Florida Inshore Fishing for Ribbonfish (how to catch, clean & cook)

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good morning guys there's this little input and coming at you from our Flats yacht today we are doing something a little different which in the last few trips down here we've caught some crazy fish called the ribbon fish AKA Cutlass fish that's the focus and goal for today yeah you guys keep on telling us it's delicious to eat so we're gonna try it exactly we're gonna go out catch a whole hopefully a whole bunch of them and we're I mean you guys are not gonna see this and we don't catch your fish so don't worry that's the goal yeah and what else are we doing Sizzle and we have the traveling Tackle Box very exciting finally we'll never late wait what is it never lately better late than never better late than never I want to drive the boat you keep going okay yeah you drive so we don't crash into the bridge traveling taco box that we receive from Ron cameraman Ron and Sarah we are going out there with this traveling tackle box it's a whole bunch of lures in here to choose from I'm excited to open it up and we're gonna use some of these hopefully catch the target fish today all right so we got a whole bunch of paradigms hold on look that looks good so we're going to be trying that might be perfect you see the lip on it yeah this might be a bass set up but that's okay ribbon fish can handle it look at all this stuff oh look at this one too that's perfect lip diver we got some soft Plastics we're going to be adding one of our favorite lures to this tackle box as well now guys they deal with the traveling Tackle Box it goes between YouTubers and you use the lure hopefully got the fish and then you put a lure in it and you give it to another guy so we have a person we're gonna give it to Ron gave it to us and here we go all right so which one do you think this we got this one this is definitely that one definitely this one that's awesome yo yeah that one looks great I think they'll definitely eat that this is like a smaller like crankbait I would try that with the two of those and two of our staple ones let's do that all right let me get them rigged up all right we got one side of the boat with the traveling Tackle Box lures my side and I guess well left side or Brian side we got the normal two lures that we would use regularly when we troll but I think they're all going to work because these ribbon fish are just very hungry fish yeah I know a lot of other places you guys catch dripping fish all the time and we catch them here fairly commonly but we don't you know they don't stack up like they're doing other parts and again we everyone says they're delicious so we're gonna try it out I'm gonna troll about four or five knots until we locate them and then maybe cast around and concentrate on that area you got it right we got a fish on whoa see what it is whatever it is it's running oh it's a ribbon we found the ribbon fish market I did it's right from that sailboat it's really fighting yeah I'm a neutral look at him jumping it's not jumping is that the is that the lucky tackle box lore yes just get him in the boat Sizzle oh my God you barely hooked it's a little snagged oh you sure he's probably hooked he should have used the net let's go get another one shoot your story is barely hooked I I thought both barbs were in them that was a bad idea that was a rookie mistake I gotta tell you why did you [Music] so I took by the skin you should have known not the drug them in I guess it's my fault too but mostly you all right turn around sorry he ate the shortest lure yeah it's pretty wild that's good close to the boat and it like he ate it yeah yeah and sure enough it was lucky tackle box lure nice we went out for like almost an hour getting a little frustrated frankly we got one on it's definitely one but you're screaming sizzle screaming they put up a great fight initially like when they take that line they smoke it it's really cool yeah they got a nice little initial great run it's almost like a kingfish yeah and like the Rogers like like slowly bent over and the thing just runs and like the way they're shaped they just like swivel there through the water like a snake it's crazy but they're not the biggest fish look at that I'm sure it's one it feels like one they just bite different they're not a normal fish at all just watch where they're going I know I'm part of the crash ing oh yes definitely one but they just like I don't know that snake movement that they do in the water is pretty wild just feels so weird when you reel them in this took a lot of lime man this is on our our regular lures yes regular lure side you got that new Cedros reel I do it's nice and smooth like the handle all right we're gonna use the net this time okay boat's not moving either so make sure to keep the tension on we got current yeah I'm gonna be drifting back which is really bad it's a nice one here we go are you ready just keep his head I'm ready I'm gonna lift his head okay stuck okay yeah okay I don't care jacking off the drag so it doesn't pop it'll make a big deal out of this it's just a ribbon fish eating man look at him oh boy oh boy crap oh yeah we got him get his head out whoa that's a nice one too A big one whoa baby that's why you fought so good watch his heat that's a monster belly on that thing that might be the biggest one we've ever cooked we've caught that's sick look at this thing going all right look at that top bin you guys see that the ribbon wow look at the belly on that thing he's gonna have some meat for that whoa I think he's gonna put fish in there right here look how fat he is yeah he's definitely can see it going down like that maybe he's got some shrimp yeah maybe all right lure just popped right off let's show them to you guys look at that belly whoa it's full that's like me this get thinnest fish in the world with the craziest belly on them look at that thing that's a nice one gorgeous I mean it's that four footer I don't know no three three but whatever three and change look at that look at that all right look at this pin this guy really fought no one's impressed this fish fought put up a great fight yeah look at this monster oh so cool man all right we'll stop playing with our dinner so we got one fish in the boat there really excited to eat this one because I think he's gonna have some nice meat on him oh he's so pretty yeah this guy's cooperating too okay over a good thing a nice screenshot let's give him the Hair Club cooler all right we're back in the zone the things probably caught the other ones let's see if we can duplicate see if we can duplicate talking to me no talking to them not talking to you sorry no one cares about you you don't have a bikini on no one cares about you oh the heck I'm stuck I'm not a huge fan of that net placement right now but whoa face God that big right over you just turned around and Brian's like fish on that's another one dude they just smoke drag I think I know look at this good job smoking it every time we turn around we're getting one right in the general area these fish really stay in schools very similar to like the king mackerel which is interesting but this is an excellent King macrobate as well and I think these are big ones I don't know comment down below or if you catch onesie size back home if you catch them now when we just caught was really big for our area well I know I've seen I've seen they buy these the kingfish baits Frozen and I've seen them that one was big I think I saw some bottom structures that they're keying on here he comes got his head up oh my whoa he jumped to the net head up head up oh he's hooked a little smaller that's about the average size around here it's the other side again oh that's a good one it's good so the uh that's the side we want a box lures smoking it again they don't like those travel chocolate boxes well the first fish was on it oh yeah it's pretty crazy that every single bite today is a ribbon fish and nothing else like nothing else no Jack well we're targeting them we know what the Blue Runner yeah but we catch other fish in here yeah sometimes and like I mean it's not that amazing listen you're a professional fisherman you've been catching ribbon fish here for three weeks you know where they are and you're targeting them so you're actually doing a good job it's not like some sort of Miracle of course it's not a mistake Boomers catches a lot of fish it's the first time we've ever yeah but we've only been category and fish in this area for like a month and so now we've got to narrow down to a very small spot and we're just targeting them with Lewis we know that works so you know she doesn't give enough credit she acts like it's some sort of luck but it's like I just think it's pretty weird because we catch the other stuff in here too it's pretty weird that what she's doing is actually working this is the funny part get the net and be quiet let me get the net look don't get it stuck on that shush these fish always get hooked so weird Here Comes number three ooh big mouth another big one Jesus head up head up drop them that's Pro level job another nice one oh what look at his belly yeah he's fat too oh my God it's another really big one really big one hold on there's something going on on his backside of his body here let's show you really quick oh yeah looks like his guts are coming out or something maybe no no no no that's a full-on growth I don't know how it looks like it's a hole there no no no no no I don't know yeah something that just happened I guess maybe you got a hole from The Lure maybe another big one nice all right very cool let's catch some more ripping holy guys look at that he's gone I think it was ripping that's the freaking Tackle Box lower oh Kern's really moving now on that Dock and low we got low fish on smoking it whoa this one ain't the really short line nice not The Tackle Box lure no this one is hooked really well all right let me get a net oh it's like we're Oahu fishing keep his head uh nice job he really swallowed that lure look at that ribbon fish slave Fest today you'll see that current moving around the poles like right there that pole the outside pole fish on Fish on there he is is this the right lure in my feet I don't know I forget yeah I think he's a lucky tackle box lower I mean traveling Tackle Box Lord oh my God he's smoking it holy cow nice crazy how these fish are just like in one little spot so many of them gotta look crazy down there just looking at a school of hundreds of ladyfish creepy things Brian doesn't want to catch one I'm too good looking to catch fish on the lucky traveling tackle box on the traveling Tackle Box lure finally we got a bunch of hits on them I lost that one on the boat earlier today on this lure so it worked the live target worked awesome these fish do not seem to be picky they kind of eat anything they want I mean as long as there's a lure in front of them and they're hungry they're gonna eat it oh his tail hurts it's like a whip all right last pass this is the spot is in the spot should we get bite right now right now all right guys we are back at the house and before we fillet up all those ribbon fish we caught I'm super excited to eat we've got a YouTuber here this is Ryan is this Yep this is Ryan from living salty he is a local actually he lives right down the street from us been following him for a while now he makes some great content go and give him a follow guys I mean he's an up-and-coming YouTuber he goes to the boat shows he films all kinds of cool stuff this is where we kayak a lot right absolutely yeah so here we go uh he's giving me some stuff I'm giving him some stuff thank you very much there you go living salty I'm gonna link Buffs and some stickers there and everything thank you very much Ryan I'm going to link his channel right down below so go give him a follow and see what he catches with a lucky tackle box all right I've got my sticker on there you can see everybody else had their stickers on there as well that's the smallest sticker I've got so it is what it is and let me go ahead and stick in the lure that we're gonna put in there for the lucky tackle box which is the yazuri 3D Crystal minnow we have caught 100 pound Tarpon from everything that swims in the ocean on this low tour so we're just gonna stick it right here in this box if I can get it in there hold on oops drop and stuff I'm dropping stuff thank you there's so much stuff in here so much stuff for you to fish so hopefully you'll catch a ton of fish no excuse me exactly no excuses and you're just gonna put your sticker on it too when you're done and you get to pick the next YouTuber it goes and on and on and on so if you guys want to follow the lucky tackle box like I said go follow Ryan and now let's go clean those delicious ribbon fish thank you Darcy you're welcome so we got them laid out on the table we're actually just taking pictures and thumbnail pictures for the video you guys are about to watch hopefully maybe we'll end up using one of those pictures not sure but we just had them all laid out just wanted to show you the catch they're on unregulated species and they're supposed to be quite delicious and we only we don't need that many I mean there's just two of us so we ended up keeping five I'm gonna play up the biggest one right now it's the first fish we caught this morning laying right here so let's just Dive Right into this let's get these guys put back in the Hair Club cooler but I'm very excited there's an older one in there that's going to be crab bait um but the the carcasses that's what we're gonna do with them make crab bait out of them watched a couple quick videos on YouTube on how to fillet a Cutlass fish and it looks pretty simple we're gonna find out right now though we're just gonna do it for the first time together but it's just so crazy like how long and sneaky that tail goes and it was he was really whipping me on the boat that one fish was going crazy okay I did not bleed these fish and I'm assuming they don't have a lot of blood just because of how thin they are but I'm excited to do this let's just dive right into it so I think all we got to do here is pretty simple it's just cut we're going to angle towards his head here just like that and then literally just take the knife like you would a crappie or something and we're just gonna go all the way down got to get the feel for this get the bone get the knife right on the bone you see that I got to get down a little lower and we do cut the guts open but that's okay because they don't really have a lot of guts and from what I've seen in the videos it's not the end of the world there we go and I'm just really giving a downward pressure with the knife as I go down so I get as much meat as possible you just check now I'm doing a good job oh this is going to be awesome the meat looks amazing [Music] I don't think I need to go too far down either because there's really not that much meat like right there perfect now let's check it out not too bad for my first time I could have went down a little bit further here in the beginning but then once I got the feel for it I mean I'm right along those bones I don't know if you guys can hear that pretty cool that was really easy and this fish looks to be full of rope I guess that's what these fish are doing this time of year in our shallow Waters they're pretty crazy to catch these big crazy looking creatures in our River or inner Coastal you could call it so now what we're going to do is there's a little bit of this red meat where the ribbon was which I tried to avoid some of that as I was cutting and cut more towards the meat section this is a non-bony section of the fish we'll just get rid of that because it'll be a little more bloody tasting or fishy tasting you could say you can see a lot of that red was left on the fish so that is a good thing for me and now there is a just row of Bones all the way down I can actually feel them so I'm just going to cut on either side of this bone line all the way down foreign [Music] there we go that is one loin of ribbon fish that does not look bad I mean that looks excellent and we're gonna leave we're gonna leave the skin right on from what I'm aware of and some of you guys may already know this the skin is edible so very similar to like a pump and a Florida Pompano for instance you would leave the skin on same exact deal on the other side of this fish get the bone right out of the center foreign there we go and then this piece is just some of that belly and now we got our two pieces pretty cool that's actually quite thick that's a lot of meat for a thin fish like that pretty easy though and I'm gonna literally do the same exact thing you guys just saw me do on the other side of this fish finish them up and fillet up the rest of these dudes and then we meet you guys in the kitchen for the cooking we pushing put in portion of this video first time trying ribbon fish all right guys welcome to another edition of cooking with pudding I don't have my hat on I'm sorry this is the ribbon fish Edition let me move the camera over a little bit I'm gonna dive right into it you know usually with a new fish but let's just throw the pan with some butter salt and pepper to really get a taste of the fish but today I went all out I want to make a nice fry okay you can fry anything to make it taste right right so I just instead of just risking it right so I uh first I cut it green is a ribbon I cut it with some scissors dump it in dump it in and we like you in here yes maybe if you stand in front of me and I just talk behind you like move your arms so I cut it with these scissors from Smith being there that's a ribbon all right so I kind of look nice nice equal sizes and then I made a nice I I added a lot of seasoning too I did this the basic breadcrumbs these Panko and then I ate a lot of seasoning I had this Danos I added this like salt and pepper blend and then some more salt to make it delicious okay mixed it all up and I fried it in and then I did coating standard uh what do we do we do the uh egg wash yeah the flour the egg wash into my mix my mix into the frying pan and it only took like three minutes to cook I did it did it in the nice pan you guys bought me a million years ago for a nice easy cleanup just until they were golden brown I just kind of swirled them around and checked them from time to time it's it's soft it's a softer fish and I'm gonna dip mine in this or you want some lemon on it sizzle lemon sure I get some lemon we got a nice lemon how's that how was it sizzle it's good right the crunching is of course adds like to it but yeah this is tasty man it's very white hmm it's good white delicious doesn't have any fish you've got our first ever ribbon fish like 10 years ago and it's literally the first time we're ever eating it like crazy I mean this is good I know a lot of you guys also like wrap these like in like crab meat or something like they make like strips out of it and stuff which is awesome to do like a sushi you can like roll it up but dude this fish is really good yeah nothing wrong with that it's delicious I got the skin on remember you can't even taste it no no but thank you guys for joining us on today's adventure and until our next one follow your dreams you're singing I was like singing that time
Channel: Darcizzle Offshore
Views: 31,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florida, fish, fishing, inshore, saltwater, fishing videos, saltwater fishing
Id: zQiqmy6cvG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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