I Got #1 in Google with 7 Minutes of Beginner SEO

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I'm going to try to rank four pages in the first  position of Google using a beginner SEO technique anyone can use I've got less than 7 minutes  for each page and for every page I don't get in the first position I'm giving $1,000 to a random  subscriber who watches this and spoiler alert I'll actually be giving away money. If you can press  keys on your keyboard for a few minutes you can copy this simple tactic to get rapid rankings  in Google. You don't need any money or tools, plus it works for website not just e-commerce.  This technique is the Holy Grail of SEO because it is the easiest and fastest way out of any  other SEO method to get to the top of organic search. My SEO team has used this beginner  SEO technique to rank hundreds of Shopify pages in the number one position for popular  keywords and you don't need any skills to copy. [Music] This is a technique and how I discovered it 2  years ago. We have an SEO client Galen Leather, in a highly competitive niche with an article  that targets the word nibmeister. What the hell is that? By adding H1 and H2 tags and making a few  minor content tweaks the page in under a week got crowned number one. The article has stayed first  because the phrase what is a Nibeister has H2 tags directly above the definition making it a breeze  for Google to interpret. Even with a low search volume for this keyword there was an instant  surge in Impressions and clicks from this one page. In 2014 Google made a change to search  results that pissed off a lot of SEO markers. This old Google update is what will let you  rank first in under one week. Google began to show snippets of a web page that gave answers to  search queries directly from search results. The search feature displays a summary of text,  tables or list called Featured Snippets. Many marketers worry that people don't need  to click through to the website but that is not the case because a link of the source is  shown which generates traffic and sales. The Epic benefits of following this video to rank for  Featured Snippets include; increased visibility, improved brand Authority, higher organic  clickthrough rates, and greater chances of driving website traffic. An Ahref study  of 2 million Featured Snippets found it is 99.58% positive that Google only features  pages that already rank in the top 10 so you need to optimize a page ranking in the top 10 of  search results that contain a Featured Snippet. If you're not ranking top 10 for anything  or want to get more pages in the top 10, the study found that you can create in-depth  content for long tail keywords by filling in blanks that searchers might have. This  increases your chance of rapidly ranking. Featured Snippets are fantastic for SEO  because you can quickly outrank competitors, getting into the number one search result.  There's no danger in getting penalized because you're updating your content to better serve  users. This is what Google ultimately wants. You can also get more clicks. The Ahref study of  Featured Snippets found clickthrough rate depends on the intent of the search query. When the user  wants a quick answer like a definition they don't need to click any result. This is a prisoners  dilemma if you don't play the game, some other website will steal the position. A third benefit  of Featured Snippets is that you're optimizing for voice search. A BackLinko study found that 40.7%  of all voice search results come from a Featured Snippet. To show you how to do this,  let's find what opportunities exist for Galen Leather and I'll try to rank four  pages for certain keywords in under a week, all with less than 7 minutes of work. If I fail  you can win $1,000. You can find what search query gets a Featured Snippet by looking at the  average position data in Google search console, then searching those keywords in Google. That is  the free way. The best method I suggest is going to the Ahref site Explorer, look at the organic  keywords, filter results by Featured Snippets, remove first position rankings with another  filter, bam! I have full list of keywords and content that I can quickly rank for with  Featured Snippets. These are all opportunities. If you want to give yourself the greatest chance  of success, it's not about editing pages that are ranked two or three. Featured Snippets have their  own ranking system. I gained this pearl of wisdom from Matt Diggity in his video on the Google  holy grail. He revealed a hidden ranking system queue for Featured Snippets. You can see where  your website stands by sifting through Google so that you can then optimize the right page for  the right keywords. This is the Google holy grail because you can see what's needed to rank. Let's  look at the Featured Snippets for the query 'dopp kit meaning' plug this into Google travelpro.com  has the number one Featured Snippet. What I'll then do is remove the website from search results  with the minus site search query by typing in -site:travelpro.com next I see the number one  ranking so I'll add -site graveltravel.com to the search. I repeat this process until my website  is ranked number one. The number of websites you exclude in your search is the ranking queue for  Featured Snippets. If you're limited in time go after the ones where your website is ranked  number two then three then four Etc in the featured Snippets queue. For this experiment I'm  going to ignore the queue. Screw it right? You only YOLO once! My wife and I just had our third  baby - we're really tired. I'm making it even hard for myself to buy a new crib for the little  cutie by giving away money. I'm going to pick four random queries from the Ahref report that have  the featured snippet in search results and are ranking between the second and sixth position. I'm  going to try to rank at number one for 'What is a patina on leather', 'A4 notebook size', 'leather  grades' and 'oil vegetable leather'. This is a real experiment. It's getting real real. For each  page that I don't get to number number one in one week I'm giving away $1,000 to random subscribers  of our YouTube channel who comment, so, firstly subscribe to the channel and comment on the video.  Tell me something you learned from the video, give me some life wisdom or help me thrive with my  third baby/ I'll check if you're subscribed then message you for your PayPal before transferring  you the moolah. So you've got your pages that you want to rank for and you know the keyword  you're trying to rank for. The first secret is to replicate the format of the number one ranking  snippet. Most pages I'm trying to rank for are a simple paragraph. Other times you will see  Featured Snippets in a table format for prices, years, numerical data. Other times, a list format  is used often for queries that list items or require step-by-step instructions. Videos, often  from YouTube, can be used in Featured Snippets for 'how to' queries, like 'how to remove an oil  stain from concrete'. I tried to do this recently and still have the darn oil stain stuck. Google  said there is no minimum length requirement to get the Featured Snippet, so your best bet is to  be like your top competitor. Copying the format isn't enough though. How can you make your web  page better? How can I make the right changes to these four pages so I don't give away $4,000. In  2022 Google search Advocate John Mueller tweeted that Featured Snippets are algorithmic. A variety  of factors are used to pick a good snippet. Before then and since then, John has been secretive about  what exactly must be done tweeting there's no technical method to achieve it. His secretiveness  is understandable since everyone would be hacking their way to the top. I'm screwed. You're screwed!  So instead of depending on what Google tells us I'm going to depend on data, using large data  studies like the one from Ahrefs to understand what gets ranked. I found there are three other  main changes you can make quickly to get the top place. First is to be succinct. I'm going to  look for ways to use tighter language. If a word is unnecessary it's going to be culled. Ask  yourself, 'If I remove this word, does it still make sense?' Tthe second secret is the inverted  pyramid. This is a technique journalists use to grab attention and keep attention. You share the  most newsworthy info first which is the who what when where why and how. If there's room you  then give the important details followed by further background information. The tactic makes  perfect sense because you're desperate to hook attention as quick as possible then deliver on  it in order to satisfy the people searching. The third best change you can make to rank first in  Google for a featured snippet is to improve your rankings using all the good SEO things like  optimizing images, having user friendly URLs, and getting back links. I won't discuss that in  this video as I want you to get organic traffic quickly. For help here you can watch my YouTube  video on common SEO mistakes. So let's see what I can do. 'A4 notebook size' in search results  has a Goldspot in number one position. Let's compare content. Here's the content on the website  where Google pulls the Featured Snippet from. The Heading is a H2. This is Galen Leather's content.  The Heading is a H4. I can update the heading to H2. I also changed format to notebook format.  There's no perfect way to do this so it's an experimentation. Here's the second page I need  to rank to save my butt. We're ranking number three for 'what is patina on leather'. Here's  what's ranking in search results which has a H2 tag immediately followed by a clear definition  'patina is' - I don't even know if I'm saying that right. Galen leather also has a H2 tag. The intro  sentence kind of acts as a misplaced definition of patina. Also, fine is an unnecessary adjective  that dilutes the title. Starting the with another adjective 'leather' makes the content seem  like it doesn't apply to the broader patina, so I removed that and cleaned up other  parts of the sentence. For the third page, I want it to ranking first for 'leather grades'.  The content has a simple paragraph with general language. There's two possible pieces to modify.  One is in a list format or we can work with the intro. It makes more sense to have a proper  definition first since it's being talked about. Let's edit the intro to be stronger. For the  last page I'm trying to get first the keyword is 'oil vegetable leather'. I've read the top  ranking competitor. Looking over what I've got, I reckon there's some improvements to make. I can  change the H3 to H2. Part of this is removing the redundant H2 tag that targets nothing compared  to the H1 tag. I re-jigged the Heading tags and made the definition more chronological in its  wording. The changes are done. Google must first crawl the updated pages in order for the changes  to have a chance at ranking first. Since I've got money on the line I want results fast, so I enter  each URL in Google Search console then request indexing. I've done this for all pages on Monday  at just after 2:00, so let's check in 7 Days, see how the pages rank. What will be the results?  Perhaps I'm a complete fraud like 90% of the SEO industry? I can't sleep! Wait that's not  because of this challenge - I can blame the baby for my lack of sleep. How much money will  I have to give away to some lucky subscribers? It's been 7 days since I made the changes.  Let's do the first search. what is pantina on leather. The page didn't get the Featured  Snippet and it's still ranking number three. I'm a skid mark. I've spent all  this time making this video and it did, didn't work. Let's do the next check. A4 notebook  size. Yes! This page is in the top position now. This is unexpected... While it's the first  position, it didn't get the Featured Snippet, which is in the second position in  the 'people also asked' box. Well with that one G saving my baby doesn't have  to sleep with me and I can get that baby bed now. Next is leather grades. Ah I don't have this  one either. I'm giving away at least $2,000 now. Unexpectedly the ranking snippet has been  updated to a different format. For another optimization test I could follow the list format  and create some new images like this that visually describe the different Leathers. This is the  big thing about Featured Snippets; like any SEO, there's best practices but nothing is guaranteed.  You study what's best, implement, observe and try again. I can also get more backlinks, improving  the SEO page. If what you do doesn't succeed, try again! That's the big secret to this strategy  that I want you to understand. I'm now checking the last page, oil vegetable [Music] leather.  Got it! So this is one week after recording as my bro David is editing the video and I had to  check all the pages again. I just saw I also got number one for 'Leather Grades'. This beginner  SEO technique really works. but seeing that this didn't happen in a week, I'm a man of my word I'll  be giving away $1,000 each to two subscribers. Go subscribe to the YouTube channel and leave me  a comment with some life wisdom for a chance to [Music] win.
Channel: Digital Darts
Views: 176,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo for beginners, seo, search engine optimization, Quick Google rankings, SEO for beginners, Featured Snippets guide, Ahrefs SEO strategy, Increase organic traffic, Voice search optimization tricks, Ranking on Google fast, featured snippets
Id: FYst12zAVXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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