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all right good morning guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor shelf life I'm back with another episode in Okinawa with Azusa from fishing gang so yesterday we're Alfre mahi from shore and that was a crazy day and he caught that shark and now we're gonna go out on this boat we're going for touch you'll the bell fish that they have here in Okinawa is a special kind that grow to over 2 meters long now Iowa all touch you or Jota to Okinawa Alton okay Okinawa all touch you oh so that's what they call it here and well I can't wait the bell fish this long from the ground it's gotta be taller than me myself someone else alright going down 310 meters deep 310 meters it's been going on for 3-4 minutes still going almost long here I don't know all right think I'm on bottom now oh here we go here's a work healthy must not stop the workout starts here this is gonna take a while to first one on the boat the small one no they don't fight at all it just takes forever to bring up there it is my first bell fish that's you'll follow sighs wha Toki no - this is a summer or pike macro let's go and just stab this thing right on top we got right on top it goes on like that and there's a metal wire and that just wraps around wraps around the fish like that bones like this and the treble goes in the back I go somewhere else boom it's ready [Music] yeah this one does feel have you just a couple more minutes oh my goodness look at this my second whoa wow wow this is the biggest one so far on the book Sugoi at least uh what do you think like six seven minutes to reel up yeah man takes a while to reel this thing up if they're so deep they don't really fight at all just a little heavy whoo all right nice let's dispatch them we're gonna cook this guy up oh yeah so I guess the one I just caught is a medium-sized that's a medium size yeah I guess two meters is gonna have two more feet finger than that one [Music] oh yeah same same fish though you each other so that's how you got his tail bit off I think I got enough fish I'm just chilling now hanging out so I've gone fishing on a boat three times and nobody gets ever I nobody takes anything either I don't know I feel like it's just a hereditary kind of thing seasick due to the long line of fishermen I guess he's like completely fine in today's the boat is awesome it's been rough the whole day but everybody's fine except for Jocelyn she's a little seasick but she usually doesn't get seasick just Chilean for a few hours all right well that's gonna be here for the fishing we're just finished we caught a lot honestly I took a break for a few hours even but anyways it was good it was a good day of fishing we didn't get the big ones the big ones get I guess this wide ten fingers wide we'll go back we won't have time to cook it today but we'll do it we'll cook it up tomorrow right now we're back in the kitchen well yesterday it was a pretty long day of fishing if you were wondering Johnson is feeling okay she's fine it was actually the first time getting seasick but she's all good now they shout out to fishing gang make sure to check out their channel they're very very informative in terms of fishing and technique so they'll leave a link in the description below alright check them out so now we're about to cook this fish up now this tattoo will also known as belt fish or a Cutlass fish or ribbon fish whatever you like to call it in English I usually call it bell fish anyways we're gonna filleted up and we're gonna cook him up alright let's do this yep that's from zero that's fifty fifty six and three-quarters 56 inches this is a medium he said I was like dang are you saying this looks large to me this is forty pound braid line right here forty pound braid check this out I'm gonna put it around one of those teeth well barely any pressure in that thing cut into two pieces oh my goodness sharp razor sharp thing that's scary there's a couple ways you can fillet this fish there's an easy way there's a hard way and the easy way is to cut it up into sections so if you cut it like this one two three four five sections this would be really easy to fillet all you do is cut here cut here cut here cut here then you can just lay in individual sections I want to challenge myself a little bit and I think I'm going to fillet the whole entire thing which is a lot more difficult but wouldn't you rather watch me struggle a little bit I just have to be really clean with my cuts [Music] I'm gonna do that again make sure it cut it [Music] [Music] I'm going all the way to MIT alone [Music] oh all right that's pretty clean I'm gonna flip the fish this is the struggle part you crazy so long because this part has already cut the billy part so I don't really have to worry about that too much so I'm just cutting here start with my knife at a 45-degree angle going down the fish [Music] boom right there all the way to the where the billions and go in to the fish keeping my knife pressure downwards [Music] just to meet a bit [Music] I should beware just go to the top of the spine [Applause] when I say top of the spine is really the side of the spine but in this orientation it's all time now I should be able to go through all the way if I did it right on the other side [Music] I gotta cut through the ribcage so I have to put a little pressure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there it is nice and clean there it's a little bit of it there no me left there so I'm nearly almost perfect almost perfect now I'm gonna do the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] and here's the second form a look at this thing [Music] right now I'm just gonna clean this up a little bit I'm gonna clean up this red part you this piece right here that's ready to go you leave the skin on it so I'll have some sauce here because is gonna be really good on here I'm gonna brush it on so I scored the skin a bit rushing their sauce on it it's actually for me usually but I think it's gonna be really good on here all right and then I'm just gonna pop this in okay here try it boil at the bottom [Music] turn the stove on first [Music] it takes about a minute we just want to char the skin that's it initially the plan was to make some sushi but I just freakin cut my finger on a peeler and I wasn't even feeling anything I was washing the peeler and I cut it pretty deep with the peeler yeah weirdly enough I don't cut myself with any of my knives cutting so fast but just with a peeler about washing it so I can't make any sushi with his finger I don't have gloves either make like a dumb booty just we'll put it on top [Music] we didn't really come out as I had hoped so this was the belly part so he got curled up when the heat hit and this one looks okay but it's not crispy like as much as I wanted it it was a little too wet I'm gonna try again I'm just gonna do salt this time [Music] I wish this one just got a little bit hotter so this is bitter melon right here it's very ultraviolet II just gonna take the middle out with a spoon [Music] just like that oh yeah oh yeah is is like a vegetable of Okinawa just gonna give them a quick sear on both sides this is not gonna work on here well it's very juicing it's only tasty but this little toaster oven is not gonna have a high enough heat you know what to get this skin crispy yeah I thought it might work but you know there's no heat temperature on here that I can set so didn't work but you know what it's all good it's still gonna be tasty right now let's plate this bitter melon go around [Music] little lemon juice as well [Music] let's see lemon juice little soy sauce they call it here the okinawa old touchable because it grows larger here than anywhere else and they are also supposed to be the best tasting fish or the best tasting out of all the other festivals in Japan so on the right we have the cooked touch you will with a little lemon juice lemon zest you go out underneath the left we have a seared skin sashimi just on top of some simple sushi rice well it's different you're not telling us try with the Goya too [Music] the fish itself oh my gosh it's very juicy the lemon it's very yeah the lemon is a nice little freshness to it well yeah this fish is real actually really really good it's very very juicy it's got a nice fat content in it mmm it's good the mean is so smooth [Music] well guys there you go another touching cook in Okinawa and all can all have been so great I love what you know it's been treating me so well yeah hello VOC you know I think it knows too that I have something you know blood I had what so alright guys if you liked the video you know what to do make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe see you guys next time
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 508,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoor chef life, belt fish, tachiuo, okinawa, fishing japan, fishing gang, deep sea fishing, ribbon fish, cutlass fish, catch n cook, knife skills, how to fillet fish
Id: 9mhd4myg15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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