MUST SEE - INSANE Chess Game!!

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ladies and gentlemen we are only nine days into january of 2022 but we already might have a contender for game of the year this game is played in the virgani cup in catholica in italy and our protagonists are two very strong players actually young and talented players uh they go by the names of milton panzar and hans niemann hans has experienced an insane rate of growth over the past year year and a half and i'm sure that milton panzar is just going to be you know sweden's next grand masteries and i am right now uh but uh he's obviously no joke of a player this game is just it it's in it completely nuts we actually have the eval bar there because it'll it'll kind of uh make you feel a little bit better about your own chest trust me uh and that's it uh we're just gonna have a lot of fun okay we have a candidate for game of the year only nine days uh into the new year so d4 uh and uh knight f3 e6 and g3 so this is a setup uh employed when you would like to play the catalan potentially uh but you you don't want to play the main line you don't want to allow your opponent the option to take your pawn so for example g3 like a very early pawn takes on c4 uh it's clearly an invitation to play some sort of catalan structure we actually saw magnus carlsen employ this very same setup against the uh against in the world championship match but here hans plays b5 so b5 is a is a very provocative move and the point is that you're like well white didn't play c form so i'm going to play b5 i'm going to put my bishop opposite your catalan bishop on this diagonal uh and you're not gonna get your traditional uh you know your traditional catalan pressure it's completely fine but it's very bold it's a little bit risky it's not as good as more solid options but the thing is in an open tournament which is where these two are playing you want to win you want to win every game you can uh and uh and that's why you go for moves like b5 even though it obviously comes with some inherent risk uh bishop g2 bishop b7 castles and here actually the best move according to lila uh is to play c5 uh it's it's to just continue the assault on the center before white is sort of able to get fully developed uh and ready uh with with the army however a move that kind of makes the game even more provocative is the move d5 so black has completely shut down the move c4 for now and white is just absolutely not going to to get it however uh white begins active operations against the b5 pawn which is the entire risk of putting such a pawn out here like you would think one pawn square doesn't or one square with the pawn doesn't really matter at this level it absolutely does because now you have a4 so uh white plays a4 targeting this pawn that you've sort of left out here now just so you understand if you play b takes a4 which just looks like a fair trade like ba 4 rook a4 or whatever whether or not i take this doesn't matter i might take it with the queen or the rook but now that i am able to play c4 white is already much better because in long-term prospects of black's queenside are kind of ruined you've sort of split the pawns the a pawn is just weak the bishop on b7 has no future because you blocked it in with with a pawn and even if you open up the bishop well what is this like what are we doing like why why do we have ac ac this is just so bad um so this is a terrible thing which is why you can't play ba four you have to play b4 and b4 looks like a good move looks like a good move but here uh milton panther takes advantage of the fact that in 2022 uh ambassador is forced uh and he plays c4 so he understands that that while the best move might be d into c4 uh black is going to on poisson here uh it is actually just a very normal thing to do otherwise white will just continue to push forward and leave this pawn dead so bc3 knight c3 and uh and uh bishop to e7 this position has been seen a few times before in fact i've actually had this with the black pieces myself in a blitz game uh against uh nagi from uh from hungary and we drew that game but he was torturing me for a while uh so bishop to e7 and white plays bishop f4 and we sort of see why this position is just very comfortable for white we see that black played in a very provocative fashion uh but white now already is creating some very nasty threats uh just so you understand i mean there's all sorts of bishop c7 knight into d5 etc uh here there has been only like two ever games played and they both proceeded with a knight move either knight a6 or knight d7 the point is you want to go to b4 um i don't know why the stockfish is screaming that this is such a terrible move it's really not it's just on a low depth but you want to plant your knight here which is a byproduct of white having moved upon two squares you see if white's pawn had been able to kick the knight out right then knight before wouldn't be possible but that move is absolutely possible but here rather than playing knight a6 or knight d7 uh hans plays a6 so the move a6 according to my database has never been played before it's a brand new move and it's obviously preventing white from playing knight b5 and there is another idea you are intending to meet the move queen to b3 attacking your bishop with the very ugly but somehow very effective move rook to a7 where you protect everything and in the future you will even protect your c7 pawn from my bishop so it's it's ugly but it kind of does the job you know it kind of does the job a6 for k7 the best thing for white would have been actually to to move this knight into the middle instead of playing queen b3 and just maintain this pressure uh anticipating black's development of the queen side but okay i mean it's it's very difficult not to go for this with white right so white is just he's just doing his thing he's applying the swedish school of chess uh pressure here on hans uh we have 95 and hans finishes his development and begins offering exchanges so generally speaking uh when you play a provocative like the the the rule book the game plan of a 2640 gm against a strong i am like this is potentially play a slightly dubious opening very very slightly dubious but get a slightly worse position where white has to be ultra precise for four to five moves white doesn't play ultra precisely you slowly take over the game you win the game we are entering stage two which is now you're slightly worse but white has to play very precisely let's see if white is able to do that he takes on d7 queen d7 his advantage is gone completely um so here what white has to do is not trade because white has such a space like a bit more space and more active pieces white should kind of just continue to bring pieces to the party and trade on his own terms like he should want hans to take him so that he opens up this file for his rook he has e4 to take a crack at the center but by doing this this i think what milton missed here is that even though his position seems to be completely suppressing black's play there is one move here that solves all of black's problems and again it's ugly but somehow very effective and it's bishop to c6 you see the move a5 was played with two reasons number one you want to make this pawn kind of talk like staying on a6 forever this pawn and this spawn on a6 becomes a very important character in this movie later on uh the other idea is you want to transfer the knight to c5 so generally when you have a position like this with many many puns on the board you're looking at forward moves and infiltration possibilities with your pieces but bishop c6 as stupid as it looks just completely stops that it just completely stops it and what's worse is this awful rook is now going to get into the game and that means this rook is going to get into the game and now you suddenly just have an avalanche of stuff happening on the side of the board the bishops the rooks like what the hell is going on so now we're entering that phase where white was not precise black is now going to take over the initiative okay ready so queen back to c2 rook b8 obviously and now white is probably like yo what the hell like how this is so stupid why did i allow this to happen h6 uh han's just making a kind of a a pass back move always good to get the king to some safety although not at this very moment but no back rank mates uh just sort of yo you know what you self-destruct and he does he self-destructs immediately and now black is better knight to a4 is a crazy move you couldn't pay me money to play this move i'm not saying uh i'm not criticizing the player i'm criticizing the move but i'm telling you this is what happens sometimes when you have this shift in the game and you don't know what to do rather than be solid and sit there you do something and you do too much the point of knight a4 is obviously to go to knight c5 but look what are we doing here right like why would we do that to our own pawns well obviously he he doesn't he doesn't seem to mind it because he thinks that he gets control of the c file still pressure on c7 long-term opportunities to target the a6 pawn and maybe milton's genius and i suck at chess i don't know but i was like it's so hard here because with white what do you do really what do you do you have almost no forward momentum there is this completely absurd move and then if you give the knight up this way you at least get the bishop and you know takes takes c7 is hanging b3 is a little bit weak but uh he goes for a4 like i said you couldn't pay me money to play a move like this because now hans arrives with this rook and he's he's mad he's like i'm gonna win some pawns now so uh milton plays queen c6 uh we have bishop d6 so some tension there with the queens are are both protected white protects with the rook black protects with knight um bishop d2 rook takes a4 look at that that's something we call x-ray defense so it looks like a move that's impossible but the queen actually protects the rook through the queen and the knight is protecting the queen over there but the game plan of white is still in full effect you've sacrificed the pawn um and uh you you maybe want to bring the bishop back to f1 actually that's that's kind of a long-term idea like this to target this pawn uh so hans plays rook a2 harassing but that kind of plays into white's hands because that's exactly what white wants right so rook fd1 uh milton is making his case uh for being just an absolute genius here comes rook c2 offering some more exchanges and again the long-term plan is that this rook is just a complete idiot it just it can't move at all so yeah maybe knight a4 actually wasn't so bad after all actually seems to be a pretty reasonable move like i said you couldn't pay me to play it but that's why he's in the video and i'm making the video right so that's that we all have our role in life uh rook c6 played and at this point um white's pressure has absolutely paid off there is one maneuver here that the computer suggests which shows you how cold-blooded and scummy computers are uh it wants black to play knight d7 uh and the idea of knight d7 is uh like let's say you play bishop e1 you would go here because you want to move your rook right because otherwise you would lose your bishop on that square now black plays knight b8 that's what the computer wants it then wants to kick the rook out and play rook b7 where both pawns are protected and the knight just lives on this idiotic square for a little bit once you deal with the rooks you can maybe play the c pawn or something i mean it's just absurd the problem with 97 white might crack open the center but then the computer's like ah go back because the pawn can't go back right only the knight can go back uh but knight d7 knight b8 is stupid um and instead of that hans plays rugby too any blunders he blunders and uh milton sends the pieces up for the next game with bishop to f1 and that pawn cannot be protected i'm not actually sure what hans missed uh maybe han saw bishop f1 was coming and just didn't like the knight d7 idea uh i don't know i haven't spoken to either player uh they also probably wouldn't speak with me uh in general when titled players uh speak with me for like 30 minutes or more it's like you start losing an elo point of ability per minute it's terrible so they tend not to do it uh rook b7 and bishop a6 so remember i told you that generally there's like this shift and after you're met with resistance you start making mistakes well as we've seen in this game an inaccuracy often times will lead to a second one so we have rook to b7 bishop takes a6 so hans is now like giving up the pawn completely with tempo by the way with the tempo plays rook down to b3 so now white is completely winning white is winning why is white winning because he's got an ape on i mean that pawn is a killer so his his whole game plan worked out really well rook c7 94 hans is not even interested in stopping this pawn hanza's just going all in now i don't know the clock situation obviously both players could be low on time here but we are about to witness just an absolutely wild game if you had the attention span to survive a 12-minute video of however long this video was going to be thank you very much by the way aren't those people so absurd who don't even make it this far like we can talk trash about them because they're not even here we can talk behind their back what are they even doing like why wouldn't they just watch the entire thing through i don't know whatever i'm going to get myself worked up bishop to e1 rook to b1 hans is looking to break through on the back rank uh and uh milton just brings the booster back the pawn's going to go pawn's got a green light a6878 literally nobody can stop it who's going to stop it she's got a green light all milton has to do is not get mated that's it easier said than done right well rook takes d1 bishop takes d1 rook b1 hans has not done anything to indicate that he would like to stop this pawn by the way he just wants the bishops he's a bishops kind of guy so milton plays a6 sometimes when you have a very advanced pawn you actually can sacrifice some pieces because you're gonna make a queen you're gonna make a queen so we have a six and um obviously the idea is if ponte rook takes that's it i mean the pawn just queens it doesn't you can't stop it there's nobody there's nothing you can do take the next bishop you can't stop it i'm gonna make a queen so he plays bishop c5 the point of bishop c5 is that if you just off hand take like this i am going to take here threatening to take the bishop with check and then go back and stop you so for example for example something like this which will lead to me sacrificing my rook and this is probably unwinnable with white however you can still take this bishop all you have to do is play king2f1 just don't let me take the bishop white is completely winning it's plus six you just play a7 you move the bishop out at some point the black knight will never stop you you win you just win i mean i don't know how else i can't make this any clearer you just win the game you have cna so close to promoting the knight can't stop you the game is over but that doesn't happen and this is only the beginning of the of the wonderful things that occur in this game milton plays work say the point of rook c8 is you want to move the king away so you don't want the king to come closer and you want the promotion square to always be covered now he plays rook c5 point of rook c5 is that if not if knight takes then fork oops then fork it's a very nice idea so rook takes and now rook goes behind pawn that's it rook goes behind the pawn we have check here and um hans has an option he can play rook c1 rook c8 which would result in the following end game where probably white does have very significant winning chances because it's five on five the less pawns white has here the more pawns that black has it's probably closer to a drop it's five on five rook is gonna beat tonight any day all right rook is gonna beat tonight any day so hans doesn't do that wait levy am i hearing you correctly he didn't sack the rook for the night no oh sorry are there a rook for the pawn no well doesn't that mean he just gave up a queen that's exactly what it means yes yes yes he straight up allowed a full queen promotion now obviously if you're still here you're going okay you wouldn't have selected this if milton just calmly checkmated him in the next six to seven moves that means hans probably saved the game well you're probably you're pretty smart yes but how the hell did he save the game how the hell did he maybe he lost the game maybe he saved and then there were more blunders that's that's why we're here that's why we're here because this we're far from done okay rook to d1 so i'm going to show you what actually happens in the game then i'm going to show you the engine analysis i did of the game so han's sax for the the queen kind of sacrifices allows a promotion because he realizes that white is stuck in a box so white is going to have to chuck some pawns if white tries to hang on to all the pawns it's a draw it's a draw because knight g5 king g4 and rook f2 you see if you play f5 the king runs out to the middle that's bad but you have rook f2 which cuts the king in a box and there's only one move here that doesn't lose for white doesn't lose and it's the move rook to a2 because you need to protect h2 if you play something like h4 it's made in two so it's never too late to get made it even though you're up a full queen you know something about that don't you so you can't play king h3 so because hans has incredible incredible structure of pawns and everything is very well protected nothing is overextended he's able to get away with this so rook takes h2 okay we have queen b8 point of queen b8 we're trying to protect this maybe in the future we're going to come back over here maybe we want to get to these pawns but you want to not blunder a perpetual right so we have rook f2 and rook f3 i mean what how how do you win this with white i know we want to sit here and go what the hell is going on but how do you win if you just go to a8 there's no mate i just go here and then i win all your pawns so he plays king to e2 check here back uh i mean obviously we don't want to draw an extra queen like most people would have resigned by now rook a3 knight takes g3 okay i've won three pawns it's now knight and three pawns for a queen that's eight that's eight points i apologize that's six points oh my god oh my god i should have just i should just edit that out i should but you should just edit it out but it's okay i make chess videos i don't have to be good at math it's six points queen's nine points six nine it's a nice imbalance but it's that you still can't do anything what how are you gonna get to the guy queen b5 like he has no moves so queen b5 is trying to come back and now hans is like wait a minute why don't i just make a queen of my own like the hell with this game i'm gonna win this game all right hans relax you're dead lost or are you i don't know i have no idea what's going on milton goes queen d3 king h6 rook back to a2 knight f5 what the heck is going on rookie 2 to defend h4 everything in black's position works perfectly together even the advanced king queen d2 setting up a discovered attack well here comes the g-pawn he's got two past pawns he's got two past pawns how does this game make any sense king d1 h3 rook f2 root no trade now at this point milton's probably frustrated and he probably has to bail out with the draw if i'm being completely honest he probably has to like go around and start giving a perpetual check uh he decides to wait on that a little bit and sacks the rook for the night he sacks it because uh if you take there's queen f2 and that's actually a fork and then you're gonna take and get in so what does hans do he gives a check first king e2 ef5 and now hans is just i mean right like he he's he's just the constant threat of this pawn promoting is going to give him at least the draw but now milton loses the game on the spot he plays king to f3 and the game is over the game is over and hans neiman doesn't find it hans neiman does not find it the winning move here for black is the shocking f4 which threatens rook g3 rook g2 back and winning the queen if you run away with the queen to be forced to try to go over here i just stop you and then i just promote you can't stop me you cannot stop me you have no perpetual check that's it so f4 pawn f4 g4 and the king comes back and now rook g2 and i take your queen f4 wins hans doesn't see it he plays king h5 now queen f2 here is still drawing the game because you attack the rook and then your king can kind of slide out of the way your queen can harass everybody but instead he plays this move now we have check king up to f4 we have rook g2 queen h1 and this and black is slowly coming forward and the conclusion of this game yes yes if it's not clear yet one guy is gonna win this game and it's not the guy who you think it was g3 king to e5 and watch as hans evades the hunt of the queen from the other side running his king down to the corner and covering himself with those g and h pawns and white resigns because there's no stopping the promotion absolutely insane now he also probably could have could he have promoted here no yes no yeah he could have because queen h3 checked there's queen h2 and that's a counter check but he decides to end the game in style by covering his king up in the corner of the board and he wins what how did he do that how did he do that well i have news for you i have news for you that was barely winning for white that was i mean when the queen was actually on the board it was barely winning milton had an opportunity obviously to play this king f1 variation uh way back here with uh where was it bishop c5 he could have just played this this this this is probably the absolute simplest way to win this game um but king g2 so i analyzed this with a with stockfish and with leela and the only winning move and winning idea that they showed was right here right here and this idea is is is prevalent throughout this end game i mean maybe you can analyze it deeper than i did one idea and only one idea at one moment wins this game and it's not the move queen b8 protecting the g pawn to try to also set up rook a8 and backrank stuff it's the move g4 the move g4 wins the game for white in most variations and in particular in this one it's winning here because this pawn is now very difficult to capture so you're not going to be able to take it and since you're not going to be able to take it uh you're going to struggle to to do anything in the position frankly so one completely insane variation that i will kind of leave you here with uh after g4 goes rook f2 check uh white will move the king to uh e1 and it's very difficult for for for black to make a move but let's just say black doesn't want to do anything so here white will play uh after king g6 white will play rook a6 to set up some pressure on this pawn if black plays rook g2 to try to go here we have this look at this setting up rookie six right we have rookie six here and if black plays knight to g5 there is the absolutely amazing move while everything looks protected and looks like a defensive fortress e4 and while black is stuck kind of hunting this pawn if you take there is this so your whole defensive setup falls apart here but if you take like this the final the final dagger walks through and it's maybe not even this i might just make a third i might make a third queen for the game a second queen on the board but a third queen for the game and it's just amazing that one move g4 um basically puts an end to any hope of a black fortress here on this side of the board it also prevents long-term kind of thrusting of the pawns forward and while black is in an awkward fashion trying to hump this pawn down white will go for the pawns of their own in this game milton simply played a little bit too passively when he saw how strong black's threats were on the pawns and because of that he was never able to get his own initiative going but folks what what a damn game huh what a game thanks for hanging around both of these players had had moments of absolute genius wizardry chaos in this game and uh i think we have our early candidate for the craziest game of the year thus far uh but yeah i will see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 558,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 6wCo1Bt1G5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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