This Haunted House Put Us In The Hospital

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oh my God I can't this is one of the House's usual ghosts [Music] oh my gosh only good things are left and we'll always be get out hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm comic did you hear that what was that ah that terrifying ghosty was Selena spooky boo AKA my best friend AKA she sees ghosts Sue we're so happy to have her on the channel we're also sitting in her dwelling in her home which is so [ __ ] haunted I didn't want to live in a haunted house and she lives in a haunted house and I'm super excited we are maybe gonna start ghost hunting a little bit more and today's I'm gonna pop my cherry she's gonna one of those kind of friends yeah I'm excited to explore this house with her we're gonna do some interviews we're bringing a medium who's coming in and if you don't know what a medium is look it up in a book I'm not going to explain it maybe Jake and put something she lives on 50 acres of haunted land in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere no neighbors to hear us scream yeah I don't know what's gonna happen you guys might know what's gonna happen I'm scared are you scared honestly yeah I wasn't before and now we're here and the candles have already been weird so yeah let's do it [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody we are here with Selena and Valerie Selena is gonna intro her because she has some history with her so go ahead yeah so Valerie back before Tick-Tock or YouTube or anything I actually had a reading from and at the time I was like I wonder if this stuff will come true and it all did so then I had her in my podcast and I thought there was anyone to have in Chris's video it was going to be Valerie I'll link the podcast yes down below and it is uh the intuition witch she is a psychic medium and she's the one who you know I've done some past life stuff with her and it was mind-blowing um so yeah she was the one yeah we're gonna make a really uncomfortable I guess um but I've never done anything like this I've never talked to a psychic medium or anything so I'm very interested to ask some questions about the house and then also about me and Selena and everything so let's just get into it it's gonna be a weird night as long as I've known Chris I feel like we met early on yeah and we clicked and we've always clicked and I'm like this is a Canadian Bond but it just seemed more than that and we like miss each other and we talk all the time and I don't do with anyone really I was like this feels deeper and I know like before like Adam and I had known each other in other lives do you know if that is like a chance or on the realm of a chance from what I have learned actually it is and I don't mean to give you like the cheesy corny yeah that's exactly it right answer but ultimately like your soul has planned to be here as much as yours has you both plan to interact in this lifetime and have a certain story or lesson together and share that with whoever wants to share your experience which is basically the world right but you guys both planned that when you were planning your entrance into planet Earth really as a soul to take your your lifetime this time through but ultimately those lifetimes could have been many one through that that's what I've learned as we usually spend them with the same type of Souls which is why when we reunite In Our Lifetime here it feels so just like a soul connection it's so deep you just can't explain it with words yeah because usually I hate everyone yeah and I like you yeah um I let her touch me but I don't like people touch me either oh no I like it no but that's really cool like I feel like I've always felt so drawn to Selena and like we live literally countries apart but we're so like in like the way we think and yeah which is cool yeah it's really easy and we feel alive my other question was we've done videos together with Sam and Colby like I was telling you also Hi Sam McCoy and yeah we've both experienced really weird things whether it's seeing things hearing things at the same like no one else heard them but us or me having dreams about things that have happened or stuff like that and I've never really clicked it together until I met Selena and Sam and Colby and they kind of told me about all this stuff and then I was like oh so I've been kind of like delving more into it but I was curious like is that anything I should like practice more or can I look into it more do I have nothing is it just I'm crazy like she'll have dreams that come through her she'll be like I have this dream about you I'm like that happened yesterday so there's like there's lots of different ways that I'm I probably could answer this because there's a scientific answer for sure okay um like don't know if you've ever been actually clinically diagnosed or anything but typically people or ADHD okay you do it without the same boat okay that's why I can relate okay but yeah you're definitely get gifts 100 natural because you're basically you were trained in the early years of life to become a very skilled empath to the degree of being able to sense emotions from anywhere okay you were naturally changed at the same time to 100 doubt yourself every time you get those feelings yes that's very true that is just the science of it as far as what what we've learned but when it comes down to like the way that your brain works the the energy behind dreams the deja vu experiences that kind of thing which I have to point out they can be different for everybody for sure like deja vu a lot of people have their experiences throughout like the day instead of actually in their dream realm at night right so for that fact I actually have to say like kind of adding to it yes it's deja vu through dreaming state but in a sense where if you did work with it you probably could start lucid dreaming you could probably start doing what's called remote viewing as well right you're probably actually already doing that without even kind of I looked into that I've looked into lucid dreaming and trying to get like more control over my dreams like I've had it quite a few times where I like realize I'm dreaming and then like you can like kind of see what's going on or like explore a little bit more [Music] like I did that last night I had a dream about Selena last night and I told her about it and I said like she was in like distress and she was so upset and I didn't know why and I got here and then she told me that she was she has heart problems yeah and then my heart was being wonky yeah and it was really strange but like I was very awake in that you're like you know when you can wake up and you can recall everything yeah and I was concerned and I texted her right away [ __ ] ghost effect that's actually what I was gonna say next about the both of you together so there's some people who believe that this is just like again with your highly sensitive empathic type of person other people believe this is more of a spiritual thing personally I'm on the more spiritual side but you guys both have this ability to basically be able to take on the feelings emotions and energies of the people around you sometimes even physical symptoms so that being said also the spirits that are around you say like um they fell down the stairs in their lifetime and hit their head and maybe that they had their head on the temple in the right spot and that's why they've died and you get an immediate headache into the place and we can't understand why it's constant it's like migraines kind of thing right yeah which you've been getting constantly yeah the past few days and I'm not even gonna point out the fact that there's okay there's no such thing as coincidences the fact that I'm mentioning that as my example it's probably because it's happened like there's a lot of land here this house has changed hands a lot of times and I know things that have come up before like I'm just so curious like even like when you came inside your first general because I know like when you go inside like you feel like a Vibe like is there something that immediately jumped out honestly when I was driving in on my way here it's interesting the path that my GPS had me take because typically I uh I don't take back roads late at night because I don't have the best night vision I don't know if you can see at night but I really can't so I was actually kind of like oh I'm not gonna do that I'm just going to take some more common roads GPS wouldn't let me it kept taking me this one back way I had to go under basically an overpass in Archway that got really narrow and then comes back out that going under that right there I felt the energy shift it went into more of like a lower vibrational frequency if you will and that's actually because you can we can probably see it well on camera I'm quite shaky I've been like that since that point and it's because of this like I almost want to say whatever is here doesn't like exposure it doesn't want it's like they like to be quiet up in the Loft we have this really weird issue with these candles so they will turn them off and they turn on and every night 11 candles turn on of these but when you break a camera those candles will not turn on they will not happen we had a seance here on Christmas day with my family and there was no cameras on and it was hands down the most insane paranormal experiences I've ever had in my life with the most evidence with no cameras so I'm curious you know we had stuff when we did it here but I'm curious I wanted Chris here and I feel like our energy like really amplifies together and I feel like things if it's gonna happen with cameras on it's definitely gonna be tonight yeah yeah definitely yeah we're not gonna have cameras yeah but it does seem like anytime we start doing stuff or We Do videos and we stop like things are wonky for a little few days yeah yeah there's like a feeling of like I want peace and more quiet I want my space back kind of like overstepping sort of thing and honestly like you know you were saying there's some health issues going on you should really consider the fact that there are some outside energies that could be influencing those for you I know a lot of medical professionals don't even like touch that with a 10 foot people or anything but it seriously is something that they have there's been scientific studies done on it it's pretty interesting there's been actually documented proof of it through a couple different Paranormal Activity groups that go along and do this stuff they show how um the spirits can affect your physical body and they call it kind of like overshadowing like blacking out taking your energy away from you this is beyond just touching you and yeah you know what I mean like just influencing yourself too I mean I've seen it firsthand with Selena we've literally walked into like the Winchester Mansion and she was [Music] they're gonna hate me is there anything because I'm new to all this is there anything you should kind of stay away from like how to not taunt them and that kind of thing like I don't want to disrespect anything um well that's a tricky one yeah it's like different things offend everybody right exactly right we're kind of we're toying with different time frames here different mentalities all of that kind of stuff and really at the end of the day it comes down to what Spirit wants and if we don't respect spirit's gonna make it happen whether we want them to or not like turning off cameras and things like that right we kind of have no choice so it just falls to the wall we have so many gadgets um to communicate with the ghosts or give Spirits I don't know I don't want to offend anybody um but what is the best way do you think to get any kind of reaction yeah I'm sure it depends on who you're talking to it does I'm gonna say from personal experience and my own personal opinion and preference uh the Spirit Box definitely a favorite just because it really has it comes with like solid proof you you can't deny you hear that with your own ears you just can't deny that cool so my favorite would definitely be that but kind of more a spiritual term I like a pendulum or crystals to really initiate a connection other than that though hundred percent always going to go with number one tools your intuition but you feel is seriously smell I feel that yeah I feel that the people at home are gonna be like okay but like this is weird no but that's yeah that's fair now Chris is she's like never had a reading at all or anything and I'm just curious if you oh do you feel or anything or I'll be curious to know oh okay well anything off the table Chris no okay everything's on the table because things can get really deep that's okay before I came you know kind of like the meditation mode when driving and just letting whatever could come to me kind of come to me and uh I feel like there's some there's some healing that you're going through right now and I do feel like it has to do with your connection together but I also feel like it has to do with someone else who's really important in your life like you can validate there's no way I would know anything about this but pretty sure there's something going on with like your mom really likes me my mom loves you and I'm like I'm your connection to your children you watch my farts together oh my gosh oh but yes yeah there's like this like Trio of energy with between this review I'm not really sure what that is yeah but picking up on the trio of energy and I'm also picking up that you're going through a healing phase just in regards to your feminine energy in regards to like the relationship that you carry with your mom with females in general and I really feel like a lot of it has to do with the overall relationship that you have started out having with your mom I don't know why but anytime I think about it I feel very drawn to Moonstone so if you have Moonstone if anything so yeah definitely something that you want to keep near you as possible yeah okay it's gonna be very beneficial over the next like I'm gonna say three months three to four months um because there's some transformation taking place okay I mean I just cut off all my hair so I'm assuming I've got a dramatic episode um maybe that gave it away to take it to like a very more personal level um and believe me we are loving on Mom we are not you know she did the best that she could mommy oh my God I did the best that I could exactly yeah you know emotions were were high and regulation might have been a little lower and stress is high and that's just what happens in the life of motherhood believe me I know I am not judging but I just I feel like there was some some some things there that need to still be worked out I feel like that's in motion right now also that's good that's good to hear my mom's gonna be watching this she's gonna better see something nice about me right now but no no it is like it's uh yeah we definitely had like Rocky path pun intended my therapist is going to watch us and just be like no a lot of that makes sense so that's that's good to hear that wasn't bad so you're gonna tell me something like that you can go and get deeper than that that is really only the beginning but okay okay yeah because that was light work right make them cry feel free not to poke and prod but we're gonna we're gonna hit on the masculine energy that's been hanging out around here and then there are four lack of influence going on so let's just say I feel like dad's energy is gonna listen present but absent you won't see this at a time but he's loving about it right he still loves you yep and I get it you know dads are busy dads are doing their thing dads make their money whatever but for you I just I feel like this has affected you in a bit of a a strong sense and I feel like it's holding you back when it comes to relation ships making you rather picky yeah making you somebody who kind of like doesn't want to put yourself out there which is ironic given your career of course yeah but yeah realistically I I feel like it's really affected that part of of the who you are my audience is laughing right now by the way because I know so much love like yeah you know they're wanting you to get through this the reason why it comes up right because believe me there is a relationship out there and I'm not trying to be like the corny and cheesy side yeah but it is out there it's just this healing process that you're in the process of kind of going through bringing the masculine and The Feminine to a balance and everything it's really happening for a reason before you jump both feet into a relationship because I know how cautious you are yes totally since that 150 there's you know there's like letting people get to know you and then there's like just putting a wall up and and we're just gonna have to bring that wall down a little bit but it starts with you right yeah um because you have an amazing career you let everybody see who you are as an individual and stuff and there's pretty much like you said not a lot that you're you're fans and and followers and and friends don't know about you right but there's actually a lot you don't know about you I believe that right it kind of brings me back to that saying that the in the we can only get is intimate in our relationships as we can with our actual selves yeah so over this course of kind of like I want to go with like almost a year's time frame here you're really going to be spending time getting more intimate with yourself as far as like what you enjoy what you don't enjoy just really exploring and letting yourself kind of let loose in a sense like yeah our hair cut my hair off Carefree no but yeah no totally I again went into this year just kind of wanting to focus on myself more because you kind of always like reach for other things to distract you and I've kind of always done that and not really looked inside myself take this as a point of validation but also a confirmation that you are 150 on that right path because of the fact that you're you've already done the work when you do commit like do you get people like did you Vibe with any like people energies or anything up in this scientists actually picked up on a couple I don't feel like they're connected though I kind of feel like they're from all different time frames or like just you know different areas even because I do know from my experience doing this and especially in country homes where there's lots of land and not near as many individuals living on that land the spirits from far and wide will come and attach to the person that actually is capable of hearing understanding and and connecting to them too so I have to say I feel like there's one individual that's really not addicted to the house per se more to the property the house is it's it has history but I don't feel like that's any of the reason why these Spirits are connecting with you why they're kind of bothering you if you will but I did pick up specifically on a female and a little child as well I think a little boy okay this house is weird it's very large and it has like it's been built on over time and like there's definitely some weird things about this land and like because before we did a video about this house Taylor's friend came in and she was medium and she had some ideas about some things in some places and it's cool to hear different things come through but there's definitely like some locales that have been more spooky than others the most is the Loft so I've been I've been working writing a book and you will fully I'll be on camera and you will audibly everyone in the comments like you will hear them run down the hallway to Loft and come down those stairs it's a very distinct sound and I've literally turned it around you can hear it you can hear what the floor is doing yeah I'm curious I feel like I don't know who's messing with the candles because I have these candles they're by button I went on Amazon I'll look at the reviews over 472 reviews no one had the candles turning on by themselves so like when we do go up there I'm gonna turn them all off and like head down the hall or whatever but I I'm gonna tell you it's gonna it's gonna they're gonna turn on I've heard stuff out there when I was here before before I really knew it was haunted and stuff so I already know shit's going down okay [Music] if you want to enjoy you guys are familiar with like extraterrestrials energies outside of Earth and away from our planet if you will the aliens that's what those connect us to spiritual connection through the skull of a crystal that's all of it right there when I manifest I put it on my chest and I envisioned like this light all my body's like going through it and like connecting up to the universe so that is trippy whoa that's like a great [ __ ] yeah I just put your E.T we're gonna do that to you can we make you lay on the carpet and talk to aliens yeah right sounds good a lot of service to put it on I love it yeah cause I remember you did you did that to us I make them lay down and I put the crystals over there and I like manifest with their Noggins yeah this is where like I spend all the time but the weird thing is about these candles I'm gonna turn them all off but I wasn't up here for two days they never turned on but if you're coming and going they turn on Okay which is very strange well these are already off look at those ones already up oh all of those ones are already off so they turned on and off that's new exciting like remote remote going away no remote okay but I also do have things up here that are straight I have like the Ouija boards that are like from the 40s and like things I also have like all these photos that are not my ancestors Selena has random pictures of dead people all over her home I do she doesn't know them she never did I've adopted them yeah I adopt after death is there any other way to explain it why do I do that you know what I could be one of those people right now that's just gonna like kind of like creep you out probably and I think they might have actually mentioned this in one of your readings one time I I can't remember but I swear to God it's like part of your purpose here to collect dead people well to actually adopt them from the afterlife because there's somebody somebody you know had to come on this planet and take on the role and US mediums and and people that connect to the spiritual side and stuff we kind of like unknowingly acceptingly took that role because somebody has to marry the dead and the living somehow right we have to understand each other and stop making it such a Taboo Experience even though you know most people would never think of that as as a thing but I think um just you knowing and having that connection to the other side part of it is your gift growing and expanding and just creating awareness sometimes to a spirit on the other side and then you having your knowledge of the fact that you know they're dead and you're the one living yeah sometimes that kind of transfers over to them and then they cross over right it's almost like you're helping to clear up the spiritual energy that's been lingering behind some of the photos I hold I feel and I see memories and other ones are just photos they're just pieces of paper but other ones I get like I'll pick it up and I'll have a memory that's not mine and I feel like with my that gift like my home reading thing that I do I don't know what it is that I do that's the thing is I see and hear other people's memories and things like that so some photos for me really hold something maybe that's why you're attracted to me because I'm dead inside wake up your life no there's nothing there around I thought I smelled something you know the candles aren't doing their thing no but like I Gotta Wait we'll see Taylor counted them for a week yes and every single time by one o'clock 11 of them would turn on should we turn them off we go to that Taylor's we've moved the one mattress down here this one turns on and the one behind my head turned on so the one behind his butt I don't know interesting okay cool yeah all right okay Vibes up in this area I do oh if I said gay five yeah me too I was like wait a second yeah Taylor just like spins real fast anyway sorry getting buzzed yes I definitely do get some Vibes up here I like yourself can kind of get vibes off of items and pictures and things like that pictures especially more than items but having the pictures around that kind of so sorry right attracts my energy and I'm sort of drawn to that particular spot interestingly enough um I'm also drawn over here to these crystals specifically I feel like there's there's some sort of like protective measure going on like they're here watching over you in this house I did um like what do we call spells or something but I did like heavy protective Vibes on these both these guys mainly this one it's your in your tension is everything that you put into these things yeah that's what I would do it's like my jewelry like I I do like these everything's gonna be like super like I'll sit with it and I get all my hair together and I like I put Like This is Gonna Keep Me safe this is gonna yeah 100 that's that's exactly what I mean by this the intention behind all this and this oh my God it sings like extraterrestrial energy like octurian or something like just absolute beautiful superhuman kind of like energy it just gorgeous kind of thing off the Record future version of you is here protecting the old version of you oh I like that this is the kind of thing that I feel like it's like the people that have lived here before you genuinely love this space as well there's a lot of love in the energy that is here with that there's concern there's like you know I want this to stay in my home I want this to stay the way that it was that kind of energy so of course during Renovations and stuff you're probably having weird experiences that's kind of like normal with paranormal sort of stuff I think it kind of goes a little bit deeper than that for some of these spirits and specifically the one you were talking about the male that used comes and goes kind of thing I feel like it's like he's like a watcher kind of like he just he wants to keep a watch over everything going on that's the same yeah that's right he's not stuck he's not bound he knows he's dead he seems like he goes all the time like it'll be nothing but when he's here oh it's so obvious yeah it's a bit of a Peeping Tome you know something when I was showering today and when we did research like on who owns this house we did like the Estus method which is the Spirit box with the headphones and we were fully conversing and I found out that three of the men who had lived on this property between the 50s and the 80s all died in 2021 within three months of each other all of them and they all died in their 90s which was crazy but we narrowed it down to one man who was the one who built the majority of this house and along like we've kind of found that he's very come and go when he's gone he's gone but when he's here he's here like I don't film at all when he's gone like at all but when we're doing things we just finished renovating The Loft and making it all my dream he was very real he be down here but now he's never down here really he's just he's up there he hangs out up there in that hallway down to the spiral staircase he's very interesting this is for people most spend the time this is very cold on the half of the house so we have fires almost every night yeah this is super nice I went out long ago I almost feel like it's like a party up in here I don't know I just I feel like there's so much energy here in this room yeah that was just ghosts I literally yeah just like literally twerking yeah I tried sleeping in here once and I I took all the dogs to bed and I was laying on I had a mattress that fits between you and I was laying here and I heard what you know what your dog dreams like I heard that I'm like oh it's snowing and they're like as I remembered I am alone and then I like made sure I was awake and then right when I sat up [Music] I can understand that in this room I kind of feel like there's more of like a sensation to want to touch touch be close to each other like I feel like something wants to touch definitely haven't banged in here yet that's probably why I haven't other people if you get anything when you like look I would be easily drawn to that one photo in the middle there and I could totally tell that somebody Selena doesn't even know yeah I keep going back every time I'm near her every time I'm like anywhere near her like even like one time I was just popped into winners real quick and she happened to be in the line in front of me I'm like oh hey you know we just talk for a few minutes I keep feeling like she has this special ability to help Spirits across from the other side like it's super excited they find her through whatever means they need to find her yes through old photos if that's through old items if that's through a place like they find her one way or another right yeah yeah she says more like salmon Colby or something she'll have stuff brush her or she'll hear somebody talking I've been with her and we both have heard somebody talking like clear as day in front of us and I was the most wild experience of our life I was like I said to myself I was like if that was real like give me a sign and it was lilac I think she's definitely like a conduit for that kind of stuff we're talking about how powerful you are yeah we were doing a video in the room that she was in and knocked on someone like hit the door yeah and we'd like go back to that clip this day we saw the photos of the scariest thing that ever happened in that house that's so fun [Music] Salinas house is very haunted we blew that door open yeah nothing was there foreign [Music] [Music] there's like a little hidden yeah stay tuned we might go into these crawl spaces alone foreign yeah I used to sleep in this room okay I know we don't this room has been decommissioned as a guest quarter okay yeah because the energy like it's just it's weird you wake up during the night and you feel the energy like the cold and hot air change it's just so now it's just don't you find it just a little bit weird and this I think it room is a perfect example for this about how creepy stuff happens in the weirdest places like screws with our heads sometimes I find no it's like why would it be behind creepy door number one right yeah that's the creepiest part it's just a weird room too like who has a room like this that could have yeah straight through one two three four there's five doors in this room I didn't realize how small the doors are so perfect size for you I'm not sure if this is something you might be aware of or not but doors are actually portals great energetically so many in one room yeah I can understand why there's a lot of activity up here yeah I hope you've gone for bed don't have any mirrors in here no wait good oh oh that's so saddy with a fatty and of course it's even better because it's facing the bed yeah no yeah so watch these come down or should we leave it up for tonight though tonight leave the body sticker up I like it yeah it looks like me with long hair it's Chris put a wig on look no comparison yeah but this is a weird room yeah no one don't sleep there I've tried to nap in here oh so what you read that Jay just put in is that we just got back from the hospital um Selena's okay now she got EKG she got blood work done you can tell them a little synopsis what happened for some reason any time um I'm around you I'm kidding anytime I'm around ghosts up I have weird blood pressure shoes and it was it was it was scary high and we were having some scary symptoms so very scary her chest got really tight we were worried she was gonna have a heart attack you saw me cry yeah her blood pressure was insane yeah it was like we asked a doctor before I went to the hospital and they're like go to the hospital yeah but we're back now and I'm not dead Okay and she said she's okay to film the video I was like we don't have to do this so we were away for like five hours forever I don't know a while now we're back and we're gonna investigate the first room which is kind of the heart of the home because you said this is a place where a lot of activity has happened you know now it's definitely the middle of is so spooky stuff is going to happen so what do you want to start with first Alina has a bunch of different ghost hunting gadgets I'm not sure to use we have all of this I would go for the REM pod and I love the music box but essentially in layman's term we turn it on we put it in the ground and anything that comes into relative close contact with it it'll make a noise so it's gonna calibrate and then anything that comes you know yeah anything that comes near this antenna it'll go off okay so then if I come near it then it'll go off but you have to be really close thank you for your demonstration oh my God [Music] oh I think it might be look if you see it goes pig legs and then we have the music box which is creepiest Taylor and I were talking about this earlier it literally makes the scariest noise the same thing as a rem pod you have to come like into pretty close right come into pretty close contact [Music] what nightmares are made of so we're gonna put that in the ground too every time you move it you have to calibrate I'll turn that oh okay anybody call me out okay and it works for and it is it's just in front Okay we're gonna try to debunk anything that happens and if it keeps happening I don't know what to tell you to be honest so should we ask questions yeah I always open it and I just ask you know since it's your home go ahead yes it's fine yeah okay okay is this one of The house's usual ghosts oh my God I can't with this [ __ ] bro you're sleeping here for two days Leroy if that's you can you step away from the music box I think it's Leroy okay if you're one of the little kids that Valerie was talking about can you step away oh the red puppy oh my God I told you my house is funky ceiling [Music] okay um are you the one who replied oh my God Chris yes yeah yeah I live here [Music] this is awesome stop sorry [Music] Leroy is this you if we were a trickster like is he like he just comes and goes [Music] that run pop really scared me I don't know why he's scared me more than the music box Eddie I'm gonna put you down Eddie go look for ghosts you tell us if anything's here okay yeah those are Costco socks okay Eddie go look oh [Music] usually a dog would go towards the viewers barking over there before [Music] parking right here like looking right there and like all the dogs are join in I'd be like what's going on I look no one's there nothing's there is there a spirit here that wants to speak to Chris is it's weird we're not talking yeah shut the [ __ ] up if you are a spirit who is actually connected to Chris let's go go be with me what do you mean I don't know who could it be in your life um you're very young you better stop that right now okay I feel like if it's anybody it would be like my grammy or something it's weird that you went right into like the mom's boat oh you asked she would not like my haircut right now [Music] bro literally it's so funny so my grandma my Grandma had cancer right God Rest her soul loved her to death so I cut off my hair I cut off my hair for her like pretty short not this short but quite sure and then I came to show her can I speak and she was like what hair it was so pretty before now you looked like a boy and I was like oh it's her Grandma she's like you shouldn't have Savage love her to death I love her you asked her to stop and she stopped yeah do you like my hair I think that sounds I think that answers that that was too on point that actually really is scary ask if she hates it do you hate my hair and please oh she's impartial oh she's a partial okay okay she'll take it or leave it what is dude I don't know it's so quick too my dad's mom came through on Christmas and it was like you feel like it being in the middle of the country it's like it's like a weird portal like the way it's laid out it's a weird house I feel like it's Immortal it's like the most different energy different temperatures and I feel like this is the best place to like bring people in talking and it's not going right that's so weird bro okay I think um we've gotten a lot from here like we're like peeking right now and I feel like we should go to otherwise I hope it was my grammy and if it was dude if I had arm hair that I didn't shave off my [ __ ] [Music] that's cool wow yeah okay let's move on I guess foreign [Music] and the doorknob sounded like it just jiggled so good start Chris um I was wondering if you were like into moving here we're gonna be all right so we need to explain what all the [ __ ] is that this is a new guy okay and it's letting you know that Taylor's close so if there's someone over here the green light goes on if someone comes over here red light's gonna go on okay so it's kind of like a motion sensor and then all of these uh some of you that have watched like Sam and Colby's videos uh shout out to Sam Colby we love you these are literally cat toys they again are if you go near them like if I'm to wait wait for it to go off so if I you have to like make a significant or touch it it'll go off yeah so there's nothing crazy to these it's literally just a regular cat toys and then around here I'm gonna turn them all off but do you see these candles they were off so we shut all the candles off the ones up there these ones and they all turned on by themselves uh while we were at the hospital oh these are already off look at those ones already up oh all of those ones are already off so they turn on and off that's new so we're gonna put the cat balls all over the room and turn off all lights we also have some other things but I think we'll just start off with these yeah yeah there's a lot I just thought a poltergeist if you're a ghost what would your ghost power be [Music] foreign [Music] well that I'm curious about but this is facing this way yeah okay just because I'm really curious that I really want it to be like really far away from us [Music] we might have to shut that off because it won't shut the [ __ ] up maybe instead let's because Shadow would shoot it down that hallway like through an Open Door the music will recalibrated ready for the song foreign [Music] [Music] this is my loft this is the um epitome of all of the Paranormal things that go on in my house this is where people walk around this is where the candles turn all the time I have been on live so you literally hear people walking around up here dude that thing is so far away and like the camera no Shadows are on it like when [Music] a second before said that there were kids up here right and the kids were super playful and they liked all the equipment and they liked playing the stuff this is wild yeah okay look for one of them oh my God I'm going so fast I don't like it what is it pointing at just open doors just yeah and that's supposed to be uh what the psychic medium said is it's basically pointing through the portals yeah that room's a portal so that's cool confirmed okay if you're a child ghost can you beep if you're an adult ghost can you beep if you're an inhuman ghost stop Selena Selena made his dog inhuman oh okay thank you what does that mean no [Music] we're good [Music] should talk with horns I still love it so Spirit around this room we have a whole bunch of these really fun balls okay a lot of fun bowls it's flashing over there oh my God it is in the cup what the [ __ ] up like 20 feet away from us bro you just asked it yeah okay yeah you can come do a bios man this pretty [ __ ] is all my dogs bro if this candle goes out I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants at Burger House YouTuber news call this burns down Sunday this book of his house and shit's pants and she's pants they think it's funny They're laughing is this house like this is serving like a fire or anything do you feel like there has been I don't know I'm just getting fire Vibes and I've made jokes about burning your house down and your cabin multiple times that was quiet for a while until you started talking about that um has this house it's like [ __ ] should we rotate this thing it's like move it somewhere else yeah put it back up here our energy okay can I have to be ready I mean to be to absorb I'm ready okay I'm trying to put the candle with my mind of course what was that she's a witch I did from that way that doesn't make any sense Jay played the replay of that did it come from this week as if it did I'm really scared because Taylor's literally this way me today I am [Music] advisor Breeze visor Breeze why is there a breeze do you feel the breeze the windows [Music] weird but I feel like what's in my house is not bad Leroy I think has this like really nice energy and he feels almost died like and he's told us before that he like is gonna watch out for us and stuff like that right that's good and I feel like there has been bad things here but I feel like he came in he was like oh you go right that's the thing I'm here and I feel like a little spooked but like I never feel like genuinely scared it doesn't feel good no I've never felt like scared in your house like well like oh maybe a little spooked out but not like fearful for like my life luckily nothing spooky has happened in your bedroom or your bathroom wait ask some questions that's going off again the cat toy in the glass that's where the my music box was pointed at too before but it wouldn't stop yeah if anybody is up here with us you can feel free to touch any of the cat toys or walk near that weird triangle thing because it'll go off if you do or as the nights have shown feel free to turn on any of the candles oh yeah we turned them all off again yeah there was 10 on after they were all turned off yes oh the catcher is going off oh yeah as soon as I looked over there so they're over there yeah wondering if we should put the REM pod on over there yeah let's put more stuff over there okay the flashlight is set up here the flashlight will go off like it'll go on or off it's like really light sensitive or really touch sensitive all right Spirit over here I liked it I don't know I gotta stop moving can you do the camera with Eddie and see where he is hey hi [Music] cutie nothing's going on for now but we're not paying attention to it which is interesting yeah um that one is going off okay [Music] so what do you finish one [ __ ] oh literally called him come here sit can you sit all right Eddie is there any spirits up here dick oh bro the way he went over there and went and he jumped back from it and he jumped back and he came over here and then that starts going off the things that thing's been on for like 15 minutes what the [ __ ] can you please step away from the REM pod oh okay so right now motion and I think it's temperature or both going off uh it's lightest for different things okay I am scared oh yeah um can you if you are a spirit can you please step away from the REM pod it's like a stand it's hard because in your eye you start like picturing I know I don't like it I don't like it oh my God three of them are going off three of them what is that what is that what is future one is movement and one is something else it's twigging out of them on go away oh my God I can't bro it's changing so much like if this thing's glitching it would just be on the same stress yawning can you step away step away Leroy can you please step away [Music] foreign [Music] you're so in tune more in tune than you know now like if you were to hone it and like see in your mind's eye what you think this is I feel like I'm being taunted right now like I feel like somebody's playing with me not necessarily like in an evil way it keeps changing turn it off and turn it on but like I'm like afraid to approach yeah that's how I feel too you know when you can feel something like over top of you like this that's what it feels like you can choose anything in this room to keep if you step away he won't stop stressing on me it's weird that he's not going over to it Eddie stresses me out yeah Just Go Get It Go Get It Eddie dude is there something bad over there go get it it is oh he's why does he look he literally never looks like scared he's like shaking I don't like this like bro but I need we need to [Applause] look at them why is that one going off because you are maybe I don't know or not maybe it moved it ain't I are not okay with this situation it's going again don't look at me like that it's moved from this to this okay Spirit if you're here what if it keeps moving around the room I'm gonna [ __ ] myself can you make this cat ball light up again and he's like sure bro I'm stress laughing I'm fine yeah I'm stress shooting okay tonight I'm sleeping in your bed for that we can honestly pull all the mattresses in here and have a sleepover party yeah let's do that weird it's like the energy down now which is strange yeah it's like it freaked us out now it like wants us to move on to like another room to freak us out I really feel like that room is the portal room I just feel like you should go on the crawl space by yourself yeah that'd make for a really good video now wouldn't it I guess I will I just want to show you my whole playlist thing let me go in the crawl space by myself in this really haunted house Chris yeah what are you about to do I'm about to crawl in that hole in the wall which leads to uh Taylor Open Door one literally a black hole of Abyss could be Narnia it's not but I'm gonna go in there by myself and ask whatever's in here questions now Taylor when you slept in here you spent a lot of time sleeping in here yeah what did you experience the most it was actually that door out of all of them it's like you can hear like make it just wants to get out whatever it is bro you better like the video right now if you haven't already subscribe if you ain't nobody control okay so we're gonna put you in there we're cold in there too yeah it's really cold it's like as cold as outside we're gonna turn off lights we're gonna stay here because we don't want anything mad at me we're in here but like just just talk to it um so head into it was nice it's really cold yeah I'm such a [ __ ] give me a blankie while I talk to the ghosts oh sleepover with the ghost now get in your hole no one wants you here are you sure there's no like rackings in here no I was just in there playing hide and seek bro it's like the outside in here yeah just sit on that nice little wood thing right there yeah oh good vibes in here no you know that's just just before you go in there stop I just won't tell you what this reminds me of do you remember Paranormal Activity stop I can't I can't I can't do this if you do that why'd you do that we're gonna be right outside okay knock when you're ready I'm gonna I'm not leaving this spot I'm sorry I told you about this Stop close the door stop okay I'm so scared if there is anything in here could you give me a sign it could be a tap or you can move something I feel like so paralyzed in here like heavy if there is anything in here you're welcome to let me know oh my God oh this is why I don't think the camera could pick it up it was like right here it was like this oh my God can you make that sound again if you're in here okay I'll give you one more time to make any kind of sound okay I'm [ __ ] time okay I'm done are you okay she opens the door that's what nightmares are made so I asked this like three times to make a noise while I was in there and I don't know if the camera would have been able to pick it up but I [ __ ] you not literally exactly what Taylor was talking about it was like a right behind us right behind me against that that side like the roof like out towards the house yes and I pointed it out in the video too apparently this room is a portal maybe something was just trying to like come through okay don't come through me let's move on I mean disrespectful about the babies [Music] wait do you love these babies they've been up there for so long Come Away haunted this Chris is gonna explain a lot of things okay wait if these dolls are haunted step away is this one haunted do you want us to put your babies back we gotta respect the babies now is such a big baby like I'd be concerned I'm just gonna put this baby back I'm gonna put this one back too are you glad to have your babies back can we okay should we turn that off that thing yeah sure well do you want it off or do you like bro you know how close you have to get to this thing yeah go off like yeah how tall is that ghost you're getting so close lick it before you touch it that's it [Music] in layman's term basically I'm gonna be blindfolded I'm also going to wear uh noise canceling headphones and I'm going to be listening to a basically a like radio frequencies that switch between stations constantly backwards and I'll be hearing whatever is channeling through this so it'll give me random words while Celine is asking me questions and then I will try to answer them I don't know when she's going to be asking me questions but I'll basically just repeat what I'm hearing through this device tap me when you start okay I don't know foreign is there anyone here who wants to talk to us creature oh creature are you human I don't know what's your name hello hello what's your name here for a while are you just passing from here who are you no how many people are here how many people are here right now tell me more well apparently this house is a portal and a lot of things come through here and there's a lot of people tied to land and not tied to the land trapped so you're trapped on the land so you passed away here you am I gonna die here again [Music] have I been here before I'm dying I was at the hospital tonight am I dying emptiness go away us or someone else scared I am scared sometimes here because it's it's weird but what's your name stay here we're saying possession nothing here is allowed to possess anyone we all have very high energy no negative things are allowed in US or around us at any time I command you out of the space always and forever only good things are left and what we speak get out go strong it's my house you have to leave I'm ready you ready to go can go your Earthly ties are holding you here they are not meant to be here do you see a light there'll be a light somewhere give me up you can go whatever is holding you here does not have the hold that you think do you see a light Chris is Chris the like you can't go into curse oh son of like Selena whatever you are you're not allowed to be connected to us but it's time for you to move on can pass through save we are here just save your soul and move on to where you're supposed to be do you see a light anywhere around you sight do you see light within your sight anywhere Within I don't know who's here help me we're trying to come with me we won't come with you you're on a different plane of existence underground we're not going underground where are you on the property where are you on the property trees tree trees are you an Aboriginal oh I didn't like that you I gotta stop okay yeah what did it say it literally like there was like a voice that went like yeah dude I don't like that some of it was so clear it was so weird anything you were saying we were trying to cross something over and then like it was like something didn't want it to go and it like Wanda glass we were telling the spirits like you're not allowed in US you are like gone only good spirits are loud here and it's like it was fighting oh yeah it's like multiple things was it like different voices yeah because that's what it seemed like so there was like a female one that was like I noticed every time I was like or like she's the one I want to go to the light yeah that's that's what it's like yeah I remember what I was saying but it was mostly positive and then everything literally everything negative was in a male voice that was the exact same at the other time the s's method in the tub there was this male voice who was gross and he was just like no and stay yeah but Leroy has let us know like don't worry about it'd be such a low-level Spirit the other Spirits are like in a different plane where he has control over them so whoever that was she was like I want help I'm like there's a light do you see a light and it's like she kept almost seeing it but then he kept coming through yeah so then so then he traveled and I said where are you buried and then you said trees trees and then I said are you like an indigenous spirit and then you're like oh I don't like this I have to go oh that's wild it was intense I genuinely on my mother's life I could not hear anything I was saying so I have no idea what was going no it's still that I won't hold your hand and I want to hold Taylor's one hand and I just feel like right now that this is very important okay anything that we connected to tonight we only can ever carry with us things that are good and things that are light anything that is negative or to bring us down will never be with us you will always be banished from these premises and our energy and our vibration is too high for you to ever connect to we are only here for the light and the up only things that want the best for us and the best for people around us tonight you are not allowed to connect to any one of us be an attachment to any one of us or follow us anywhere our connection with all and any of you right now check it out oh holy spirit activate Holy Spirit Holy Spirit okay everybody I thoroughly hope that you thoroughly enjoyed this video uh we enjoyed making it I'm super excited to do more stuff like this I really feel like Selena and I are just like connected with the stuff and yeah please like the video and also tell us in the comments below what you thought of the video uh stuff you'd want us to go check out did you catch anything that we didn't catch anything that we didn't we'd love to hear about it maybe we can do a react video to this and watch it back thank you for being on my channel thank you for coming to hunt my ghost house um and I'm like it's great like I'm not like in a great mood now but it's fine we went to the hospital we found ghosties video and we're gonna go do uh something very similar on her Channel very soon so I'll keep you posted on Instagram YouTube all the other stuff so make sure to follow me and Selena spooky boo on all the stuffs and uh yeah I will see your beautiful face in the next video bye [Music] hey what's up guys it's Sam and Colby we're here at Selena spooky Boo's house and we're gonna investigate to see if it's haunted we love you guys I mean Colby stash yeah man gosh God dang it oh did you see that did you see that I'm like shaking right now do you see my face right now you see we love you guys so much I love it okay Owen Wilson wow can you even grab my phone it's telling me there's something wrong with my sensor this is such important me in the [ __ ] that's hot
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 5,289,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TkVfSlbK3dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 13sec (4093 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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