This Incredible Oil Paint Photoshop Action is 900MB!

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[Music] hi there this is sumaish from pixel perfect and today i have a question for you what do you think makes an action or a preset to be as huge as nearly a gigabyte well just a couple of days ago i came across this photoshop extension that was 900 mb in size and it claimed to create highly realistic paintings out of your photos just look at the examples they do look like real paintings painted by professionals on canvas isn't it but more often than not we come across these plugins luts extensions and all of that sort of stuff and while it's advertised it works amazingly fantastically if that's a word and breathtakingly on those sample images but when we buy them or download them and we slap it on our image it honestly turns out to be total trash i'm not saying all plugins and actions are like that but you know and i know that we have come across those a lot today we're gonna be looking at the real paint effects photoshop extension and how it holds up when we throw our images on it so without any further ado let's get started [Music] before we begin thanks to envato elements for sponsoring this video and thanks to you my friends for making this sponsorship possible for creatives like us this platform is a gold mine envato elements offers you unlimited downloads of millions of assets for all your creative needs for photoshop users like you and i this is particularly an awesome deal from millions of studio quality stock photos to thousands of photoshop actions plugins presets brushes and even layer styles you can download whatever you want as many as you want without having to pay for each and every one of them you also get beautifully crafted fonts for branding and design projects and if you are into video editing there are hundreds of thousands of stock videos in high resolution along with all the video templates and elements like the ones used in this video they also have interesting 3d objects that you can download from any angle as a psd i don't have to tell you how big of a deal that is for people like us who work with photo manipulations and composites on top of all this you also get music sound effects web templates and so so much more this is very useful if you want to create a shorial of your work build a portfolio site or create something similar there's even resume templates and physical portfolio projects if you're out looking for a job with every asset you also get a license to use these assets both commercially and non-commercially at no extra cost if you've been watching pixem perfect for a while now you would know that i've been recommending envato elements for a year now even before the sponsorship and most of the images that you see in our tutorials are licensed from there check out envato elements using the link in the description and get 70 off for her the first month that means get access to all the assets everything we talked about including the one that we are featuring today for less than 10 dollars amazing deal isn't it so check the link in the description let's get back to the video for me personally a good plugin panel or action is the one which number one is effective number two customizable effective as in it should create good results it should create the results we are expecting that is advertised number two customizable that is having the ability to change the parameters of the effect after we apply them make sense let's examine how the real paint effect stacks up in both of these aspects so whenever i've covered a plugin in the past before a lot of you have suggested to also cover how to install that plugin because it can get a little complicated sometimes all right but this is a little straightforward so once you download it you will have this folder once you unzip it we'll have this folder now inside that a lot of things are there there are also mock-ups there are patterns there are scripts effects too now there is a way to manually install this extension but i'm not gonna get into that i'm gonna show you the simple way all you have to do is to go to the with dashes in between them as you can see the address right here once you go there just download the fx box all right so fxbox free photoshop plugin it's free all you gotta do is download it i have already downloaded it for you so once you download and unzip you will have this folder all right next thing you need to do is to go to photoshop and by the way this is the image that we're going to be using go to file and then scripts inside of scripts just choose browse go to the fxbox folder double click on the installation and select fxbox installer dot jsx all right load that and it's installed the fxbox plug-in is installed right now which makes it easy for you to install the effects from this author now it says please restart photoshop now so click on ok done and let's restart photoshop so now i have restarted photoshop and i also opened this image for convenience now you can go to window extensions and you will find effects box right in there alright now all you got to do is to click on the plus button so in this dialog box locate the folder for the real paint effects let's open that folder go to fx 2 and then just click on it real paint effects installer let's open it and there you go it's complete hit ok now once you click on this effect and once you click on apply a dialog box will show up now inside of this dialog box all you have to do is to click on load as tools click on that and it's now loaded it loads all the pattern and everything that is required right now if you go to the pattern stamp tool you will notice that open the pattern and have a look real paint effects patterns have also been installed automatically now there's also a way to install this extension without installing fxbox and if you want to do it that way you can look up the instructions which are included with the files for this extension so without any further ado let's apply this so open the fxbox panel now inside that you will find it click on that and simply click on apply this effect now this extension also allows you to animate according to the effect but we're not going to cover it in this video see how the effect is being gradually applied and it's pretty fast for such kind of complicated effects oh my gosh i thought this plug-in would be a gimmick but it's actually good just take a look at it and we haven't even customized it yet so look at the results even if you zoom in just look at the details in here it's so good and it does look like a real painting isn't it now there are lots of ways of customizing this there are brush drops applied paint edges you can turn them off turn them on there are textures which you can customize but if you don't want to go so much in depth into customizing you can leave it at this or all you have to do is to simply click on the reveal back mask right there and reveal the areas where you think details are too much lost or something just doesn't look right so let's take the brush with a soft round brush all right soft wrong brush and let's increase the size just a little bit white as the foreground color opacity at 100 flow at 100 you can adjust the flow according to your choice maybe i want to just recover the nose a little bit let's decrease the flow to about 20 percent maybe the eyes and maybe the side of the face i'm going to increase the flow a little bit just this area just the lips a little bit some of it not all of it these areas and we are pretty much done have a look we can stop right here now you can continue watching the video if you want to learn how to customize it even more and make it absolutely dramatic so this is how we work with it if we just wanted to click a button and do very minimal adjustments and it still looks very very good doesn't it now let's start with some advanced customization let's get back to where we were let's paint everything with black like it was before so this is just after applying the extension once you have applied it have a look below there is something called paint levels and it has been painted in a lot of levels let's open that up all right so i'm going to turn off a lot of them most of them most of the ones at the very top okay let's also turn off the medium brush so first strokes were made with large brush all right on top of that medium brush for a little more details small brush for more details and then lines and details and on top of that there's this refiller for extra details now we can use these layers to determine which area has more details and which areas have less detail all right so all you have to do is to turn off everything except the last one the large brush for me and according to my taste i want the background to be stroked with large brush and nothing else all right so we're going to leave the background to large brushes and now let's turn on medium brush on top of it it's layering right so for the medium one we don't want to apply it in the background so hold the alt key or the option key click on the mask button to create a negative mask now take the brush flow and opacity at 100 and you can take the soft round brush if you want to give it more time you can take an advanced oil painting brush or something similar but i'm just going to do it with a soft round brush and just paint in the subject area don't paint on the areas where you want large strokes and by the way this is totally up to you if you just want the subject's face to have details and everything else to be stroked with large brush so be it it's totally up to you you are the artist my friend to look at the mask you can hold the alt key or the option key click on the mask to see it and fill up the missing areas smoothness is too much for some reason let's decrease it to zero we don't need it looks pretty good let's hold the arc or the option key click on the mask to bring it back and just make sure we have painted all of it zoom out see we have left out these areas in fact i'm having an idea right now what if we leave these areas to large brushes so paint with black again in these areas and you can decrease the flow if you wish to so 20 and then just paint some areas just to have them with large brushes just some areas all right looks pretty good now let's turn on the next paint level so let's move up turn on small brush and then again hold the alt key or the option key and click on the mouse button to create a negative mask we will do the same thing paint with white on the areas where we want more details increase the flow good let's do the next one lines and details again select the layer hold the alt key or the option key click on the mask button white as the foreground color just paint on the areas where you want even more details if you want you can also leave out the cheek right here and just paint on the lips and the eyes and the nose you can also leave out hair if you want to that's totally up to you you can do some details like buttons some lines for the shirt for this kind of style i like textured painting with a lot of strokes and not so much details because then it would look like a photograph we want a painting not a photograph now let's turn on the refiller let's see what it does hold the alt key or the option key again click on the mask button and let's paint on the areas where we want more details not so much on the eyes i think we painted too much so with the mask selected let's paint that with black again and slowly and gradually with a lower flow let's go for 20ish we'll paint the eye all right let's increase the flow you can also turn off the mask to see which areas it is affecting so hold the shift key click on the mask to see which areas it is affecting so you can bring back some details in the hair by painting right there you can bring back some details in these areas so hold the shift key click on the mask you can choose which details to keep you know what would be more effective let's delete the mask all together all right delete it click on the mask button without holding the alt key this is a white mask and now take away the details where you didn't want it so let's turn it off and turn it on and take away the details from these areas all right so we didn't want a lot of details here so we can take them away we can take these away right this looks good to me let's examine the entire painting and close up so if i turn off the mask do we get enough details here no not much details what about this area if you turn it off you get too much details in here if i turn on the mask now that begins to look a little realistic you may want to bring it back in certain areas when i turn off the mask there's too much details and it begins to look like a photo look at the texture right there it is a photo we don't want that to happen so let's turn on the mask and we can bring back the details in the corners if you want to a little bit not too much all right so that looks pretty good to me now let's collapse paint levels and now have a look it looks so much better than before now we can get back to reveal and only reveal the areas which are creating a problem so for example have a look at this dot right there a couple blemishes here and there that's all you have to reveal so select the mask take the brush white as the foreground color and then increase the flow if you want to and just paint over those areas that's pretty much it if you want to paint with a lower intensity you can always decrease the flow to something like 20 and then paint let's bring back the edge of the portrait the edge looks much better now if you want you can also paint slightly on the edge of the hair but i'm going to leave it to less details all right looks pretty good we have brought back the edge everything looks nice just painting a little bit here and there all right so let's take a look here's the before and here is the after we brought back a lot of details didn't we also when i look at it there's a spot on top of the eye let's paint on that and simply take it away as easy as that all right zuma looking pretty nice now let's customize the textures a little bit if you scroll up you would see there's a layer group called textures extra textures right there and right now broken wall texture is turned on if you zoom in you would have a look if we turn it off that texture is going to get away all right so let's turn it on broken wall texture looks pretty good what if i also turn on broken wall texture that was actually broken wall texture too so this is also nice isn't it so we can keep both of them turned on if you want to you can also keep all of them turned on if you want to there are lots of textures right here that you can try let's also turn on old canvas texture just adds a little bump here and there makes it a little more interesting but it also adds a lot of details on the face so we also want to avoid that for that we can always use masks so let us select broken wall texture 2 and create a mask by clicking on the mask button right there now you can take the brush black as the foreground color flow 20 is fine just paint on the face you want to take it away from the face not so much textures we want over there see it's getting a little better right there see okay pretty good now what if we want more texture let's make a copy of it press ctrl or command j look how nice the textures are right now but it's kind of too overpowered so let's decrease the flow to about sorry opacity to about 45 and have a look a lot more textures looks a lot more realistic now when i look at it right here one texture looks really strange so we need to find out what that texture is i don't think it's any of them if we turn off all the texture it's still there i think we need to go to reveal to get it back so let's get back to reveal back layer and click on the mask and then paint that area with white all right now let's get back to textures and the textures look really nice at this moment now how about we do a little bit of color grading of our own to make it even more interesting so let's start with a simple lut and this is something that i slap on everything that is crisp warm and if you've been watching pixem perfect you know it's my favorite so at the very top above extra textures let's just collapse that click on the adjustment icon and then choose color lookup and we're going to simply choose crisp form it's really good for paintings and adding warmth and have a look at it now it's creating a lot of shadows so we want to take it away from the shadows so double click on the right hand side of the lip and just take the slide off the underlying left from left to right hold the alt key or the option key to click on it and break it apart take it all the way apart there you go have a look at it so here's the before here's the after looks so much warmer and nicer isn't it so let's decrease the opacity to about 90 that looks okay now what if we slap on our own textures on it so i have a texture that we can add let's just drag it and drop it and you can find a lot of textures online and you can even create your own texture by taking a photo of the wall or anywhere you go there are lots of ways of creating your own textures if you want so let's change the blend mode to overlay oh my gosh isn't that amazing let's change the opacity to about 80 and have a look at it here's the before here's the after makes a hell lot of difference now in my opinion if you ask me the background looks a little too dark in real paintings we do add a little bit of shading around the face right what if we do it right here let's do a little bit of brightening around the face all right so let's do it under everything just above the painting right here let's create a curves adjustment layer so that all the effects are applied on top of it and just brighten it okay and make sure just focus on the background and nothing else we are just focusing on the background i know we are losing details right here on the subject don't focus on that just on the background this is pretty good now select the mask press ctrl or command i to invert the mask take the brush take a soft round brush and just paint on the background looks pretty good isn't it no we need to do a little adjustments right now first of all let's remove the leaks so paint with black in the areas of the face where it's leaking we have painted kind of too much also we don't want it so much in the bottom so increase the size of the brush and take it away from the bottom all right that looks nice now let's adjust the color i know it might not look nice to you at the moment let's go to the blue channel and now if we take it down it adds a nice green to it take a look at it isn't that wonderful let's go to the red channel and increase it to add some more red to that as well and now you have a look at it also now let's apply some blendiff to it by double clicking on the right hand side of the limb and taking the side of the underlying layer from left to right this is harsh of course hold the all key or the option key click on it to break it apart and take it apart something like this look at it now of course this is too much so decrease the opacity to something like 50 what do you think 55 there you go my friend look at the painting you might want to go back to the mask and take your time to kind of paint it away from the face now i think the hair area is a little too dark right in here so let's brighten that as well so click on the adjustment icon and then choose curves and you're gonna just simply take it up select the mask press ctrl or command i and take the brush white as the foreground color just simply paint on the hair area or the area which is very dark and also apply blendif on this double click on the right hand side of the lid take it away from the dark areas hit ok once you're satisfied here's the before here's the after just a little bit of brightening adds so much now these are adjustment layers you can always get back to the mask and take it away from the areas where you accidentally add it and it's pretty good now there is one last effect that i always apply in portraits and especially when we create painting photos like this is that artists usually add a lot of kicker light in the eyes so why shouldn't we do it so click on the adjustment icon and then choose curves and take it up like this select the mask press ctrl or command i now take the brush white as the foreground color wherever the light is coming from on the opposite side just dab so the light is coming from this area on the opposite side just dab with opacity and flow at 100 boom and boom there now take it away from unnecessary areas even here as well if you want to use blend if in this case you can double click on the right hand side of the lamp take it away from the dark areas if you want you can do that just a little bit is fine let's take a look here's the before here's the after i think on the left eye it's kind of too much so we're going to take the brush black as the foreground color this time select the mask with the lower flow let's start painting on the left eye do these match right now if they don't paint a little more there you go it looks much better and you can happily stop right here if you want more details in the jacket if you want to preserve the edges you can do that as well by going to the reveal layer white as the foreground color and then just paint around the edge to get back the details just around the edge there you go we can do things like that but take a look at the result it's amazing isn't it i took some time and i created this with a lot more manipulation and i love this result a little more by the way i do a rehearsal before recording the tutorial so that things go smoothly and this is the one that i created before creating this tutorial and it turned out better than the one that i created now as an artist we have to accept this there are certain things which you just cannot recreate and more often than not sometimes when you create something and it's so beautiful you want to recreate it it never happens the best thing to do is create something new so in my opinion the real paint effects is an excellent extension because it fulfills the two criterias that we talked about before number one effectiveness it does create amazing results and it creates results as advertised number two customizability it is absolutely customizable you can change how much large strokes you want how much medium strokes you want how much details you want you can reveal back the areas you can change the textures you've got lots of options you can buy plugins like these online for about 15 to 20 dollars however i recommend envato elements because once you subscribe to it you get access to this and thousands more and also stock photos stock videos and everything we talked about for just 10 or less for the first month if you sign up using the link in the description thank you so much for watching this video i hope i could show you something new and i hope to see you again in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 885,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop plugins, photoshop actions, oil paint effect in photoshop, painting effect, realistic painting in photoshop, photo to painting, digital painting, tutorial, review, adobe, photoshop, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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