No Makeup Makeup 2.0

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hi everyone today I'm going to do my updated no makeup makeup look and this is certainly something that I'm very much known for I've made quite a few of no makeup makeup look tutorials over the years I've particularly enjoyed making them because such heavy makeup has been fashionable really for for a lot of that time and to me a genuinely no makeup makeup look is one that looks like you're not really wearing any makeup in daylight light in real life but you are it's all about enhancing the skin enhancing your eyes bringing out your features of course there's some concealing involved but it is really about looking naturally you know fresh and um less tired so that's what we're going to focus on today we're focusing really on the technique there is nothing that you need to buy for this look it's not something I believe that everything that I'm going to use today you will have a version of within your makeup kit or your makeup bag already so it's not something you need a very special specialized product for it is just about the technique so before you start your no makeup makeup have a look at your skin if you can in daylight that is great and have a look what it's up to at the moment is there any more redness than usual do you have any breakouts how is your skin looking because what we're going to try and do with this no makeup look is really look at the areas of your your face where things are looking good and replicate that in the other areas of your skin so if you find that well you need some evening out so if you're red or I'm not too red at the moment but if you are red around say your chin in in this area or anywhere else then what I recommend that you do is you start with something like a tinted moisturizer if you don't have a tinted moisturizer most foundations can mix really well with um your regular moisturizer so I'm going to do that to start with this is really about evening out so I'm not expecting this to cover anything like a spot or something that's red like this thing on my cheek all it will do is even out the skin around that area so keeping it really really light you can use fingers if you want because it's such a thin thing that I'm doing and you'll probably think well that doesn't look any different but I will do before at the end and you'll notice how these little increments of makeup these tiny little tweaks these tiny little things really do make a difference I'm going to go back in I've done one layer of Barely There U moisturizer and Foundation mixed together so any areas that are larger I'm going to go back in and just buff over so for me really it is just my I guess my chin area where I can have a little bit more of that redness there so that's the first stage if you're someone that you look at your skin you think well the tone is really even all over but I've just got these four or five spots you can skip this first stage just do your skin care and I did forget to mention skin care is very important so if you do have obviously if your lips are very kind of um dry or they need a little exfoliation likewise with your skin if your skin looks kind of dry and um a little bit patchy then obviously good skin care is everything because it will really help you to get away with wearing less makeup and that's the whole point of this look so if you do have the even skin tone but you've just got more of the localized areas of redness or localized spots skip this first stage and go on to this next stage so the next stage will be more of our intense coverage so I've evened out all over and for me I want to just pinpoint onto a few of the little marks little bit of redness there a spot that's healing up here depending on what your Skin's up to at the moment of course it changes all the time and really you just choose your weapon for this so it could be something like more of a hot porw type intense concealer it might be something like a stick Foundation liquid foundation you could use something like a regular kind of concealer it just needs to have coverage because we want to use a tiniest amount of it even the professional camouflage sets are really really good for this because that's that's the Derma color yeah kry and Derma color you hardly need to use any then so it's you're not putting on a lot of product to try and achieve your goal you are pinpointing with a tiny brush just where you need it I'm I'm going to use some full coverage concealer so I'm just going to start to go over and cover you can either use your brush that you just used it still has a little bit of tint on if you've done a tint otherwise just use a clean brush if you watched my videos before you know that I you know all about this this is my pinpoint concealing technique but honestly it is the best I still do it on all my clients today and I still get compliments for you know to the point where clients ask to see a mirror cuz they're like my skin looks so natural can I see it like close up almost in a magnifying mirror cuz they want to see how why does the skin look completely Flawless but it doesn't look like there's any makeup on there and this is the secret and you do a kind of larger area first and then if you've got a really stubborn bit in the center you go back to the center the reason I do that is because then you don't have any small areas that have solid lines around them cuz that's a dead giveaway it really is and it's kind of like a trick it becomes like a trick of the light trick of the eye rather so when you're looking at somebody that has this kind of really good concealing you don't notice that there's any concealing on there even though the product is incredibly High coverage before I actually finish this because I do have quite a lot of little tiny things more red marks and things just on my cheeks that I want to get round to I might actually do my blush next and for this depending on what your skin type is you can use a powder blush if you've got one that's not too shimmery because that's the biggest giveaway with no makeup makeup if you're using something that's glittery then it's not no makeup makeup anymore because no one's skin is is naturally glittery yes a Sheen that's fine a soft subtle Sheen but as soon as you've got glitter on there it's a whole different makeup look so if you have a more of a matte blusher or something that doesn't register in daylight as glitter or particularly um strong Shimmer then it's fine if not use something like a lipstick which I really like using or you can use a cream blush or a liquid blush really the Li liquid blushes and the cream blushes and the lipsticks are the best because what you're getting is color that's almost coming from within the skin you're pushing it into the skin so this is either going on top of your skin care or on top of your skin tint and you just build slowly if you can see it's almost intrinsically part of the skin and that's why it will never register as makeup use fingers or a brush whichever one you're most comfortable with and you must never leave an edge because an edge is what gives the game away so on this side I've obviously done a bit of concealing now so I might have to go back in and just pinpoint again but I will be doing a bit of pinpoint anyway on top of this cuz that just so happens that where my blush goes is where have um little pigmentation marks and things but that's okay and I think the other thing is from a no makeup makeup you want to have some marks you just want to choose and cherry pick which ones to remove and which ones to leave there very like retouching when people retouch photography if they do it naturally they kind of take out they top retouches they almost take out a little bit but they leave a lot in and actually that's kind of the way way you want it to be cuz if you put that much makeup on that you don't see anything you don't see any change or any variation in tones you don't see any little marks at all then that I don't think looks that nice you want to see those little little bits and pieces you just want to be quite selective about them so I'm just going back in with a little bit more concealer I'm actually using a warmer color cuz I've got a palette here of different Shades if you don't have that then just mix it with the blush that you've used and that will help you to match exactly I'm also going to go back in with a little bit of more blush just at the front now that I've got the kind of first layer pushed into the skin which is completely in Synergy with my skin I'm now just using a little bit of blush so before I just finish off my Pino con concealing here do a little bit under my eyes and all my pimple and concealing on my chin this is the best time probably to do a little bit of highlighting you can do it at the beginning if you want but it's really just about the product you use so you probably if you're more oily skinned you can just get natural highlight just from shine or just use a little bit of your moisturizer because honestly that's sometimes what I use when I'm doing really really no no no makeup makeup looks for editorials just use a cream like a face cream here and there you just want a touch of shine if you want to use a highlighter just use one that doesn't have any glitter in so you want something that has got Sheen but no Glitter and no high Shimmer and use a small amount so if you can see it just catches the top of the cheekbones and again just pushing it into the skin powder will always show unfortunately for a no makeup makeup look powder highlighter but liquids and creams if you can find ones that have such a low level of pearling that they just give you a Sheen then it looks really really nice to use it here and there it's really just anywhere that when you look at your face you have a natural highlight anyway like what you've moisturized your face really well and you notice that you know your Contours are popping you notice certain areas of your face where you have this really lovely shine then you want to kind of replicate that so that is more than enough before I finish my pinpoint concealing I'm actually going to go back in with a little bit of just um foundation on its own and I'm going to be really selective about where I use this so it's just a small amount here and there and these are areas that you wouldn't really pinpoint because they're sort of larger areas but they're kind of like a patchwork in like my Patchwork style you just going to go in and like here I'm definitely going to pinpoint those circles but here there's just like a red area and I'm using such a small amount of product I can't tell you how little is on this brush so that when you look at your skin nothing is building up if that makes sense it's not like things are sitting on top of each other on top of each other on top of each other so that you have this visual kind of you know this sense of makeup sitting on the skin it's not that at all it really is about just selecting areas that you want to knock back so now I'm going to do finish all the pinpoint concealing going to start on my chin I just got on sort of red thing one almost deep Freckle like a mini mole and then I got a mixture of um bits of sun damage really along here just mixing my color there got it a bit dark to start off with because I'm using a palette using a couple of shades I'm going to use a brush use your foundation brush as well you almost need to with these sort of very heavy coverage concealers you almost want to push them into the skin rather than blend them off if you see that sort of pushes them in and then you end up with voila no marks and no sign of makeup so I'm just going to finish the rest of my face doing that yes this does take a little bit of time but considering the rest of the makeup is so fast this is the thing you're going to spend your 5 minutes on and the rest is going to be really really quick and actually the more you do it the quicker you get and then coming up around the eye the main thing to do is conceal that Outer Edge so everyone has usually a little bit of redness there or something that drags the eye down and just by concealing that area it almost lifts the eye anyway same the other side it's usually like a red line basically you can use this with the same pinpoint concealer that you've been using dab it in and then what you use under your eyes will really be determined by what you normally use just make sure it is um a lighter coverage maybe if for someone that really piles it on I'm just going to use a little bit of um my Foundation under there so I'm just doing a light layer and then if you find that H there's a little bit of a dark extra dark area in here go back in with your pinpoint and just lift that area so depending on your skin type you may need some powder now particularly if you've done quite a lot of concealing because you want to set it so using a small brush you really just want to make sure that it's not uniformly matte and the level of matte needs to be not the kind of matte where you can see powder sitting on the skin you want to just mattify I like to use a loose powder for this cuz I feel like a loose powder will never build up an attach itself to any oils in your skin in the way that a press powder would particularly when you're patting it on even if you're using a brush it's just you tend to just use less really so I'm just going to go around there and we're just going to get rid of any shine that doesn't feel flattering so it might just be a little bit on the center of the forehead again depends on your skin type and then if you have done major concealing you might just want to go back in and touch those areas as well so overall when your face is moving it's feeling like it is Patchwork and that you have little flashes of highlight from the highlighter you've used little flashes of natural skin you know skin is naturally not flat flat flat matte but also you've got the areas that are maybe a little bit more matte where you've had your concealing but overall it looks like skin onto eyes this is the brush that I used with my under eye I'm going to go on and depending you know you might not need any of this on your eyelid but the tiniest amount of concealer just anywhere where it's you've got a sort of patchy maybe skin tone or a little bit of pigmentation but it needs to be applied in such a light way that you're not going to get creasing from it so I'm actually going to avoid putting it on the mobile bit of my lid because if I do that it might crease so I'm just using it close really to bit more close to my brows but if you do need to use it all over I mean just use what's left on the brush and use your fingers to kind of almost blend it completely out so that there's nothing left almost it leaves the thinnest veil of product possible now to actually sculpt my eyes I'm going to use this shade just want to show you this is the kind of shade you want so if you look at this it's matte but it's not a flat matte so it is quite creamy but it is a powder and it's also very close to the shades that you can see in the natural shadow of my eyes so of course depending on your skin tone you want to mirror that you want to mirror the natural shadow that exists in your eyes if you don't want to do sculpting or you don't want to do this kind of makeup because you know you don't need to maybe you've got really kind of great eye socket very well defined just skip this bit and you can just leave your Lids or even just put a tiny bit of highlighter on them so they naturally catch a little bit of a Sheen you don't have to do this bit this is just for me I personally will just look so much better when I've got a bit of a socket line but not so it looks like makeup that is basically it for me I'm using exactly the same tone underneath and I'm going to do quite a soft wash quite not a line I'd say I'm creating a natural Shadow so this is thicker than a line and thinner in terms of the amount of product that will help to sculpt my lower lash line if if you can see the difference in the eyes um and this is a really nice way to do a no makeup eye just like that so now I'm just going back in this is a actually a powder blush I'm just using that to kind of add again it doesn't have that glittery effect just to set almost my blush so next For Eyes I'm going to you can either use a little angled brush and a little bit of your mascara or just go in with a pencil and you kind of use just taking it in between your eyelashes you're not creating a line it's just in between and it's not really don't you didn't need to be that careful with it you don't need to use a lot it's just giving you a sort of secret bit of eyeliner it's not really eyeliner it's just depth then if you blob it don't worry just take a brush it's actually quite good if you do and just blend it again not to look like an eyeliner it's just to create a shadow so the next thing we're going to do is curl eyelashes and then while they are still freshly curled so I'm going to start on this eye I'm going to take a waterproof mascara or you can use a regular mascara and then just take a touch onto an angle brush and then we're going to kind of tight line again we're not really you can do this and not not even do the pencil if you want I just like to do both so it starts to look really natural and just go from about the center outwards if you can see the difference in the eyes there it's almost like a sneaky very sneaky natural eyeliner and then while it's freshly curled just add a touch of mascara but we don't want it to look like mascara so if you've got either an old mascara wand that you can just clean or you have a spoy like this just brush through them it sort of takes away all of the product that's sitting in the lashes and it depends how pedantic you want to be about no makeup makeup if you want to if you don't mind looking like you've got just mascara on and nothing else then build up to your regular levels underneath I'm just going to do a tiny amount and again I'm going to brush through so on to brows and depending what your brows are like it's almost like you have to pick your battle so for me I if you're doing a proper no makeup makeup you don't want everything to be fully done so my brows aren't bad at all so I'm just going to put a slightly tinted gel in them if brows are your bet no are they're your thing that you really struggle with then and maybe your you know you don't need to use as much on your skin or your lips you can just use a little bit of lip balm then if you are doing your brows just use really fine Strokes with a pencil because again a no makeup makeup look is about looking completely natural and just fill in really where you need to so I'm just going to do a little bit of brow gel and then I'm going to go onto my lips I'm going to use a little bit of penc uh sorry a little bit of balm first and then I'm going to use the same color that I used on my cheeks and I'm just going to buff this on this is actually a matte color but I feel like if I just use it on top of balm I'm going to get a really natural effect I'm also going to use this to create a little bit more shape so I'm going to smile over so slightly and I'm just creating a natural Shadow if you can see under my lower lip you can also use a brow pencil for this if it's really Ashy and a good color or a pencil that looks more of a shadow color but you can get away with using a little bit of lip stick if it's a matte formula and using a small amount so I'm going to go back in now just with the lipstick and use my fingers then as a final touch I'm just going back in with the highlighter doing one dot just at the inner corner of my eyes but really subtly and then just a quick check everywhere if you need to touch more powder and that is it that is my genuine no makeup makeup and I feel like this is it in the Victorian sense in that I could go outside now and be scrutinized in daylight and people would wonder is she or isn't she because I have hardly any makeup on really if you put all of the makeup that I have on my face onto the back of my hand it wouldn't be a lot it's just those layers building up and I think if you look at the before now cuz sometimes you don't really notice it happening but if you look at the before and after now how I look now rather against it before you can really see how the technique really plays into this it's using tiny amounts but it's thoughtful makeup it's strategic and it really does make a huge difference I'll link below to my other tutorials of my pinpoint concealing and my Patchwork skin techniques because if this is a look that you really want to nail then I suggest you watch the other videos too so that is my updated no makeup makeup please let me know in the comments if you have any particular favorite products for creating this type of a look and I'll see you soon
Channel: Lisa Eldridge
Views: 261,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Eldridge, Lisa Elridge, Lisa Eldrige, Makeup, Make-up, Make up, Tutorial, How To, Look, Professional, Pro, Makeup artist, Makeup course, Beauty, cosmetics, best, top, makeupbylisaeldridge, lisa eldridge foundation, foundation, no makeup, no makeup makeup, natural makeup, pinpoint, patchwork, technique
Id: SrZSngxbf24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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