The Trad Wife Epidemic Is Insane

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oh well aren't you just prettier than a peach look at you you look like a tall glass of sweet tea I could just what was that talking about hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris the tradwife and you can call me Chris the tradwife and yes I did dress up for this occasion and no I'm not actually a tradwife but that is what we're going to be talking about today a topic that has been quite honestly haunting all of my for you Pages the topic of the controversial conspiratorial conspirator consp conspiratorial tradwives and if you don't know what a Trad wife is it is a an neologism for a traditional wife or traditional housewife in recent western culture typically denotes a woman who believes in and practices patriarchal roles and marriages many tradwives believe that they do not sacrifice women's rights by choosing to take a homemaking role within their marriage and apparently this Trad wife life is becoming an epidemic of sort meet Nara Smith model wife of Lucky Blu Smith probably SE Nara on your fyp making serial from scratch or documenting her family life in glamorous outfits and those videos have gained her over 2 million Tik Tok followers Smith isn't a tradwife influencer you're either a neoliberal capitalist feminist you have internalized massage everything that Nara Smith does in her videos is everything that that the patriarchy has taught us to do as women is this guy a misogynistic because he's a Mormon and they're beautiful and they have this beautiful life and then you scratch the surface a little bit and you're like why the is she constantly cooking like things from scratch and then you scratch the surface a little bit more and you're like oh my God this is Mormon propaganda Tik tok's Trad wives are under attack because the internet thinks they're a plague to society these Trad wives on social media are going to be the end of y'all they are selling you a life and a dream that they do not even live so let's get into it [Music] so like I said we're going to be peeling back the layers to this freshly backyard garden grown onion known as tradwives and I'll be giving my opinion about the whole ordeal because I find it fascinating and it's my channel and I can do what I want so let's start with one of Tik tok's most popular tradwives Nara Smith Nara Smith is a 23-year-old model SL influencer from South Africa and Germany that has amassed over 6 million Tik Tok followers and 2.7 million Instagram followers and has captivated and divided Tik Tok with her elaborate cooking videos which document the daily homemade meals she makes for her three children and her husband 25-year-old model Lucky Blue Smith sick name and for a little background Nar Smith and lucky blue got married in February of 2020 and they've had three children since they've gotten married and wait wait you need to hear these names okay names of the kids okay Rumble honey slim easy and Whimsy l what the now a lot of people on top of everything else are also criticizing her for her children's names which if you're on the internet you're open to criticism and everything I think with those names you are set up to succeed in life like you cannot fail in life with those names you either have to be a CEO a high fashioned designer or like a Disney princess I don't know but I'm here for it and lucky her husband also has another daughter named wait for it gravity blue what from a previous relationship with model stormy bee all these people have substantially cooler names in me and it makes me upset so I kind of get where people are coming from I'm just kidding just kidding doesn't actually make me upset but I think their names are cool and let's keep moving forward cuz we're not even scratching the surface yet now to start a lot of people are judging narith for just being a young mom having all three of her kids by the age of 23 and more so because she comes from a Mormon background and for those of you who don't know Mormons are a religious group that Embrace concepts of Christianity as well as Revelations made by their founder Joseph Smith they primarily belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the LDS which is headquartered in Salt Lake City Utah and has more than 16 million members worldwide now I'm not going to sit here and judge people for having a certain Faith especially as long as it's not harmful and nor should you but like I said one of the reasons people are judging narith is because she comes from a background of having a Mormon faith but Nara Smith herself doesn't really mention this throughout any of her videos I think on like one or two occasions I heard her mention just in passing that she was like writing devotions out or something like that in like a vlog but she's not like shoving it down people's throats like people make it out to be she's even gone on to say this quote unquote I don't know what I'm doing I'm still learning and figuring out my own faith I'm not in any way a hardcore Mormon or anything like that and she added that she doesn't wear garments a specific type of underwear worn by Mormons and didn't get married in a temple either so she's kind of you know like Loosely loose Mormon loose Mormon ISM I don't know but it doesn't really matter cuz it's her business all right she says both me and my husband are on our own Journeys and figuring out how we want to raise our kids fair enough don't understand why people are pissed about that it seems innocent enough to me but that's not all and like I said before people are heavily judging her as well because she had kids so young and thinking that lucky blue her husband had kind of forced that on her or pushed her to do that but she would go on to debunk those claims I've always wanted to be a young mom because growing up my dad would always tell us that he regrets having kids later in life so I took that advice and it's one of the best decisions I could have made and I know it's not for everyone and I respect that man it's her life it's her choice and she seems really happy with those decisions from from what we could see anyway do I have a hair on my lip how and Lady lag sorry but what's really pissing people off to no end specifically pissing off other moms and other single women around the world is the fact that this monster Nara Smith cooks her family meals and snacks from scratch on a daily basis and has has the audacity okay the audacity to shove it in our faces on a public platform what a bit husband has been loving Snickers bars and when he was craving one today I just decided to make him a batch myself my sister's in town to visit and she's been craving bubble gum so bad but she ran out so I just decided to make it for her when I asked my toddlers what they wanted for lunch they both wanted a girl cheese so that's exactly what I got started on Todds requested some yogurt this morning and we were running low so I just decided to make it myself if you didn't understand it before I was being sarcastic okay but I will play The Devil's Advocate in this because it is quite literally just me here and I need to play Both Sides I do see where some people are getting annoyed by her videos upset or angry I don't understand that but like maybe slightly annoyed maybe cuz Nara Smith will usually start out her videos with this aesthetic and soothing intro along the lines of this my toddlers woke me up this morning requesting P and J sandwiches for breakfast so I got right to work starting with making the bread peanut butter and jelly from scratch and if you think I'm embellishing I'm not not even a little bit here's an example this morning my toddler stumbled into my room and her first words were py and J so that's exactly what I got started on growing up I loved having fresh bread it was one of my favorite things so I guess started by making a really simple sandwich bread with some yeast water salt sugar and flour kneaded that until a dough formed and then let that dough rise for about 2 hours until it doubled in size so a lot of the comments on these videos are positive she does have a very large positive fan base as well as a you know negative fan base as we all do you know but the reason people are criticizing her so much is because the food that the toddlers request often takes about 2 to 10 hours to prepare so people are just going at her in the comments saying how unrealistic that is it's kind of funny and also they're outraged by the fact that she is constantly dressed in anything from an evening gown to a cocktail dress to prepare this food but like I can't even imagine being like one of these kids just asking their mom for like a simple granola bar as a snack before they got to head out the door as toddlers do then they have to wait three to four business days for her to get all doled up Harvest cure and process and combine all the materials from scratch to make it but and that's a big butt M she's making it from scratch dude if that's not love I don't know what is I and I'm sure a majority of other people would be so over the moon if our mothers or fathers took the time out of their day to make us something from scratch who had the luxury of time to make us something from scratch which I know a lot of our parents didn't and probably a lot of parents don't nowadays and that's where the outrage comes from there in lies the problem for so many of these people just ragging on Nara in simple terms they're just jealous they're jealous of the fact that she shows off her cooking that she promotes alleged tradwife Behavior giving birth and feeding her family looking good and creating a work life balance all well becoming successful on the Internet by working and making money for her family sabble she's a sabble human being this is satire if you don't understand what when I'm being sarcastic I'm being sarcastic right now so what I'm trying to say is just like everything everybody argues about is just it's crazy it's crazy people are just comparing themselves to her way too much it's a different life baby okay and in my personal opinion she's kind of badass and I'm sure a lot of you do agree with me like she's not doing any harm she's just showing how she shows love to her family which she mentions in almost every video cuz I feel like she feels like she needs to put a disclaimer that she actually likes to cook for her husband and kids and she's not made to cook for them which I understand some TRD wives probably are and they're probably in a worse situation but I think Nar Smith is under Fire for the wrong reasons and I think this is making some people around the world feel inadequate in their homes and they're just voicing that and taking it out on her page which which is I mean that's with like every influencer you see someone doing something that you wish you could do or that you think they're making you feel bad for not doing and it's very easy to just take it out on them but that's not the case here you know it's pretty obvious but on the other side of the coin in a more positive side of the coin I think it is very much inspiring people to start making stuff from scratch to spend that quality time with family while cooking and I fall on that side of the coin the lazy side of the coin I'm the one that watches it and I think it's awesome and I save it to do later and then I just never do those recipes and it just stays in my saved little thing and then I feel like but I still love it and what Nara Smith posts on the internet could be fake for all we know I feel like everyone is so quick to believe everything that they see on the internet but do I think that what Nar is doing is fake no but do I think what she does is a bit embellished to seem more aesthetically pleasing for the audience and to seem almost unrealistic to be more sharable and talked about on social media Platforms in order to boost herself on the algorithm yeah dude it's her job and that's 99% of people on the internet you guys think I'm actually real no okay I'm actually an adorable tiny alien piloting a human vehicle vessel made of silicone and carbon [Music] fiber I'm just kidding Nara is also notorious for saying that she's about to make something very simple and easy when in fact it is one of the most complicated cooking or baking Endeavors any normal Joe Blow has ever encountered in their life but what people forget is that she was raised in a household where that was simple she wasn't raised on instant oatmeal and sugary cereal and Welches packets like we were all right we're all trash I'm just kidding we're not trash we just came from different places remember she was born in South Africa and she lived in Germany as a kid and she was raised on you know making from scratch okay people just post what they know that's what I do I post I know I throw jokes at the wall like and see if it sticks okay but you could see in some of the parody videos made about her that people are poking fun at her and calling her out for this claim last night my toddlers could not stop asking for a bowl of cereal so I decided to wake up and make them one these are so easy to whip together so first you get the seeds and then you start to grow your own grain I stumbled across these fresh ingredients and I knew exactly what to make him I decided to make the butter from scratch so I seasoned it and let it sit for a few hours this was the final result so when I woke up this morning my kids were in the mood for some water so I went to the ocean and got some water from scratch and as innocent and as lighthearted as those parody videos are some people are just ripping her apart in the comments man and I just don't think it's fair and again I think it stems from jealousy and a bit of ignorance maybe but people can live a life drastically different than your own whether it's more traditional or not and they can be happy and healthy and I think Nara Smith specifically is unapologetically kicking ass at the social media game and at being a mom and I know we don't see what's going on behind closed doors at all times but she hasn't really given us any reason to speculate so I humbly believe people should back the off Nara Smith and just enjoy the content for what it is and the next Trad wife on The Chopping Block is ballerina Farm good morning everyone I'm on the Barnyard as you can tell hi girls so this right now is just col colostrum her milk hasn't come in dairy cows they produce more than enough colostrum for their Cal today we are making some rocky road ice cream this is the buttermilk so buttermilk all the butter fat separates what you have left over from the cream is called buttermilk I mom tiny little chunks of fresh butter now I'd say out of the two Trad wipes we're talking about today ballerina Farm AKA Hannah neilan is the most hated unfort and I'll give you the dets to why and we can get into it whether that's true or not so to give you a little background Gilman is a millennial mother of eight damn anyway she has three sons and five daughters who live with her husband Daniel and they live on a working farm in Utah and the ballerina part of her online moniker comes from the fact that before she settled down in Utah neilan was a professional dancer who studied and performed at juliard according to her posts online after marrying and living in Brazil for for a few years the couple are members of the LDS church as well they found passion in farming and the rule slow life which I respect man that's my dream man I'm trying to make that a dream right now and I'm not a Trad wife by any means despite how I'm dressed right now I kind of walked into that one so they moved back to the US and purchased their property and began to expand their business now selling beef pork baked goods and home wears Nationwide and for many years neilan operated in relative obscurity on the Internet Posting about her life and raising all of her children and the farm and baking bread to a small audience of a few 100,000 which I that's I mean that's not small that's pretty big a decently large audience a few few hundred thousand but not in comparison to what she has now she'd post videos of her dancing she'd laugh as her kids bu cows she'd walk followers through how to make a pie crust or a sourd dough and so on not to mention she's beautiful with long blonde hair and a wardrobe with floral dresses and skirts she very much gave off the Little House on the Prairie Vibe and she made her life look very idilic despite its obvious challenges by like running a farm and having all those kids Etc never claiming by the way that she was inherently poor or struggling in any way she was just posting and then people started to dig and some of the other things that she would post about that kind of got people's brains turning a little bit was her pageants she was in the pageant circuit for years competing in Miss New York pageants as a young college college student and moving on to Mrs American Pageant a pageant for married women as she got older and after winning Mrs Utah in 2021 she was crowned Mrs American this past year so as she's posting and getting a bit more of a following it's hard to pinpoint exactly when the keyboard Warriors started coming after her crown but it happened fast and it happened hard and and neilan drama started to surface once people found out that her father-in-law David neilan is is the owner and founder of five different Aviation companies like JetBlue Azul and Breeze Airways basically saying that her family has a crazy amount of money people are calling out ballerina Farms right now for faking her simple Farm lifestyle this led critics to saying that her life is simply not as tough as other Farmers so as the clip mentioned it came to light that ballerina Farms was not all that she seemed what an influencer romanticizing their life to be more aesthetic and pleasing to watch for the viewer I can't believe it nothing like that's ever happened before so people would start to dig and they would find that Hannah and her family were not the Little House on the Prairie family that they were presenting on the internet and I don't know if it was the you know $32,000 oven in range behind her in almost every video that gave it away or the fact that she lives on an expansive acreage with a family of 10 with dozens of farm animals but people found out out somehow and we're pissed for some reason and it is worth noting and I said this before that Hannah never said that she wasn't generationally wealthy which she is she just posted videos to post videos and to help grow her current family business which is not a crime she wasn't lying by any means yes I'm sure she was very privy to the fact that showing the farm life and dressing the way that she did she was giving a certain aesthetic that would be you know fun to follow it's really fun to watch those kind of videos it's almost like going back in time but I can also see that she probably just likes to live like that from what we can see that is how she lives again nothing is real on the internet necessarily but it's fine for her to to do that I mean that's a space she found success in and she's not lying about it necessarily so people being outraged about it is is just dumb pretty much on top of that controversy though came another controversy that she had the audacity to squeeze into a pageant dress only weeks after giving birth to her eighth child this is her 12 days postpartum she just had her eighth child and now she's preparing to be in a pageant people are saying that normal postpartum woman you shouldn't idolize this it's not realistic 12 days postpartum which a lot of doctors and nurses will argue that you can't even work out your first 6 weeks postpartum and she's already doing it 12 Days a lot of women are still in bed 12 days postpartum other moms are saying can we just support her postpartum is already difficult I'm a mother of six I have a newborn in my arms but I know how much the body needs to rest but she's fulfilling her role for Mrs America she needs her support this is her trying on dresses 12 days post pardum and I think it's hilarious how this is even considered controversy I think people on the internet are just bored at this point but I I needed to make this video anyway but there was not one universal postpartum experience so all the moms getting mad at her for having a uh not ideal postpartum experience and and working out and getting in shape and and being able to prep for a show so soon after birth that's her story you can have a completely different story I know some moms that are freaking like bedridden for months after they give birth and that sucks but other moms can get up my mom could get up and go for a hike 3 days after she gave birth everybody's just different you know so here at ballerina Farm we now have about 20 plus employees summer full-time Daniel says we have about a a small army of part-time high school students that come after school as well to help prep and WRA brand boxes and do all those things Daniel's out on the ranch he has a couple uh Ranch hands that help him out there can see the livestock out there out in the pasture and the comments on the video just kind of prove my point and amidst all the controversies Hannah doesn't actually address her haters in any way shape or form she doesn't engage with the discourse and she doesn't try to clear the air about anything she just continues to make bread post her videos of her dancing and living her life with her kid which I think is great don't feed the haters you know but I can respect the fact that she is clearly living a life of extreme privilege but I wouldn't say that she's flaunting it or shoving it down our throats like a lot of other influencers do on a daily basis where do I even start I'm only 9 years old but I'm richer than all y'all broke ass haters yes the blood money collection is here some women exist online and in life just living life more traditionally than others or not and I think women should stop comparing and contrasting against them and just take it at face value there's not necessarily a conspiracy behind all this Trad wife stuff I think it's really just women living their lives and also working making money which inherently isn't a very tradwife thing to do but I think people should stop comparing themselves to people online in general tradwives aside cuz the people online especially are just people that have gotten extremely lucky pun intended and they're just trying to make the most of it yes both these women from the outside looking in work hard at what they do and have worked hard to get to where they are maybe with generational wealth helping them or not but they also got extremely lucky in blowing up on Instagram and Tik Tok and all the other platforms and I think that they can acknowledge that I know I can I acknowledge that every day I got really lucky pun intended and I am so grateful every day and I try to make the most of it every day as long as this job will have me but that concludes the video I know that this is kind of a different video and I don't always do videos like this but I just thought this topic was really interesting I think people are just going way too hard on this topic I don't think it matters matters as much as people think it matters I think we should just kind of let people live their lives as long as you know everything's going all right who am I to say anything I'm a idiot on the internet but um that's all I have to say so if you like the video please like the video if you want to subscribe Please Subscribe this is OB the bestest YouTube channel ever and I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,245,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vvZg2slQJWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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