This Game Was Absolutely NUTS

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the new york january round robin uh it is the fourth round and in this round i'm playing against uh robert schlechtienko uh and uh the title of this video is what it is because oh my god this was an absolutely insane game so uh robert uh i know a couple of rounds ago played a queen's gambit accepted and so before this game uh and he played some other stuff against d4 i was just thinking of looking at his repertoire um and i was trying to figure out what he like what he wants to accomplish with the black pieces against the move c4 uh is he gonna try to play for an e6 d5 or is he going to play for an e5 and he played e5 so i said all right i'm feeling english let's go for an english uh and it's funny because uh before the game i i was completely intending on playing g3 and he likes to play c6 d5 now if you've been following the recaps you know that two rounds ago another one of my opponents did this and so i this is the best option against uh this system and i did a little bit of prep before the round i looked at some positions uh but i but i thought to myself you know what i'm gonna go knight c3 and if he plays knight f6 then i'll go g3 so now we have a slightly like a transposition because this knight is out some differences and if he plays bishop b4 i'm gonna go knight d5 because i saw some games he played bishop c5 and i prepared something and then i got to the board and he played this and i i i don't know i i overthought it i overthought it uh and uh rather than play what i play w which is what i was going to play which is 95 i i kind of spoke my myself out i was like to be honest i only looked at a few of his blitz games like what if he doesn't play this this is the only move i prepared and black can do a lot of things here i mean black can play a5 black can play bishop back to e7 black has a lot of moves like uh a lot of moves um and even in bishop c5 there are a lot of moves so they're like i did some pretty superficial prep on this why didn't i just play what i was going to play with g3 so i'm like alright you know what it's never too late i'm gonna go g3 uh he's gonna play knight f6 i'm gonna play bishop g2 i actually intended to play this like magnus magnus plays like this against uh against fabiano caruana in the world championship rapid playoff and many other games have been played like this but he took immediately and i'm sitting there like uh okay um i'm gonna go for that same structure so i want e4 into knight f6 and i want bishop g2 and he just doesn't move a knight so now i'm sitting there like an idiot i'm like why did i like what am i doing i had so long to prepare for this game why am i improvising at the board i'll tell you why because i don't take it as seriously as any of these players and i'm not saying that's a good thing i'm saying that's a bad thing um i obviously have certain other priorities and what ends up happening is i procrastinate and one of my favorite sayings about boxing is you don't play boxing you don't play chess see it doesn't quite sound the same because boxing is not playing you you're fighting but you can't mess around in this game like and if i'm just going to improvise my openings it's just no point even playing the tournament right so i'm already a little bit uncomfortable you know i'm and i and i go for the same setup i go for e4 and this is fine i mean structurally this is all like very complicated i was thinking to put my knight on e2 maybe play for f4 he played like this and and i realized very quickly what he was doing uh first of all he obviously wants to trade my light squared bishop if i give him the opportunity i cannot let him do that but he's not going to put his knight on f6 my entire structural attempt at playing this had his knight on a f6 but he doesn't he doesn't put his knight on f6 and it's clear he's going to play for f5 which is the entire advantage of not having a knight on f6 in the first place right position is of course equal but i'm extremely uncomfortable because i've never played this in my life why have i never played this in my life and this is the first time i decided to do it because i'm irresponsible i don't i don't know uh so i play 92 he castles i still can't castle right uh because he's hitting me here and i to be honest i i don't really want to go here that move looked absurd i thought f5 was extremely strong turns out i'm wrong i'm just not correct i also was like what do i take back with if he takes yeah computer's just unashamed but this just looks so idiotic but yeah i mean whatever stockfish knows everything right so i go to g4 i didn't think this looked idiotic because now he can't play f5 i'm going to put my knight on g3 i'm going to put mine on f5 i'm going to castle maybe i'll bring my bishop out i'm very happy right he plays this i play knight g3 he can go for my bishop i was even thinking to save it but even if i let him take it i didn't think this was that bad i have a bunch of pawns on light squares replacing my light squared bishop i can go here when i want i mean it's a game it's a game so he plays a6 and now we begin the problems of this game and every game actually every single game of this tournament thus far so obviously what does he want he wants b5 how do you stop that you play a4 natural move but i can't play a5 uh a4 because i can only play a4 if he plays a5 which is why i said a5 then i can do this because his knight can't go there if i if i commit to a4 uh then he will put his knight here and now my queen side's completely messed up he's gonna go b5 at some point my queen side is going to explode and i'm going to lose so i have i have a few moves i can castle i can allow b5 but what i decide to do here is to play bishop e3 and my intention is that if he plays knight h4 i play bishop f1 and i cover the b5 push completely uh and uh if he plays b5 i'm gonna go c5 not a big deal and then what i completely miss i just completely forget is i didn't calculate knight h4 after b5 c5 so b5 c5 knight h4 is a completely different story because if i play bishop f1 he'll go d5 and my bishop is no longer covering that and here i was calculating a move like knight f5 attacking the knight and i thought bishop takes and then here i thought gf and i'm threatening to trap the knight and i thought maybe he would play something like i i don't even know to be honest uh queen e7 to protect me i i don't know i was calculating all these lunatic lines after c5 knight h4 bishop f1 and i and i and i didn't think they were good for me i didn't think they were good for me uh i thought uh the position was just way too dangerous you know as always stockfish will find you know some way but uh apparently that's not even the best move the best move is like to play 97 but this just looks so stupid like what am i doing right so uh step one is me blundering knight h4 in this move order so he plays b5 right i think c5 is bad so i take and i castle and he plays rook a3 the idea being that if i kick him out he goes danger levels and uh i can't take because i'm disconnected here it's the second time in this tournament someone's tried to shove something on a3 down my throat um so i start thinking of voice to consolidate i come up with with what i thought was a very interesting tactical idea which is the move knight h5 the point of knight h5 is that if he continues with his plan then i have this absolutely shocking move and if he takes i go here but also he can't guard g7 so he can take take take and i play bishop g7 and i'm actually just winning because i'm probably just going to bring all my pieces and mate him uh so yeah i mean i play knight h5 i'm like ah it's such a clever move look at me and he plays queen e7 he responds to my threat uh and i play queen e2 and the idea of queen e2 is that i can protect this uh but i'm also attacking that now here i was fully anticipating that joining the next rook right but he we did this which i did not think was a good move it's just it it's the position's going the wrong way so i start thinking like all right i got to move one of my rooks over here or both and then i think wait a minute look oh my god i'm so clever i can play a4 so a4 if he takes i'm even thinking i could go b4 there might be some moments i could go before maybe not right now not right now not right now but okay i'm thinking you know if he takes me um i'm gonna take and obviously he can't he can't go here because at the end i have this fork and black loses apparently not apparently what rook a1 bishop c4 c4 okay all right well i didn't see that at all stockfish you are an absolute piece of crap um well that's what i thought i saw rook a4 i just didn't like it uh yeah and and i spooked him with my move a4 apparently because he played here my whole idea was just you know i'm clearing out my weaknesses i'm going to have some pawn on a4 computer hates it okay great i thought i was very smart so he played rookie which is what i thought was the best move um and again he can't take this because of this so here something very funny happened my original intention here was to play rook b1 rook b1 right and so if he takes now his rook is trapped because he doesn't have the getaway square so i would be taking his rook it's still complicated but i you know this is what i saw i saw okay rugby when he can't take my pawn um but i rejected this because he can play this and after takes takes he laser beams my pawn and after b4 he has this incredible move knight a5 and i saw this right because i saw all of this and i said ah well i cannot play rook ab1 now i do have rook fb1 i do have this move and then maybe i come back with my queen defend my rooks and then i'm threatening to open up the queen side rook fb1 we chill we vibe queen d1 everything is good and then i was like wait a minute what if i put my rook on c1 so that this idea doesn't work he doesn't have knight a5 at the end oh that's so smart i don't have to commit my rook anymore i'm gonna put my rook right here and not smush them in the corner except i'm just a complete because now he can take him b3 i mean the entire point of me hypothesizing rook b1 is that he can't take my pawn and the reason i wouldn't go here is because he can take and attack my rook i just forgot that when i play roxy one he can take on b3 i'm very lucky i don't just lose on the spot i'm very lucky i just forgot that in this version he can think i mean this is the stuff i'm missing i'm not at this level i'm not at the level of my opponents i'm just not there i'm just not there like i my we are looking at two different boards and and these are one movers now admittedly the level is high and and and even here if you make it inaccuracy you're not going to be losing i mean you're going to be worse and you have to defend and now i'm going to defend this game as we're going to see but i mean it's just it's just it's just crazy um and yeah i mean the amount of work i would need to put into to get to this level and higher is yeah it's not sustainable right now so he plays knight a5 i play c4 and i actually thought i was caging him here i thought i was caging him and he looked really unhappy i didn't understand why like rooks i mean he played queen e6 i'm like um that's it i'm in trouble he told me after the game why he wasn't happy he thought here i had queen d5 which i saw but i didn't see this i thought he just goes here and this is defended and if i take take i thought he was just better i missed this move and then if he comes in and defends everything bishop c1 now like he he just he can't he he's stuck like if he plays rook b2 bishop c1 rook b1 and his pieces are like like what are they doing they're all i don't know they're all clustered together i don't know so um that's that's what he saw and i didn't see this that he better player than me like i wouldn't be surprised if in six months he's 24 70. i mean i just i did not see i saw queen d5 i saw queen i played c5 i saw queen d5 but i rejected it um because maybe even takes takes knight c4 i mean something like i just thought oh no no rook c3 anyway i don't know i don't know i guess i just knight c4 i was like oh knight c4 i have nothing turns out i have rook c3 completely missed it um and uh i was like okay i'm gonna have to sacrifice an exchange okay we're just gonna we're just losing i have to go here oh and here i miss something also really funny so uh i played i uh i played queen c3 and i calculated bishop f1 bishop f1 pawn takes and i was gonna go queen c5 knight b3 doesn't work because bishop c4 oh i apologize wait uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no i don't i i'm forgetting i'm forgetting what variation i looked at i think i'm fusing variations um yeah no no i i have no idea what i'm talking about yeah i just i just completely lost my train of thought what i completely forgot about was was actually this i guess this is what i forgot about like i i made a mental note to myself that i can't take back on c5 because of knight b3 and then i forgot oh it might have been here it might have been yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes if i take on c5 i was like oh he can't do this knight c1 if i take his queen 92 because my bishop doesn't cover that anymore and i lose my queen back so i miss that i miss that he can play knight b3 uh and then i kept thinking i kept thinking i played queen c3 and i'm like wait i just i just looked at this and then here he took him b5 so i guess uh uh he's letting me move and he's gonna bring this knight he's gonna be a pawn up with a huge attack so here i'm like aha what a fool what a fool he let me take he can't take my rook because i promote i'm so clever and then i'm gonna take his bishop except he just goes back i miss bishop a6 i'm not joking i missed bishop by 62. uh in my mind i was like if he plays bishop if i'm gonna throw in pawn captures and then i'm gonna move my rook and okay i'm down upon but life goes on no it just takes on f1 and then i'm like all right well i don't i don't have a very pleasant position uh and at this point the game is speeding up so he has maybe 25 minutes i don't know maybe 30 minutes i have like 20 minutes and i'm like okay i'm gonna play a little faster so i don't suffer he's just gonna slowly beat me all right it's just one of those games he plays knight e7 i didn't get that move because very quickly i was like who's guarding your pawn and i realized he wanted to go d5 i realized his idea here was actually to push the spawn he did he pushed the pawn here uh my my friend told me that um engine gives uh a completely insane move maybe if you set this position up for some strong grandmasters and tell them white to move and like salvage the position they find it i think this is an unfindable resource it's really cool though and it's the move bishop b5 i mean that move just doesn't look like it does a thing and the point of this move is uh like let's say rook b2 attacking my bishop bishop d7 and the queen has nowhere to move there's just nowhere to move and my queen even though it's among all the pieces can't be touched which is why knights like this they're stuck right if he goes queen a6 which looks like his only move i take and it's a fork it's just an insane move bishop b5 and it's a draw it's not even i'm not even better so d4 bishop d7 queen g6 bishop f5 i mean yeah i yeah you know that was the last thing i was thinking about what i came up here was what i thought was a very clever defensive resource which i think loses on the spot so i was like bishop c5 and he goes here and i'm gonna take and he has to take with the knight because if he takes with the queen i take his knight which apparently isn't even accurate by the way apparently he can take with the wait what why can he cuz i can't protect f2 i didn't see that oh my god computer is insane uh and here i was like look look at this move bishop c4 if he takes i have rook d8 mate and if he goes here i have queen c5 he can't take cause of this but he saw again one move more than me rook a1 rook a1 i forgot about rk1 and what the crazy thing is rook a1 doesn't work here because takes takes king h2 and i'm still threatening mate but by deflecting my queen back to c5 i no longer have that right i no longer have the access to the d8 square so i'm sitting there like all right he got me he's going to take my pawn but he pushed it's like i see so he he he wants the past pawn right he wants the pass pawn so okay he wants to pass pawn uh i'm going to play king g2 and my ideas i just want to play bishop c4 he has a million ways to win this he can probably bring his knight he should probably make some breathing room for his king but i have one trick and he falls for it he goes here which threatens to kick my night out now if you just stop there you look at knight g3 black is winning you look at bishop c4 attacks the queen loses to rook c1 because then i'm pinned and i'm going to lose material that's it but it's not the case bishop c4 rook c1 removes the defender of a5 which removes the defender of d8 which now threatens a mate and the queen now when when i realized what was happening because he he started he started thinking here i had you know i had uh about 15 minutes he has maybe 20. he thought down to 15 15 on each clock i was like okay i can definitely save this game but maybe i can even win it maybe after queen a5 i actually have winning chances like i don't know i started thinking about all this stuff so he went queen c8 now i was actually coming back from the bathroom uh and i knew he was gonna go queen c8 or he was gonna enter the sequence and i said okay i can take on e5 threaten mate he's gonna take my knight i'm gonna give him check and i'm gonna win his rook and then at some point he's gonna do something i don't know what he's gonna do but it's it's bishop you know my king is weak and very tricky knight and queen swarming like this past pawn very scary but i have that and i can play that in two seconds if i want but i became my own worst enemy here and i was like wait don't i have knight f6 and i thought about king f8 queen d2 attacking the rook and mate and i started working but i'm like wait what do i do after king g7 if i take take i'm still upon down and that king's not getting mated that king is not getting mated i'm still worse so i calculated knight f6 king g7 queen e5 all these crazy lines queen c4 double check maybe i have a draw maybe not knight f6 king h8 queen e5 opening up this and actually this is winning king h8 queen e5 is winning for white if he plays knight c6 i just play here and i go here and it's all it's just a mating net for black so i spent all this time looking at knight f6 i spent 10 minutes 10 out of 15 minutes i mean i was screaming at myself you idiot just take on e5 but i couldn't shake the feeling that i i just wasn't actually playing the best move and i was right knight f6 is the best move uh stockfish told me after but it's you just don't know you know and actually after king f8 my best move is yeah i didn't see that you know i mean my best move is just to to do this like i in one line you can win a rook in the other line you don't i mean it's just so hard and i thought yeah yeah queen c7 none of this works i mean oh well at the end you have to see queen d2 and that yeah and uh i haven't analyzed the game yet i'm analyzing it now i mean yeah bishop a2 it's just so hard to take your foot off the gas right it's so hard because if you play knight h7 king g7 now the knight is hanging and the bishop's hanging it's a2 is so difficult to play i for me maybe some strong gms would see bishop a2 from a distance knight f6 is the best move uh king g7 i have this yeah i should have played knight f6 but i would have never found bishop a2 uh and uh and i went here and we went for this sequence and then and i thought the best move here was queen c7 also by the way i'm threatening bishop takes f7 and winning his queen so i thought he has to go queen c7 and fight on my dark squares queen c7 and i have to take on h5 because if i if i delay this he will just get in right so i take on h5 and my idea here for a long time was that after knight f4 or sorry after knight h4 i would go king f1 and after knight f4 i would go here but what i what i completely didn't realize was that after this it's hard to make a move it's hard to make a move like where do i go originally i was gonna go um bishop f7 and i calculated queen f7 queen c8 is a fork that was like five moves ago and i'm like wait this is czech wait so bishop f7 doesn't work if i play like uh queen c2 to try to play queen b3 and slowly get out i just lose so i can't take my eye off of f4 but if i can't take my alpha f4 where do i move if i play king e2 i just thought running this way was terrible i mean i'm like i'm running toward the pawn tonight that what am i doing so i freaked out and i spent 10 minutes playing queen e5 or like eight minutes or whatever so okay h6 i'm suffocating his king now here i was fully anticipating d3 i had no idea what to do on d3 by the way i was gonna go queen b2 with my two minutes on the clock and just hope that this position was not a loss and yeah the computer thinks that i can hold this yeah um but uh so i was fully expecting d3 and then he played this and i'm sitting there like oh my god that's terrifying i'm losing because he's threatening queen f2 he's threatening knight g1 i have no moves i've completely missed this move if i play queen a3 i get hunted out right i just get hunted like this is tara oh my god except queen h2 loses queen h2 is a losing move can you believe it i i mean if i had not spent 10 minutes if i had five minutes on this move i would have found it i would have found this move but he played here i had a minute on the clock because i'm an idiot i'm like i can't run my king i mean i just get mated i can't do anything so i have to i have to sack my bishop i have to hold for perpetual check bishop f1 is crazy this is the winning move and the point is i'm threatening a check mate because of my pawn and it he runs out of checks there's no more checks because of my bishop covers all the squares and my queen covers the rest it's just completely insane knight g1 king g4 no more checks and i'm threatening mate and if he plays queen queen takes h6 he hangs his queen that's it i win the game f5 check i can probably just take it with a pawn he has no moves all his pieces are stuck so what did i do i didn't see that obviously i didn't see that so i played here and i went for perpetual and i realized very quickly that if i take on d4 here's this and uh i thought i was just losing here because if i play king g4 check if i play king f4 i get forked i just thought i was completely lost just not knight g1 that's wrong because because of this i thought i thought this was certainly losing f4 i don't know i just i just thought this was lost yeah it's not the computer finds a way to hold it but again i have a minute on the clock so i gave him some checks i chased this king around he uh very nicely escaped i it didn't even occur to me that he was gonna go this way he took my pawn and uh i didn't actually play this move this is me putting the king on the board to resign i resigned because uh he's gonna take e4 guarding everything his king will walk in behind his pieces and he's completely safe uh what a game what an absolutely insane game i'm not mad i i i didn't win i i have no business winning this game bishop f1 is a impossible move to find with that that little time on the clock and given the circumstances um i'm uh i'm just kind of having a laugh you know uh like i said at some point in this video i'm not uh i trained very little for this tournament and that's completely my own fault uh and uh yeah i i mean i'm kind of wasting my own time that's i'm not wasting my opponent's times they they get they get some points off me so i can hardly say i'm wasting their time uh but uh yeah this is um this is this is uh this is rough this is definitely kind of rough and the only reason i'm not actually that sad is because uh i'm not if i was training 10-20 hours a week then then i would have some expectations but unfortunately right now i'm just sort of like wow i am missing so much i am miscalculating so much and uh i'm doing crazy over analysis and overthinking of the openings and it's just not good it's not good at all so i'm gonna try to right the ship i'm gonna try not to get one point out of nine although that would be pretty impressive and yeah listen i appreciate all your all your support guys uh especially the ones that don't uh psychoanalyze me and you know my posture and how they think i smell and etc etc but uh shit's rough man shit's rough brutal game i'll see you for the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 376,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Jv6UE5wuFgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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