Cheating VS My Friends (Stick Fight)

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so today we're playing stick fight the game with the guys i have some cheats installed and i'm not gonna tell them here's how fast the beam rifle normally shoots here's it with my cheats installed [Music] and the last time we played stick fight was over two years ago four hundred thousand likes guys let's get to a fourth of that a hundred thousand likes in three days hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys let's do this okay okay this is a snake map okay so we're gonna play for a little bit we're gonna mess around and then after that we're gonna do a four-man tournament i'm yellow who's red crabby i'm red sizzles this red who's blue who's blue who's blue i'm blue you can see our health from the top right whenever we take damage or fall off the map then we die okay i have a car so you can see i have a gun right oh wait you just oh she's alive look at him okay dude i'm stuck down here how do i get out okay there we go get out okay i'm climbing climbing get out of here why can i not jump jump oh you idiot oh this is a cake okay okay am i a worm i'm okay so these are all custom maps that we've downloaded look at this we got it we got a mine we're playing minecraft right now i got a pistol look at my legs wait can i get this gun i don't know what this gun is i just got a gun that looks like a grenade launcher is it this should be fun boys i'm blowing myself i'm taking cover i'm coming in how are you gonna [Music] what's up oh another cave one who's red who's red this is the weirdest fight i've ever been in anybody wants snakes please do not send snakes down here are you ready that is a giant snake biffle oh no no no no for me i don't know what i got what is that oh no oh henry look at your health henry you got a snake on you henry's dead wait all right well now you two got to figure out how to fight each other good luck oh look at him fighting you ran out of guns okay so boys i'm gonna turn on my hacks here in a minute so i can do shift m and i have all of these cheats did we just play this map oh here we go okay i got a new i got a new i gotta do it come here are you we can be friends okay let's be friends yeah why is the game not ending i'm so confused [Laughter] you jump off right now i got my hands up here put your hands up edwin double kill what's up what's up you took our sniper rifle what's up what's up bro what's up bro wait you're hanging off the map for me yeah i am what's up okay oh there you go oh oh what is this the matrix [Music] oh my gosh oh hold on guys just don't mind me don't mind me okay i'm not sure if you can actually no no no oh i'll get it oh you know you know what bibble i just turned on uncapped fire right oh where am i i got a snake on me no i got a snake in my boots get out of here steak i'm debating the snake oh no i lost the gun i lost the gun you shot yourself off the map oh what is this recoil bring it bring it bring it down bring it down bring it guys please oh no oh no i'm going to get the knife i'm going to get the knife i'm going to get the knife oh what is headway over there i am going my own way yeah i'll kick it i'll kick it okay get out of here block it i blocked it everybody wait how did you get it wait this gun's up here guys there's lots of guns up here oh no get ready get out oh my face [Music] that was terrifying oh my god this is the moment i'm up here i'm up here i'm up here oh i'm i mean wait how'd you i got snakes i got snakes oh sigils sigils you're about to get snaked oh i'm gonna turn on this scoreboard okay you look at the top right we have 6132 right if you guys haven't i'm not great the first one to get ten wins wins i'm at six so i need to get to 16. and then we get 10k from uh before go wait no i don't have that much money guys oh henry you are so bad all right oh no [Music] you know i'm going to get the grenade launcher oh i still got 100 health though he's crazy i'm lucky don't you go for that don't you go for that go for it oh go go for that come on i'll fasten you i'll fashion you how fast you're doing guys guys here's a blank hole gun i'll kill his boss wait he didn't pick that one up dude that gun is broken oh dude that gun is insane okay so everybody keep your own score i got i need nine more wins i gotta get one i got one get up get bro killed me wait oh there's spikes there was like spikes oh ak on an ak more i'm gonna use my gun watch this hold on check this out i'm gonna do unlimited ammo hey guys my teammate is very low on health i i wouldn't mind if you killed him hey hey you know what no one's gone well i'm not i'm gone i'm gone so he's dead charger weave dodger weave oh my why is he going so fast what is that what is that what are you doing what i don't want to fight this i'm just going to fight you in my fist oh yeah i'll take you down right now what's up what's going on dude what's this guy that's an f-16 um um did you break the game um my gun stop that's what's happening what about hear you over won't your gun ian have you considered stopping it oh oh stop oh no i don't know what i did okay i'm gonna throw it i threw it okay we're good okay good luck good luck stop me you're literally blocked away [Laughter] wait how do we fight each other if we're up here shoot the boxes shoot the boxes does that work it doesn't do anything so you can go over maybe uh dude i'm gonna hit this spike don't be a chicken go across dude just go across dude why are you nervous you know that my friends how are you wait how are you running out of ammo what before what i got i got this i got this i got this i got this door hp he's worn no no oh my god it's flame okay oh you just pull out my gun what the heck nerd come out you know what i'm turning i'm auto clicker that's just nice it's going in boys going in [Laughter] awesome i tried oh i'm done with this fight wait okay so i need five more wins boys yeah i need look how many ones i have guys oh we're on a bus wait that's the bus right yeah with the truck oh there's a weapon up there yeah you went to a weird school as you can see get out of here bud oh i made it give me that gun give me the state gun oh guys uh why is my gun doing this get up snakes why is there so much noise [Laughter] [Music] oh my gosh this sword is broke i'm going to henwy i'm going to hang with henry you want to shoot snakes huh we are not on the the states are killing me i can fly the pyramid oh no oh i've been part of this is a snake one [Music] these snakes are annoying [Laughter] spear oh no he's got the spear he's got the spirit give me the gun give me the gun what am i like you gave him an uzi yeah yeah we worked together guys i think he's attacking me it's not an auto clicker it's not an auto clicker are you doing that thing come on horses come guys i'm having fun are you having fun no yeah you've already opened that for me yeah yeah i literally can't he's gonna end up killing okay all right you know what i'll come over i'll come over and i'll just end it here we go here we go oh oh sigils oh freedom oh wait hold on if i have unlimited ammo with this wait he went too fast [Laughter] i just went straight into one of those spikes i need one more win guys don't forget hit the like button if you think biffle should give us all 10k yeah no guys i can't i agree please i agree bruh oh hold on don't shoot look at micah no i said don't shoot what is those dudes that was insane oh good guys can we go yeah yep what is um what did i do um what am i doing um guys i'm not playing anymore guys no i'm done no no no i don't think i think yep guys guys are you how oh what is this oh we gotta rush to the end we're together boys yeah yeah just kill em all no please stop me oh henry's making it guys how do we make no we cheat oh sizzles cheated can you kill the snake i'm dead i just got done yeah okay all right people all right okay dude oh what is this [ __ ] hiding spot where am i i only need two ian oh i'm already at 16. oh i already win i already win i already win wait okay i want to test something i want to go to that one map i want to see what hold on hold on let me let me set it up okay nobody shoot nobody shoot i'm not shooting i'm not getting let me know if you see this oh yes i did bro that's so broken they're just thinking what am i supposed to do against that henry why is there only this map it's all over boys it's all oh i lost my god give me the gun you can't hit me i'm never playing this game with you ever again no he's a cheater guys hit the like button if you haven't enjoyed hit the subscribe button we're taking everyone with us oh i died see you guys next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,669,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WQaNN9gTKp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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