This FOOD is TOO DEADLY TO EAT! - Vacation Simulator VR

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just regular mushrooms we don't want regular mushrooms we want poison mushroom yes poison mushroom now of course we need to make fish photo waffle pie and own chips rippling vacations simulator I thought what perfect gameplay well roll in isolation if you can't get out in real life maybe you can get out and vr so I thought what we'd do today is to whip up some delicious food all right we're gonna try going around the entire island finding all sorts of weird things we can turn into food what do we got going on here we got some bananas that's regular person food but I'm gonna get some anyway I've got my backpack here right I just got charged for that banana dude okay you need a you definitely need a doughnut oh chocalate bar gotta get a chocolate bar I mean this is all pretty standard food stuff except for the dice you might choke on that and I don't know why I have this compass but I might make some food out of that compass as well hm we're going to be doing some awesome cooking today what do you reckon well I was really you know really screaming with these orders no worries comma just gonna get the gas grill going can we toast an acorn can you do that what sort of stuff can you toast I'm assuming you can toast much yeah now this bad boy is toasted can we slice an acorn yes we've got econ slices I want the acorn cap on there as well we've got a donor let's cook a donut come on oh yeah have you ever cooked it dark not on the grill before what happens if you slice and doner oh you get not slice we're gonna sing it's like a doughnut pizza oh that is really cool I like that I'm gonna eat the other half cause it's delicious raw bacon raw mince that's pretty good [Music] mustard I'm just gonna put some ketchup on it because ketchup makes anything better including raw meat can we switch up the bread situation for a second yeah can I put a different burger top on you can combine bread rolls that's pretty good oh I'm gonna eat that do you want to eat some of this cheap you don't want to eat any I'm gonna go see if I can get somebody to eat half of this burger that's got raw meat on it we need some raw meat whose coconut yes I'm keeping this program my burger just got a bit C all right hang up do all this can you eat that I don't know if you wants to eat I don't need any more cooling thank you burger oh that's disgusting okay let's just leave that half a burger in there I just toasted a coconut can we crack this bad boy open yeah we can we could make a coconut bra I just ate half my bra does that even go in there yeah it does ah tell me that doesn't look amazingly delicious right you were to eat that maybe eat half of it Yin you start to feel sick and then throw the other half at your friend this guy loves the sausage so her where he's cheap okay I'm gonna put that right there hey maybe we can put a banana in one of these does that fit there nope that banana is too big mmm cooked banana slices all right I'm taking my hot dog and I'm gonna be back because I know the best thing to put on a hot dog here we go this is what I'm looking for so we've got Mint caramel honey and thermal paste now I'm gonna tell you guys a little bit of a secret all right don't you tell anyone though but honey goes amazing on hot dogs you should try it I want you to get a hot dog put some honey on it and report back to me all right report back on the video with a comment let me know how honey on hot dog changed your life because I'm telling you guys it will thermal paste not so much honey get amongst it oh that's amazing do some of this well some of this that guy doesn't want any of it I'm just gonna steal some of your sources champ I'm gonna get some of this caramel syrup maybe some mint syrup as well this is how I win the game I go around and I steal everybody's food okay we have we have a pumpkin we have a pink bum maybe we can grow our own peach can put that in there get in there peach seed that doesn't work test super disappointing okay iced tea Hey cool I just gave this thing a haircut any food will make a point tomato and cheese make pizza pie what what is a pizza pie that's not real so if we put for example our D 20 in there right there we go I put a dice in the oven you get a pie the sister stated by what a stupid alright hey what about boysenberry pie I'm just gonna put that in there now that's pretty good yes poison berry pie looks amazing okay you want that and what about this arrangement gave you the impression I was going to help do I need help before you eat it I just don't understand why nobody wants to eat my food just eat it tried try piece try piece maybe jacksepticeye will eat some of my pie Hey Jumba told me running a shop in the vacation simulator would be a great way to advance my career as a you hanging out here with you human okay yeah try some of this poison pie Edie nobody's gonna eat my poison pie I'm gonna have to eat it oh I'm still alive I just vomited Oh Jack's disc I'm sorry dude chunky choco that's gotta be amazing right chocolate pie I love chocolate pies dude look at this that's impressive this is 100 percent food right here I'm gonna eat I'm gonna turn it into a drink this thinks being turned into a drink right now let's go chocolate pie drink well only in America hot pie slice chunky choco bar drink coming right up gonna drink that me could you even imagine what that would taste like here's some fin facts I have to drink soy milk all right you gotta collect some more stuff I've got myself a fish I'm gonna take that fish with me HFS go can you see me now yeah put them back huh you're much more beautiful when I can't see your eyes one fish pie comin right up can you cook a fish I don't know but we'll hit sure as heck gonna try oh dude he turned back into a fish he was a boy for like half a second all right hang on hang on let's see if we can make a fish drink we're just gonna grind this fish up to a paste jumped out alright caramel fish pop oh Jesus come back come back come back fish I can't get you if you're over there maybe we can slice him up okay can we cook him burn it's not burning now he's gone back to the ocean can we make this thing into a food alright we've got our plate here unknown food like substance I'd eat it anyway would you read it let me know in the comments if you did it tastes like cardboard this is the real Hanks I'm gonna take a photo of a fish there is that's a beautiful photo I might even sell this on Etsy we get the fish photo we go back to the ski lodge this is all part of my master plan to turn a fish into actual food right here's what we do we bunk that in the oven of course we do what about it let's cook it up let's turn it into a fish photo pie done I'm so disappointed right now it's not registering as food ok probably because it's a photo but we'll get there you guys have chocolate what it's just crushed chocolate waffle oh right attached item here here's where we turn this bad boy into actual food now it's now its food right it's fish photo waffle now we go back to the ski lodge and we turn it into a pine all right we've got the waffle now of course we need to make fish photo waffle pie you offered so haha unknown food like substance I don't know it looks pretty good to me now we can go back to the beach okay oh wait at the top of the gun and we should be able to put a day and unknown food like substance that's fine it's not the most disappointing thing that's happened but our unlock unknown food like substance pretzel burger is complete oh there we go I probably still eat it anyway I wonder if I can make a butterfly waffle s'more so if we get a butterfly a butterfly oh come on he won't stay you can't even just eat him whole that's so disappointing you can put a butterfly in the waffle maker but just doesn't work he shakes until he pops back into a butterfly here we have the small now we're gonna put the small into the oven and we're gonna turn it into a pine let's go what do we get that's actually really good we're good good the marshmallow layer we got the graham cracker layer I don't know where the chocolates gone but it tastes amazing so we might not have been able to cook a fish or a fish photo okay but I've got another plan there's the bum man let's get my brush okay brushy brushy this is a pretty good-looking fish right now what color is lips his lips a yellow he's going yellow lips pretty good-looking fish ten out of ten fish let's do it let's print it all right fish picture we don't need that crappy fish anymore this is our beautiful fish what do you reckon your brunch should be an extension of your very big your brush is an extension of your being now I can finally put my picture there and just get a great brick every time just a great brick it's gonna throw it into the water and just pollute it alright this is it I'm making the most disgusting burger or pie I can possibly think of hey I've got hot sauce that's where we're starting with this thing hot sauce I think acorns are actually food so I'm not going to use those we have some rocks just regular mushrooms we don't want regular mushrooms we want poison mushroom yes poison mushroom poison berry there we go let's add a poison berry to the mix that is such a beautiful picture who painted it oh that's right it was me roar egg we totally need raw egg even though actually we'll probably end up cooking that but anyway a creme I'm just gonna get a cramp you guys got it disgusting food things in here there's balls and things like that butterflies I know you can't cook the butterflies I don't know how he's not really fitting in there very well we have a rock we have some hot sauce we have a poison berry a poison mushroom just get that on there a raw egg right just to help it bind it together and someone's car key I don't know where this came from but we're putting all this in the oven and we're making the most amazingly deathly pie ever this would kill someone in five seconds bang it all in there turn the oven on what do we get okay okay I'm a little bit scared to open it back into a crib the crap ruined it stupid crap okay there's only one thing we do two crabs that ruin pies we freeze them today yes that's what you get okay we're going again let's get all this stuff this time no live animals poison mushroom poison berry a tin of not Shuna hot sauce a rock and I'm keeping this pineapple for a special treat and a car key let's go bang no transforming food this time oh nice that is one poison point that looks so good I'm gonna eat it watch me eat it oh this is it this is the bonus round this is where we make pizza with a pineapple on it you can pineapple pizza is a thing take that Internet it's delicious [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 181,261
Rating: 4.8743229 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Vacation Simulator, owlchemy labs vacation simulator, owlchemy labs games, vacation sim, vacation sim vr, vacation sim release date, vacation sim gameplay, vacation simulator gameplay, best simulator game, job simulator 2, vacation simulator job bot, vacation simulator ending, vacation simulator secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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