Photo to Oil Painting Effect (Without Drawing Skills) - Photoshop Tutorial

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Hello Everyone! In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make this Realistic Digital Painting Effect in photoshop. You can use the same method, to create your own portraits and print them if you like! Please LIKE the video and let's get started! Step 1. Create The Effect. First, Go to File> Open, to import you image. Select your image then click Open. Please make sure that you are working on a High Quality image. If it is not, increase you image size to a value above 2000px. I'll decrease my image size a little bit to explain something. Now click & hold on the History Brush Tool and choose the Art History Brush. From the Brushes Panel, click on this little gear icon, and choose Import Brushes. You can download these brushes from the description below. After importing them, you will get 6 brushes like these. Select the First brush. If you've changed your image size, you will get this alert whenever you try to paint over your image. It says that you can't use the art history brush because of the canvas size change. And to fix this, you will need to open the History Panel from here. Under the History panel, you will need to set the source of the history brush to the "Image Size" command. Now try to paint and it will work pretty well. Press CTRL+Z to undo, and let's create a new layer. With the Art History Brush selected... Go to the Options Panel, and make sure that its Mode is Normal. with 100% Opacity, and Dab Style. and leave all other values 0. Now with your layer selected, start painting like that! As you can see, The art history brush paints with stylized strokes, using our main image data. After finishing and with your layer selected, create another new layer above it. Decrease the brush size to 150px, and start painting again. As you can see, this smaller brush shows more details than the previous one. And if I decreased it again it will show much more details Just keep painting over the areas that you want to increase the details of it. Let's speed up this part. After finishing, let's create another new layer. Decrease the brush size to around 50 px. Start painting over the main object, and over any other area you want to show more details of it. this will show much more details than the previous 2 layers. You can decrease your brush size again depending on your image size. After finishing, go and create a new layer above the top one. Select the "Splash 1" brush Change brush size and start painting on different places like this. Always Press CTRL+Z to undo a step if you want. Let's speed up this part. Choose the second splash brush and do the same. I'm speeding these parts because they are similar Now select the dots brush. Start clicking on different places, and remember to press CTRL+Z to undo a step if you don't like it. Change brush size depending on your image. Now, select the top layer, Hold the SHIFT key and select layer 1. Press CTRL+G to group all 4 layers. Name it "Effect", and let's move on to the next step. Step 2. Add Textures & Adjustments. First, select the "Effect" group then go to File> Place Embedded. Choose any texture then click Place. Rotate & Resize it to fill the canvas. You can download these textures from the description below. Now with you layer selected, go to Filter> Stylize> Emboss. Set Angle to 145, Height to 2, Amount to 120%, then click OK. Emboss filter convert the image to grey + making embossed edges like this. Now change the blend mode to Overlay. This will add a texture like this to our final effect. Let's see why we're adding these textures. Here is the texture that comes with most oil painting drawings. Let's get back to our tutorial. Now let's add another texture layer. Adjust its size to fill the canvas. Apply the Emboss filter with the same previous values. Change Blend Mode to Overlay. Import the last texture image. Change its size to fill the canvas then press ENTER. Apply the Emboss filter. You can increase the Amount value to increase the details if you like. Then click OK. Change Blend Mode to Overlay. Select the 3 layers by holding the SHIFT key. then press CTR+G to group them. Name the group "texture". With the group selected, let's add some adjustment layers. I'll start with levels. Increase both shadow & Hehlights a little bit Create a Vibrance layer. Increase Vibrance to 10 and Saturation to 5. Create a Color Balance layer. Keep moving sliders in both directions and choose the values that fit your needs Change to Shadows tone and adjust it. And finally, adjust the highlights tone. Now Let's see the Before & After. That's it for today! Please LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE for more free tutorials. Thanks For Watching!
Channel: Pixivu
Views: 100,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pixivu, Photoshop Tutorial, painting effect photoshop, oil paint photoshop, oil paint effect in photoshop, oil painting photoshop, digital oil painting photoshop, oil painting photoshop tutorial, oil painting photoshop cc, photo to oil painting, photo oil painting effect, oil painting effect, oil painting effect in photoshop, photo to painting effect, photo to painting in photoshop, photo painting photoshop tutorial, oil effect photoshop, Photo to painting
Id: Je5zKF8tw3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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