STOP RUNNING = EXPLODE! (Ultimate Chicken Horse)

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[Music] welcome back to ultimate chicken horse the game in which jillian crainer suck and i win every time and i'm not trying to you know bake myself up or anything it's just kind of what happens you know if they beat me i'd welcome it so we'll see if that happens today you guys have been liking these videos which means you support the slogo army and ultimate chicken horse it's a chicken army by the way so big thank you to everyone doing that and also an even bigger thank you to everyone checking out it's where all of my merch is good stuff i'm wearing a super slug right now but they're sold out so that's kind of awkward maybe they'll be back though anyway let's get into the video okie dokie select your items crane a hurry you had a traffic light okay [Music] that's a motion detector today it's upside down the start is here john wait what there you go jelly yeah there you go oh look at that instant green light okay i don't no one is able to die i'm not gonna be upset it's impossible yeah we didn't have any harmful traits how do you die is there nothing happening hello knock knock look at this choir oh yeah i didn't even almost fool me imagine if he somehow landed in it no points for any of us okay i got a spiky thing i'll get some josh i can feel it today i can okay are you just making it okay why are we trying to block it off i don't know that's jelly you have a door guys come on but what's the logic here jelly why did you put that there i don't know it's just uh common sense oh jelly look how like jelly got close to that spike no wait i can't see the things anymore just forget it just go over here and then that was too i think it's kind of fun with the door just saying i put the door there look jelly you did good i just want to tease you sometimes you know okay josh what if i put this here it won't activate unless you stand right next to it put this here yeah okay oh yeah good i don't know you could jump over no no no i think that could work okay who's gonna get the bees no nobody later really guys sorry if i get these bees i'm going to regret my choice so much can you come a bit closer so that we're not so far away it's crazy i did it okay the end is getting a bit difficult though [Music] first one in okay maybe i don't feel like i'm beating josh today i want to take that back i got a chat kill i don't think i ever said it actually uh-huh i don't think i did it's an interesting map guys i enjoy this that's a naughty one make it spin jelly make it spit no that's don't that'd be annoying dude i think i did something good just do it save it we put it to the right and we can add some things okay look you can't jump above you can't go below what are you going to do guys oh we did it come on wait help oh that's a hit yeah i just placed johnny's got it's gonna be so embarrassing oh wait i'm the only survivor ah i don't know how you thought that hey i'm good go the problem is it's so zoomed in okay underdog points for cranes are you kidding hey maybe i can beat josh anyway huh okay okay let's not get too excited here okay uh i'll put it here yeah good all right anybody want some bees no yeah i skipped it yes yo josh i'm dancing on you no you see that josh just get going guys zoom out because it's much easier for me to see nope crane is dead jellyfish oh jelly jelly die yes i'm good oh daddy's in first place now right here that's what i'll do okay just cause you whisper doesn't mean they're just going to go for you i mean i don't care i'm going i'm speed running that's that's really nice because yeah now we can just walk keep going yeah yeah if you don't get in the goal you're gonna die sometimes i be nice like that you know what he actually made it yes what better made it gosh i can't see oh jelly mess it up now don't mess it up now jelly and we're already i just got this we're all in the trainer won't get any points can you just dive i was about to say die for the fun of it and then look at how close we are on everything this is really insane no dynamite yet it's too easy still that ending is it's not easy at all what the does that work wait the bees are back go for the bees grana i think you guys should go for the bees right now two two flower pots okay i mean are you gonna do that jelly you're gonna go for the beast oh that's the tactic that's all right don't let him stand me what if they come towards me it's really easy to tackle the beast guys oh never mind well there goes the beast back to a ball not a b at least well jerry you you're the one that blocked this for yourself yeah you see it's barely visible what are you going to do okay think this way and then just jump [Music] no yes please don't make it both of you first no this is exciting many points what what do you mean wait oh like we should be already a cannon that's an interesting risky move wait jelly what does that help okay why is there a cannon there bee time okay thank you i'm going for the cannon wish me luck how many times does crazy it doesn't do anything figure out that it's not doing wait credit didn't get hit by the top bit [Laughter] oh that's good i don't know what to the cannon helps a lot actually no there's a spike inside of that yeah you dodged that somehow how did i do that oh my god i don't know am i gonna do it did you make it to the end oh oh jelly you can do it now come on jelly jelly yes wow guys i'm i'm about nearly halfway josh are you losing on purpose josh you guys are doing good today you guys are doing good okay i don't quite believe him jill no chris don't put it there go on for the beast go for the bees grinder go for the bees i'm not going for the bees again the bees betrayed me please wait did you get killed by the bees check this out point of this i don't know what to do bye this is too hard for me i'm just trainer okay josh it's just me and you buddy oh he tried to punch me with that oh no he didn't let's go twice oh my god go ahead by the camera okay you're not doing it on purpose i'm sure now josh i i actually didn't know you could hit that thing twice i thought oh now you didn't recharge what do i do oh no not the rocket wait are you both getting that's a jet pack i think yeah it's a jet pack that's a jet pack up there jelly is it oh no josh you made it too easy b time get back time ah josh wait what i was first on my screen just got it thanks get it that makes no sense let's go get the beast i think it was me josh was last on my screen yeah yeah yeah yeah jelly you basically gave him that win by the way with that jet pack that's your fault bud all right we're nearly there no more bombs it's too easy i say yes i keep dying oh there goes the bees i kind of like the bees i miss the bees too josh if you punch me with that i'm never talking to you again what am i doing i was getting stressed come on crying okay i was getting stressed yes goodbye loser wait how do you jump over that red i think the only way to do it is to get on top of the yellow thing no i think i got it oh wait yeah ah well crainer did get over this one time somehow yeah i did too so i think you should get on the red and then jump over oh no he's got it i i need to land somewhere i have to get lucky you don't know what's safe down there the stairs the stairs that are rotating you just gotta know that you gotta land on him this one's difficult josh no the unluckiness is this the hottest map we've made i don't know it might just be and you know we've still got so much more to do that's the case i'm proud of myself you're lame for taking the bomb josh i feel like we need to open this up this needs to be opened up okay actually okay so let's see how this one goes around new chances boys yeah i haven't been in gold for so long i remember i don't remember what it feels like hey josh how long are we going to do this for guys ah what wait did my dead body just no it's just you jelly okay good wait jenny's got this proud bod jelly's got it yeah i have to wait for the next one though oh wait without a sink no wait no no no no go oh oh yeah jenny could win this dude i'm at first i can't believe it and you just you just thought this was the hardest map ever which means i'm insanely good it feels like the hottest map ever definitely which means i'm in center good all right all right not have to make fun of any accents here josh i just thought you said this do it yeah josh yeah there's a lot going on right now i have to absorb it real quick absorb it you're making fun actions again jelly's doing it how is jelly alive how is he alive how does he do this i'm quite literally speed running to you today what what's going on here go quick jelly oh man i'm almost proud of you dilly thanks let me in hey doesn't matter i got into look at that jelly could have this one i realized i'm not gonna win but i just want to feel one more victory goal okay okay one more beat time down here okay one more trainer one more goal that's all you got to do wait who put the bees there all right beat time wait does that flame throw up there when did the flamethrower get there there's so much going on this guy died in the flame it's just you there's so much going on we need bombs now i know i said earlier this is your best choice i have to get the timing right i think you go now yeah yeah now now now get it just get in the game josh i've been in the cannon multiple times and i made it uh-huh oh whoa you got you got saved there by the way no oh you died i took the can and i told you so the cannon is blocked by the stairs now isn't it all right guys did we make it too hot now no i don't think so i think it's fairly balanced why am i not getting any victory then [Laughter] that is a good question if you say it's balanced right no how come i'm not winning no well there goes that jerry's jelly has bees on him beast josh i need to rush can you give me your guidance of what i got [Music] just died i got this been waiting for this day for a long time for me to shine okay we need more bombs we need to remove some stuff this is too much this is like too much guys i have a disappointed and they got no [Music] okay you know i'm getting rid of this boy right there i'll get rid i mean you can block stuff as well i'll make this a little bit easier okay that's good that's good um who goes first on the flower the wind come on push me up then jelly do i go for b time what do i do b time b time yes be fine josh i'm doing this no you're doing great yes oh ow i've gotten into cannon should not have done because cat had changed dude now you got to go all the way over josh you can go over right there that's where you can go oh god oh my god down down oh [Applause] i think that was the best play we've had so oh i i mean i put that magnetic thing there and i just completely forgot honestly i'm not even like josh's enemy right now i just wanted to see somebody doing mine i know needler i don't even care if i lose anymore he he can win with that what do i do with this one put it put it above like above the b well the second b oh this one would be easy right i mean that's fine that's still hard yeah i think so i think the beginning is almost impossible though jelly do beat time come on i did before it stresses me out i can't believe the only one do beat time i'm doing this now [Music] okay can we agree it's too hot now guys we're already like it's nearly at the end okay someone's gonna work together and figuring out how we can make it a bit easier now okay look let me just refresh i'm making it too easy yeah okay that's good that doesn't actually make it that easy okay i don't want to make it too easy what can i remove without making it too the candidates remove something from the beginning so we are a bit more comfortable we should remove the the plant i guess yeah stupid plant okay what's greener i mean the bees are still there jelly can you stop talking crap about me huh i'm doing my best here buddy stan krina just stand still on the thing oh that's hilarious how did i even get hit by that i don't know okay i want this one are you kidding me yeah that you got to be careful of that all right let's see if josh can figure this out julie oh thanks for playing this secretary now he's gonna catch up with you you told me to do that as well you knew yeah he knew that you were just gonna die he's gonna die he's done he's not he's gonna live he's gonna live he's got this he's the ultimate he's actually got it he's actually going to get out of this conundrum though the focus the absolute focus the absolute focus right there right now i was doing so well i was so focused two more wins and then josh's one okay hmm wait who put that crossbow there jelly can you just let me go now you get that crossbow got me okay the crossbow that's it shot me at the bottom that's a crew one i just want to be in gold one more time guys please let me have it you're gonna know jelly off i'll be i'll do i'll do it i don't even need to win the game okay i just need one more victory dance boys okay starting wait what the yes here we go here we go i swear are you dead jelly no yes yeah okay josh don't do it loose josh you can win right now buddy if you win this is an honest fight i i did the best i could who's for me josh who put that there yeah oh that was me that was me yeah i was i thought it was josh i wasn't gonna complain no i thought i could land on that magnet same way i died wait did i make it impossible why would you put that there crazy you would never have been able to do that because i wanted to troll you josh i mean i like the setup right now i'll put this here there you go now you jump on it and you don't have to be mad okay no you don't need to remove that one come on i'm just thinking remove something that'll make it okay for me useless yeah okay i got this now hey just one more creative come on can't i not do the fan what are you guys doing go jellies just come on go i'm literally just standing in it oh i made it possible as well i made it possible just went josh it's possible now josh i made it super possible he's got it here we go just do it josh i was trying to kill him and i failed i ended up killing myself he's gonna lose no he's not he's got it is that a win not a win is that a win no no he wants it all right yay look you know what it's an honest battle and i'm proud that one of my best friends okay guys listen i'm happy you won josh but i just i was just asking for one more goal yeah i don't know i don't care well there we go we won another one thank you to everyone that clicked the like button to support and headed over to and if you wanna watch another one there are videos on the screen just click them that's all enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,924,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, ultimate chicken horse, party game, multiplayer, new level, jelly, crainer
Id: u4-7uuPQ03k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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