Buying A Huge Cat 977k Track Loader

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[Laughter] i don't even have to say anything do i why is it always an adventure when i come down what is this i don't know it's in the road we'll find out we'll find out so uh yeah i'm looking at something i don't need but i won't so you know what happens when you normally want something right so uh charlie actually come by here and looked at it last weekend and said if you want it you better come down here and look at it well i kind of want it so i'm here looking at it and uh oh i think the guy ran it low on fuel and clogged up the filter or the screen or something so uh he couldn't make it here um he told us we could come down here and check it out see if we can figure out what it is so there's a water separator in there right off the injection pump he said uh check it out and see if we can't uh get that cleaned up all right well let's get our stuff out and see if we can't get this bad boy uh running right um is it bad when you got to bring your own uh fuel and oil like that or literally we're we're investing in this startup here charlie i am it's like that what was that thing a john deere like a 790 oh yeah that one that justin and i went and looked at been 20 gallons of oil no i only invested five gallons of oil in it um might have been ten uh i think i've been sitting in the woods for like six or eight years the guy died and it was at an estate auction sale we thought we were going to scoop it up quick what did it have it ended up going nasty ended up going for like fifteen thousand dollars somebody bought it but i wouldn't have paid 5 000 for it'll be all right at least at least that won't rust right you want me to hold that funnel up so it can breathe i mean we're almost into a hundred dollar startup right here now at five gallons of diesel fuel an ungodly amount hydraulic fluid it's a big old girl she's got a brand new undercarriage it looks like now we're really getting invested with uh another five gallons of oil send him a bill on this one only what i was going to say only if you don't never mind only if i don't want it forget that millions of people are going to see this oh gosh this is not a cat 977l a 78 model with a four in one buck it probably weighs in close to 50 000 pounds with the bucket and the sweeps and everything i want a big old girl that i don't have to worry about all the emission stuff and drive it through the woods and carry on with it got emissions all right done do i need to worry about death fluid charlie definitely not definitely not i think the egr is all right well the only exhaust gas recirculation it gets is right there it's got a leak in the exhaust and it sucks it back in the intake right beside it oh does it have an exhaust leak yeah a little bit oh great oh well hope we don't need hope that's not a a sign of course i don't know if he had so the throttle's a little funky pull it do we need to check the hole in it let's just check the hole in it there's no dipstick you just pour a gallon in every time you crank no crank it up and it just blows out the excess you tell me the dip sticks on the other side after uh it's like a v6 right here that's it right there after god yeah i can hear it now what i really guess is too much barely because it's too much if you live charlie's life you'd cuss too i promise you you think that's the access hole for the it's i don't think it's been accessed in so long that it's damn it must have abandoned it or something yeah a little bit that's kind of interesting must be pinched right there or something all right i'll have to check that out it's definitely kink for somebody's so the the oil was good the access cover is up there what was funky about the uh throttle charlie um so you like you pull it back like this and then after it starts it acts a little different oh really cross your fingers um give me that tractor crack let's see it where'd it go the tractor correct yeah i'll give it a little sniff i hope we don't need it because it's uh i think it's because it's starving for fuel a little bit all right let's try it see what we got i paid two dollars again for it two dollars a can so so i bought it at an auction and i know why somebody had the best you spray it one time and it never stops and i think what it was is that it fell on its head or something [Music] somebody handled it somebody didn't handle it with care i'm just trying not to get sprayed in the eyes with that punch a hole in it and just squirt it on like yeah that'll work watch this oh god oh you're short on your knife oh we're running out charlie no no there's playing in here we got cases we got cases we got cases oh boy this is gonna get exciting not exactly what i had on tonight here in the right direction oh we got a good fan spray there that's going to clean it up nice do you think that's what we got to take off oh no i know it is yeah okay i just had i hadn't you hadn't oh okay all right let's do the moment of truth i couldn't quite remember but this makes sense it little oh oh oh yes oh i don't think that's it they should run like that it should be no problem just something else do you think that's the little you think there's some sludge in the tank probably not it's all in here you know the good news is we got more cans of cleaner bad news is they don't work any better than the other ones then we might get lucky what if the last one actually sprays like it's supposed to you saying i need to go get it i've never played the lottery but i will play but worst case scenario i brought some clay now i think i did another one huh we'll try another one yeah the other one is probably just a fluke oh no it worked oh so did stp go bankrupt i don't know they might if they keep producing products like that i don't care what went on here this is a useless piece of nothing do you see why i quit using it charlie i was hoping you brought it up here for me the hell's the matter with you i thought we were friends i kind of like the idea of stabbing it with a hole there and then just getting it the the instant dump i think that's what we're gonna need with that have you seen one of this pack before since that party at high school oh gosh [Music] you know with our cost on the rise so much i just i didn't want to invest in a lot of a three dollar can of break that's probably seven dollars now i don't know cases of it putting it on the account that is it when when you have an account you will spend more money is all i can tell you and then that bill comes and you're like wow we spent how much this is what friends do for friends my man chris here wasn't videoing it but anyway so we pulled the drain out of the valve no we we about pulled the valve out of the bottom of the tank and run a screwdriver up in there because it wasn't no fuel was coming and no fuel was coming out we tried a flag and and it was it was getting no fuel that's exciting so charlie stuck a screw screwdriver up in there after we put another 10 gallons of fuel in the machine and uh oh fateful come out yeah so you're thinking there's a lot of sediment on the bottom so if it was me i would take it and drain all the fuel out either take the tank out or or take it and pressure wash it with a hot water pressure washer and then vacuum out all the get all the out of it yeah um i i even had to do that with uh and it's not because it's old that that 872 when i bought it had just a lot of starvation problems and it had a rag in it oh wow i actually cut a hole in the tank in the top i cut a five and a half inch hole so even just taking those two drain plugs out and putting a lot of fuel in there still wouldn't probably clean it out good enough maybe maybe it wouldn't hurt anything yeah i just don't know what can help me if it had that much stuff in there yeah it's bad then oh boy so let's see i bet you'll start now let's see what she'll do now you ready might still have to spray a little bit of tractor crack [Music] oh it's exciting see if he'll start back up [Laughter] so we got the filter cleaned out and we're going to try to prime it i feel like it's working not really let's try to crank it again spin it over and see what it does you ready [Music] [Music] why they gotta you got fuel oh yeah do you think the uh it's all now in that filter screen might be i might have to yeah take that off one time and clean it out yeah so so the so i probably should take it loose up there and see see what comes out well it's a big drag loader it's big yeah it's got potential it's got new undercarriage and stuff it just needs it needs some little tv needs definitely need some tlc so unfortunately something's clogged up other than the we don't have a whole lot of times that here mess with it all day long uh to get somebody else's machine running but uh we got there's i think there's so much sediment in the tank that something's keeps starving it for fuel so um yeah it's got potential i got to think on it and talk to the uh owner about it and see if we can come to terms on it but i don't know i still like it i just i'd feel a whole lot comfortable more comfortable about if it was running right but didn't really get to use it much yeah i don't think it's going to go anywhere so we'll see maybe he can get it anywhere right now because you're not going to load it i mean like literally not going anywhere well i don't know i'll ponder on it and we'll see if he can get the uh fuel issue fixed on it where it'll at least run a little bit better that's it well two weeks later what are we doing charlie we're coming back over here to get this track loader that somehow i've forgotten guess what it's mine now oh and it's still no smoother out here oh my god so we're meeting the guy and uh i gotta pay him for it then we gotta we gotta go fix your truck so we can take it home it is what it is let's get the old girl fired up there's our little boy loader's down here well boys and girls she's all mine now let's get old betsy oh betty that's her name her name's betty i've already named her let's get her fired up and load it onto this truck so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] be careful we got precious cargo back there surprise winner she won't win no beauty passage i've already named her there i am betty eddie betty oh betty no betty i'm gonna get somebody to make a decal in cursive little betty well at least you didn't name it the filthy heart gosh back to charlie shop we go and we didn't get rained on quite yet quite yet we didn't get killed in traffic in the yard so far so good so hopefully you can hear it's a little windy but we've made it to charlie's house her name is betty we ain't got the name charlie what's in a name betty's got a little bit of a leak we're going to uh see if we can figure out what's leaking on it i knew that that was leaking uh the guy changed the hose and he thinks that he didn't get it tight because it's very hard to get to so let's get it unloaded and uh take it to the shop back out back we'll power wash it and that'll be to start a video number two so what is it you like to say previously enjoyed previously enjoyed over the last 43 years previously she won't win any contest oh it's great maybe you won't jump it off there the tracks seem a little slick and stick though slippery yeah he's a little over this way but i think he's gonna be all right i ain't gonna say nothing to him because i don't want him to try to turn oh watch this it's gonna be funny he's gonna look like mario [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] run now there you go all righty it's exciting it's very exciting mechanics dream and you're a mechanic as they smile and walk away [Laughter] so the old loader needs some tlc got to fix that leak on it we're going to power wash everything off the fuel tank is full of sludge we're going to pop that off get it pressure washed out clean everything off real good and uh if anybody knows of the engine cover somewhere for a 977k i do need the lower one on this side and the two upper ones for each side well the one on each side uh to keep all the pines drawing everything out of there so he's going to get the power washer started up i'm going to put my raincoat on go ahead and start cleaning this bad boy up we got to get this lock uh moved so that we can get that in the locked position drop some belly pans and get dirty
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 573,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, track, excavator, trackhoe, digger, bagger, 977K, loader, wheel, bucket, starting, cold, start, old, tired, iron, classic, heavy, machinery, construction, equipment, buy, buying, mechanic, working, on
Id: 5t3nJdvMisU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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