How I Create Content That Ranks INSTANTLY on Google (AI SEO)

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so I get this question all the time and in this video I wanted to talk about my current best workflow for creating content so let's just get straight into it now in the description there's going to be this link to this GitHub profile right here this GitHub repository it's not 100% necessary but if you're on Shopify and you want to extract images from a sitemap easily then this is the way to do it so we'll copy this and we'll go to visual studio code we'll go to terminal new terminal and we'll do git oops we'll do git clone and then we'll call this image extractor press enter and then file open folder and then look for image extractor at the top and then open it so what this does is it allows us to very easily use our sitemap to get our images so we'll go to TW men. it/ sitemap.xml open up the product sitemap here and then right click save as and then save as and then you want to drag the S map over to visual studio code put it here right click copy relative path go over to config.js and change this one here to this right here now we can leave the rest of it alone you don't actually need anything else so we'll go to terminal new terminal and then we'll do python extract images. py and that's how we get a list of our products so you just copy that list that's the first thing you need to do the second thing you need to do is you need your internal links so we'll go over to the collection s map this time and then we're going to use something called sitemap to clipboard which you can just Google it's a Chrome extension and we'll click here https and then press start that will then say URLs copied to clipboard so we then want to copy and paste that into another thing so I've got all of that here I've got all of my collections here and then all of my products and then I have my prompt so first thing we need to change is we need to put the website so to men. it and then we need the keyword now for keywords there are loads of different ways to find keywords there are loads of free ways to find keywords as well one of the things that I like to do one of the things that I've been doing for a lot of the companies that we're doing content for is I like to just go on their website and just have a little click around and see if I can find anything that would make a good article so like coats pants we've probably done most of these to be honest with you okay so instead what we're going to do we're going to be using Google ads Keyword Planner we're going to press start with a website and I'm just going to do https and I'm going to do and then get results this is one of of the biggest companies in the classic men's wear or like men's fashion Niche you can see one of their biggest keywords is men's fashion what you can do is you can sort by three Monon change here and then this is what I like to do if I'm looking for like a lot of keywords quickly okay so men's cool swim trunks would be a good one I think I've already written this article though so we're going to have to scroll down a little bit I like to press three month change and then I like to look for like large numbers here so let's have a look let's write like men's fashion here so we'll Press Start keyword and we'll do men's fashion this is a really good way to find quick keywords there we go picnic outfits for guys that's a good one actually I might just do that so you might see that this only has 90 Searchers a month but if I get rid of this and I just search picnic outfits for guys you have to remember that all of these keywords exist it's not just the first one so it's about 300 so I think that's fine to be honest with you let's do picnic outfits for guys that's perfect so where it says keyword in capital letters you can just paste whatever the keyword is and now we have everything we need for Claude to create a beautiful article so the first thing is we put the prompt here and then you can put this in a different notepad so you can contrl a contrl c um I I I would recommend doing that actually because it takes ages to scroll all the way down like this you can just see how long that took it took absolutely ages still haven't finished still haven't finished there we go so we'll now paste that that goes into a pasted text like that and then we'll grab these internal links as well and the reason I'm using Claude is because it's much better at understanding the context of large data samples so we'll just hit send now okay so it is a little bit slow I definitely recommend doing content like this it's much much better output oh is it really going to put a price I don't think we have a price wait yeah it's just making up a price here so we would probably have to cancel that but that's okay and we could also just delete the price column it's not a big issue I'd probably ask this to run again and say can you please delete the price column but you can see it's doing a pretty good job of grabbing some interesting images these are all fine some stylish layering options I really like the way that it's actually um laying out this article right now it's got like um the foundation shirts and polos and then a nice table although it's made up the price we can change the price thing and then we've got some stylish layering options and then it's just given a few coats we can see this is probably a real link yep light spring jackets perfect and then comfortable bottoms it's done the same thing it's just done like I really like the way that Claude has laid out this article Claude does do a very good job of laying out articles in very interesting ways instead of what chat GPT does where it just kind of does um title uh main title subheader paragraph subheader paragraph table stuff like that what it does here it kind of like I don't know it just feels much more comprehensive much more cohesive it feels like a high quality article and I'll tell you right now these are ranking pretty well on Google these articles that I've got uh I have a few live on various client sites and they're actually ranking really really well and really really quickly much more quickly than the kind of 300w articles that we were doing before with the auto blogger so I've obviously had to change to this system because the most important thing for me is ranking on Google it's not um using the auto blogger like I'm not obsessed with the auto blogger or anything uh I just want the best way to rank on Google let's see if the outfit that it's actually chosen would work so we've got a blue uh blue shirt yeah this is not going to look very good with this nah that that would not work look oh maybe I don't know I'm not very good at Fashion guys I worked in fashion for ages but I still not very fashionable I think the the trousers are okay with these shoes I'm pretty sure um I don't think you would wear an Umi over a Mariano no you definitely would not do that but that's okay it's done its best there and it's got a lot of internal links and then we'll just press copy here what I would normally say is please remove the pricing because you've just bloody made that up but I'm not going to do that obviously in this video just because you know time but this is kind of the final output what you want to always check when you're using clae or any llm is that the image links are correct so you can just scroll down and you could see if there's an image missing because it'll be like a weird uh format all of these work another thing you should do is you should check some of the internal links just to make sure that they're actually real um sometimes it does make things up so very rarely though the new Claude Claude 3 Sonet or whatever very very rarely makes things up so I wouldn't worry too much about doing that and then obviously one of the most important things one of the things that people ask me all the time to increase on the auto blogger is how long the articles are so we'll paste this like this and then tools word count 1,185 Words so it's much better it's still pretty quick it's just as quick as CH gbt 4 and to be honest with you the article is also better quality as well that's it guys you can find everything in the description as usual this is my current best workflow for ranking on Google I have several articles where I wrote one of these articles and it's already getting 100 Impressions within the first kind of 48 Hours 72 hours which is pretty good haven't seen that in a while so I'm hoping that this is a really really good way to rank on Google another thing it does is it uses a lot of collection links now we're not I'm not 100% sure if this is good or bad for SEO so I'd be careful with this maybe limit it to five or 10 links however what I like to do is I do like to use a lot of collection links I like to spread the power of the article across the website but yeah that's it guys thank you so much for watching if you're watching to the till the end you're an absolute Legend I'll see you very very soon with some more content peace out
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 10,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo, seo content writing, search engine optimization, content writing, how to write seo content, seo content, content writing for seo, how to rank in google, content marketing, seo content marketing, how to write a blog post for beginners, how to write a blog for beginners, seo content writing tutorial, content writing tutorial for beginners, how to rank on google, how to get traffic to your blog, blogging for beginners, seo ranking, ai content, content writing seo
Id: wTyf1EEDoJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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