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hey everyone okay so today we're going to be doing an anti-aging eye shadow tutorial interestingly enough this is actually how the way that i learned to apply eyeshadow and it's a really great way of defining the eye of giving more youth to the eye so we're going to be doing a full eye shadow tutorial today so let's get started okay so the first thing we're going to do so i've very lightly filled in the brow and you want to make sure that the brow is you know filled in i'm going to deal with concealer right at the end so there's no primer on my eyelid you don't need one if you want don't want to first thing i'm going to do is just apply a very small amount of just a cream eyeshadow just to the eyelid and it's only a small amount because what this is going to do is just intensify the lightest shadow that we put on the eyelid you never want to apply cream eyeshadow to the brow bone because it's going to be too much shine there and you know it's no one's ever going to say i want this area here to look really pronounced now what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my coral rose palette blusher palette and i'm going to use the highlight shade as my actual eyeshadow so i'm going to apply this directly to the eyelid over that cream shadow because i want this area to be the lightest of everything now generally speaking what you want is if you have any eyelid space at all if you have any visible eyelid space apply a light shade to anything that is visible so if you only have this area here visible you just apply it there if you can see the full eyelid apply it there and it what it does is anything light stands out so you're bringing the eyeshadow the eyelid forward whatever's left on the brush knock it off on the back of your hand and apply it to the outer third of the brow bone then take a clean finger and really work it into the skin because you want this area to have a bit of shimmer but at the same time not so much that it's really standing out so the next step that we're going to do is we're going to define the crease of the eye now this is a contoured look and what that means is we're going to define the crease of the eye here all the way in to the inner corner we're going to make sure that it joins up right here at the beginning of the nose this will give a really really effective way of just a really beautiful way of doing this now there's one thing i will say this has a very youthful sort of youth boosting quality to it however if you're 16 it is not a tutorial that i would recommend because it has it can age you it can make you look a lot older ironically when you get over sort of 25 26 it has a very youth boosting effect to it but do not do this if you're 16 you will look like you're 20. not a good idea so what i'm going to do is start with the contour shade and i'm going to use my satin bronze palette and i'm going to use the contour shade to contour this entire perimeter of the eye and we're going to use a stencil so i'm going to place a tissue glamorous on the outside corner where the brow ends line it up with the lower eyelid because for this tutorial we're just going to keep it on the upper lid only we're not really going to connect so you want to make sure that this is placed at an angle like that where you barely see that lower eyelid now i'm going to take my eyeshadow brush this brush is big enough that i can contour the entire eye with this in one go taking some of the contour shape from my palette i'm going to line this up outside corner to lower eyelid i'm going to start in the crease of the eye and i'm bringing it all the way in so it's touching here and this is going to give us that contoured look so bring it all the way in and what you're trying to do here is bring it out so that it's just touching that highlight shade that you did on the brow bone and then work it onto the outside corner of the eye as well and just move it back and forward just to blend it and i'm bringing it up here so it joins the eyebrow and what you're looking for is just this shadowing in the crease area and it comes all the way in and joins so with that done the next thing that we're going to do is define the lash line so i'm going to take a black eyeshadow and a push liner brush and i'm now going to just gently push black eyeshadow into the lash line this is going to give the eyes really good definition and it isn't going to take away any lid space which is so important just wiggle it into the lash line so here's a quick tip if you have a hooded eye and the skin is very mobile take your eyeshadow brush place it at the outside corner and rather than going in a back and forward motion like we did here take the brush on its side and lay the color down like this by patting it because by doing this you're going to move the skin just pat it into the areas where it's needed it's a lot easier to do it that way so there's one thing i kind of want to point out right here there's some discoloration going on it's because i haven't put any concealer there yet that will disappear and you'll see it will lift the eye but a lot of people have discoloration at this area and it can be bothersome and make it look like the eyeshadow is a bit wonky so bear that in mind so now we need to work on this outer corner now the way that an eyeshadow tutorial works is you go light medium deep that's tends to be the three steps we've got the light we've got the medium excuse me which is often called the mid-tone shade and then on this outside corner we're going to put the contour shade it can be any color you want it can be matte it can be shimmery the only thing is it needs to be deeper or brighter than the rest of the shadows because it's used is the fun color generally speaking the mid-tone color here never really changes it's always an extension of your skin tone so i'm just going to use my pearl palette which i love and i'm going to take i think i'm going to take this sort of grayish color here and you want to just take a relatively small amount to begin with and we're just going to contour that outside corner of the eye we just want to darken it ever so slightly and line it up and then on this outside corner start on the lower eyelid then go up just before the edge of the the mid-tone color don't go all the way up because then you've got nowhere to blend to and you're just trying to get the bulk of the color onto whatever lid is available and then a third of the way up and then take a clean brush and just blend it into the highlight and into the crease and then repeat those steps if you want more intensity and what you're going to be left with is this slightly darker lid and all we want to do now is with a slightly smaller brush really subtly we want to take that contour shade and just very lightly run it across the lid about a third of the way so with the eye closed just very lightly sweep it across the upper eyelid very gently this is just so that you transition from the dark to the light it's really subtle you don't want it to be too strong otherwise it becomes a very smoky eye now at this point you've got one other option available to you which i'm going to do is you want to take a very bright celestial shade and apply it from the middle inwards really lightly and that's just gonna add that extra sparkle to the eye okay so there's one other thing i want to mention before we move on to concealer and lashes and that is you notice that i use the highlighter shade from the blush palette and i use the contour shade from my bronzer palette the reason i did that is so that there is continuity so the highlight shade will now be on my lid and eventually it will be on my cheekbone therefore they're in the same color family there's harmony to the face the contour shade was used in the crease of the eye if i decide to contour the nose the cheekbones of the jaw it's all in the same family you've got that continuity and that harmony going on in the face so all i'm going to do now is take a small amount of concealer and i'm just going to apply this just to this outside corner just to take away any shadowing that's there that i have and it's just going to lift this area that's all you're just taking away any irritants on the skin and i'm just going to bring it on this inner portion of the eye as well so you've got that highlight shade on the lid and then it meets this lighter portion of concealer and you can see with this look that my eyebrow ends here and the eyeshadow ends there as well so again you've got harmony it's all about harmony so next we want to move on to lashes because this is where we transform the look and you can have it very subtle or dramatic and adding lashes is a way of boosting youth because full beautiful lashes are very very youthful looking so when it comes to lashes i'm going to be using lashify and lashify is the most incredible system it is this system of using these lashes underneath the lash bed which means if you have a hooded eye you've lost no lid space they are they are the most perfect perfect system i've ever used in my life they're the most transformative of everything so i'm going to be using these now i'm going to use i think a couple of tens in the beginning and i think we'll just move on to twelves i don't need anything ultra dramatic one way which i'm going to speak about in another video is basically the least space you have from lid or lash line to brow the shorter the lashes should be to give a more realistic look so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to apply the whisper flexible bond and i'm going to apply this to the lash line and this helps the product adhere to the the actual lashes adhere underneath i'm going to use the comb and i'm going to use the black one it's a double-ended one and what i'm going to do is just wiggle it at the root and just very lightly move it through the lashes and you don't need a lot of this product but you want to make sure that it's coated because they have to have something to adhere to so with your little tweezers that you get with the sets what you're going to do and i'm going to start from the outside corner is you place it underneath on the outside corner let it go make sure it's in place and then you fuse it i'm going to fuse it at the end so i'm going to use a couple of the longer ones on the outside corner and then we'll go a bit shorter as we go in so just place it as close as you can to it let go and it just gives this incredible lift to the eye i'm going to use one more and then we'll go a little bit shorter you see how easy they are to apply that you there is like this you've got sort of i would say a couple of goes to test it out and once you've done that you then know how to do it and it's just so easy from there onwards um actually i think i'm going to do one more that's slightly longer and i'm going to kind of stack it slightly and then i'll go in a bit short another slightly smaller one right next to it and i was going to use 12 i actually use 14's here i mean you can see the power of lashes right that they open up the eye they've taken away zero lead space the most important thing particularly if we have hooded eyes we have so little hoods uh hood space we have so little lid space to begin with and this is just taking care of all of that which is why lash fire is the most incredible system you can also i'm going to do it on this outside one just for fun you can also stack these lashes which is incredible so what what happens wrong end let me i like to use the darker end because i just think it's just delicious so what you're going to do is just stack another lash on the outside corner so you just want to apply a little bit more of the bond on that outside edge and then you're just going to attach another lash and it just gives that outer edge that little bit more drama place it right at the base let go press it into place oh and fuse it and you just get that extra little drama there's this rogue eyelash that i have you all know the eyelash right you've you've done your mascara and then there's this one lash that points outwards just a single lash angry straight down hate that lash now depending on what formula you use these lashes can last a day to take them off or they can last 10 days it all depends on the formula you use because it's different formulas and how long you fused you really have to fuse and this fusing creates this incredible pressure you feel nothing and ensures longevity of your lashes and this eye is now almost complete it's contoured we've shaped that crease we've brought it all the way into this nose bone area here it's feathered up into the brow so if i was to contour my nose now it's all going to blend in right there's all this harmony you've got this light right here on this lower lid that shines through there's a small amount of highlight on the brow bone and then there's that contour shade and finishing it off with lashify is giving you the most beautiful lashes now obviously for me i mean this might be a look to pop down to get some milk this to me is more of a nighttime look but you've got all the elements you've got the light you've got the shadow you've got the deep and everything is blending into one here and then with these lashes you've got this incredible punch to the eye where people are going to notice your eye and what i love best is that i haven't even done anything to that lower eyelid nothing i've not connected it this whole thing is about lifting up pulling the eye up giving a very youthful look to the eye and just making it look absolutely beautiful i'm just going to go around ever so slightly with the concealer just to make sure bits and pieces are done i'm going to put a tiny bit of face color on and that will complete the look and there you have it that is the final look and i think it's really really to me this is what i would call a sophisticated look because it just looks so well put together it's well thought out with this crease color that is an extension of your skin tone meaning it's got this slight gray undertone to it so it gives it this illusion of shadow and depth starting from that outside corner running in that highlight shade that pops through you can see it on the inner corner with my eyes open touch here and then this greyish color on the outside corner just pulling it together and the finishing touch is these eyelashes that take away no lid space which is the sheer genius of lashify is why no one thought of it before i mean she is an absolute genius so you've got this dark dark lash line no lid space loss which means any shimmer that you've got on your lid is visible which draws your eye in so when you're looking at someone you're looking at this light in their face and then this incredible black lash that just gives it that sexy beautiful look and this is how i learned to do eyeshadow this was the technique which sculpts an eye because it takes three colors technically four if you include lashes to sculpt an eye the highlight shade pops you then got this contour shade this mid-tone shade which is this grayish color that just softly contours the look and then your outside contour color and then the lash the lasher five and i mentioned this in a previous video but i use black for this because i really wanted this look to stand out but lashify do natural neutral colors they do colors that look like eyeshadow look like eyelashes from ginger right their way up to like an off black and anything in between so you've got options if you don't want to go for that full kind of dark lash you don't have to but this to me is sophisticated it's beautiful and you get noticed and that to me is what it's about about feeling beautiful and this really helps to just lift the eye at this outside corner and there's all this harmony going on because that highlight color you would use on your cheekbone that console color you could use to console the rest of your face with and everything is in place and belongs to the same family and when i mention with this tissue technique you're literally using the tail of your brow as your guideline for where to bleed that eye shadow off that is lovely so i hope you learned something i hope you found it interesting long video for me um let me know what your thoughts are i just i love this kind of look i i just i love it i love that sophistication of this kind of look and i just love the way that that console color just comes right in here and touches that bridge of the nose kind of framing everything else that may come thanks for watching i appreciate it all the information description bar lasha5 you know i can't imagine ever putting a strip lash on again i just would never happen never just love the way these look okay thanks so much i appreciate your time and i'll see you all soon bye
Channel: Wayne Goss
Views: 312,626
Rating: 4.9413171 out of 5
Keywords: the ultimate anti-aging eyeshadow tutorial, anti-aging, eyeshadow, tutorial, eyeshadow tutorial, hooded eyes, hooded, eyes, shadow, the best anti-aging tips, tricks, makeup hacks, makeup, makeup tips, Wayne Goss, lashify
Id: LMRxylRZiGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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