This Game Lets You Make NEW Pokemon!

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I don't think it's any Surprise by now that I love Pokemon unfortunately for us Pokemon lovers game freak refuses to put more than a day's effort into creating their games anymore so it's up to the fans to pick up the slack there's a lot of talented fans out there and some of them have gotten together and created this game Pokemon infinite Fusion this game lets you fuse Pokemon together to create new mods with different type combinations and new move sets this is unironically my new favorite way to play Pokemon I've been having too much fun with it though so I think it's time that I make it no fun at all let's try a Nuzlocke in Pokemon infinite Fusion a Nuzlocke for the uninitiated is a classic Pokemon Challenge that sets some very specific rules that make the game much more difficult if a Pokemon faints it's gone for good you can only catch one Pokemon per route slash area slash room slash floor slash whatever you have to name all of your Pokemon which I'll be doing with a random name picker for extra Randomness factor and I'm throwing in my own rule I can only use fused Pokemon on my team no normal unfused Pokemon ever I can unfuse some already fused Pokemon to fuse them with other Pokemon but otherwise wise fused Pokemon only I'm also going to try my absolute hardest to beat this Challenge on the first try because I don't think I've ever beaten one of these on the first try before with the rules and goals out of the way let's get into our first and hopefully final run of Pokemon infinite Fusion the first thing we do like other games is make a character for this challenge I will be a 10 year old boy named dumpert before going further I set the game to Hard Mode changed it from switch to set I put all settings to random put the randomness range to 500 as random as it could possibly be and shuffled up all the Pokemon I also skipped the intro which means the next thing we do is name our rival usually I would name him something awful and offensive but I decided to name him something someone called me recently in a valorent game dummy Kong most hurtful thing I've ever heard Professor Oak offers us some Pokemon and we get to make our pick for random starters our options are Milo mime a fusion of Milotic and Mr mime Ariel Dawn a fusion of ariados and bastardon a freaky looking Eldritch Horror and lastly emporgan a fusion of Empoleon and Agron the China for me was easy because not only do I like Napoleon but I love Agron his random name is Rafael dummy Kong picked ariodon and restarted our Rival Battle this fight started off terribly but some mud slaps lowered his accuracy enough to get me by with just one HP left almost restarted right at the beginning this uh this is gonna be tough after the battle I ran to Viridian City to get something for Professor Oak and on the way back I saw something insane a sudogia a pseudo Widow and Lugia unfortunately I can't catch it yet because I don't have any Pokeballs and this encounter doesn't count but seeing a legendary Pokemon this early made me realize just how crazy this run is gonna get I did get some pokeballs right after completing my errand and met my first valid encounter Solario a slack off Lucario Fusion you're gonna hear me say this a lot but Lucario is one of my favorite Pokemon so catching him which I did was awesome before I go anywhere else I want to level up my mons just a tiny bit that way I don't get killed by something random while doing this I ran into a lux 2 a fusion of luxray and Mewtwo that is two legendary Pokemon right off the bat I saw another sudokia grinding and it killed my Solario which means I'm back down to one single Pokemon and I lost one of my favorite Pokemon that is a sad start I finished leveling up on porgon and ran off to my next encounter a duonics what I didn't realize though is that I only had one single ball left so when I tried to catch him and he broke free I couldn't do much else and I failed my second encounter this is by all accounts a terrible start to make sure I didn't fumble like this again I went and bought some balls and ran into the Viridian Forest here I caught a hit Mama Lou a Hitmonlee and ryolu fusion hey maybe I'll get another Lucario I caught him and was relieved not only to have two Pokemon on my team but was relieved to see that his moveset was really nice I made it out of the forest onto Route 3 and caught a bell run out here I'm halfway to a full team the first gym is a rock type gym so my team is perfect for that another unique thing about this game is that you can only enter a limited amount of Pokemon for Gym Battles the amount you can enter increases after every other gym but starting off you can only enter two Pokemon at a time I didn't really need to though because emporgan tore through Brock's two mods like they were made paper that's one small badge and one giant leap for this run I was feeling good after this battle so I figured I'd have a little fun and switch my mods around a bit because I was feeling good though the universe punished me and killed both of my new Pokemon I am really not supposed to have a Lucario I guess something you can do after beating a gym is wonder trade I'm 99 sure the trading isn't with real people but regardless you'll receive a random Pokemon Fusion I traded one of my dead Pokemon and got an exactly named hm slave who didn't actually have any HMS hey another body for the team who I then lost immediately the dream of beating this on my first try is dying faster and faster I did catch the man that killed him though a lot of clops a fusion of Latios and dusclops which is a pretty fantastic addition to the team on the other two floors of Mount Moon I caught a snore vile and a pammer with this team I fended off Team Rocket who was making trouble and experimenting with fusing three different Pokemon together they weren't all too tough but this triple fusion idea will come back with a vengeance later not long after fighting Team Rocket I caught a Provost Sprout which brought me up to five Pokemon and and then was challenged by my rival I got through the battle but lost my pammer honestly that's okay I needed to switch around my mods a little bit after this and created snore clubs and lot of file there's a root encounter north of Cerulean City but to get there you have to get through a pretty long Gauntlet of trainers this let me level up a bit and I didn't lose anyone that was until I actually reached the encounter drift Chomp Garchomp is another one of my absolute favorite Pokemon but this one was being a jerk and he killed my Emporium losing a starter is always such a shitty feeling a big loss but also a big game because I did end up catching drift Chomp I swapped drift chop at Provo Sprout to Gar pass who really needs a new Sprite and balloon whose name is really funny I grinded for a little bit with my new team and then went to challenge the water type gym I didn't lose any Pokemon against the trainers before Misty but then when I went up against Misty I killed her first mod and then garpass got confused and killed himself another one of my favorite moms killed off I did clutch up after this with a lot of vile and got my second badge like before beating a gym gives you a one to trade ass my new Pokemon blissiri oblicy and Bunny Fusion named Jolly sweet on my way to the next area I killed my route 5 encounter which is a massive bummer and then almost lost my blissery to a Togepi I gotta pull it together man on Route 6 I caught a Donato named Stephanie which is my girlfriend's name unless your bets out if she surrounds the next five minutes or not I also got an egg from a stranger and ran around for like 10 minutes so that I could hatch it [Music] gotta keep your feet [Music] it turned out to be a clefersa which was cute but not all too useful that does though give me a full team for the first time this entire run next I met Bill who had turned himself into a Pokemon and on Route 11 I ran into a Magna sect a Magnemite and Genesect Fusion I caught it and then right after this ran into a Paul climb a Palkia and cling clang Fusion which I also caught I fused the Genesect in the Palkia together and made a super powered Pokemon genekia back in Vermilion City there is a ship called the SSN on this ship is a trainer that we will see a lot his name is gentleman Thomas he's in the room to the left of yours and only has one Pokemon it's a fusion of Persian and brow with and killing it gives you a decent amount of XP a cool thing about this game is that you can rebattle some trainers like gentlemen Thomas then after fighting him you can run next door to your room and rest in your bed restoring your Pokemon back to full health this may not be the most efficient way to grind in this game but this is the way I'd be grinding from here on out so get used to seeing this guy before I did anything else on the boat I grinded with him for a bit he ended up killing Stephanie though she's uh not gonna like that I replaced her with drift clang and finished up my grinding on the rest of the boat there's some other trainers you have to get through to meet the captain I beat them up without much trouble and then was stopped outside the captain's cabin by my rival a fight I wasn't expecting I did just fine though I plowed through his entire Team without losing a single Pokemon a huge relief because I really like the team I've built my rival out of the way I met with the captain who was feeling seasick I rubbed him don't like the way they worded that and he gave me the HM cut so that I could reach areas I couldn't before on Route 9 I caught a mole pet a Moltres and Shuppet Fusion which was neat and went back to challenge the Vermilion City Gym this gym is an electric type gym and the trainers in this one were much tougher than the ones before one of them killed my clefersa but I replaced them with my newly created Bell trace a very funny looking little guy now I don't actually know how this Gym's puzzle works if I'm being honest never have so I just walked around hitting trash cans until something happened after a while I got it right and was able to face Lieutenant surge surge wasn't all too scary I got through his first two Pokemon without much sweat his last Pokemon though right to Electabuzz Fusion kept using a move that would increase its evasiveness so it took me forever to kill it because almost every attack I used missed I did manage to hit it eventually it secured my third badge with no casualties my one to trade after beating Serge was a cough wag a Pokemon I'd never end up using but on Route 10 I encountered a May Barrel a memo swine B Barrel Fusion that might be useful I switched my team around to include a mam clubs which sounds like an STD and a mole Barrel I went back to Thomas with these Pokemon and he killed my Mulberry I guess that one just wasn't meant to be I did some exploring after this and got a Letty growth in the Rock Tunnel entrance and then caught a really cool Pokemon in the power plant ajiravore a fusion of Jirachi and Gardevoir this is the most beautiful Pokemon I have ever seen I I've Loved this Fusion I continued my exploring by catching a growl Ray an adult skull before reaching Lavender Town I wanted to keep leveling up so I went South and fought a bunch of fishermen also caught a cat or tattoo maybe the least exciting Fusion ever created I went back up to Lavender Town and had another Rival Battle I feel like these are happening a little too fast am I crazy you can't do much here at this point because you need something called the Silph Scope that I'll get later for now all I can do is go to Celadon City on my way there I met a gambler he took 4 000 bucks from me and that just gave me a rare candy this was real life I would have janeki and Laser his head off and get my money back but unfortunately you can't do that in this game I caught a dunik I don't know how to say that dude yeah I'm calling him donuts I caught a donix and a Char duck and arrived in Celadon City where Team Rocket was making even more trouble they're all over the sewers for some reason but the gym leader of Celadon comes with you and heals your Pokemon after each fight which is very nice you make your way through the sewer and have to fight some more grunts one of them managed to kill my ladder vial which was a huge loss but after completing the sewer section getting the self scope I replaced him with doomandu my team is Pretty Tough so I went and challenged the grass type gym in Celadon I was right about my team being tough because janeki has swept Erica the gym leader all by himself that guy is sick he got me my fourth badge and I am now halfway done with the gyms but so so far from halfway done with the game now one thing about these runs is that it is so easy to lose Pokemon for example I went back to Thomas and leveled up my doomander to a doom alien in a doozard but then when trying to travel to fuchsia City I lost him to a Team Rocket run that sort of thing can be really frustrating but it's good to remind yourself that you need to be careful now continuing with the story I went back to Lavender Town and started my mission to save Mr Fuji in the Pokemon Tower the tower has several floors which means I get several encounters I killed the first one by accident but I caught the second one a wiggly vial I caught the third one a shantasy and the final one a mud shop Machamp and Swampert are two of my favorite Pokemon I know I said that a lot but I was really hoping I could make this Fusion a permanent staple with my team I made it to the top of the tower but I was too late to stop Team Rocket and they took a master ball and dipped Mr Fuji did give me the Pokey flute though which will be useful later on Team Rocket has made some big strides while I've been out and about and they've managed to completely overrun Saffron City I've got some work to do I went back to Thomas and branded up my mud shop to a mud choke on my champ a marsh champ and finally a swamp champ he is so cool easily my favorite Pokemon combo so far I took a little detour to get an XP share but was right back to grinding while grinding Jolly missed two jump kicks and pretty much killed herself a major bummer for sure I'm only laughing because it's crazy I did some more grinding with my XP share and then set out on some more adventuring I used the poke flute that Mr Fuji gave me earlier to wake up the Snorlax and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a fusion of magnumite and Bishop Bisharp being another one of my favorite Pokemon I caught it and also caught a Veno wrath on Route 13. while I was on Route 13 I ran into some bird nerd who killed my tunics at least I had some replacement mods because I created grow sharp Grovyle and Bisharp and manzi mammo swine and drowsy getting to fuchsia city was rough there were tons of trainers and because we're on hard mode they were all fairly tough right before making it to fuchsia City I caught a blissola and after finally getting there I also caught a q-plup and an Arte I finally got some really good Pokemon in the Box to use later this is a cool thing in fuchsia city called the Safari Zone I checked it out and caught two new Pokemon sloth and cloyka I dipped out of there and fused my Entei and Dialga to create the super sick Pokemon anchor them name sick Mom after that I did some more grinding with my good buddy Thomas I evolved mamzy into a mam no and then reversed that into a hip Swan I was starting to struggle with all this grinding it was just taking too long so I went out to get a lucky egg which increases the amount of XP you get after a battle and between the lucky egg and the XP share grinding was as efficient as it could possibly get I evolved grow sharp and decept sharp and was ready to face the fuchsia City poison type gym this gym wasn't too bad my team was pretty tough at this point so none of the trainers killed any of my Pokemon Koga himself though was a bit harder kogo managed to kill my hip swine but I kept the rest of my team alive and I got my fifth badge I haven't done Wonder trades in a while so I went and got a tanky and a size c not too excited to fill the whole hip swine left behind I created a shandester now at this point in the story I had no idea what to do I went back to Saffron City and found found that there was a second unblocked off gym I wasn't expecting this place to be all that tough but janekia a long time member of my team and all-around overpowered Pokemon got killed here that is seriously tragic because I was counting on him to get me through the psychic type gym and help out in the late game I decided not to look around anymore after this I fused a Blissey and Wiggly tough I had in the Box to create Bliss tough and went on a fat grind I don't want to complain too much because I have the easiest job on the planet but the grinding was pretty sucky for example I grinded almost two hours of real time almost six hours of in-game time with it being sped up to get my team to level 50. to be honest I think 75 percent of the gameplay thus far has been grinding which obviously you guys don't see but man it it takes a while by and wanting done I went back to the fighting gym to get my revenge Unfortunately they were not two phased by my training Arc and in a double battle I lost my girafford to a Pokemon that was much much lower level they weren't kidding when they said hard mode huh the rest of my mods survived though and then I faced the fighting gym Master he was in a word easy I was stunned at how easy I beat him after how tough all of his underlings were but with him beat I got to pick a new Pokemon as a reward here's the thing though it doesn't tell you which Pokemon is actually in the pokeballs it just says which Pokemon is supposed to be in the pokeballs my favorite is Hitmonchan so I picked him and got a square top a fusion of Squirtle and hitmontop hey man I love Squirtle I'll take it I went out and made a cute little a key bone Squirtle fusion and evolved him all the way up to a marrow toys I still wasn't sure where I was supposed to go to continue the story but I figured a good place to start would be selfco this place is full of Team Rocket members who are not above beating up a little kid thankfully though I had prepared well and I didn't lose a single Pokemon before reaching the top of the tower at the top there's another Rival Battle it was actually really tough it took every Pokemon I had to get involved in this one but I did end up winning with no Dead mods he healed my team and reconfronted Giovanni Giovanni is holding the silco president hostage trying to get him to make a bunch of master balls thankfully we're here just in time to stop him the rap battle Giovanni had a riris with the move sheer cold that always won hit k if it lands and he killed my marrow toys a swapped in swamp champ and learned just how useful the move surf can be in a double battle marrow toys being the only casualty and Giovanni defeated he ran off it turns out though that we weren't in time and he got away with three master balls gee that's a pretty specific number I wonder what he's got to do with those the president grateful that we saved him gave me a master ball of my own and gave me the option to choose another Pokemon to have this was the same situation as that fighting gym I didn't know which Pokemon he actually had so I picked a random one and got a C Ram a Seadra and Reshiram combo that is so lucky he did still have chikorita's moveset though which was weird I haven't ran into that issue yet I leveled up a bit immediately following the silco shabaku so that I could be ready for Sabrina's psychic type gym this gym wasn't much different than the others the trainers before the leader didn't give me too much trouble and then I was up against Sabrina herself sep sharp killed the first Mona and then Bliss tough killed the next two by herself before I switched in shandester he didn't live long though as swapped sep sharp back in and he wrapped up this fight earning me my sixth badge I've come pretty far in this run I want to make sure I have the best team possible so after the gym I went on a mission to get as many Pokemon as possible I did my Wonder trades didn't get anything too exciting there and then you surf to go get some encounters that I had missed earlier I got a Golurk fused with a goaler to make one super goler I got a matu in Vermilion City a fusion of Mawile and YouTube I Got My Helix Fossil back and got a compound out of it a Combusken and Ambi Palm Fusion Blaziken is my absolute favorite Pokemon so this is very exciting for me which I then infused and made a mu buskin and caught some others that weren't all too special and went and evolved might be Busken into a muiken and then reversed him into a blaze too my next goal is to get to Cinebarre in face Blaine's gym before I did that I got another egg that ended up being a Bulbasaur just a plain old Bulbasaur kind of weird to see unfused Pokemon at this point I fused him with an Empoleon I caught earlier so that I could use them later for Giovanni's gym and toss them in the box getting the Cinnabar wasn't all too tough but as soon as I got there Team Rocket stole a boat and went running off to mount Ember I didn't realize at the time but you're supposed to go chasing after them I didn't exactly do that I followed them partly but ended up getting turned around also whoever made this stupid water puzzle I want to fight you I won't bog you down with all my travels but I went out and caught a lot of Pokemon the coolest one was a talonkeys a Talonflame and Arceus Fusion now here's where I got really confused I thought you needed the HM dive to go further so I went back to saffron and took the train to Goldenrod City I ran around catching Pokemon trying to figure out what to do but was ultimately drawn back to Cinnabar Island I figured hey maybe I need to beat the gym or something but Wayne wasn't actually at his gym he was hiding in the basement of this Pokemon mansion he says he was doing research or something but I'm pretty sure you slacking off I cracked the whip though and made him go back to his gym so that I could beat him up his gym is easily my favorite because instead of fighting you have to do trivia the trivia is pretty tough though and if you get questions wrong you have to battle the trainer in that room I got a couple right got a couple wrong but made it to Blaine with a full team well I started with a full team I killed a couple of his Pokemon before his Mac Don hit my king Ram with a drill run and killed him then later his Char dactyl grabbed my hitmon wrath and there was nothing I could do except sit and watch him die anger Avenged him though and I got my seventh badge I still at this point hadn't figured out that I was supposed to go to mount Ember so I did some Wonder trading got a really cool Pokemon Talon eight created some more Pokemon pulled out balbalion and got everyone to level 60. this took three hours but I did it I had a perfect team for Giovanni's gym problem is though he's not there this is when I realized I had to go to mount Ember I took my new team to mount Ember beat up the grunts and walked in on something terrifying Giovanni used the three master balls he had taken earlier and fused the three legendary birds to make one super powerful Pokemon that he pointed right at me I was not prepared for this the bird is essentially a triple battle meaning it gets to act three whole times and you only get to act once so I need to be careful I started off with arga and Arceus and Dialga Fusion I hit Zapdos with a Power Jam but it ain't dead and Agra got absolutely obliterated I was genuinely terrified after that next I sent in my vanillion vanillion reminded me of something I had said earlier I swapped in swamp champ and learned just how useful the move surf can be in a double battle I used Surf and though it didn't kill any of them it did hurt them all pretty good I made the decision to sacrifice vanillion and grip to Second serf almost killing Moltres and knocking the others down to half Health they finished off my boy and honestly I was scared to send anyone else in I had to pick someone though and that someone was lappily I used ice shroud on Moltres to make sure he died and dropped them from three to two luckily was promptly slaughtered but I had made progress next I threw out swamp champ swamp champ has come a long way with me and has yet to let me down I used surf with him again and it did some damage but their counter-attack nearly stopped my heart 6 hp he lived with 6 hp if I switch now I knew whoever I switched in would die I couldn't just play favorites I had to make the right play and I used another Serve by some miracle although this surf was more powerful than the last and I killed the bird Trio and swamp champ survived after that insane battle Giovanni runs off and the rest of Team Rocket goes with him I healed up my boy and caught OCTA King the Pokemon that replaced the Moltres encounter I lost some really good Pokemon to that bird but I've got lots more in my box and of course I leveled them all up this time to level 60. I'm ready to go and Crush that dude bag Giovanni I won't lie his lackeys were pretty tough but nothing this incredible team couldn't handle I battled almost everyone in his gym before getting to the big guy this fight was a 5v5 I opened with sep sharp and killed his riper ass losing about half Health in the process he sent in go champ next and in hindsight I should have switched sep sharp out but instead I decided to heal him which ultimately ended up killing him go champ used Dynamic punch and even with full health sep sharp died so sad in his place I used swamp champ you all know what he's about by now and a couple surfs knocked out go champ swamp champ got hit with an earthquake and I was not about to lose my boy so I swapped him out for Bliss tough I wasn't expecting earthquake to do so much to her but it took her down to about a third health no matter who I sent in now they were gonna get bodied so I sacrificed Bliss tough to heal swamp champ or so I thought because he actually just healed too I didn't feel like I could swap steel though and listoff got killed because glisatar was faster I sent swamp chant back in and by some miracle glassitar missed its attack meaning I essentially hit a hammer on for free this is where I locked Giovanni into a loop of getting hit with a hammer arm and then healing until he had wasted all of his full restores and glastatar was knocked out in next was his elector Trio I was afraid of losing my water type to his electric type but because of Doug Trio's ability Arena trap I wasn't able to switch him out instead I healed swamp champ my Fierce came to fruition though as elekta Trio kept using discharge making me heal every time the exact same loop I had him caught in just a second ago swamp champ has got to be the luckiest Pokemon there ever was though because Giovanni for some reason switched out Electro Trio for rylax which gave me a free heal and a much better matchup better matchup or not though a single earthquake brought swamp Champs Health down by a lot and I traded him out for flinium flynnium finished off rylax and crushed elected Trio and I had beaten Giovanni giving me my eighth and final badge this means I now have access to the Pokemon League where I can Traverse the Victory Road and eventually face off against the elite four I didn't care about that at the moment though because I had lost seps sharp one of the coolest Pokemon I had ever seen rest in peace my friend I did my Wonder trades and actually got some cool Pokemon dark tret a fusion of dark Ryan Sentra and Munch teeny a fusion of Munchlax and Dratini I was about to start my way to the Pokemon League but then of course got stopped by my rival we had both gathered all eight badges and had our penultimate battle not much of note happened here though he did Kill My flinium which was up I replaced him with a zap gun I had gotten earlier and was actually ready this time to make it to the Indigo Plateau almost immediately on the way there I lost my dog trip I figured I'd put much teeny in his place and evolved it up to a snore ride I eventually hit Victory Road and caught a toga million to Merlin I also caught a Gianni a Gibble and lopunny Cabo which means I have another chance of having a Garchomp on my team I unfused them and then fused Gibble and toga kiss my goal was to make a fairy dragon combo because that would be stupidly strong but it ended up being fairy ground which is almost as good I evolved it to a toga Chomp and added it to my team the last Pokemon I caught on Victory Road was wuotar a Whooper and Tyranitar Fusion I ran into a guy who had a blue eyes white dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh on his team and eventually hit the Indigo Plateau the final frontier for our run now if I can be honest with you I am genuinely terrified of the Elite 4 so I need to make sure I have my team leveled up real good I can't have come this far from nothing I played around with some Pokemon and came up with this for my final team Blaze 2 half Blaziken half Mewtwo snore right half Snorlax half Dragonite N9 half Entei half Arcanine toga Chomp half toga kiss half Garchomp zapatar half Zapdos half Tyranitar and lastly swamp champ half swapper half Machamp this team will be the team to carry me to Victory I grind it for almost four hours until everyone was at level 70 and then I was ready to face the Elite Four and dummy Kong the newly deemed Champion first up for the Elite Four is Lorelei the ice type trainer to counter her I started off with Enon her first Pokemon was a Magog a half fire half ice type or so I thought I used the Thunder Fang and learned that it was actually half water not ice which was fine by me accounted with a bubble beam but another thunderfang put it in the dirt next up wiris I wasn't sure what it could do so I healed before doing anything else it ripped a surf and I was glad that I had healed a fire Fang almost took it down but it lived with a sliver of Health left Lorelei used a full restore on it but my next fire Fang burned it and killed it in technically one hit third we have tentester a thunderfang brought it to half health and it only counted with spikes a move that doesn't actually do damage unless I switch Pokemon another thunderfang and it was dead fourth we had man bro I was expecting a little more from him but a firefang his mistake down and another fire Fang and she was on her last Pokemon Jin growth half ice half grass very weak to fire one fire Fang did the trick and I was through my first Elite Four member without a single loss good shot the second Elite Four member is Bruno the fighting type trainer for Bruno I specifically crafted Blaze 2's moveset to sweep him I ripped three bulk UPS healed back to full HP and then beat the ever-loving shot of his team with that many Buffs on one Pokemon there wasn't much he could do this fight dare I say was easy I guess that's what happens when you actually prepare for something huh third in the Elite Four was Agatha the Ghost type trainer I had prepared for her as well and started out with snorite I spammed crunch on her miss my bat and made her waste a couple full restores it confused my snow right but one more crunch killed it Bob Garr came in and used curse which was a bit concerning but I healed back up and crunched it to death her third Pokemon was umter to make sure snore ride didn't die from the wob guard curse I swapped him out for N9 N9 has bite specifically for this Elite Four member but also has play rough for the next member play rough would be more effective here so I used it in one shot umter her next Pokemon was snorgar I tried a fire Fang and a thunderfang but only got it down to half Health the Thunder fangs seemed okay so I used that a bit more before snorgar used rest and healed back to full HP this gave me the opportunity to switch mons and I sent in toga Chomp two earthquakes killed the sleeping Pokemon and Agatha was down to her last it took only one more earthquake to kill gendum and I had beaten the third Elite Four member the last and strongest member of the Elite Four is Lance the dragon type trainer I made sure to prepare well for him he opened with dragon dose and eye opened with sabotar I managed to kill it with two Thunder fangs before I could do much else next up toga Knight the type of Pokemon I tried to make earlier a fairy dragon type I healed zapatar but it got hit by another outrage I figured okay let's just wait out the outrages I healed through about four or five of them but it just kept going instead of just eating them and wasting my potions I swapped out zapatar for toga Chomp who is immune to outrage somehow though Lance knew I was gonna switch and he fired off a moon blast that hurt pretty good I couldn't use Dragon Rush crunch wouldn't do much and neither would draining kiss so I ripped an earthquake I for some reason decide to heal instead of finishing it off but it hit itself twice before using a full restore it hit me with another Moon blast I hit it with another earthquake and then I was left with a tough decision should I use earthquake again and finish it off which will risk toga Chomp dying or should I heal maybe switch someone else in well I decided to earthquake again and then got hit with a moon blast before I could and I lost tokachom it was a tough decision I sent it and nine next he should be fast enough to kill toga Knight without getting hit and that worked perfectly his third Pokemon was tyrandactyl it used Brave Bird on me which dropped n9's Health down considerably and if it had just done it again it might have killed him but for some reason it used agility next and N9 was able to kill it with a second thunderfame pure luck honestly the fourth Pokemon on Lance's team was a porridra now I'm not sure what the plan was here on hindsight but I swapped in swamp champ he got hit with one Dragon pulse and then another Dragon pulse landed with a critical and killed swamp chain what the what was the plan here John anyway next I sent him snorri and killed poritra with an outrage the outrage continued when typhenir came in and snorite killed it in one hit that's the final Elite Four member Beaton which means all I have left is the champion but I'll have to beat him with only four Pokemon he needs no introduction we've beat him 4 and will beat him again let's fight dummy Kong his team is well balanced and he has more Pokemon than me but my Pokemon is stronger this is gonna be a close one he started with Nitto Giant and I started with blaze team I've tried the same strap from before and used a bulk up I guess he had the same idea because he used a sword stance thankfully Blaze 2 is faster and one psycho cut killed his nidociana his next Pokemon riper mortar managed to land a hit but was also killed with psycho cut his third Pokemon was electados and I didn't think that he could kill me in one hit so I used another bulk up electado started up some rain and I used that time to heal I landed a psycho cut that I was expecting to kill elected dose but it didn't kill and elected does hit me with a waterfall that did a lot of damage I then caught dummy Kong in a full restore Loop before he ran out and elected dose was killed too starcazam was dummy's next Pokemon which I assumed couldn't kill Blaze 2 in one hit I healed him up but Stark Kazam use surf which isn't impeded by the bulk UPS because it's a special type attack and Blaze 2 got knocked out I sent in zapatar to counter his Pokemon in it worked perfectly a single Dark Pulse killed his starkazam he's only got two more Pokemon left the next one being ariadon I missed a Stone Edge before getting poisoned but when I did line that Stone Edge it didn't really do much dark poles did much more damage but still couldn't kill ariadon and zapatar went down too I figured N9ne should have the Firepower get it fire to finish him off and I was right one firefang did the job and out came his last Pokemon tautor I used play rough to try and get some damage on it and got really lucky because it landed with a critical hit one more hit is all it should take add nine used bite and put dummy Kong's remaining member down for good I had done it I had really done it I beat Pokemon infinite Fusion on my first try Professor OK men and entered my team into the Pokemon Hall of Fame my final team Blaze 2 zapatar swamp champ N9 snow right and toga chop this is my hall of fame team you guys I cannot recommend this game enough it's so much fun to combine your favorite Pokemon into new Pokemon I love it and to those who may played and or helped make the game thank you guys as well lastly thanks to you guys for watching if you made it this far leave a message for gentleman Thomas in the comments for getting my Pokemon all leveled up throughout this run thanks Thomas thanks for being here I'll see you guys later ggs [Music]
Channel: dumpykong
Views: 4,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, fusion, pokemon infinite fusion, infinite, pokemon fusion, pokemon fusion generator, pocket monsters, pokemon japan, infinite fusion, new pokemon, new pokemon game, this game lets you make new pokemon, nintendo, nintendo pokemon, nintendo of america, pokemon direct, nintendo direct, mudkip, swampert, machop, machamp, pokemon types, pokemon tournament, pokemon challenge, nuzlocke, pokemon infinite fusion nuzlocke, infinite fusion nuzlocke, pokemon randomizer, randomizer
Id: ZPbESqs9xZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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