I Made an AI Automated Youtube Channel - Here's What Happened in 30 Days

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I tested a YouTube channel made with AI to see how well it would grow in 30 days I made both YouTube shorts and long form videos with AI tools published them daily and then took screenshots every day of the analytics so you can see the progress from day 0 to day 30 I'll share with you the results at the end of the video but first here's how I did it so the first step is I need to pick a topic for my channel it has to be a popular Evergreen topic that people will always search for and will continue to search for throughout time so I made a short list of topics which would fit this criteria this included Finance business education science Health lifestyle relationships and psychology so these are topics that people regularly search for whether it's today or last year or next year we're going to use AI to write the script for us so I think the easiest topics to cover would be like Health lifestyle relationships and psychology so let's go with an overlap of these four topics first we are going to generate shorts all the texts that you see here they were generated with chat GPT so here's how I set up the prompt basically I want chat PT to give me a table where each row would be the text that I would include into a short so it would give me a table of many many rows which I can convert into many YouTube shorts for the initial prompt I told it to give me 10 sets in a table format where the First Column is the topic the next column is 0.1 the next is 2 and the final one is 3 and then the points should be about health Wellness mindfulness relationships exercise sleep happiness and then to guide it further on what exactly I would like to see as the content I gave it an example of a topic and then. 1.2.3 I'll paste this prompt in the description below so you can test it out yourself as well I initially only asked it for 10 rows or 10 sets because I didn't know if the quality was good enough so I just wanted to test this out first and then if it is good I'll tell it to repeat and give me more rows so you can see the initial output isn't really what I want like the topic is just one word so I guided it further by saying give me longer more specific topics for example how to be less tired in the afternoon so it's looking better now uh still not great so my next prompt is give me 50 more without repeating any of the topics above try to use more howto topics and this output is exactly what I'm looking for so since this is perfect my next prompt is just give me 100 more of these without repeating any of the above and then after that's done I told it to give me 100 more without repeating any of the above so you can see like in only a few seconds we have generated a few hundred rows of text and each row can be used as a YouTube short now that all the tables are generated the next step is to copy and paste this into a Google spreadsheet so I've made a Google spreadsheet with three columns topic .1.2 and. 3 you can see I'm copying and pasting all the tables we have just generated into the spreadsheet the next step is to go to canva you do need to sign up for an account and you do need to have a pro account if you don't that's okay just sign up with a new email and then they offer you a 30-day free trial which you can then cancel before you get charged any money afterwards go to create design on the top right and then search for mobile video because a YouTube short is 1080 by 1920 so these are the dimensions we want we are going to now make the template for every YouTube short first what we're going to do is select a background so in this elements section you can search for whatever video you want but I'm going to use this Force video and drag it to the edge of the canvas so that it would snap into the background so when I release it it's going to turn into the background of this video in the timeline below I'm going to trim this video so that it's only around 20 seconds next I'm going to add a heading which we will use as the title of this YouTube short so I'm just going to style it a bit by adding a white background and then rounding the edges a bit and then let's set the title to be called daily life hack so this title will show on every YouTube short I'm going to change the font to something more suitable for this content so let's choose this one next let's add some animation here so so I'm going to click animate and then I'm going to choose pop for this one next I'm going to copy the same text box underneath it and set it as the topic you'll see why I'm doing this in a second and then I'm going to copy this again and set it to 0.1 I'm going to make the font size a bit smaller and then rinse and repeat for 2 and3 as you may have already guessed the topic and the three points correspond to the topic and three points that we've generated from chat GPT which we're going to plug into this afterwards to generate like hundreds of YouTube shorts in a single click but first let's style this up a bit so I'm going to right click on the topic and then click on show timing so you can see now at the bottom bar here you can see the timing of when the topic text box is being shown I'm going to drag the right edge of this topic box so that it only shows in the first like 5 Seconds of this video next I'm going to do the same for 0.1 so I'm going to right click and then click show timing and then for point. one I'm going to show this after the topic has disappeared so I'm going to drag the start at around 5 seconds and then drag the end to make this last only around 5 Seconds what I'm basically doing is spacing out the topic and the three points along this timeline so only one of them shows up at any particular time so I'm going to do the same thing for Point 2 right click show timing and then drag the point 2 so that it shows up after .1 and then finally I'm going to do the same thing for [Music] 3 also I'm going to make another text box and have it at the bottom just to display our channel name so that people will remember it so we're going to call this channel School of inner peace I'm going to sty it up a bit and then add a nice YouTube logo next to it so that it knows that we are a YouTube channel and that's the channel name I'm also going to animate this text a bit so the YouTube name I'm going to select this breath animation which makes it move in and out very slowly I'm also going to add a separate animation for the YouTube logo just to give it more motion so let's select this tumble animation all right now for the most important step we need to link all the data we generated from chat GPT into this topic .1 point2 and3 so how we do that is we go to the apps section in the left column and then click on bulk create if you can't find bulk create just search for bulk create in the search bar at the top after clicking into bulk create then we click on enter data manually then I'm going to go back into the spreadsheet with all the data we generated from chat GPT and then copy the first 50 rows why we're only doing 50 is because all the videos we generate right now it's going to have that same Forest background so we want to also switch up the background a bit so I'm going to do the first batch of 50 with the forest background and then I'm going to do a another batch with another background just to give it more variation so once you've copied all the data simply select the first cell and then paste it in here if all goes smoothly you should see four data fields identified that's because we have four columns right the topic and the three points so next we need to link these four data fields to our text boxes in this template so how we do that is we rightclick on each one and then click connect data and then you can see for topic we select the topic once you selected it you can see that the text is now in in curly brackets which means it's linked to a data variable let's repeat this for points 1 to 3 final step is I'm going to reposition these so that they pop up in the same spot if you remember we already set the timing so that each text box only shows up after the other has disappeared so there's not going to be any overlap all right we simply click continue and then generate Pages this is going to create a new canva project that basically Loops Over All rows that you pasted in so you can see each section in this timeline here is one YouTube short let's play the first one so you can see what it looks [Music] like next we need to add some audio to the video what I found is that I I couldn't actually add audio in the previous step before I generate these 50 pages it would be nice if I could do that and then the audio would just Loop over here but that's currently not possible so what I need to do is actually drag and drop my audio file here but this audio file isn't long enough it's not going to span the whole duration of the 50 videos so I need to find where the audio ends and then add in the audio again so basically I'm filling up this timeline with my audio track [Music] to see if this is working let's play the last [Music] video all right we are ready to download this first batch of 50 videos so all you got to do is click this white share button at the top right and then make sure sure you check the checkbox for download Pages as separate files so each section is going to be downloaded as a separate YouTube short video this feature does require a Pro Plan so as I mentioned before if you don't have that you can always sign up for free with a new account and then join their 30-day free trial and then just cancel before they charge you in 30 days this is going to download everything into a zip file and then once you unzip it you're going to see that your videos are numbered now I'd like to really automate everything and take away as much manual work as possible and this current naming is not ideal because once you upload this video to YouTube the title is just going to be that number right the default title of your YouTube video is just going to be the file name of your video so wouldn't it be nice if we renamed the file name to the topic of the video which we generated with chat gbt so that when we upload it to YouTube the title is already filled in for you so here's a quick and dirty workaround what I did was I created a separate spreadsheet I pasted in the topic of the 50 videos that I used or it's actually 49 videos cuz the first row is the name of the column and then for the second column I'm going to call it file name which is the name of the video that we had unzipped after we downloaded it you can see it's named 1 to 49 so we're just going to put 1 to 49 for the file name here and to make sure that I got the number correct let's look at the last row so last row is how to stay calm in stressful situations let's open file 49 and see if that is the case and so yes it is the topic is how to stay calm in stressful situation so we got everything correct let's save this as a CSV in the same folder and call it rename CSV next I went to chat GPT to get it to write me a python script that would automatically rename all the files for me when I pass in the CSV so my prompt is I have a CSV of two columns topic and file name write me a python script to rename all the files of file name to topic based on the CSV so I made a python script and I tried to run this but I hit some errors so there's a bit more fine-tuning I had to do so I I basically just pasted the error into chat GPT and then it helped me revise the [Music] script but after a few rounds of that I finally got it to work so running this script automatically renamed all 49 of my videos to the topic name as you can see here and to save you the trouble of writing all of this I'm going to upload the python script which it will be available in the description below now when you upload it to YouTube and by the way you don't have to upload one video at a time to YouTube you can upload a maximum of 15 videos per time so let's drag and drop 15 videos into here and you can see that the title of each video is automatically filled in for you because it's the title of the file name how cool is that oh and one thing I forgot to mention which you should do actually before doing all of this is in YouTube you can actually preset your description so you don't have to type in a description from scratch every time you upload a video so in case you didn't know this in your YouTube Studio simply go to settings and then upload defaults so that you can set a default title description and visibility which would show up every time you upload a video so let me just quickly type in a default description which should be General enough so that it applies to all the YouTube shorts I [Music] upload so now when I upload a video from my computer not only is the title automatically filled in from the file name the description is also already filled in for me so all I need to do is Click publish and also for YouTube shorts you don't need to upload a thumbnail so you can easily upload a ton of YouTube shorts and schedule them in in a very short amount of time all right let's do our second batch of 50 YouTube shorts because like I said before we want to switch up the background a bit so there's more variation so let's go back into our original canva project and then in the elements tab under video I'm going to search Comm and then we are going to drag this video to the edge of the canvas so that it replaces the background something to note is once you drag and drop a video it actually extends the timeline to the duration of the video so if you remember our YouTube short is only around 20 seconds so let's trim the end of this video all the way back to 20 seconds and then the rest of the steps are the same so we click into bulk create and then we copy and paste the next batch of 50 rows into [Music] here click continue and then click generate perfect so again it will create a new canva project with these 49 videos let's select a new audio track this time so I'm just going to search con in the audio section of elements and then pick one that's [Music] suitable again we drag and drop this into the timeline and we need to keep dragging and dropping this audio track so it fills up the whole timeline next we click download and make sure you check download Pages as separate files next I'm going to do a third batch with again a different background to give it more variation but you already know the steps so I'm just going to time-lapse this so those are basically the steps to create a ton of shorts in a short amount of time and upload them easily to YouTube next I'll go over how I make long form videos one of the mics I use is a Shore 7B which is the gold standard for voiceovers in YouTube videos or podcasts however one inconvenient thing about the shore 7B is you need to buy an extra preamp to plug this into if you just plug the 7B directly into an audio interface the volume is going to be too quiet and you can barely hear anything it's just an extra inconvenience that you need to add this this extra preamp into your setup fortunately they've just launched a new mic called sh sm7 DB which includes a preamp built in so you don't need to buy a separate preamp you just simply plug this into your audio interface and the volume sounds great Straight Out of the Box check it out via our Link in the description below now back to the video all right first I needed to find some topics which I can use for the longform videos and just a reminder the niche or topics that I chose for my channel would be involved Health psychology and relationships so I found this YouTube channel called psych to go and I literally just looked at their most popular videos and then I made videos on these topics for example how your childhood affects your love Styles I used the same topic here signs that you're depressed not lazy I kind of did the same thing here so signs you're depressed but don't know it and then there's some other channels where I looked at their most popular videos and copy the same thing so another popular topic would be like how to optimize your sleep to hold showers work uh hacks to build confidence as an introvert I also find like the Myer Briggs personalities are quite popular so here's like eight signs you're an infj that got 7 million views so I also did like are you an infj and I also did a few other Meer Briggs videos here so that's how I chose which topics to do long form videos on all right first we're going to get chat jbt to write us the script for the video and then we're going to plug the script into flicky which would autogenerate the video for us one of the topics that I want to talk about is sleep optimization so I'm going to get chat jpt to write about how to improve your sleep science-based strategies so the prompt is write a long article about the topic and then avoid Point form use short sentences use paragraphs only this is important because when we plug it into flicky each paragraph would be its own scene you'll see what I mean once I plug it in but first let's generate the script all right so this is good enough but to make the video longer let's just say give me more paragraphs without repeating the points above all right I think this is good enough so next step is we need to copy and paste this to a text editor like notepad or wordpad first just so we can format it out a bit so you can see here for example there's these stars that we don't need we don't need the numbers so we got to get rid of that we just want the whole thing in paragraph form and then I'm also going to copy the additional paragraphs and then paste it right before the conclusion paragraph all right looking good so next step is we just want to replace this so I'm pressing contrl H and I want to replace actually let's let's replace this one the colon and then the Stars first let's replace this with a period so I'm going to find all instances of colon star star and replace it with a period you can see all of these have been replaced with a period now now I'm going to find all instances of star star and replace it with nothing okay now I also want to get rid of the number because if we don't the AI generated voice over will also pronounce this number so it's going to be like 1 2 3 which we don't want so I'm just going to get rid of all the numbers here [Music] all right we are done so next step is to go into flicky and paste this into a new project so you can sign up for a free account I'm going to log into mine which is a paid account just to be transparent about the pricing the free plan only gives you 5 minutes plus limited Generations plus it contains a watermark I am using a paid plan for this because it gives me more minutes and I need this to generate lots of long- firm videos so let me log into my account real quick and once you log in simply click on new file and then let's enter how to improve sleep the aspect ratio we want this to be a long form YouTube video so it's going to be landscape and we will start with an empty file you can also plug in a blog or a presentation or a tweet but we're going to copy and paste in the script that we just generated afterwards so let's just keep it as empty file the next step is super simple all we need to do do is select all of this and copy it and then paste it in here so I'm just pressing contrl V all right and this is what we get so you can see each paragraph is its own scene so here's paragraph one and it auto selected a video for me plus it has a voice over which would say these subtitles and then we have scene two which is our second paragraph and then it auto selected another video for me so you can either play each scene by clicking on the play button or you can play the full video by clicking on this button so let me just play you like the first two scenes so you can hear what it sounds like in our fast-paced modern world getting a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive luxury the demands of work social life and the everpresent glow of screens can conspire to Rob us of the rest our bodies and Minds desperately need however understanding the science behind sleep and implementing evidence-based strategies can significantly improve the quality of your Slumber prioritize consistent sleep schedule a establishing a regular sleep schedule helps regulate your body's internal clock making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally aim for the same bedtime and wake up time every day even on weekends create a relaxing bedtime routine engage in calming activities before bedtime to signal to your body that it's time to wind down she's like what the hell's going on so let's say we don't want to use this scene well we can manually switch it out so the content here is create a relaxing bedtime routine instead of autopicking it we can just click on the video and then choose a video ourselves so let's search for sleep and then choose this one so now instead of that woman was like oh what's going on now create a relaxing bedtime routine engage all right pretty good to me now you can also change the voice from female to male by clicking on the voice over person here and then choosing all these different voices but I'm just going to keep it at the default female speaker and then and I don't really like this first video either so I'm going to switch this out all right now final step is we need to add some background audio you can upload your own audio or they also offer you a variety of options so let's search for com then let's try this [Music] one all right that one sounds calming so I'm going to select that and then this audio is probably going to be too loud on top of the voice voice over so let's drag this all the way to like 15 and then play the video again to see if it's the correct balance in our fast-paced modern world getting a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive luxury the demands of work social life and the everpresent glow of scream can conspire to Rob us of the rest our bodies and Minds desperately need however understanding the science behind sleep and implementing evidence-based strategies can significantly improve the quality of your slumber prioritize consistent sleep schedule establishing a regular sleep schedule helps regulate your body's internal clock making it easier to fall asleep and wake perfect so after you double check that all the videos are appropriate the paragraphs are correct then we simply click download and then start export again I'm using a paid plan which allows me to export more content if you're using the free plan you're only allowed I think 5 minutes per month while this is processing let's also work on the thumbnail so unfortunately this part is quite a manual process um there are a few tools out there including canva and Microsoft designer which autogenerate thumbnails for you but they're not at the Quality I want yet so I just resorted to making all the thumbnails myself so since our video is about sleep I'm just going to search for Sleep In The Element Section and find a photo on that and then let's go with this one I'll drag this here and then the text I will drag it down here for this video let's say do this to improve your sleep or something like that all right so let's save this thumbnail I'm going to click share and then download all right our video is done processing so let's click download and then going back to YouTube We simply upload our [Music] video and then we'll upload the thumbnail here I trust you all know how to upload a video so I mean this is just a pretty standard process and then we'll add in a more relevant description here and then we're good to publish this so that's basically how I create a long form video for my YouTube channel everything like creating all the YouTube shorts and the long form videos took me around 2 days to complete and then I just basically uploaded everything and scheduled it for the next 30 days each day usually consists of two YouTube shorts and one long form video and we are done let the money start flowing in I took screen screenshots of my YouTube analytics every day for the next 30 days and here they [Music] are clearly this is not impressive but this is the honest truth all those other YouTube videos out there which claim that they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from an AI automated YouTube channel I would highly doubt that you still need to put in a lot of effort to make sure that video is the highest quality out there and if you just mass-produce hundreds of YouTube shorts and videos yes you're going to have the quantity but the quality is not there so you're not going to get much engagement or promotion by the YouTube algorithm but hopefully this video gives you some insights on how you can speed up your YouTube video creation process if you found this helpful remember to like share subscribe and stay tuned for more content I also built a site where you can search for all the AI tools out there check it out at ai- search.
Channel: AI Search
Views: 394,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 85GKLbqEu08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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