This family reported their son to national security authorities over QAnon | Four Corners

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Aside from all of the other allegations, why am I not surprised that Scomo would provide a taxpayer funded role to a close family friend?

👍︎︎ 179 👤︎︎ u/Bourkster 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

The ritual child abuse line was suspect as fuck.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/pennypacker2021 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Felt like this was a big nothing burger for anyone who's been on reddit, though it did make things simple for people that have been out of the loop.

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/Nostonica 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

We all know someone who has been lost to a conspiracy theory whether it be this, Covid or something else.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a friend of a politician or celebrity have overstated their influence with that person to try and impress or gain something from someone else.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a persons employment in politics has ceased or become untenable because of the actions of a partner.

We’ve all got “friends” who are really just the partner of your partners good friend.

The fact that there could be simple answers to all this and yet he still wants to hide behind “media hit job” is the real worry.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Chazzwazza15 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Morrison is really, no joke, a weirdo.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/YouAreSoul 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Now I understand why Scomo is so fucked up in his job.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iamnooneonmai 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

You see how crazy Donald Trump has made the world, this is all downstream from his influence, and he will continue to have influence for years to come.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/curiousgateway 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well it's true - you don't have to be a Q supporter to see it in action. Just watch Alex Jones - all the goss without the crap.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MaryJaner420 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I doubt the queen is particularly impressed with Scotty given some of the beliefs about her that Qanon have.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/neetykeeno 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
have you ever wondered why we go to war or why you never seem to be able to get out of debt why there is poverty division and crime what if i told you there was a reason for it all fellow slaves it's time to buckle your seatbelt the q anon conspiracy theory has taken off around the world and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy the bizarre ideology has attracted millions of believers worldwide including a large number in australia fueled by the lockdowns during covert 19. against the greatest force of evil the world has ever known i really look at it as like a force of nature it's like a coronavirus of the mind [Applause] in america cuenon's dark and divisive politics have fueled ugly conflict in australia it has led to families being split apart we've watched the change over these last years be quite dramatic but that's what raises our concern that we do have family members who are involved the stewart family in sydney are among those deeply concerned over q anon spread as they've watched their son and brother tim stewart become immersed in its beliefs tim believes that the world has really been taken over by satanic pedophiles or luciferian pedophiles they call them and that that is represented by the left so the radical left and if you don't believe in the q and on perspectives then you're a pedophile enabler tim stewart has been a close family friend of prime minister scott morrison and has reportedly boasted about his access to the pm i would think that someone in a position like prime minister morrison would want to condemn those views and indicate strongly to the public that they have no bearing on his official actions on his responsibilities nor on his world view i find it deeply offensive that there would be any suggestion that i would have any involvement or support for such a dangerous organisation i clearly do not tonight on four corners we're here for the first time from a family who have watched with alarm as their son has descended into an extremist political conspiracy and they share their concerns about his relationship with the prime minister of australia on sydney's suburban fringe the stuart clan sits down to dinner first taste of the evening mr life's journey still going on and we're all in it over recent years the conversation during these family gatherings has often been tainted by a dark topic the apocalyptic ideology of the far-right conspiracy theory cuenon which has split this family we've watched the change over these last years be quite dramatic and a lot of that was to do with q anon you are a mother who still loves her son yes and would like to maintain a relationship with him how is it as as a mum watching this it's not pleasant um and you know the relationship has become quite strained over this last year it's like a conversion and there is that religious undertone to cue and on and so constantly donning their the armor of god and things like that because they are out there having to fight against the satanists that have taken over the world val and brian stewart and their daughter karen have decided to speak out as a warning to others what has prompted them is witnessing 51 year old tim stewart descend into the world of q anon tim believes that the world has really been taken over by satanic pedophiles or luciferian pedophiles they call them and that that is represented by um the left so the radical left keeping the public informed when the deep state breaks they believe there's a spiritual warfare being waged and that they have knowledge of this and so that they're on a crusade to make sure that the satanists are overthrown and things like that the world is currently experiencing a dramatic covert war of biblical proportions literally the fight for earth between the forces of good and evil q anon really came onto the radar screen in october of 2017 on a website called 4chan may god bless america where individuals propagated this conspiracy theory that the united states government was secretly being run by a cabal of satan worshiping cannibalistic child predators who were running a global sex trafficking ring and were hell-bent on undermining donald trump while he was in office now this conspiracy theory was not only untrue it was in my view indiscriminately crazy that's why we have q the conspiracy theory was started by an anonymous online figure known as queue who has never been identified it came to be called the great awakening someone started posting as a secret insider in the u.s government calling themselves q as a reference to the q level security clearance which doesn't actually exist outside of the department of energy and in the initial cue drop saying that hillary clinton would be arrested the next day which obviously did not happen but over time this individual or this group of individuals and it's still not clear who exactly it was continued to post and continued to gather a following miles taylor was the chief of staff at the u.s department of homeland security in the trump administration it was clear to me in late 2018 in early 2019 that these conspiracy theory trends like q anon were a danger to the country and that the vitriolic rhetoric on some of these message boards could jump the tracks into violence very very easily we were worried about that and it wasn't just a law enforcement concern we started to view it as a real national security threat in the united states the fbi has declared q anon a potential domestic terrorism threat but that hasn't happened in australia according to the institute for strategic dialogue australia is the fourth largest country for qnon related activity online in march 2020 we had obviously the outbreak of covert 19 and along with that became a lot of sort of associated mental health pressures and we know that belief in conspiracy theories is quite closely linked to you know various mental health stresses um and so we saw an explosion of conspiracy activity around the world including in australia um and as part of that we did see um q anon come to australia in a more significant way than it had been before i think people forget that coronavirus initially when it first came out it was very traumatic for a lot of people no one knew where this virus had really come from right there was very little information it came on so fast governments were shutting down people were scared it was traumatic and they go searching for answers recent university graduate jatath jadeja is a moderator of an online forum for people who've lost family members to what they call the cult the q anon casualties reddit group has about 160 000 members including in australia the power of q anon is not even really about the beliefs the power is the behavioral change that it causes in a believer it's destructive to the person themselves and their relationships their family and friends every day i see stories of families being ripped apart people's children being kicked out of the house by their parents people having to call off marriages after decades people's parents you know accusing them of wanting their children to die so it is the saddest place on the internet jatath was completely engrossed in the conspiracy theory for a year and a half one of his biggest regrets is that he got one of his relatives involved we would talk for hours four or five hours just sitting standing in front of the standing in the kitchen just talking and the moment i got out i realized like what have i done what have i done and i tried i've tried to talk to him i've tried to get him out it doesn't work tim stewart a town planner and former bankrupt was an early follower of q anon in australia around 2017 he started a blog called sideways step for expansive thinkers and spiritual explorers one of the posts is titled the reason for the treason a conversation for the great awakening the great awakening is revealing that dark forces have found their way into the highest levels of influence so the idea of the great awakening and also of the storm is sort of linked to the idea that there will be some sort of cataclysmic awakening of all the people around the world as sort of the scales drop from their eyes and they see um they see this global satanic pedophile cabal for what they truly are um and the idea is that that donald trump in some way was going to bring on the storm which would lead to the great awakening tim stewart's blog lays out a central belief of q anon that leftist elites are running a pedophile ring that harvests children's blood the true nature of these crimes shows that humans are being treated as a commodity and human energy is being harvested without permission furthermore it is focused on children who are more innocent and unaware why do evil people wish to rob a young child of their virginity why do they drink blood why do they need to sacrifice humans in australia tim stewart rose to prominence in local q and on circles when his twitter account at burn spy 34 was included in a post by cue known as a cue drop that users have to decode that's how a lot of these q1 influencers got their start um and sort of first came to the attention of the rest of the qnn community and so we know from archived versions of the burns by twitter account that in uh early 2019 he had sort of around 1700 followers and that by late 2019 had you know 20 000 odd followers the stuart family watched in alarm as tim's beliefs became an obsession it's really outlandish and we've heard things from the queen being a shape-shifting lizard to all sorts of things where a being might come down and do some training and astral projection and time traveling and things like that your son believes that donald trump is saving the world from leftist pedophiles yes it is so and your son believes and has said to you that he believes that both jacinda ardern the new zealand prime minister and michelle obama the former first lady are actually men yes that has been said to me yes if people wear red shoes then that's they're wearing red so that when babies are slaughtered and the blood falls on the ground that no one will see the blood splatter and there's been tweets from them that say if you don't believe in the q and on perspectives then you're a pedophile [Music] enabler [Music] at the same time that tim stewart was descending into cuanon one of his old friends ascended to the highest office in the land scott morrison became prime minister in august 2018. tim stewart's wife lannell has been best friends with scott morrison's wife jenny for decades the two couples cemented their friendships at their local baptist church in the early 1990s well it's a close one there's no doubt about that the two girls in particular have known each other for high school onwards and then the two men who married the two girls became friends as well along the way they've had a lifelong friendship together would you say best friends oh yes i would say best friends yes jenny was lynnelle's maid of honour and lanelle was jenny and scott's bridesmaid [Music] jenny morrison describes lynelle stewart on her facebook page as her dear old friend lynelle says jenny is a precious treasure and a forever friend when mr morrison entered parliament the stewards were delighted tim was invited to attend scott's maiden speech he was excited so was i when scott was elected the member for cook mr speaker it is with humility i thought it was rather a privilege that tim was one of those who received the invitation i would imagine that any incumbent for the speaking for the first time would ask people to attend who in some way special to him when tim and lynelle stewart celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary in august 2017 then treasurer scott morrison sent his congratulations on lynnell's facebook page happy anniversary guys still remember you telling jen and i a very long time ago in our little flat in bronte that you had an amazing guy you were right these photos which they shared on facebook are from the following year when the morrison family holidayed with the stuarts on the new south wales south coast when the morrisons moved into the prime minister's residence in sydney kiribili house lynelle stewart was hired to work as a household attendant lanell was looking after the children and the dog even before she was employed so certainly was helping out she's technically employed by prime minister and cabinet um and her role has been to assist in looking after the children and and things like that lanelle stewart has frequently posted photographs from kiribili on her social media including this one of her and her husband tim stewart in 2018. the families even celebrated new year's eve together at the prime minister's residence in january 2019 tim stewart shared these photos from kiribili saying he was house-sitting the little boy is his son i don't think it was an uncommon thing for them to be there not at all i can see there's photos from new year's eve there and things like that we've we've seen that yeah tim stewart liked to boast about his friendship with scott morrison one associate who says he heard these boasts was ella high priest a self-styled online anti-corruption crusader who was questioned by counter-terrorism police after social media posts where he said he'd successfully hacked the prime minister's office priest who met tim stewart once in 2018 claims stewart said he could pass information to the pm tim had said that he could make evidence i had about government corruption available to the prime minister and have the prime minister of australia act on that evidence priest says tim stewart sent him this picture of tim and scott morrison together i can't emphasize enough how close tim said the families were which was why he said there was a way due to that closeness that he could influence the prime minister at the time scott morrison was preparing for one of his first acts as prime minister a national apology to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse ella high priest set up a meeting with tim stewart and others the group wanted the phrase ritual sexual abuse included in the national apology so when the q anon conspiracy is using the term ritual abuse they're using it as synonymous with child torture cannibalism um really um the most gross and and vivid and graphic allegations of um of child abuse that you can imagine it has been folded into a set of beliefs about the united states government in which there are high powered high-profile individuals who secretly engage in these strange satanic ceremonies ella high priest showed four corners messages he says tim stewart sent him referring to his attempts to get the words ritual abuse into the apology i am organizing an intimate strategy for the pm read the ritual phrase okay mate i'm just preparing a message to scott now re-monday once he's awake mate he will kick ass priest says he also received a text message tim stewart said he had sent to his wife lynnell an army of victims and therapists would specifically love it if scott's apology referenced ritual abuse victims this exact wording is a key phrase for victims think of this like a code that sends a direct and clear message that they have been heard by scott [Music] specifically hundreds of survivors of child sexual abuse in the nation's institutions will gather at parliament house in canberra this morning for an apology from the prime minister on the 22nd of october 2018 parliament house opened its doors to abuse survivors and their supporters for the apology by scott morrison there was a lot of people waiting for a long time for this apology we felt like we were a part of history we wanted it to be the the moment of change we really believed that this was the turning around of the the tragedy of sexual assault against children in the nation that morning tim stewart's text to ella high priest suggested he was feeling confident good morning mate i think scott is going to do it pretty sure speech is at 11. i hope he says it scott is very aware of the enormity of today government business notice number one motion relating to the national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse at 11 am the prime minister rose to deliver the historic speech i move that the house apologise to the victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse it happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it and the systems within these organizations allowed it to happen and turned a blind eye it happened day after day week after week month after month decade after decade unrelenting torment the speech was received i think tremendously well it was taken in the spirit that it was offered which is i think a spirit of generosity um a spirit of repentance and regret uh and that's something that survivors of sexual abuse don't often get they don't often get someone saying i'm sorry that this has happened to you i regret that this has happened to the crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools churches youth groups scout troops orphanages foster homes but close observers of the process were taken aback by the use of the phrase ritual sexual abuse ritual child sexual abuse wasn't a focus of the royal commission it wasn't evident in the reports or in the recommendations and so certainly there were questions about where did this phrase come from how did it arise how did it come to be um in the prime minister's speech in the manner that it was i'm in contact with international networks of mental health workers particularly who treat children and adults who have been subject to sexual exploitation and i was contacted i was emailed people reached out about this phrase it is a phrase that we're aware of it's a very sensitive phrase the use of the phrase ritual sex abuse would have been taken as validation of the conspiracy theory by q anon followers because it's a person in authority using this phrase which appears to directly reference the conspiracy theory despite being asked repeatedly the prime minister has not answered four corners questions on the record about whether tim stewart passed on information to him about the wording of the apology immediately after the apology tim stewart began tweeting triumphantly using his twitter account at burnedspy34 what a great speech at scott morrison mp acknowledging the victims of ritual abuse a new conversation began today in australia it was a stepping stone to be sure but we took the step at scott morrison mp took control of the narrative powerfully and commenced phase one of our restoration tim stewart's son jesse who is also a q anon follower celebrated on twitter using q anon codes and hashtags you know the great awakening is in full swing when the australian prime minister at scott morrison mp mentions ritual abuse scott is a patriot so within the q and on community it was first reported that burnt spy and scott morrison had some kind of relationship or moved in the same social circles that was taken as a tacit approval or tacit proof of this plan of the conspiracy of the great awakening of where the good guys will take over that's baby scott morrison's on board you know and as much as i wish i didn't have to say this but it's true that the lack of condemnation and the lack of response to that con to that relationship by scott morrison and i don't like saying that because i don't i actually like him that was show like people just thought that it was it was low-key approval that's it and it boosted the authenticity of the movement ella high priest texted tim stewart about other issues he wanted stuart to raise with the prime minister such as his claim that school students were being taught about homosexual sex tim stewart replied i'm in shock this is going straight to scott the prime minister did not respond on the record to four corners questions about why the words ritual abuse were included in the apology a spokesperson for the prime minister has previously said the term ritual is one that the prime minister heard directly from the abused survivors and the national apology to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse reference group he met with in the lead-up to the apology and refers not just to the ritualised way or patterns in which so many crimes were committed but also to the frequency and repetition of them four corners has spoken to most of the members of the reference group and seen their formal written advice the phrase ritual abuse is not mentioned we honor every survivor in this country we love you we hear you and we honor you watching scott morrison's apology at home was tim stewart's sister karen who had their parents val and brian by her side when i heard the word ritual in that speech my phone next to me buzzed and it was a family member saying did you hear that did you hear that that's the first time that's ever been said in the australian parliament the apology had particular significance for karen stewart who says she was sexually assaulted when she was a child a speech that was to empower us to make us feel like we'd been heard to take us seriously we achieved all that so in the one speech i received that and then the word ritual pops in there and i felt that that snatched it away because it was a signal to another group of people that that are not there for my healing karen stewart's experience echoes that of so many survivors in both the abuse and how the institution responded karen was 14 when she says she was repeatedly sexually assaulted by two young men from her church community she told her parents and her brother tim who supported her through the aftermath even though we didn't know the details the details at the time didn't matter to us what mattered was something horrible had happened that was emotionally destroying i noticed a girl who had lost a softness of character that had previously been there somebody who became hard somebody who sought values that were not those that we'd instilled within her there was a change that took place and looking back on it now like as an adult who sort of knows a lot more about the world what do you think that young girl was going through trauma trauma that i didn't understand sorry i i'm doing what i don't want to do just give me a moment the pastor of the church eventually conceded that a serious crime was committed against karen in 2011 karen reported the assaults to police they decided there was insufficient evidence to proceed [Music] the emotional effect and the trauma we have since learned is never out of her mind and for us as a whole family we've had now 30 years of what has been trauma and traumatic it's it's it's huge it doesn't go away um ever [Music] [Music] karen stewart's experience as a survivor has amplified her distress over her brother's obsession with q anon and its discredited theory about ritual sexual abuse they talk about saving the children but i was that child i was once the child that they claim they're saving my life is the worst for having q anon in it that was one of the moments where i recognised that my brother cared more about humanon than about the healing of people in relation to their own child sexual abuse q anon hasn't made the world a better place for survivors it hasn't made the world a better place for children we can't point to one positive development or advancement that has been driven by qanon and it risks submerging you know legitimate issues legitimate disclosures within a conspiracy culture [Music] in the past couple of years karen stewart has become estranged from her brother tim and their political beliefs have become even more polarized karen ran as a state candidate for the greens while tim stewart's views became extreme and sometimes bizarre tim would be in a place that i knew i couldn't follow and so that's what began to create a division between us because i couldn't go to the same places that he would consider he was in and believe what he believed and support what he supports for families affected by q anon it's a common experience when i was deep into cuton it destroyed beyond repair a lot if not most of my relationships because at some point you can't not talk about q anon you're like this homeless guy on the street shouting about judgement day and even then it's not a discussion you're not talking to the person you're talking at them and they're standing there and sitting there and you can see like the disinterest in their eyes you can see there's almost disdain in the pity but you cannot stop yourself tim stewart and his son jesse have become increasingly well known in the q a world there's quite a story with youtube in november they were interviewed on a youtube q anon talk show having me on it's an honor to be here both appeared using their online personas burn notice for tim and negan hq for jesse the hosts applauded the father and son duo it was actually kind of good we could really start start doing looking at things together and exploring stuff together once uh once we knew who we were what a great bond i mean that's just a great thing you're both like separate patriots that found out you were patriots in the same war and the same troop and the same battalion yeah you didn't answer her a question burn who q was who do you think q is whether it's a a uh you know cosmic social experiment on humanity or a really clever person from the nsa that's just you know gone out on their own and gone rogue yeah whatever the case is it's worth keeping an eye on [Music] [Applause] [Music] before the us election tim stewart reposted a comment on the far right social media platform gab saying it is our obligation to overthrow the tyrannical ruling class after joe biden won the election tim stewart posted the deep state have committed open electoral fraud in full view of the world things are about to get very messy for those who commit treason and for those who aid and abet those committing treason jesse stewart wrote we shall go on to the end we shall fight on a global scale we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall never surrender our movement beyond the seas armed and guarded by the q anon fleet would carry on the struggle the subject of tim stewart's beliefs and his relationship with the prime minister has been raised in the senate three times please don't make assertions about what i'm doing in october 2019 labour senator penny wong raised questions about lynelle stewart's employment at kiribili house he's a close friend of the prime minister uh one of australia's leading proponents of the q and on conspiracy theory is a partner of that person on the prime minister's staff has a q a non-conspiracist been invited to either the curability or the kiribili or the lodge and another assertion in the story is that information from this person has been passed directly to the prime minister um has the department in this taking all of this yeah i understood that i understood that the prime minister's department later responded saying that the personal relationships of the pm staff were not a matter for the department and that it had no knowledge of the other issues raised soon after the senate hearing scott morrison posted a jovial comment on tim stewart's facebook page happy birthday tim stewart nice to see the mullet out of the time capsule tim replied thanks mate i don't understand why the prime minister i would want to be seen to be with someone who has such radical beliefs that's not who i would want any prime minister regardless of who they are hanging around with hearing the sorts of things that come out of tim's mouth in relation to q and on the stewart family recall how that year tim and lynelle stewart told them that they were hoping to holiday in hawaii with the morrisons over summer tim and i were just sharing that there was a holiday planned in hawaii and my impression was it was going to be a heap up of quite a few families which would include many who've been going to hawaii for years they would have all been involved scott and jenny were going to go as well that was that was mentioned in december 2019 during the black summer bushfires the prime minister went on leave and flew to honolulu prime minister scott morrison has attracted criticism for holidaying in hawaii as blazers continue to burn across the country after photographs emerged on social media mr morrison rang in to a radio station the girls and jen they love holidaying away and so we've had a few nice days here mr morrison was forced to cut short his trip the same day as tim stewart's family flew to hawaii the girls and gem will stay on and stay out the rest of the time we had booked here but i know australians understand this and they'll be pleased i'm telling heck i'm sure but um they know that uh you know i don't hold a hose mate and i don't sit the prime minister did not respond on the record to four corners questions about the hawaii trip [Music] in the past year as part of a global crackdown on q anon accounts twitter has permanently suspended tim and jesse stewart's accounts for engaging in coordinated harmful activity in october last year the concerns about tim stewart were again raised in the senate are you aware that the prime minister's close friend has been banned from twitter for what the social media platform describes as coordinated harmful i mean i mean i'm not sure that you can characterize that person whom i don't know based on the fact that the wife is employed having gone through all of the relevant checks i mean i don't know that that's reasonable you know i think the only thing is that as has been confirmed by ms foster is that the woman concerned has been employed there doesn't seem to be any suggestion that there is anything concerned the department of prime minister and cabinet was also asked about the inclusion of the phrase ritual abuse in the 2018 apology so there's an allegation that there were there were changes to the speech including and this seems far-fetched but i i think it would be useful to put it to you to to make sure it's refuted um that um this close associated urge to change to the prime minister's speech to use a different word the word being ritual so i'm just thinking i i i'm asking can we use this opportunity to make clear that is isn't the case so senator um i don't i don't know okay i've just asked all of my staff openly if anyone has any information it would appear that the answer is no so the best i can do is take that on notice okay that's fine no answer to that question was provided jesse stewart blamed members of his family for the twitter ban and sent them threatening text messages you better tread lightly also want to play with fire and you will get burned watch yourself buddy i will make you lot famous all of you [ __ ] around and find out your grandson jesse has sent threatening messages to the rest of your family yes very much so yeah it's that's that's been for a period of just over a year that that's been happening yes things escalated my mother a lovely woman was i don't know if i can swear on this but called a cowardly [ __ ] so these are not your standard responses to a grandmother and so they were quite concerning and at that point we recognized all right there's a level of radicalization that is very different to even a year prior to that late last year the stuart family became so concerned they took the extraordinary step of reporting tim and jesse stewart to the national security hotline several times so it was at that moment that we decided we can make excuses for lots of things but if we're under threat and our safety is a concern we have to legitimately inform somebody because we no longer know these people so we did make a report to the authorities to ensure that we were doing the right thing as community members i don't know what might happen in australia but that's what raises our concern that we do have family members who are involved is something that could finish up being a threat to australia the director general of asio australia's top spy chief has also been informed about the activities of tim and jesse stewart tim stewart told four corners i am too busy to read questions relating to the nonsense that's been put out there which are just hit pieces i don't promote or support any kind of violence four corners has learned that lynnell stewart stopped working at kiribi house at the end of last year scott morrison did not respond on the record to four corners questions about whether he and tim stewart are still friends i think it's important for the prime minister and any other national leader to disavow individuals either within their orbit or outside of their orbit who harbor these types of extremist views that's really important and look i understand again we all have friends and family members that have unorthodox views but when you're put in a position of public trust you have to maintain the public's trust in recent months tim stewart has shared posts of donald trump calling the u.s election the big lie and has reposted conspiracies equating vaccines with nazism [Music] jesse stewart has started criticizing scott morrison online if governments start going the route of vaccine coercion mandates restrictions for those who refuse vaccine passport or any other draconian idea then [ __ ] are getting lynched call me extreme crazy i don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] around and find out australian government on april 28 in response to a post about corrupt politicians jesse stewart said i'd pay two grand to see certain people hanged in an email to four corners jesse stewart said he was referring to traitors and pedophiles he described himself as a [ __ ] poster and satirist and said i never have nor will participate in violence the experience of watching someone become radicalised is the most unusual thing we know how we get to know a stranger and bit by bit with every conversations you become to either like them or not like them and and you can start a long-term relationship with a friend because of how that's panned out but we never talk about what might happen if it goes in reverse so the loving and caring brother and nephew it went in reverse they became strangers um this is a question for you senator birmingham three weeks ago questions were again raised in senate estimates about the prime minister's view of tim stewart's beliefs the questions relate to whether or not the prime minister had anything to say about comments by his friend and q anon proponent and mr tim stewart describing the day of the capital hill attack as one of the greatest days on earth crikey also asked the pmo what measures if any were in place to prevent mr stewart having access to confidential information about the prime minister what are the answers to those questions well um senator wong in terms of if you want to pose those questions i'll happily take them on notice for you in terms of a response being provided do you agree that a friend of mr morrison's who adheres to these theories is a possible vector for foreign interference senator i am not aware of the nature of the relationship so in that sense it's to some extent uh a hypothetical but i can certainly assure you that the prime minister takes his security obligations seriously and is alert to all threats that that security agencies briefing on there has still been no response to the questions taken on notice four corners contacted the prime minister with a detailed list of questions five weeks ago and followed up with his office more than 20 times last question on june the 4th the prime minister was asked at a press conference about four corners story are you concerned the abc is involved in so-called vigilante journalism were the allegations put to you and what is your connection to the man at the center of that story well i find it deeply offensive that there would be any suggestion that i would have any involvement or support for such a dangerous organization i clearly do not it's also just very disappointing that four corners in their inquiries would seek to cast this aspersion not just against me but by members of my own family i just think that's that's really poor form two days later a spokesman for the prime minister provided a one paragraph statement on the record to the program this is a personally motivated slur against the prime minister and his family by a four corners program that is already facing serious questions about the accuracy bias and credibility of its journalism that is now giving credence to irrational twitter conspiracy theorists and raising the profile of what the prime minister clearly deems a discredited and dangerous fringe group [Music] you have to serve we popped over to see them all the other days so it was it was quite lovely to get a few photos and feel part of that very extended family that we don't always get to see the stuart clan is deeply troubled by the breakdown of their family they haven't given up on jessie and tim i'm not a psychologist i'm his mum and i hope that one day some of this might be in the past but i know that there are just concerns that we would have in hearing and watching some of what has happened over particularly this last year or so i think almost all of us have broken down on the phone trying to explain the loss of a family member and i know my mother has viewed it she's described it as grieving grieving the loss of someone who's still alive and that's it's a very confusing emotion um and so i feel for her in that and [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ABC News In-depth
Views: 568,389
Rating: 4.0803595 out of 5
Keywords: qanon, 4 corners, four corners, scott morrison, prime minister, pm, morrison, scomo, jenny morrison, 17anon, WWG1WGA, MAGA, milligan, louise milligan, abc, karen steward, tim stewart, jesse stewart, lynelle stewart, sexual abuse, ritual abuse, child abuse, australia, politics, deep state, trump, torn apart my qanon, family, sydney, national security, security, Twitter, conspiracy theory, The Big Lie, threat, ASIO, concerns, national security risk, qanoner, australia prime minister, abc news
Id: -3ol1aUN_Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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