This Hack Will Transform Your Makeup INSTANTLY!

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hi everyone so today I'm going to share with you one of my all-time top Pro tips is some that I do on all of my clients whether they're doing Red Carpet whether they are going on television whatever they're doing this is something that I do every time I do a professional makeup now it's something that is not that hard to do that's why I want to share it with you and it's something that is quick and easy to do as well so if it's kind of like I guess the philosophy would be in the words of Coco Chanel that used to say put on all of your clothes through the day and then take one thing off it's exactly the same philosophy but instead of taking one thing off I'm taking a bit of everything off um so what I like to do is for me having brushes or at least a brush which is there to remove makeup is as important as the brush that I have that put the makeup on so whether it be eyes whether it be face it doesn't matter what it is I will always have my brushes set aside that are my brushes that are my final Blend and that remove a little bit of the makeup just to give the makeup that really seamless professional quality so I'm going to show you exactly what I mean now and how I like to do this technique so I'm going to first show you it with base so depending on what product you use I feel like if I'm using my tint it's not the perfect product to show this with because it is very thin and it's very blendable but having said that sometimes when I watch just I'm scrolling through Instagram or I'm just looking on social media and I'm watching people do their makeup and I just see the amount of makeup that goes on faces I'm very often quite shocked I'm thinking wow I wouldn't use that much makeup even if I was getting someone ready to go in front of a a bank of a thousand paparazzi flash bulbs because it seems excessive so I'm going to give you the tips anyway so depending on what you use cuz you might know yourself to be a bit heavy-handed with makeup it's very easy to become that by the way because you just start you know putting it on and there's not always the time to kind of take it easy in a way so I'll probably use I'll probably use my base actually I think it'll demonstrate a little bit better what I'm trying to say so if I was to do my base and kind of put it all over mean I tend to like thin layers anyway but say I'm getting somebody ready for a red carpet or something like that so I'm putting on you know good couple of pumps so I've done a full face of Base I haven't gone too heavy so I find it hard to kind of do overly heavy makeup but doesn't matter who I'm doing I'll put the makeup all over and then I'll take a clean brush I want to show you like the different types of brushes that I use for this My Philosophy is the brushes that put the makeup on are as important as the brushes that take the makeup off and what I mean by that is a clean brush once you say done your base that just goes all around the edge into the hairline maybe onto the ears little bit around the jawline kind of just blending onto the neck it's not an application of make makeup it's a kind of taking off of makeup and a a spreading and you can only really do this successfully with a clean brush so something like this is perfect for it I mean artist brushes they're expensive but they're perfect for it any kind of this is like a sigma brush for something or other but anything like that if you just want to kind of you know just those edges maybe it's the way your foundation kind of sit around your brow that you can't quite get it to look really seamless so something like that is really really helpful just for making makeup look professional and feel and behave in a way that it looks just so beautifully done um and natural as well even if you're doing a really full-on makeup and I do this if I'm doing somebody like for a full-on TV appearance or anything you want that to look really nice so it's like a security buff a security buff all over okay next we're going to do a cream blush to show you how this can also work cuz you might do a cream blush and be like yeah that looks really good this one Blends too nicely but in general sometimes you can get a bit stock on them buffing around the edge with the clean brush it's now got a tiny bit of foundation on so that's even better it's got hardly anything on though again it's going to kind of remain pretty clean towards the end of the makeup so a nice dense synthetic brush is the best thing to do with so if you're not really a brush person you tend to use fingers or sponges to apply your makeup this can still work because even if you're applying everything with fingers a clean brush just to remove and to smooth at the end honestly will really up your makeup game if you are someone that just likes sponges then just apply exactly the same Tech technique so just have a clean sponge so use your sponge to apply your foundation your concealer whatever it is you normally do then have a clean version of the same brush H sorry the same sponge that you only use for blending smoothing and just removing that last little bit as well so I'm going to go straight into under eye concealer now so say I've applied it like I actually do like to apply my under eye concealer with a sponge so this is something that I would use just to kind of push it into the skin make sure it's not too heavy but then I would definitely still go back in with a buffing brush of some description just to take off those edges maybe I'll use the smaller one but I would use that to make sure that that is almost feathered the end of it into the blush or the Highlight or the foundation or anything else that I've used so that we are getting again just this absolutely smooth seamless blend everywhere and again my brush is not getting dirty yet either this also works brilliantly when you're doing your eyeshadow so just going to show you kind of going to put my ey Shadow on and then just show you the difference between a kind of finished eyeshadow and one that's had a really good buff with a clean brush at the end it might not even pick up on camera but in real life it is the difference between a good makeup and a really good professional looking makeup CU that's a reasonably well applied I haven't finished yet but I'm just going to show you how like going in with a brush a clean brush you could use a completely clean one obviously just keep a clean ey Shadow brush that you don't use to apply with but I'm going to going to actually use the same brush just to show you the fact that it's got a little bit of blush on is actually really handy not that it's much but kind of brings the whole face together and you can see just going over with this clean brush just makes everything blend amazingly so doing the other eye obviously because it tones it down you can add a bit more but at least you know that your base is so well Blended so now if I wanted to go back in and add a little bit more at least I know that my edges like is so seamlessly and beautifully Blended and then as you add more like if you start doing a stronger socket line and you want to go back in just take your brush again and you just blend another place of clean brush is really good is when you're doing a line underneath your eye so if you're doing like a smokey eye or you're doing anything basically with involves creating kind of Shadow or color underneath your eyes you can't use the same Big Brush that you've used for your face but I always really really go in once it's kind of finished the makeup and just take that clean brush along it just helps to kind of soften that edge so I've just my mascara my brows and my lips so in terms of clean brushes for those things of course if you're using especially a really volumizing mascara then a clean spoolie is always a must likewise if you feel like you've got too much eyebrow pencil on again going through with a really clean spoolie will really help for lips sometimes if you've got too much I put a bit of gloss on you've got too much I'll often or too much lipstick I'll often go in with a clean lip brush right at the end just to go all over I'll either use like a little small Eye Brush or just a completely clean lip brush just to pick up if I feel like there's just a bit too much product on there so that is the finished look end up doing a bit of a purpley eyeshadow bit of a spring Vibes here but yeah honestly this tip about clean brushes you can use Tatty old brushes ones that you don't even use that much brushes which are really inexpensive anything that you can have on hand that you just don't really put a lot of makeup on so whether it be a big buffer like that just to really smooth out base and base products whether it is something like this one which I kind of used everywhere which I'm actually going to use now to do my powder as well so this has been used throughout the whole makeup at every well I've used it on eyes I've used it on everything apart from my lips really to blend and it still actually doesn't look like it's been using very much I used that for I used it for Cream Blush powder blush eyeshadow blending um my Foundation my concealer and now I'm using it for powder but just really ensuring that everything is Blended so it's not about having a brush that puts makeup on but brushes that take makeup off blend and take makeup off they are equally as important in my book hope that was helpful let me know in the comments if you do have any any brushes that you use exactly for this purpose and I'll see you soon
Channel: Lisa Eldridge
Views: 386,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Eldridge, Lisa Elridge, Lisa Eldrige, Makeup, Make-up, Make up, Tutorial, How To, Look, Professional, Pro, Makeup artist, Makeup course, Beauty, cosmetics, best, top, makeupbylisaeldridge, lisa eldridge foundation, foundation, seamless skin, skin and makeup, hack, brushes, best makeup hack
Id: mlSnP2HPjIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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