Bobby Fischer's Secret Online Match vs Nigel Short in 2000

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one more reason why bongcloud is unpunishable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alielsaeed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This isn't just the Bongcloud, this is the Deluxe BongcloudTM

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YerbaMateKudasai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Never forget Fischer said it wasn't him - and even before that Short and others said they'd been duped by some clown with an engine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nosher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hello everyone, there are countless amazing stories about Bobby Fischer, but as it seems there are even more mysteries about him. It was somewhat of a legend that Bobby Fischer often logged into ICC-the internet chess club, and played numerous Blitz games and also some bullet games and well that he demolished anyone he came across and there were even stories that Fischer had some very secret matches against very strong chess players and well, like I said this was all considered to be a legend and until one day Nigel Short went public with it. He said that over the past year he played over 50 games against Bobby Fischer and that he had some evidence to support his claim. And well, evidence number one and obviously the strongest evidence is that the first match they played it was a match of eight games and Nigel Short lost with zero to eight result. And this was, well, this was amazing because Nigel Short was actually one of the strongest Blitz players in the world and he said that he doesn't really know if the person who played against him was Bobby Fischer but that he was definitely a better Blitz player than Garry Kasparov, the current World Chess Champion, and in addition to this he also provides one irrefutable irrefutable evidence and as they play the games after one game he asked this person who may or may not be Bobby Fischer one question he asked him about one name, do you know a Mexican player? Armando Acevedo and in an instant this person replied 1970 and In fact Bobby fischer did play one game against Mr.. Armando in 1970 and well as Nigel says this was instant. It was an instant reply and even if he was to check the Database and well come up with an answer It would still take him about 20 seconds so when Nigel Short said that he was like 99% sure that he was actually playing against, uh, Bobby Fischer himself and I will show you one game of this famous match that well Bobby fischer won 8 to 0 this is game six of their match and you'll see that well this is also one of the evidences that Nigel provides As you'll see in the first couple moves in the opening we had f4 by Bobby Fischer d5 by Nigel Short and now Fischer plays king to f2 and Nigel explains this and OK this is a blitz game, but Nigel says that well after 1975 after I mean, after Fisher went rogue Fischer only played about 30 public games and most of them were in in his 1992 World Championship Match against Boris Spassky and well, let's just see the rest. We have knight to c6 by Short and now Fischer plays Something very rarely seen (with) he plays king to f3 and this is avoiding completely the entire Modern chess history we have E5 and Fischer plays c3 and this is practically inviting black to push the pawn on e4 and check out the white King But this isn't this isn't a very good move so we have knight to f6 by Short we have d3 Bishop to e7, we have g3, castles and now king to g2 and now like I said this doesn't have to be Fischer playing with the white pieces but if you look at this position black is much better here and well Fischer used the unorthodox openings (in alt), in all eight games and whoever this person was actually managed to defeat Nigel short with a result of 8 to 0. So, well, let's see the rest. We have e4 we have d4 h5 and the short has the right idea here since White moves with the king he already played the three moves with the king are somewhat questionable It's time to attack on the king-side. We have e3 g6, we have h3, king to g7, c4 rook to g8 and now c5. Fischer completely blocks the queen side and now Short gets another idea since the queen-side probably won't open up he will well, he will continue with his attack on the king-side, so rook to h8 we have knight to c3, bishop to e6, a3 queen to d7, bishop to b5, we have rook-eight to g8 b4 and now king to f8 and now this both of these rooks are now ready to push the pawns. we have bishop to a4 g5 f captures on g5 and rook captures on g5, and b5 attacking the knight we have knight to d8 and now Fischer is preparing this b6 thrust but first he plays knight g to e2 to defend this g3 pawn so we have rook h to g8 now doubling up and adding more pressure to this g3 square. We have b6, now opening up the attack on black's queen, so c6 is played and now b. captures on a7 and this is a very dangerous passed-pawn Fischer has created We have queen to c8 blocking. Bishop to b3. Queen to a8 preparing to capture the pawn. Rook to b1 and now queen captures on a7 and rook to f1 we have queen back to a8, queen to e1. Queen to c8 now attacking this h3 pawn and well, it's not it's not an easy task to defend this h3 pawn, so Fischer plays a brilliant move I mean whoever is playing with the white pieces plays a brilliant move. He plays knight to f4 and he defends h3 but is inviting black to capture on g3 and is preparing to part with his queen? So Nigel complies he plays rook captures on g3 with check and Fischer sacrifices the queen. Queen captures on g3 and we have rook captures on g3 with check. King captures on g3 and now bishop to f5 So bishop to d1, we have knight to e6 knight captures on h5, knight captures on h5 and now bishop captures on h5, and the knight to g7 attacking that bishop and the bishop back to g4. We have bishop captures on g4, h captures on g4 and now queen to c7 and king to g2 and as you can see this position is, well, black might be better here, but it's a bit easier to play this with white but that's that's just the thing even if black is better here, which which he kind of is if he is playing against Fischer, Fischer's playing the strongest moves, so we have knight to e6. Bishop to d2, knight g5, , bishop to e1, we have knight to f3 and now rook to h1 and now Fischer is ready to infiltrate the last rank with rook to h8. So we have queen to d7 attacking the g4 pawn now king to g3 defending and bishop to d8. We have knight to e2 we have bishop checks on c7, knight to f4 and queen to e7 we have bishop to c3, and now this bishop to c3 move is, well, guarding against the ideas like knight captures on d4 and pushing on e3 but also it completely well paralyzes this knight on f3 and well black could play something like knight to g5 but this would allow rook to h8 with check and then rook b to h1, and this will be extremely good for white Although this is probably a wrong position, but white makes better moves so black plays bishop captures on f4 with check, we have e captures on f4, and now king to g7 Short doesn't allow Fischer to play rook on h8 check so we have a4. Fischer now completely transfers the the play on the queen-side. we have queen to c7, now rook to b6, we have f6, rook h to b1 and black couldn't defend this pawn. It was simply undefendable, So king to g6 we have rook captures on b7 now attacking the queen and here well white is definitely winning here and Short plays queen to d queen to d8 and here, Fischer actually has a forced checkmate in five moves. So feel free to checkout the position, feel free to find checkmate on your own. It's a It's a very nice checkmate Y'know, pause the video and such So those of you who were able to find the checkmate I congratulate you and those of you who are just here to enjoy, this is the sequence where f5 with check king to g5, we have rook to g7 with check, king has to go to h6 Now rook to g6 with check, the king is forced to h7 and now we have rook to h1 and this is checkmate So this is...only one of the games, this is game six of their secret match on the internet chess club, and I chose it because I checked all of the games. I thought this one was the most appropriate and yeah, I'm interested in, to hear your opinion on this. Do you think this is sufficient evidence? I mean you have one Nigel Short who is, was probably one of the strongest player(s) in the world, considering Blitz and also the classical chess because. well, he did challenge Garry Kasparov for the title and the, next you have the weird choice of openings by white I mean e4, I mean f4, king to f2, king to f3 and that Nigel says that this is to avoid modern opening theory entirely and the next we have that that thing that well, Nigel asked if he knew the Mexican chess player, Mr Armando, and the person on the other side instantly replied 1970 so yeah I'm interested to hear your opinion. Is this sufficient evidence for you? and well the mere fact that someone was actually able to defeat Nigel short with a result of eight to zero So yeah, that's it for this video. I do hope you enjoyed it and as usual you can check two of my previous videos here and yeah, thank you all for watching, and I will see you soon. oh, and, before, I wouldn't want to forget. Thank you Mark Fontormant for your contribution to my channel and also thank you Olive Hamilton for your contribution as well. I really appreciate it, thank you guys and yeah. Thanks for watching and I will see you soon.
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, bobby fischer vs nigel short, fischer vs short, bobby fischer icc, bobby fischer online chess, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer best game ever, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game, bobby fischer vs kasparov, bobby fischer blitz, bobby fischer bullet, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel
Id: 7B9p2PrsKWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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