturday night I don't think so I think I I think I got to do it I don't want to [Music] I really want you to live you really did [Music] a for
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 102,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gy0CZF4LhFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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