CREATING CRAZY FREAK FISH! - in Vacation Simulator VR

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do you know what this compass is about do you have any idea it says go north I can't go north I don't think this compass does much I've done everybody my name's spin point we're back we're playing vacation simulator I've got quite a few comments about what we do with the hole over there in the pond let's go over there now and what what we basically do to get something to come out of it someone said we have to throw something at the sign I don't know if that's like a real thing I'm gonna try and throw something at the sign now maybe it's like a like a snowball maybe we have to throw a snowball at the sign I don't know okay I haven't hit the sign yet I'm gonna try but I'm gonna be heading up to the mountain soon and we're gonna be doing some stuff at the mountain oh man come on I think I've hit the sign a couple times yeah okay they hit the sign I'm gonna get a snowball because maybe it's a snowball that we have to hit let's go back out here let's grab some see this because you can you can for snowballs at those sites all right see he just said you show those signs so let's get the snowballs let's go back this way here we go oh man that's hard hit the sign are you serious what what let's get some more snowballs let's try it again gosh who are you miss that guy sucks alright let's go back up this way and go ahead here alright try again oh man come on that was the sign and nothing has happened do you know what that's about the whole or I watch this come on oh there we go I'm gonna go over this way I'm gonna look at this hole everything's probably going super dark right now cuz I'm moving my vr space around but there's definitely a hole there what do we do with it Thor there's gotta be something I don't know what but I thrown stuff at the sign with the various objects and I even hid it where they are with a snowball alright we're back I think okay let's head over to the mountain okay maybe we can fashion some kind of fishing rod from the men I don't know maybe that's maybe that's like something we get from finishing this little quest here so let's make a purple fish okay in order to get purple we need to find some purple food there should be some purple there it is I made a point that this stuff was purple last time I saw it and that we'd be able to do this part of the quest all right now where's the fish we need the stripy one you strapped it yeah you are purple that is that right yes oh thanks hey papa fish all right we need that fish and it has to be green see the maybe we could build like a fishing rod out of this it's gonna put this in my bag just a stick put that on my backpack what kind of fish EU you're none of the fish we need what about you that's the same one I think it's a pink one - come here dude alright do we need this coin no we don't need any of those fish okay hang on then hang on let's grab so we need something green and we need something blue let's take that with us cuz I have a funny feeling these fish aren't can I not do that either funny feeling these fish aren't the ones we need we need to go back to the beach and get some fish from there are there any fish in the water here no there's not this just our little crab friend we need to go into the ocean oh I did get a comment on the last video that I should try throwing black B doorbot beard or whatever his name is through his stuff down into into like the hole so maybe we can try doing that what are the fish have we got where's the rest of the fish hey that's a nice fish come here little cute fish all right let's go down into the hold all right I think these one of these fish are the ones that we need it's like a goldfish I'm gonna grab one of them put a goldfish in there okay absurd open this up I've already gotten the stuff before I'm gonna throw on a photo of the guy all right let's grab all this maybe like the hook the eyepatch we'll grab that thing I've got the hat back in in my house anyway ooh what's that fish there's a pink one there how do we get that one come on little pink fish oh there's a ray there and everything all right there's a pink one come here come here oh he just went inside that off the puss that's gross all right head back he was like all in there all right so we're back in the stream now we need to make a purple puff of fish an orange goldfish all right so we've got the orange one and we need to make this one blue yeah and that's it that's it throw this purple one away all right that's done we got fish cool me to get out of it dude maybe if we get this pop of fish he just goes big all right let's try the purple one away we need to get the purple stuff again and we need to get whatever fish that is I don't know is that you that's not you maybe it's not that one I don't think no it's definitely not that one it's a different pattern what patterns then yeah wrong Penton what about this pattern whoa we just did a backflip I think that's the wrong pattern anyway all right purple get this stuff again we need to feed this to the puffs fish he's now purple all right let's head back I'm gonna go down here and we're gonna give this fish to the little weighing scale thing named purple puffer fish it's a match whoo it's a beach ball throw that in the water hey there's an actual ball let's go find the other fish we need I wonder if it's the fish that's in the hot tub maybe let's head into the hot tub yes it is all right crank that bad boy up too hot let that melt and I'm gonna start throwing some of this stuff down the hole hopefully I can get it in there whoo oh yeah that's it that's it ah you got through throwing back all right let's try the hook the hooks in there it's been thrown back as well and the telescope look at that three four three what if it's wrong nothing none of that stuff all right so we've got this fish this was the we actually need to make this one green done so that hasn't worked okay I can only maybe hope that when we finish this fishing quest we get fishing rod or we work out how to make a fishing rod maybe it's got something to do with a stick I don't know all right put that there advance job done where's the monster ones that a fishing rod instead maybe we could do something with the stick combined and presto a fishing rod that sucks Green Gump guppy let's go say Gumpy the comp is not a thing fish master man what is with the hole back in the pond what is that do you know what it is dirt next painting is for those guys do I just post anything ah it's a masterpiece it's a walking but with poop coming out isn't that good okay it's big it's beautiful print here we go let's grab that okay we'll give that to the gardening bot let's do a new one how do we okay how do we erase this but this thing it's so blue now why is it blue yeah blue will do okay let's do some clouds we'll do some beautiful clouds there we go oh isn't that great that's pretty good I'm an artist I am such an artist this is like here's some gloomy clouds it's a flowing but with poop coming in this time because it's clouds and stuff I thought I'd change it up and like paint something a little bit different you know what I mean so there it is okay let's take these pictures over to the people who really want them alright here we go here's your picture probably here you go here's your picture it's got some flowers of nature smells really good who is but moss oh but but yeah okay Bob Ross I get it let's do some paddling come on dude let's go song - here we go so this is like beat Sabre if you guys haven't seen this you need to hit the like the clouds see this yeah nice and then you smack them together like that there's soup bowls and stuff coming down here this is full-on man - once I like these songs alright I'm rowing oh this is great yes oh I just missed one I dropped it you serious it came out of my head the raft come out of my hand dude dominating the rafting right now this is great who needs beat saver when you cut this scam song three here we go swing straight here oh it's stunning wonder if this one's really hot yes don't you bad alright sixty seventy percent come on man first sir course Oh what yes thanks I can take the panel but I got this thing instead yes who eleven twelve I've got two memories for that oh that's awesome dude cheers champ what's up here what's this stuff can we buy insert wood chips we've got some like insect repellent well what does that think oh it's a compass it's a compass okay let's get some money and let's buy compass and then follow the compass all right give me some money give me money fish ooh another stick maybe if I collect all the sticks I'll be able to make a fishing rod haven't seen a fishing rod in this game yet so I'm not hundred percent sure if it exists all right got some money let's go this way all right what's the stuff what do we have we've got slingshot I'm gonna take that because we can shoot some targets around here let's buy the compass compass yes cool all right z+ just think point somewhere all right let's go out into the forest and follow it okay we have a compass compass says go that way I think Hey do you know what this compass is about do you have any idea maybe not mmm it says go north I can't go north I don't think this compass does much negative Z plus Z okay I can't go over that way I can skin some stars hmm nice what they get annoying not great is it okay do you know what this is for I'm being told there are no rock facts because rocks are really boring there's no good rocks were known to skip but never to hop or jump oh there's no rope fix a detail hackett and don't think your conditions really I'm gonna put this bear hat on yeah oh there's somebody's as well what do we do with these things oh cool acorns appear out of nowhere hang on if we got back here there were some acorns on the ground maybe we're gonna shoot some stuff hey nice so this tree Wiggles we still haven't found I was it was they bought foot we seldom found him I don't know if he exists or not okay I'm gonna see if I can find some of these targets I know they're around here somewhere you can shoot him with the slingshot oh that's got to be a target there right that missed yes cool uh where else do we have any talk there's a tiger right there got another one wonder how many there are hmm don't see you know over here what about over this way any targets you guys see any targets get it get the target nice what about this way any targets cheap do you know how many targets I don't think he does what about a fishing rod do you have a fishing rod no I'd like to think we'd need a happy little memory here from me - yeah thanks dude I just printed it again okay it's a masterpiece Oh four out of six okay are they around here or they out in the forest as well I don't know all right if you guys have ideas of where the rest of these targets are because I've had a bit of a look at I can't see any let me know in the comments and if you've got some tips and stuff on maybe how we can find the you know the big boy seek or bot foot out in the first hand what to do with the hole back in the mountain let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 497,543
Rating: 4.7882538 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Vacation Simulator, owlchemy labs vacation simulator, owlchemy labs games, vacation sim, vacation sim vr, vacation sim release date, vacation sim gameplay, vacation simulator gameplay, best simulator game, job simulator 2, botfoot, bigfoot bot
Id: 51EYmMjYzw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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