THIS is how to win Double Trouble!

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Double Trouble is by far my favorite game mod in Squad Busters so in this video I'm going to teach you the secrets that will help you get more wins and we'll even watch some of my game footage to show you exactly how it's done there the two secrets to help you get more wins in this game mode and one of them you're not going to like but the first one is very straightforward and everybody should do it which is that you absolutely must go for fusions as fast as you possibly can why is that well let me just show you what the gold cost would be if you go for four used units versus opening the same number of chests But first you got to six units and then you start trying to go for fusions the difference is astronomic in the cost and for those of you that just wants the answer it's 45 gold to just go for four fused units that's five gold to open your first chest then five gold to open your second chest and you now have two fused units whatever you started with then it's five gold to open your third chest and now you have four units so your chest cost is 15 and then it's 15 again and all of a sudden you've got four used units for a grand total of 45 gold meanwhile if you open a chest get a different unit than what you started with open another chest get a different unit from what you started with you now have six units in your squad which means your chest cost is 25 so to open five chests which is the same amount of chests it took to get to four fuse units that would run you 95 gold do you see the problem here you must go for fusions over unit diversity now this brings us to the second tip which which is not very fun and like I said you aren't going to like it which is that the Pay to Win consumables are literally twice as good in this game mode so if there were a time that you were going to bust out some of those consumables consider using the rerolls in the very least to go for fusions as fast as you possibly can this has an absolutely astronomic impact in how you'll do in addition pulling epic keys are really really powerful in this game mod why is that obviously they're twice as impactful cuz you're getting twice as many units so yes uh epic keys are amazing using keys to get fusions just regular keys also are completely gang Buster so keys are really insane here don't use a fusion key however because you only get one extra unit from what you would have normally gotten at least the last time I tried it and I stopped doing it so Fusion key is bad but epic keys are insane and regular keys are also insane cuz you're getting two units that's the beauty of double trouble so the consumables are way way way way way way more valuable now from there the rest of the way you play a match is pretty standard stuff okay now there is one other thing we do need to talk about which is that because you are getting units twice as fast for the same number of chests you would have opened I get the gold cost is a little higher potentially but because you're getting units twice as fast that means that you need to push toward the center much faster and also the value in the center will evaporate much more quickly because everybody's more equipped to handle it you're also way more likely to get ambushed and so you probably want to have units that are a little bit resist resilient to that if you can manage it I've talked in the past about how I avoid things like potentially a first pick Colt certainly a first pick bow I'm avoiding first pick chicken I'm avoiding but also hey yo having a chicken for the speed boots in this one can be really really nice and yes I do go for fused chickens in that instance and yes then you've got enough speed to be set for the rest of the match with two fused chickens this also means however that certain economy units may not be as good depending on what other game mod comes with it but generally I try to avoid Davis I try to avoid Greg Trader can be outstanding here but remember what you're trying to do either you're running around the outside going for economy or you're fighting other players and if you're fighting other players and that's your win condition then maybe the Traders are not the best play but keep in mind if you're going to fight other players then you probably need to be keying to be the overdog and that just is what it is so economy may turn out to be a good Strat right but unlike other units where you urgently want like a ton of fusions do you really want two Fusion Gregs do you want really two Fusion Mavis uh probably not all right our first Double Trouble game baby and between the bow heavy and Trader I'm snapping off the heavy and I'm rushing toward the middle I always go for the blue box for the speed boots debatable if you stand still to get that extra skeleton I'm looking around one more skeleton means I can get a box here so I'm going to take it I'm going to let my bullets finish off this Goblin and boom we get it I am able to get that very first Fusion which is huge I push in going for the heavy Fusion here you can see my gold cost is still five exactly as I described you and that's why this is insane I think Penny would be reasonable but I take the chicken for the fusions which I don't hate honestly like look at me actually going and following my own advice love to see it wow okay from here I go and I'm what am I going to get ooh medic will be sick yeah medic is really goed my C just through the roof as you can see it's 25 but I can handle almost anything uh well except these uh Golems stunning me GG I am trying to finesse a little bit around the Golem I see somebody rolls up here I'm going to pop a key what do I take I took a Traer I feel very sus about that if I were doing this again I would probably take the Shelly I think that I'm going for a hybrid Strat here which as I mentioned I think in the intro I don't like the hybrid Strat I'm chasing this guy I think it's a bot their name is an ostrich I should probably just commit to using more chicken here and like just commit the chicken resources oh this guy's cooked now okay well the ostrich is down good stuff so from here I'm going for the fusion on the chicken I'm fully committed to it exactly like I said I'm trying to prevent my squad cost from going up so I go for the fusion on the trader here 40 is still a disgusting Squad cost to Squad up but it just is what it is I see there's a combat here I'm trying to be the third party and pressure off both of them and it looks like I've accomplished that I get Thunderbolt here generally if I'm going to third party I try to third party the overdog and then they typically back off and that leaves the thing they've been weakening for me to take out from here looks like I'm going to snap off an epic key again is what it is uh I'm going to go for the battle healer interesting choice it does make me pretty tough to pop my units but I'm not really posturing here to be ambushing which watching this it just makes me a little anxious I don't know how I'm going to do in this one ooh yeah so I get Ambush there I guess in that instance if I'm going to be the one getting ambushed it's not so bad to have the extra health I do pop one of those guy's uh units there he backs off surprising I'm not chasing with chicken and at this point yeah I go for the BK here BK for the sick taked down I move in and I move it in exactly the way I say not to do so good to see both examples of that because I went in and I did not attack the overdog that meant that I got sandwiched between the overdog and the person that was in the sort of process of getting busted not the way you want to do that so good to show you both of those in here and then I get a couple good hits on this guy the dude is running a Traer so he's a little bit of a loot Piñata I do leave behind a lot of loot here and it just is what it is I am continuing to chase but my chicken boots are out so if you thought two fused chickens was definitely way too much think again man I just went through two fused chickens worth of boots that's crazy now I'm in middle I have BK I can absolutely dominate with my ultra BK here it's just honestly kind of disgusting uh and that other guy rolled up I'm actually going to push the player I really don't need to here I'm at 320 on the board I guess the other guy's kind of catching up to me I move in on this baby drag but I'm kind of chilling and chilling in part because I don't have any speed so oh another BK is gross I'm going to proactively pop uh one of my BK super rage abilities here a I just get a couple hits on that guy loot freaking pinata so I showed some of the principles in action here but don't worry I've got more games and like is keing really strong yes but is King especially strong here yes it is especially strong here let's go to the next game all right here we are in game two with the El Primo bow and Shelly Choice the choice is obvious I take the Shelly I take the sus choice of stepping left to unveil some stuff under the sand there and I do get paid off really well with a bunch of coins I struggle with that choice and I do end up using a roll because like I said keeping that Squad cost down is just everything at the start of this match I'm going to rush in I was able to get the fusion on both shellies which is huge still five coin cost I think I take a whiz here cuz like hey yo whz is kind of sick and it's a little sus cuz I'm not going to be able to fuse it just there's just no way I use the bomb on the tree because I have just so many spells that are going to be coming in that guy gets cooked by my Lightning Spell but I don't get the kill and it leaves me having done damage to him but not gone anywhere really I took the Nita which I don't hate but you can see my squad cost is 25 the only way out of this situation now is just going to be keying because other people are going to be too strong for anything else this guy is kind of they're they're kind of hairing me here it's a little sus move in on double unders probably a bot really really poor throw on that log actually tragic and I'm going to take this guy out and I'm I haven't actually used a key yet that guy was going for me changes his mind I'm stuck with no fusions here so now I'm just po committed to lack of fusions I pop an epic key grab I didn't even see what that was a Morse definitely a bad call oh that guy is getting my loot maybe and I mean dude had a rage spell going it's kind of terrifying we're looking for Value here I'm in fifth the thing about the strategy I'm running is that either I'm busting squads or I'm in huge trouble I do get some great hits on that guy's CT he really couldn't afford to run the way that he did but now I'm in trouble and I'm actually out of boots I barely get away with my life there which is kind of wild like if he had gone for me I think he had the kill there like I was in trouble and now I've really backed off to like safety here to try to recoup a little bit I'm going to swing around to the right try to get the final five gold I need for the final upgrade and I'm basically prepping to push in the middle at this point medic is probably the pick oh a Fusion on the Pam or The Whiz is great yeah we take the Pam Fusion I really like the extra large healing field the small healing field I mean look nobody likes the small healing field okay and I'm in the frost spell it doesn't matter Fusion key look how little this does pretty sure it just gives me three total units like Fusion key is a complete waste I'm actually like kind of grossed out by the fact that I did that but I am in fourth and I should have used an epic key like the results would have definitely been better two epics would have been really SI here but whatever is what it is I've chosen what I've chosen and I need to Ambush somebody and I can't figure out who it's going to be like nobody's in the middle I'm going to go for some of these PVE objectives fusing here would be a pretty good choice I hope that's what I did um yeah I I'm I'm not in a good spot and like I've got people attacking from a bunch of different angles now I'm very exposed here I swing to the right and I actually chase this guy I have a lot of time left kind of but I'm through the middle again which is super dangerous and I decide against it yeah smart I don't know if there's a pathway to first for me in this match oh okay I'm in first now GG uh do I need to do anything to hold first whoa uh oh my gosh that guy really played poorly with his hog rider there I'm in second I need to do more if I'm going to get first and I just don't know that I will there's only a couple seconds left oh my gosh am I going to clutch here I am going to clutch all it cost me was like a an epic key a regular key and a fusion key yikes anyways let's jump into the next game so I'm going to pick looks like heavy yep there it is so heavy offre is fine I really like the heavy I move in on this box I kind of want to stand still but I realize that this thing is going to make me move and I get hit anyways which is like really silly of me to do but whatever I'm standing there kind of getting value but kind of not the reason I say kind of not is that like I know I have to push middle so although I like to step on those spots to get some extra loot this was critical to get here and what I take yep heavy Fusion GG have to do it over the hog rider because think about it if I take the hog rider like oh God bow that is a Miss missp pick I'm up against a bot so I get away with it but that is not what you want to pick there and this guy could actually have destroyed me I'm surprised he walked away I guess the Heavies in front intimidated him Goblin is actually not the worst here like I am getting so many coins and I want to go for fusions immediately anyways on that so I'm actually getting some value this thing really like I know if they shouldn't be better GG uh what am I going to do fuse the bow I may recover from this like pretty suboptimal draft honestly what do I do now ooh I have to take the queen yeah we take the queen throw the logs I got plenty of spell options here get down those Expos that guy has moved out of the way but the Expos are going to kind of hold down that area for a while and I get to fuse on the Gob again which is just gross so I have a couple free gobs in the squad on the bow I am doing the thing I said you should be doing pick up a new log spell epic key into an Archer Queen going for fusions I'm preserving the squad cost but you definitely could argue that the BK would be better there for the rage spell I mean it's just gross but whatever I'm in the middle and I could have been cooked there I actually could have been cooked UT toast is a bot I'm now about to get sandwiched and I'm leaning on my Archer Queens doing that work that guy pulled away a second away from destroying a bunch of my units I honestly got lucky that he pulled the punch like it's really good for me that he flinched I think he just saw that Archer Queen DPS and panicked like Archer Queen DPS is pretty gross Pam here would be amazing now I don't care about the squad cost at this point I'm at I'm at 50 per so like while fusions are good I got to be more interested in overall Squad strength and now that guy just that guy just literally got cooked but I don't have the turbo to chase him down is what it is we roll on to these objectives real quick uh and I'm going to take a Fusion on the medic which is huge that medic does some heals pop an epic key go for the BK but at this point pop the rage spell on somebody's getting cooked if I can find them and I can so I do exactly what I said there I try to third party on the stronger of the two and if I had more boots this guy would be dunsky but he might be dunky anyway oh my God so not much for this guy to do I'm going to rotate back into the middle cuz I don't think I can chase that guy and certainly it's not worth the time it would take and now there's a lot of good value here I do see my I should have popped my rage spell there potentially just to intimidate that guy from coming toward me I think that would have been worth I cannot believe I'm able to pop a couple of his units there battle healer is going to keep me super healthy at this point and I'm very difficult to approach here I've got almost double the score of everybody else and I'm kind of cooking so two more gold and I can squat up yet again get the cannon down seems good use on the Archer Queen drop down those Expos into the middle we get the uh gem mine and this guy goes for it but like I think that's the same guy from earlier that I took a few units off of yeah and I've got double the score of everybody people could come after me here but the Expos are kind of keeping them away and there you have it GG another win there and like you can see keys are really powerful here rrolling is really powerful but even if you aren't doing those things here are the core principles you can take away one always go for fusions two press for more value in the middle because there's a lot more power in your squad more quickly than you realize and three try to ambush people where you can third partying the stronger party hoping that you get them both or you scare away the stronger party but just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew if you enjoyed the vid throw a like on here consider subscribing check the cards in the end screen if you're looking for more guides designed to help level up your game [Music]
Channel: ChisgulePlays
Views: 20,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chisgule Plays, squad busters, chisgule squad busters, squad busters gameplay, squad busters win, squad busters tips, squad busters tricks, squad busters tips and tricks, squad busters fusion, squad busters double trouble, double trouble mod, squad busters ultra, squad busters ultra unit gameplay
Id: Iyfz3FenkXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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